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_ Assignment No $-2 a : 7 4. Expletn the _psacess of _Allexalton of flow Sion ae Ae anheg ey fn Son = Blasgeel aces Tel ries pesrat. mot conde ol anal a, Sse rasquente oat macro. eer a _—_4h machine. tashmucltons 4h a4 appear in | expansion of macxo__cal) py © Flow of con angion axe can__be arb das us 2 " (2) Cond? Non cancl’ Pseudo =o cade ATE. _(2) Unconditional branch Ps eu: a= speode_ AGO. ° AIF is amilaw jo IE ha Jement_, dhe me _ used far hatanching i known as equencing- _ | cymbal. 3 agg gg gil a Cosdiriany staing > — —2—AGO_is sila to _GOTO_stah Jement. _ An ATE elalement has the. a Ee Aes —~2.An_ AGO. ‘slalement has: the e_synkoo_2 a aioe “ Sequencing syenbal. > — ‘le —saausing dhe usage 2 ALE, AGO ee _sequencina 5 -—gymab bl Ts shown eifn be) Jow — [a MACRO. vary © count, PARGt—: ate _C IT EQ 1) ONCE L ALE _Cg-COUNT EQ 2) + TWICE AIF Cre COUNT vEQ -3.)- THRE CE AGO FINAL | ONCE _MovER _AREG 5X: AD® AREG., d-nrat AGO_- FINAL “TWICE. movER— AREG,X% ADD AREG ,& ARGL LADD _AREGLs “GARG: AGO -FINAL -TRRLCE mover AREG1, X ADD PREG, L ADD _AREG_, FARGL ADD _AREG_, GARG FINAL MEND — | Fig “A maczo with condtHonal expanston o | Ta_this macso, the number af insta ° generate ing expansion _wi}] depen “They help §n__twansfea_of contwol_ 4 expansion of 4he macro. ° || Naxfous cases of ‘macto-.expansion_az she value of She paxomeler & count ONCE, TWICE and__THRICE arse sequencin _ sya A ucd fans __ ont _— to eo eee 4 - haesio cal) Expanded couzre Tota tunevay [inourr. aera x _— ADD peen.¥ VARY 9244 | mouse neem y as - LADD ARER Y | - ! ADD. PREG, ¥ —3.lvary 3.7 | myer pera y — + £ LADD AREtr, Yo Tb — ! | ADD. AREG, ¥ af BREG . = ° ATE and 9G O_stalementa den ot appeay in | the expand oumce ATE and Aso slatemen-. 4s___esn4zo|_she sequence in which the _ ———macxo_pxacess ox expands dhe _slatement s 2 during expansion °__Sequencini inet appease tn the = Been pp — ta opp a Jatin the pxaceas sof mmarea. expansfon with -~wselevant data _stxuctures ~~? Each call 40-9 -macso__is_xepla ced —by is ee _ 2s det oe ody Xd using —seplacement actual parameter. Lis. ‘usel? —tn_place of _foxmal__parameter poe ae a es ~—2._ During macso expansion. ,each__sla ement: tas? ~~ the body of “the _macso_is_ picked _up_ one —by-one = sequentially. en | Each. ess tieaile thal ees ene 0) —Alra_ oxdinawy sting. _5odhich. gs / copied os e 3 38 dustog expan: ron, Z C2) hie mome!_af a fooral seme oli arene oh -déd by + the chara chore Gy? a Dusins maceo. sfon__an slips shying 2 Ue Leolained chan any fon. J Eoemal poxarnetems . cat = (ie Sf sceplaced by the— ac: ° Consident_-a__matso_a given. rochelaa Ayu MACRO TNCR & VARIABLE gavee sy, guseeeg—— = MOVER 4 USE REG, ¢ VPRTABLE “AOD Huse REG 5 INR BY Ls} mover 4 Usk REG» 6 9A apple ___}_— _F5 AL rmacso--deffattions: 1 Nome of thie macro me siiuea 00 ~>posttion ee yet) VARTABLE (2) “INCR-BY (3) “USE REG bees) re - | he bs te ins__ hee —— city ~-shatements ae Eaves ‘Constlex ae segema. ef n009 — deffattion _&- ynacrra — fi a givens iquee. _—}—_MovVER____ Gus E_ReGs se slimenps | START joo | READ TINCR @VARIABLE , GINCR_8Y., 4 USE_REG, > § VARIABLE — ADD. BUBEREG, & INCRBY —MoveE Mm _ ty USE.REG,. & VARIABLE | INcR Ys ARE | eprint —." STOP. ee SGD Ge de _ Fare 4 — | Noms 4 — eth any, Aa_assembl y— progsam with macro. © The macxo psocesson wil) proce 3 dhe praqsarn —___aiven__in__above _fiquxe ts explained below. —__t1) The _slalement Start_teo wil) be copied — -as_ ft fo. —___(2) The_slalement_ READ-x will be capied as 3h is . ——__¢3) The sdafemen} READ ¥- all be copied as_it is, (0) “The statement! Inca_x;¥,AREG ts a: cal) ~~ macxo_ “The maceo_INCR wil) be. expande owe: here Values of the — —____Forma]_ Soma) --pavameless. avametes — Toclual_ “pavametens_ Sar aoa rae ant _ fosmal pasar pegs [raver G05, VARIABLE [eipnsiog| MOVER ARE [ \ * =a ADP _AREG, Y | —|.¢8>_ Remaining — Se ee PRINT X | STOP. xX Ds 4 1 i) _ ull es welatnad tothe a [The output of maceo process ox 16 an -expanded— SSS +P gan bi ah es cn calllectantoa e—outpu tout *s—sheuln ia _bela uw) —Figuse = START. too READ» 3k READ. be MOVER. ARES, xX Juss. ADD PREG; |INCR X.Y, AREGr MOVER _AREGL, X ——' 19s expanded here PRINT xX. Stop. | ci Pxpaoded ; code ~ b END. sen} phases of Compt en. - : Scanning ae cl CLexical celia fein | — L —— | : Passing. Schl: ta TT eagatan Analysis | | ! = Symbol table, — | Eons emani. alysis othen 4 { ! |= tables sulin dee E. Code >Generatoy. Fh Fig. gees ee OPE an = me Scanning Chesca Analysis) 2 - [hte elfmed 4 ok aaa a ugge ring) be- a — validated | ton tak fgamat an pasapien a call led 0 cl ale ool peruera ~~ Th the scanning 9-phase each. word of s}ring ts —validaded ge thsliled moths —caley iy —~srecorded ?nto _suitabl aie heads! ~~ ~ereated into an fndewmedate A aspatta a ia 2 L_ source text — pry tate _ sear ent fox aged adored at etal

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