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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the

Aritra Karmakar (1HK19IS016)
Prateek Kumar (1HK19IS073)
Sushanshi Kumari (1HK19IS106)
Vinay Singh (1HK19IS124)

Under the guidance of

Prof. Naheem M R
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Science and Engineering,

Accredited by NAAC


22/1, Nagawara, Bengaluru 560045
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PEO 1: To Empower Students through Wholesome Education to achieve academic excellent
education in the field of Information Science and Engineering.
PEO 2: To Provide Students with in-depth disciplinary knowledge in engineering fundamentals that
require to succeed in Information Science and Engineering.
PEO 3: To Create Highly Qualified Professionals in multi-disciplinary areas with the knowledge of
Information Technologies, Services Globally
PEO 4: To Inculcate in Students Professional and Ethical attitude with a strong character with effective
communication skills, teamwork skills, multidisciplinary approach, and an ability to
relate Engineering issues to broader social context.
PEO 5: To Provide Students with an academic environment aware of advanced technological
growth leading to life-long learning through innovation and research with professional ethics that
uplifts mankind


Professional Skills:
An ability to identify and analyse requirements, and in designing and implementing
welltested technology solutions for rapidly changing computing problems and information
system environments.

Problem-Solving Skills:
An ability to Design, develop and optimize solutions for information systems
employing fundamentals of system hardware & software, graph theory, finite
automata, data storage and communication networks.

Collaborative Skills:
An ability to communicate and develop leadership skills and work effectively in team
environments. They are capable of collaborating to design and implement well tested
solutions for rapidly changing computing problems and information system environments.

Successful Career and Entrepreneurship Skills:

An ability to adapt for innovation and changes and be successful in ethical professional
careers along with the impact of computing on society, and platforms in creating innovative
career paths to be an entrepreneur, and a zest for higher studies.
Accredited by NAAC





Submitted in partial fulfillment of

VII Semester, Dept. of Information Science and Engineering

Aritra Karmakar (1HK19IS016)

Prateek Kumar (1HK19IS073)
Sushanshi Kumari (1HK19IS106)
Vinay Singh (1HK19IS124)

We would like to place my regards and acknowledgement to all who helped in making this
project possible. We thank all those whose guidance served as a beacon of light and crowned
our efforts with success.

First of all We would take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to the management
committee - Chairman Mr. C.M. Ibrahim, Director Mr. C.M. Faiz Mohammed and the
Principal Dr. Tabassum Ara for all the infrastructures provided to complete the IOT Mini
Project in time.

We deeply indebted to Dr A. Syed Mustafa, HOD, Information Science and Engineering for the
ineffable encouragement he provided for the successful completion of the project.

A special and an earnest word of thanks to the project project guides Prof. Naheem M R for
their constant assistance, support, patience, endurance and constructive suggestions for the
betterment of the project.

We are extremely thankful to the teaching and non-teaching staff of the Department of
Information Science and Engineering for their valuable guidance and cooperation throughout
our dissertation.

We thank my parents for their support and guidance provided to us to finish the project well
ahead of time. We thank my friends who lent their support in every way possible to make sure
the project has been completed. Last, but not least we would like to thank God for giving us
this opportunity to do everything in the appropriate time to finish this project.

Aritra Karmakar (1HK19IS016)

Prateek Kumar (1HK19IS073)
Sushanshi Kumari (1HK19IS106)
Vinay Singh (1HK19IS124)

Crop development and yield are influenced by variables such as temperature, humidity, and soil moisture.

Soil moisture is a crucial factor for plant growth in the agricultural sector. Increasing agricultural output

requires ongoing monitoring and maintenance of the appropriate amount of soil moisture in the field. The

Internet of Things (IoT) is a contemporary technology that is extensively employed in many industries,

including the military, domestic, educational, healthcare, and agricultural domains. IoT technology is

employed in this suggested system to continuously monitor soil moisture levels in agricultural fields. Real-

time data may be easily accessed by the user via their mobile phones. The schedule for the irrigation system

may be planned using the data collected. The suggested solution is small, simple to use, portable, robust,

available everywhere to retrieve data, and advantageous economically. Components including a

microcontroller, moisture sensors, an LCD (liquid crystal display), a GPS (global positioning system), and a

mobile app are used in the design and building of the suggested system.
Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project




