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Table of Contents

Synopsis ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Moral Story of The Movie ................................................................................................................. 3
Connection with Interpersonal Communication ........................................................................ 4
Chapter One Foundation of Interpersonal Communication ....................................................... 4
Chapter Three Culture of Interpersonal Communication ........................................................... 5
Chapter Four Verbal Messages ..................................................................................................... 6
Chapter Five Nonverbal Messages ............................................................................................... 7
Suggestions and comments for this movie ................................................................................ 8
References ........................................................................................................................................... 9


The tragedy US Airways Flight 1549 suffered severe damage shortly after take-off on January
15, 2009, losing both engines due to a group of birds that suddenly appeared. Only three
minutes into the flight, and at an approximate height of 853 meters, Captain Chesley "Sully"
Sullenberger (Tom Hanks) and co-pilot Jeff Skiles had to make a split-second decision if they
should try to land the crippled Airbus A320 at LaGuardia or Teterboro? Instead, they attempted
an emergency landing on the icy waters of the Hudson River, saving the lives of all 155
passengers and crew members. Despite being generally known as a hero, the National
Transportation Safety Board believed Sully could have landed the plane somewhere else,
based on advanced computer experiments. Was Sully a true hero or a scapegoat?

Moral Story of The Movie
1. The Leadership Spirit

During an emergency landing on a US flight. Sully, the plane's captain, didn't have enough
time to read the procedure manual. As a result, and as the captain of the plane in charge, he
made an emergency landing in the middle of the Hudson River. Sully's decision is so risky to
his career, he could be sued for his actions. But for the safety of the passengers, the captain
is willing to do it. Sully also walked the plane twice to make sure that all of the passengers had
gotten out safely. Once outside of the plane, he ushered passengers into the life rafts. He then
used a knife given to him by a ferry boat crew member to cut the rafts loose from the plane so
that they wouldn't be pulled under as the aircraft sank. All the actions he does can be seen
that a good leader is a person who has clear values, acceptance of responsibility, courage,
smart risk-taking, and initiative.

2. Love between families

Lorraine Sullenberger, played by Laura Linney, the pilot's wife, is Sully's first support when he
is investigated by the National Transportation Safety Board about his actions that are far
against the acts in transportation. Lorraine always told her husband that her husband's
decision to make an emergency landing in the Hudson River was right and brave. At minute
1:1026 his wife also stated Sully watch the news. You are a hero Sully was constantly
encouraged by his wife. In this scene, we see how a wife becomes her husband's backbone
when he is in trouble.

3. Loyal spirit friend

First Officer Skiles, is the pilot's partner. He fully trusted the captain of the plane to make an
emergency landing in the river despite the high risk of them being killed. At the end of the
story, the National Transportation Safety Board made two simulations in the same situation to
tell Sully that his actions were wrong, but First Officer Skiles still trusted Sully even though
many people would start doubting him.

Connection with Interpersonal Communication
Chapter One Foundation of Interpersonal Communication

The connection in this movie is the Foundation of Interpersonal Communication which is in

chapter one. Interpersonal communication is the verbal and nonverbal interaction between
two or sometimes more than two interdependent people.

The scene is related to one of the elements of interpersonal communication which is source-
receiver. The source is any person or thing that creates messages and another one will
formulate and send the messages. The scene in this movie shows 58:56 when Sully as a
source approached Dan as a receiver and asked him the count of who’s hurt and how badly
his passenger of the incident. Dan who is a receiver listens to sully's instructions and asks if
he is all right.

Chapter Three Culture of Interpersonal Communication

The next connection in this movie is the Culture of Interpersonal Communication which is in
chapter three. Perception of the self and others, perception is the process where you become
aware of objects, events and especially through your sense such as smell, sight, taste, touch,
and hearing. Your perception is influenced by both the outside world and your own
experiences, desires, needs, wants, loves, and grudges. The scene related to this title is at
stage two which is an organization by scripts. Organization by a script is a general idea of how
some event should play out or unfold, it is ruled by governing events and their sequence. 04:00
is when Captain Sullenberger and First Officer Skiles need to investigate for the first time
about the crash of US Airways Flight 1549.

Another connection in chapter two is in 1:18:52 showing stage three at the perception stage
which is memory. Your perceptions and interpretations are included in memory. You get it at
some point. According to the movie, Sully remembers back to his youth when he had problems
with the plane he flew in the past when he saw this plane.

Chapter Four Verbal Messages

Next, a connection in the movie is Verbal Messages in chapter 4. Verbal Messages are
those sent with words. Confirmation and disconfirmation are language behaviors that refer to
how much you acknowledge another person. There are two types of confirmation, which is a
communication pattern in which you ignore a person's presence as well as their
communication, and confirmation. You claim that the person and what she or he says are
not worthy of serious consideration. Rejection is another type. Rejection means that you
disagree with the person and are unwilling to accept something the other person says or
does. According to the movie, Sully rejects the statement by First Office Skiles and Mike
about National Transportation Safety Board by saying there are just doing their job.

Chapter Five Nonverbal Messages

The last connection in the movie is nonverbal Messages which is in Chapter 5. Nonverbal
messages are communication without words. The channel of nonverbal communication has
eight channels. Body communication is one of the channels in the Channel of Nonverbal, in
body communication, there are two more title fractions which are body gestures and body
appearance. Body appearance is even when there is no movement, the body communicates.
Others may form impressions based on your overall body shape, height, and weight. The
scene related to this channel is where National Transportation Safety Board makes a second
meeting to investigate how a plane ended up in the Hudson River and First Officer Skiles does
body language arrogance because staff National Transportation Safety Board keeps blaming
Sully to make the decision emergency landing in water.

Suggestions and comments for this movie

In this movie, there are many elements that play throughout the film and they all work well
together and come full circle throughout the film in a very satisfying and wholesome way. But
it would be more interesting if I could add more favors or correct some flaws in this movie
using these suggestions. Firstly, I hope at the end of the story Sully meets his wife and children
again after not seeing each other for a long time after the emergency landing happened. Sully's
family is Sully's strong people to continue to try to prove his innocence, they have also met
the reporters who were in their house to ask about their husband and father. I would like to
add, in the story, there are some scenes that should not be in it. These unimportant scenes
make the story slow. For example, the scene where a family buys a little souvenir for their
family. If this scene is not in this story, it will not affect the storyline that the director wants to

The interesting storyline contains various worthy values for life however, some scenes in this
story are not suitable for children under the age of 13. This story has also been assigned a
rating of PG-13. These are my comments on the film. Firstly, a man's “Sully” bare chest is
visible as he prepares to take a shower. Appreciative strangers embrace and kiss a man. This
is when Sully comes to the interview and suddenly the make-up artist kiss Sully on the cheek
in appreciation for what Sully has done. There is some mild sexual innuendo. I wish this scene
shouldn't be in this movie. The next comment is the scene where Sully drinks alcohol in a bar.
This scene can be replaced with normal water. Scenes like this are unnecessary to allow
minors to see for themselves the worthy values found in this film without the supervision of
their parents. This story may also inspire them to become courageous and successful pilots.


(n.d.). Netflix. Retrieved December 14, 2022, from


TNN / Updated: Sep 9, 2016. (n.d.). Sully plot summary: English movie news - times of India.
The Times of India. Retrieved December 14, 2022, from



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