Progress Test 5 Key

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Technical English Level 1 (Elementary)

Progress Test 5 (Units 9 – 10) Answer Key

Section 1: Vocabulary
1 mounted on / 2 connected to / 3 beam / 4 get / 5 incident / 6 slipped on / 7 moves / 8 works / 9
drives / 10 pulls / 11 pushes (or forces) / 12 forces (or pushes)/ 13 contains / 14 supports
Section 2: Grammar
15 Does / 16 Are / 17 Is / 18 Have / 19 Is/ 20 Are / 21 Do / 22 Has / 23 doesn’t / 24 haven’t / 25
isn’t / 26 don’t / 27 aren’t / 28 hasn’t / 29 b / 30 c / 31 a / 32 d / 33 c / 34 b
Section 3: Reading
35 C / 36 G / 37 A / 38 H / 39 F / 40 B / 41 D / 42 E
Section 4: Writing
43 You must always wear hard hats on the building site. / 44 You must not smoke (or No
smoking) in the factory./ 45 Do not use your mobile phone on the aeroplane. / 46 Always use
the guard on the circular saw./ 47 You must read the manual before you open the computers. /
48 You must not run (or Do not run or No running) in the warehouse. / 49 Do not light matches
near the petrol tanks. / 50 Do not (or You must not or Never) remove the fire extinguishers from
the wall.
Section 5: Listening
51 can I / 52 got a / 53 with my / 54 doesn’t work / 55 at the / 56 connected to / 57 to the / 58
have you / 59 Do it / 60 let’s look

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