1.1 Internet of Things (IoT) 4
1.2 IOT Architecture 5
1.3 History of IOT 5
1.4 Background 6
1.5 Purpose 7
1.6 Goals 7

2.1 Introduction 9
2.2 Problem definition 11
2.3 Proposed solution 12



4.1 Hardware requirements 17
4.2 Software requirements 17
4.3 Implementation details 18

5.1 Flow Chart 25
5.2 Working description 26

6.1 Circuit Diagram 28
6.2 Code snippet 29



Dept. of ISE, HKBKCE 3 AY 2021-22

Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

Chapter 1
1.1 Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of networked objects that can gather and share data via the
internet because they are equipped with sensors, software, and network connectivity. These gadgets
might range from smartphones to automobiles to home furnishings to even business machinery.

The Internet of Things (IoT) promises to make it possible for these objects to connect with one
another, gather and analyse data, and make informed decisions using that data. For instance, a
smartphone app can be used to remotely operate and monitor a smart home system that comprises IoT
devices like a thermostat, security camera, and smart lights.

Processes can be enhanced, and new services and business models can be developed using the data
collected by IoT devices. For example, IoT devices can be used in agriculture to monitor soil moisture,
temperature, and other variables to optimise crop yields and lower water usage.

IoT, nevertheless, also brings up issues with standardisation, security, and privacy. IoT devices have
the potential to collect private information and, if improperly secured, could be subject to cybersecurity
dangers such as hacking.

Standardisation organisations are creating protocols and standards for IoT interoperability and
security to address these issues. Additionally, legislators are striving to create rules that guarantee the
security and privacy of data gathered by IoT devices.

In general, the Internet of Things (IoT) is a fast expanding network of interconnected gadgets that has
the power to drastically change the way we live and work. The opportunities for innovation and
optimisation are growing as more devices are connected.

Dept. of ISE, HKBKCE 4 AY 2021-22

Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

1.2 IoT Architecture

It's crucial to comprehend the fundamentals of the Internet of Things in order to design a functional
system architecture. The edge layer, the application layer, and the sensor layer are the three layers that
make up the typical architecture of IoT systems [2]. Below is a further discussion of these layers:

1. Sensor Layer: This layer is implemented at the base of the IoT architecture and is regarded as
the lowest of the three layers. It is connected to data collection and physical world control since
it communicates with physical devices and segments via smart devices like sensors and
2. The middle component of the architecture is the Edge Layer (Network Layer). This layer serves
as a receiver for the sensor layer's processed data and restricts the directions in which the data
can be transferred to the IoT system's integrated devices and programmes. The system's most
crucial layer is this one.
3. Application Layer: The architecture's top layer, the application layer is. The gathered data is
analysed, explained, and stored using it.

1.3 History of IOT

Although the idea of the Internet of Things (IoT) has existed since the early 1980s, British
technology pioneer Kevin Ashton didn't first use the name "Internet of Things" until the late 1990s.
IoT technologies were primarily used in the 1990s as RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags for
supply chain management and inventory control. But RFID tags were expensive, and the technology
wasn't yet widely used.
The development of wireless sensor networks and the spread of internet-connected devices in the
early 2000s marked the real IoT breakthrough. This made it possible to develop intelligent systems that
could gather, examine, and take action on data from sensors and other gadgets.
The European Union started a project dubbed "Ambient Intelligence" in 2003 with the goal of
developing a society in which common objects would be connected to the internet and be able to speak
with one another. This effort sped up research and development in the area and laid the ground for the
creation of IoT technology.
An important turning point for the Internet of Things occurred in 2008, when there were more
internet-connected gadgets than there were humans on the planet. Since then, the Internet of Things
(IoT) has grown exponentially, with billions of gadgets now linked to the internet and a variety of uses
in the manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and transportation sectors.

