Narrative Writing Alejandra Sanchez PDF

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Alejandra Sánchez Macías


The day had barely begun when Kate’s mother asked her son to go to buy the bread.
“Okay mother, I’ll come back before the time to have lunch”, answered Kate.

After that, when Kate arrived at the baker shop, he was surprised to see that it was closed.
But, even so, he wanted to buy the bread, so he went to the baker shop of the next village. To
make the trip shorter, Kate decided to go through the forest, but he ended up getting lost in
the dark forest.
Kate was frightened, luckily, he found an old person that showed him the way to return to his
“Thank you sir, but I can’t go back home without the bread for my mother!” Said Kate.
“In that case, I can give you bread. When I was younger I used to work as a baker, so now
that I'm older, I enjoy doing bread at home.” answered the old person.

With the help of the sir, Kate came back home with the bread and told his adventure to his
mother. Kate's mothers was pleased with her son for not giving up, but also was worried
because Kate was lost in the forest, and that was quite dangerous.

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