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City of Frisco Health & Food Safety

A food health rating system for the public

August 2020-December 2020

Frisco’s System Singapore Singapore’s app

Lead a team to define and develop a rating system that
both restaurants and customers can understand, while
providing restaurants with an incentive to attain a higher
New York A new health rating The Colony
health score.
system for the public

Team Roles

1. Team leader & Project Manager London UIL System

2. Restaurant Analyst

City of Frisco Health & Food Safety
A food health rating system for the public

After data analysis of health code demerits in the City of Frisco the This is a prototype of signage that is designed to be
education of the public was determined as an indirect cause of poor displayed in the front of a City of Frisco restaurant. The sign
health inspection scores. Research of health code review systems in highlights the consistency of the restaurant scores using a
cities around the world lead us to two key systems we believed could be GOLDEN standard, While also educating the public with QR
the key to increasing awareness of restaurant health code to the public. access to detailed health inspection information.
City of Frisco Health & Food Safety
A food health rating system for the public

Results - Successful analysis of data, and leadership of the team allowed recommendations to be presented to
the City of Frisco that would later be implemented by the City with the help of students at UNT Frisco.
“Your team had the best understanding of our current food health code system and how you
wanted to alter it” -Julie Fernandez, Head of City of Frisco Health and Food Safety Department

The design concepts above were selected to be potentially implemented in the City of Frisco
“ Josh is as much of a natural leader as you can find. He instills confidence in everyone around him
while taking little credit for the hard work he completes himself.” - Matthew Pagano, Team Member

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