Dept. of ISE, HKBKCE 5 AY 2021-22

Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

With the creation of new gadgets, sensors, and networks as well as improvements in artificial
intelligence, cloud computing, and data analytics, IoT technologies are now still evolving quickly. The
digital transformation of industries and the development of new services and business models are both
anticipated to be significantly aided by the IoT.

1.4 Background

Agriculture and environmental sustainability both depend on accurate measurements of soil moisture.
Plant development and crop productivity are directly impacted by the amount of water in the soil, and
too much water can cause soil erosion, nutrient depletion, and other environmental issues. Therefore, for
farmers to optimise irrigation and fertiliser application and ensure efficient use of water resources,
accurate and timely measurement of soil moisture is essential.
In the past, manual techniques including gravimetric sampling, Tensiometers, and gypsum blocks
were used to measure soil moisture. These techniques take a lot of time, demand frequent site visits, and
may only cover a small area. Different electronic sensors have been created with the development of
technology to measure soil moisture more effectively and precisely.
The monitoring of soil moisture has recently been revolutionised by Internet of Things (IoT)
technology. Real-time monitoring and analysis of soil moisture data are made possible by the internet of
things (IoT), which enables devices to interact and exchange data with one another. This technology can
greatly enhance agricultural practises and has the potential to revolutionise the way soil moisture is
Farmers and researchers can gain from the creation of a soil moisture measurement device utilising
IoT technology by having a more effective and precise means to detect soil moisture levels. A tool like
this can aid farmers in maximising irrigation and fertiliser use, boosting crop output while using less
water. It can also assist researchers in gathering information on soil moisture levels and researching the
effects of various fertilisation and irrigation techniques on crop growth and environmental sustainability.
This Soil Moisture Measuring IOT Mini Project Report aims to provide documentation of the
development and implementation of a soil moisture measuring device using IoT technology. Given the
significance of soil moisture measurement in agriculture and environmental sustainability and the
potential of IoT technology to improve soil moisture measurement. The report will include a thorough
explanation of the components utilised, the circuit design, the programming code, and the device testing
procedure. Additionally, it will give a thorough overview of soil moisture measurement, discuss its
importance to agriculture and environmental sustainability, and show how IoT technology has the
potential to improve the efficiency and accuracy of soil moisture measuring equipment.

Dept. of ISE, HKBKCE 6 AY 2021-22

Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

1.5 Purpose

The purpose of this Soil Moisture Measuring IOT Mini Project Report, in summary, is to highlight
the significance of soil moisture measurement in agriculture and environmental sustainability and to
show how IOT technology can be used to create a low-cost, effective, and precise soil moisture
measuring device. The project seeks to increase the effectiveness and sustainability of agricultural
practises while promoting the use of IOT technologies in agriculture. This Soil Moisture monitoring IOT
Mini Project Report aims to provide documentation of the design and use of an IOT-based soil moisture
monitoring device. The purpose of the report is to give readers a thorough understanding of the value of
soil moisture measurement for agriculture and the environment, the various techniques for measuring
soil moisture, and how IOT technology can be applied to develop a soil moisture measuring device that
is more effective and precise.

1.6 Goals

This IOT mini project report on soil moisture measurement aims to present a thorough grasp of the
significance of soil moisture measurement in agriculture and the environment as well as to show how
IOT technology can be utilised to develop a soil moisture measuring device.

A vital component of plant development and agricultural output is soil moisture. It refers to the
volume of water retained in the soil, and it is essential for plant growth since it supplies the water needed
for plant absorption. Numerous aspects of plant growth, including root formation, nutrient uptake, and
photosynthesis, are influenced by soil moisture. But depending on the type of soil, th22e crop being
grown, and the weather, different amounts of soil moisture may be needed for the best plant growth. In
order to maximise irrigation and fertiliser application, save water, and boost crop production, it is crucial
to monitor soil moisture levels.

A vital component of plant development and agricultural output is soil moisture. It refers to the
volume of water retained in the soil, and it is essential for plant growth since it supplies the water needed
for plant absorption. Numerous aspects of plant growth, including root formation, nutrient uptake, and
photosynthesis, are influenced by soil moisture. But depending on the type of soil, th22e crop being
grown, and the weather, different amounts of soil moisture may be needed for the best plant growth. In
order to maximise irrigation and fertiliser application, save water, and boost crop production, it is crucial
to monitor soil moisture levels.

