Area O3 4521375 - Thirdware Chennai Speakers Forum AD Report PDF

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Current Time at Toastmasters World Headquarters:

Saturday, September 21, 2019 6:54 AM Mountain Standard Time
District 82, 2019-2020


Round 1
District 82 - Division O - Area 3, 4521375 - Thirdware Chennai Speakers
Forum, August 02, 2019
Completed on September 21, 2019

Step 1

First Impressions
First impressions are important to club success because guests' positive experience and observations
determine if they return and become members.

In this section, consider the questions as they relate to first impressions.

Describe the atmosphere of the meeting. (Consider meeting set-up, location, friendliness of
members, etc.)
The meeting location was perfect, the excom members were friendly inviting guests and members. The
meeting held in the usual meeting location making it convenient for members to attend.

Are guests warmly welcomed? Yes Are guests given information? Yes

Are guests introduced to club Yes Are guests invited to address the Yes
members? club?

Are guests invited back? Yes

What current branded material does the club use? (Consider the meeting agenda, signage, guest
packets, banner, etc.)
Meeting agenda, meeting flyers

What does the club do well?

Club maintains to have 2 speeches and table topics every week even with limited number of members.
Frequent follow up with members who have not attended more than 2 meetings

How can the club improve?

Please recommend specific actions.
Bring in more flavours to the meeting to attract new members. Greet the guests and get the feedback Guest
book to be maintained

What can the district and I do to help the club improve?

Nothing specific in this regard.

Membership Orientation
In order to offer members the greatest benefit from the Toastmasters experience, the club must
acquaint new members with the Toastmasters education and recognition programs and make
members aware of their responsibility to the club and the club's responsibility to the member.

In this section, consider the questions as they relate to membership orientation.

How does the club orient new members? (Consider whether the club has a formal induction
ceremony, assigns mentors to new members, discusses the education program, assesses the learning
needs of new members, etc.)
New members are inducted formally, Mentors are assigned to new members

What does the club do well?

retaining the core members for longer period.
How can the club improve?
Please recommend specific actions.
Mentors need to assigned for all club members. New member orientation program needs to be conducted for
new member. since the office is moved to a newer location currently retaining members is a challenge. But It is
also an opportunity to get new members. Conduct membership mela to get new members in the club.

What can the district and I do to help the club improve?

Nothing in this regard.

Step 2

Fellowship, Variety and Communication

The club retains members by offering a warm, friendly and supportive environment that encourages
enjoyable learning.

In this section, consider the questions as they relate to fellowship, variety and communication.
How are meetings made enjoyable? (Consider whether Table Topics™ are creative, how members are
supportive of one another, etc.)
Table topics are creative and team makes sure most of the members and guests are included in the TT session

How does the club communicate? (Consider whether club members use email to communicate about
club topics, if the club website is kept current, etc.)
Thru internal email and social media groups

How does the club use the Toastmasters International website? Do club members use the Brand
Not applicable due to corporate

How do club members participate outside of club meetings? (Consider speech contests, district
conferences, Speechcraft, etc.)
Very active, the Immediate past division director is from the club. also the club actively participates in speech
contests as participants and also does roles in conferences
What does the club do well?
Though the club has limited members, they actively participate in TM activity within and outside the club

How can the club improve?

Please recommend specific actions.
encourage new members to attend meetings outside of the club

What can the district and I do to help the club improve?

Nothing specific in this regard.

Program Planning and Meeting Organization

When club meetings are carefully planned, with well-prepared speakers and useful evaluations,
members are able to meet their education goals.

Is the meeting well organized? Yes Is the meeting productive? Yes

Are meetings held at least monthly? Yes Are agendas provided? Yes

Are all speeches from the manuals? Yes Has the club recently conducted a No
module from The Successful Club

Are evaluations effective? Yes Are evaluations verbal and written? Yes

How are meeting roles assigned and carried out?

Meeting roles are assigned with available members with prior notice.

What does the club do well?

Effective meeting

How can the club improve?

Please recommend specific actions.
Plan regular social events – Outdoor meetings, Theme events. Plan to conduct innovative meetings such as
Joke master, Spin a Yarn

What can the district and I do to help the club improve?

Nothing specific in this regard.

Step 3

Membership Strength
When the club has enough members to provide leadership and fill meeting and committee
assignments, the member experience is heightened.

In this section, consider the questions as they relate to membership strength.

Does the club have 20 or more members?


How does the club promote membership growth? (Consider whether new-member sponsors are
recognized, if regular membership-building programs exist, etc.)
Regular membership program are conducted

What does the club do to retain members?

Frequent follow up with members who have not attended more than 2 meetings

List members interested in future leadership roles in the district.

Vinoth, Aruna
What does the club do well?
Retaining the existing members

How can the club improve?

