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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Cebu Province


Subject: English Grade 10 Level 10 Quarter 2 Week

MELC: Write an Exposition or discussion on a familiar issue Competency Code: __________

to include key structural elements and language features.

Name __________________________ Section ________Date________

School __________________________ District __________________________

A. Readings/ Discussions

Key Points

❖ What is an exposition or expository essay?

o Exposition is a type of oral or written discourse that is used to explain, describe,
give information or inform. The creator of an expository text can not assume
that the reader or listener has prior knowledge or prior understanding of the
topic that is being discussed.
❖ How is an exposition structured?
o Statement of position
• Introduce the topic and make it clear what your position is. You need:
• a strong opening sentence that provokes your reader's interest or
captures your reader's attention
• an overview of your thesis (or argument) on the topic and the
points you will make.

Provide a brief outline of the key points to be covered by your argument. This gives
your reader a preview of where you are going to take them. This also enables you to
show the reader that your exposition is structured logically.

o Argument
• In this section you can make a number of points. Begin each paragraph
with a key statement or general statement. Give supporting reasons in
the rest of the paragraph.
• Then make a new point in the opening sentence of the next paragraph
and give supporting reasons and so on.
o Reinforcement of the statement of position
• Sum up your argument. You could make a statement about what you see
as a solution to the problem or what might happen if the situation is not
resolved. You could call for some form of action from the audience.

❖ What are the language features in an expository text?

An exposition or argument includes particular language features.

• Conjunctions (or joining words) join one part of a sentence to another. They link
the flow of the argument ex. so, and so, because, therefore, if, and, but
▪ Modal verbs express the writer’s attitude to the topic ex. can, could, should,
must, might
▪ Evaluative language suggests the degree of approval or helps compare ideas ex.
important, best, most, truth, largest, more popular
▪ Thinking verbs ex. know, believe, feel, people think, agreed
▪ Connective words link ideas in an argument ex. firstly, for that reason, for
example, as a consequence, because of this, in particular, therefore, finally

❖ Key Takeaways in Expository Writing

▪ Just the facts: Expository writing is informational, not creative writing.
▪ Anytime you write to describe or explain, you use expository writing.
▪ Use a logical flow when planning an expository essay, report, or article:
introduction, body text, and conclusion.
▪ It's often easier to write the body of your article first, before composing the
introduction or conclusion.

B. Exercises

Exercise 1. Directions: Match the clause from column A with that of column B. Use
letters as answers.
Column A Column B
1. I read newspaper every day A. but you did not answer my call
2. The children kept asking for snacks B. and he wants everything to be in order.
3. I called you up last night C. so I bought them some bread.
4. If only I had asked for permission D. because I want to be updated.
5. My manager is meticulous man E. I would not have been scolded.

Exercise II. Directions: Given below are sentences assigned to a number (1) (2) (3) (4)
which are all jumbled up. Rearrange these sentences to form a coherent paragraph. Choose
the correct arrangement of sentences from the choices below. Use letters as your answers.

1. Get dressed for school and hurry downstairs for breakfast. 2. Roll over, sleepy eyed,
and turn off the alarm clock. 3. Meet your friends at the corner to walk to school.
A: 1, 2, 3 B: 2, 3, 1 C: 2, 1, 3 D: 3, 2, 1
2. Ice cream soda was invented around 1874, but the real breakthrough may have been at
the 1904 World’s Fair in St. Louis, Missouri, when the American ice-cream cone was
unveiled! 2. Sometime around 1832, an African American confectioner named Augustus
Jackson created multiple ice cream recipes and invented a superior technique to
manufacture ice cream. 3. No one knows the true origin of ice-cream, but the first
published ice-cream recipe appears in “Mrs. Mary Eales’s Receipts,” a cook book that
was printed in London in 1718.
A: 1,2,3 B: 3,2,1 C. 3,1,2 D. 1,3,2

3. One controversial doctor is a strong proponent of this act: Dr. Jack Krevorkian. 2.
Euthanasia is defined as mercy killing, either by the sick people themselves or by their
relatives or close friends. 3. As a result, he has been called a saint by some, a murderer
by others. 4. Dr. Krevorkian has publicly admitted to giving assistance to people who
have committed suicide.
A. 2,1,4,3 B. 4, 3,2,1 C. 4,1,2,3 4. 2,4,1,3

Exercise III. Directions: Fill in the needed information.

What is your own viewpoint on the use of cellular phones in the classroom?

Using of Cellular Phones in the Classroom

Topic The use of Cellular phones in the classroom

For or against the use of cellular phones in the classroom

Arguable points

Write a list of possible reasons to support each viewpoint

Viewpoint For the use of cellular phones in the classroom
Reasons 1.

Viewpoint Against the use of cellular phones in the classroom

Reasons 1.

C. Assessment/Application/Outputs (Please refer to DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2020)

Directions: Compose a 2-3 paragraph expository essay on a familiar issue which include key
structure elements and appropriate language features.

Rubrics for Expository Essay

Criteria/ Score (5 being the highest and 1 as the lowest score) 1 2 3 4 5

1. Content The essay contains all factual information.

The essay explores only one main topic

II. Conventions The essay contains very few grammatical errors.

There is a main idea in each paragraph.

The essay organizes evidence in a logical order

IV. Voice: The voice in the essay is persuasive.

V. Presentation: The final draft of the essay is legible.

The final draft of the essay is written in ink or is computer


TOTAL POINTS: (out of 45)____________________________

Total Points /Score

36 – 45 Excellent
27 – 35 Very Good
17 – 26 Good
11 – 16 Fair
0 – 10 Needs Improvement

D. Suggested Enrichment/Reinforcement Activity/ies

Directions: Choose one of the listed topics below and write a 250-word expository essay
using key structural elements and appropriate language features.

1. Explain why you admire a particular person.

2. Explain why parents are sometimes strict.
3. If you had to be an animal, what would you be and why?
4. Describe the major stressors in teens' lives.
5. Describe some nonmaterial things that make you happy.
6. Explain why some teens commit suicide.
7. Explain how music affects your life.
8. Explain why some teens skip school.
9. Describe the likely consequences of doing poorly in school.
10. Describe the things that bring you the greatest happiness.
* Rubrics for Expository Essay will be used to score the essay above.


• K12 MELC with corresponding CG codes and guidelines

• Conditional sentences accessed by December 10, 2020
• Essay Rubrics accessed by December 10, 2020
• Essay Topics accessed by December 10, 2020
• Information about Exposition accessed by December 10, 2020
• Language Features and structure of an exposition accessed by December 10, 2020
• Recognizing Signal Words Part II. accessed by December 10, 2020
• Thoughtco accessed by December 10, 2020

Prepared by:

T-III English (Sibonga NHS) Edited by:


Reviewed by:


Principal IV

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