Dept. of ISE, HKBKCE 7 AY 2021-22

Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

Farmers and researchers may now remotely and in real-time monitor soil moisture levels thanks to
the IOT technology, which offers a novel approach to soil moisture monitoring. The development of
sensors that can be buried in the ground to assess soil moisture levels and send the information to a
central location is made possible by IOT technology. This enables the development of an irrigation and
fertiliser application system that is more effective and precise.

This project demonstrates the use of IOT technology to the measurement of soil moisture and the
construction of a soil moisture measuring equipment. The project's objective is to create a low-cost
instrument that anybody interested in determining soil moisture levels can simply assemble and use.

The project team will employ IOT technology to build a soil moisture monitoring tool that can
measure soil moisture levels in real-time in order to accomplish this aim. To monitor the amount of soil
moisture, the gadget will embed capacitance-based soil moisture sensors. The microcontroller unit
(MCU), which processes the data and transmits it to a cloud-based platform, will receive the data
received by the sensors. The platform will allow users to remotely monitor soil moisture levels, giving
them access to real-time data regarding the moisture level of their soil.

The project's primary goals are to:

• Make a low-cost, simple-to-use soil moisture gauge that is available to anybody who is
interested in assessing soil moisture levels.
• Showcase the efficiency of IOT technology for measuring soil moisture.
• Demonstrate how IOT technology might be used to enable the development of irrigation and
fertiliser application systems that are more effective and precise.
• Promote the value of measuring soil moisture for sustainable agriculture and the

The development of an IOT-based soil moisture sensor has important ramifications for sustainable
agriculture and the environment. This technology can help create irrigation and fertiliser application
systems that are more effective by giving farmers and researchers access to real-time data on soil
moisture. This might result in less water being used, more crops being produced, and better
environmental sustainability.

The purpose of this Soil Moisture Measuring IOT Mini Project Report, in summary, is to highlight
the significance of soil moisture measurement in agriculture and environmental sustainability and to
show how IOT technology can be used to create a low-cost, effective, and precise soil moisture
measuring device. The project seeks to increase the effectiveness and sustainability of agricultural
practises while promoting the use of IOT technologies in agriculture.

Dept. of ISE, HKBKCE 8 AY 2021-22

Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

Chapter 2



Accurate and prompt assessment of soil moisture is essential for agricultural and environmental
sustainability since soil moisture availability is essential for plant development and crop output.
Electronic sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have revolutionised soil moisture
assessment in recent years, enabling more precise and effective methods of gauging soil moisture levels.

This IoT mini project report on soil moisture measurement details the design and execution of the
soil moisture monitoring equipment. In-depth information about soil moisture measurement, its role in
agriculture, the sustainability of the environment, and the development of more effective and precise soil
moisture measuring equipment using IoT technology are all covered in the paper.

The background portion of the study introduces the significance of measuring soil moisture, the
conventional techniques for doing so, and the introduction of electronic sensors and IoT technologies in
this area. The backdrop for the design and use of the IoT-based soil moisture sensing device is provided
by this background material.

The report goes on to describe the project's objectives, which include demonstrating how IoT
technology has the potential to improve soil moisture measuring devices by making them more accurate
and efficient. It also provides a thorough understanding of soil moisture measurement and its importance
in agriculture and environmental sustainability.

The report provides a thorough explanation of the materials utilised, the circuit schematic, the
programming code, and the device testing procedure. The system communicates with a cloud-based IoT
platform using a capacitive soil moisture sensor, a NodeMCU microcontroller, and the MQTT protocol.

The assessment of the possible advantages of the IoT-based soil moisture sensing device for farmers
and researchers finishes the article. The tool can aid farmers in maximising irrigation and fertiliser use,
boosting crop output while using less water. It can also assist researchers in gathering information on
soil moisture levels and researching the effects of various fertilisation and irrigation techniques on crop
growth and environmental sustainability.