Please recommend specific actions.
Conduct membership mela to get new members in the club.

What can the district and I do to help the club improve?

The company has moved to a new location, membership count may come down. The membership count is
expected to be around 12-13 by end of the Oct renewals.

Achievement Recognition
The club motivates members to stay active by monitoring members' progress toward goals,
submitting completed award applications immediately and consistently recognizing member

How are achievements tracked and recognized?

VPE tracks the achievements

What is the process the club uses to submit award applications?

VPE submits the awards as soon as the milestone is completed by the member

What does the club do well?

tracks and submits member achievements.

How can the club improve?

Please recommend specific actions.
Display progress chart in club meetings Rolling trophy for best role players and speakers
What can the district and I do to help the club improve?
nothing in this regard.

Step 4
Information about the club's progress in the Distinguished Club Program can be found at

Does the club actively participate in the Distinguished Club Program?


How many members does the club have at the time of the visit?

1. Two CC awards

Name Target Date Name Target Date Goal Met?

not applicable 09/27/2019 not applicable 09/26/2019 No

What progress has the club made toward this goal?


What can the club do to meet this goal?


2. Two more CC awards

Name Target Date Name Target Date Goal Met?

not applicable 09/19/2019 not applicable 09/27/2019 No
What progress has the club made toward this goal?

What can the club do to meet this goal?


3. One ACB, ACS or ACG award

Name Target Date Goal Met?

not applicable 09/26/2019 No

What progress has the club made toward this goal?


What can the club do to meet this goal?


4. One more ACB, ACS or ACG award

Name Target Date Goal Met?

not applicable 09/26/2019 No

What progress has the club made toward this goal?

What can the club do to meet this goal?

5. One CL, ALB, ALS or DTM award

Name Target Date Goal Met?

not applicable 09/26/2019 No

What progress has the club made toward this goal?


What can the club do to meet this goal?


6. One more CL, ALB, ALS or DTM award

Name Target Date Goal Met?

not applicable 09/27/2019 No

What progress has the club made toward this goal?


What can the club do to meet this goal?


Additional awards
Name Target Date Name Target Date Goal Met?
not applicable 09/26/2019 not applicable 09/27/2019 No

What progress has the club made toward this goal?


What can the club do to meet this goal?


P1. Four members complete Level 1

Name Target Date Name Target Date Goal Met?

TM Bhaskar reddy 09/27/2019 TM Harikrishna 09/27/2019 No

Name Target Date Name Target Date

TM Bhaskaran 10/25/2019 TM Thanu 10/25/2019
Krishna Kumar

What progress has the club made toward this goal?

On target

What can the club do to meet this goal?

On target

P2. Two members complete Level 2

Name Target Date Name Target Date Goal Met?

TM Nagabhushan 10/25/2019 TM Nithy 10/25/2019 No
What progress has the club made toward this goal?
On target

What can the club do to meet this goal?

On target

P3. Two more members complete Level 2

Name Target Date Name Target Date Goal Met?

TM Bhaskar reddy 12/27/2019 TM Harikrishna 12/27/2019 No

What progress has the club made toward this goal?

On target

What can the club do to meet this goal?

On target

P4. Two members complete Level 3

Name Target Date Name Target Date Goal Met?

vinoth 10/25/2019 Bhaskaran 09/30/2019 No
Krishna kumar

What progress has the club made toward this goal?

On target
What can the club do to meet this goal?
On target

P5. One member completes Level 4

Name Target Date Goal Met?

TM Krishna 06/07/2019 Yes

What progress has the club made toward this goal?

TM Krishna Kumar

What can the club do to meet this goal?

TM Krishna Kumar

P6. One member completes Level 5

Name Target Date Goal Met?

TM Krishna 07/05/2019 Yes

What progress has the club made toward this goal?


What can the club do to meet this goal?


7. Four new members

Target Date Goal Met?
12/13/2019 No

What progress has the club made toward this goal?

Planned to conduct membership mela Bring three guests every meeting and convert at least one of them as

What can the club do to meet this goal?

Speak about what toastmaster brought in individual's growth and confidence to the guests Existing members
will be recognized for bringing new members

8. Four more new members

Target Date Goal Met?

04/24/2020 No

What progress has the club made toward this goal?

Planned to conduct membership mela Bring three guests every meeting and convert at least one of them as

What can the club do to meet this goal?

Speak about what toastmaster brought in individual's growth and confidence to the guests Existing members
will be recognized for bringing new members

9. Four club officers trained in June-August and December-February

Goal Met?
What progress has the club made toward this goal?

What can the club do to meet this goal?


How will club ensure officers are trained at next opportunity?


10. Dues renewals and officer list submitted

Target Date Goal Met?

03/20/2020 No

What progress has the club made toward this goal?

On Target

What can the club do to meet this goal?

On Target

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