The soil moisture measurement gadget employing IoT technology has larger implications for

Dept. of ISE, HKBKCE 9 AY 2021-22

Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

environmental sustainability in addition to the potential advantages for farmers and academics. Water
shortage is a significant issue that many parts of the globe are now dealing with, and effective water
usage in agriculture is essential for addressing this issue. The tool may assist farmers in maximising
their water consumption and minimising water waste, which is crucial for encouraging sustainable
agriculture. It does this by delivering precise and real-time data on soil moisture levels.

Additionally, the tool can aid in lowering greenhouse gas emissions linked to agriculture. Flood
irrigation is a common traditional irrigation technique that can result in substantial water waste and
emissions from the energy necessary to pump the water. The gadget can assist decrease water wastage
and energy usage by optimising irrigation using real-time soil moisture data, which is good for the
environment and farmers' bottom lines.

Given the growing interest in precision agriculture, the development of the soil moisture measuring
device using IoT technology is also timely. Utilising data-driven technology, precision agriculture
involves enhancing farming techniques such as irrigation, fertilisation, and pest control. With the use of
the soil moisture monitoring tool, farmers will be able to apply fertiliser and irrigate their fields with
more knowledge, which will increase crop output and quality while lowering expenses.

And last, the invention of the soil moisture measurement device utilising IoT technology shows how
technology has the ability to support environmentally friendly and sustainable agricultural practises. IoT
technology makes it possible to efficiently and accurately assess a variety of environmental parameters,
including temperature, humidity, and soil nutrient levels, all of which are essential for fostering
sustainable agriculture. Farmers may make better judgements regarding crop management techniques by
combining IoT technology with precision agriculture, which results in more effective and sustainable
agricultural methods.

In conclusion, the creation and use of the IoT-based soil moisture sensing device has important
ramifications for sustainable agriculture and the environment. The tool can help farmers optimise their
water usage and prevent water waste, which is crucial for supporting sustainable agriculture. It does this
by measuring soil moisture levels efficiently and accurately. The tool can also enhance precision
agriculture techniques and lower greenhouse gas emissions linked to agriculture. In the end, the creation
of this gadget demonstrates how IoT technology has the ability to support sustainable agricultural and
environmental practises, which are crucial for solving major environmental issues like climate change
and water shortages.

Dept. of ISE, HKBKCE 10 AY 2021-22

Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project


It has long been difficult for both farmers and academics to measure soil moisture precisely and
effectively. Gravimetric sampling and neutron probes are two time-consuming, labour-intensive, and
frequently equipment-required traditional techniques of assessing soil moisture. Additionally, these
conventional techniques only offer a modest level of spatial and temporal resolution, making it
challenging to gather thorough and precise information on soil moisture levels.
IoT and electronic sensors have emerged as possible answers to this problem for gauging soil
moisture. Soil moisture levels may be measured more effectively and precisely using electronic sensors,
such as capacitive ones. These sensors do not, however, have real-time data transmission capabilities
and still require human data collecting.
By providing real-time data transmission and remote data access, IoT technology can alleviate the
limitations of electronic sensors. However, many farmers and researchers cannot access it because it
takes specialised knowledge and technical skills to develop and implement an IoT-based soil moisture
measuring device.
Therefore, the goal of this project is to create and put into use a soil moisture measuring tool that is
available, affordable, and simple for farmers and researchers to use. The tool should enable remote data
access and transmission, deliver precise and real-time data on soil moisture levels, and be compatible
with currently used precision agricultural techniques.
The creation of such a tool might help farmers optimise their irrigation systems, apply fertiliser more
effectively, and use less water by addressing the problem of reliably and efficiently assessing soil
moisture. The tool can also help with studies into how various irrigation and fertilisation techniques
affect crop growth and the sustainability of the environment. Overall, the project's challenge statement
emphasises the significance of creating easily used and reasonably priced IoT technologies for
encouraging sustainable farming and environmental practises.

Dept. of ISE, HKBKCE 11 AY 2021-22

Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project


The creation and use of a soil moisture measurement device that integrates capacitive sensors with an
IoT platform is the suggested answer to the issue of precisely and effectively detecting soil moisture
levels using IoT technology. A better educated choice about irrigation and fertilisation may be made by
farmers and researchers thanks to the device's real-time data on soil moisture levels.

A capacitive sensor that detects the soil's dielectric constant, which is inversely proportional to soil
moisture content, will be the main component of the apparatus. A microcontroller will be attached to the
sensor to collect and process the data. The data will subsequently be sent from the microcontroller to an
IoT platform, allowing for remote access and data visualisation.

Users will be able to access data from any location with an internet connection thanks to the cloud-
based nature of the IoT platform. The platform will also offer data analysis and visualisation capabilities
so that farmers and academics can quickly understand the data and decide how much fertiliser and
irrigation to use.

The design will be built on commonly found and inexpensive off-the-shelf components in order to
make the gadget accessible and affordable. With a straightforward user interface that requires no
technical expertise, the device will be simple to install and use.

The gadget will be developed to integrate with current precision agriculture platforms and software to
guarantee compatibility with current precision agricultural procedures. Farmers and researchers will be
able to easily incorporate soil moisture data into their current data management systems thanks to this.

Overall, the suggested approach offers a thorough and practical response to the problem of precisely
and effectively sensing soil moisture levels with IoT technology. The gadget may give real-time data,
remote access, and data visualisation by merging capacitive sensors with an IoT platform. This enables
farmers and researchers to make educated decisions regarding irrigation and fertilisation. The gadget is a
desirable option for encouraging sustainable agricultural and environmental practises due to its
accessibility, affordability, and interoperability with current precision agriculture techniques.

Dept. of ISE, HKBKCE 12 AY 2021-22

Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

Chapter 3

The entire agricultural field is automated using an IOT-based agriculture monitoring system
employing a Raspberry Pi, a Pi camera, a motor driver, temperature, water-level, and humidity sensors.
ZigBee wireless technology is used to operate the entire system [3]. The IoT-based greenhouse
monitoring system using Micaz motes is used to automate the greenhouse monitoring system. Using a
wireless sensor network and the Internet of Things, this system detects the crucial greenhouse factors of
light, temperature, pressure, and humidity [4]. construction of irrigation and soil moisture IoT
monitoring systems use autonomous irrigation and IoT to track environmental factors including soil
moisture, temperature, and humidity. The Field Monitoring and Automation Using IOT in Agriculture
Domain system is made up of monitoring models for e-Agriculture applications and KM -
Knowledgebase. Utilising TI, this system implemented the monitoring module. The Arduino UNO board
and other relevant electrical components were linked together using the CC3200 Launchpad [4]. The
IoT-based field monitoring system for agriculture is intended to avoid crop losses and boost agricultural
output. To detect and monitor the crucial parameters of soil moisture, temperature, and humidity, this
system was designed employing several sensors [5]. The CC3200 module, which includes a
microcontroller, network processor (NWP), and WiFi, is used to construct the IoT-based monitoring
system for the smart agriculture system. Humans using mobile phones receive the crucial parameters via
the GPRS wireless system [6]. Zinc, calcium, copper, lead, and other minerals and micronutrients are
among those found in soil. Plant development is dependent on the field, fertilisers are applied in the
appropriate quantity. The three main fertilisers are sodium (K), potassium (P), and nitrogen (N). Crop
yields are lost when one or more NPK regulations are disobeyed. NPK testing is crucial for agriculture,
thus. Testing N, P, and K separately takes a lot of time, and soil testing needs to be done in labs. Farmers
are unable to evaluate the soil composition on an individual basis using sensors to measure N, P, and K.
In order to test if a single sensor can accurately monitor the N, P, and K values and send them to formers
via IoT at regular intervals, an automated low-cost IoT-based fertiliser system was developed.
Additionally, this system utilised fuzzy logic and Mamdani interference approach to support the
efficiency N, P, and K conclusion. Light Emitting Diode (LED) and Light Dependent Resistor (LDR)
are used to apply the colorimetric concept in this system, which uses the NPK sensor. To examine the
ratios of N, P, and K, fuzzy logic development, embedded systems, and Raspberry Pi 3 are combined
with Python [7]. For accurate agriculture systems, it is necessary to continuously monitor soil moisture,
soil temperature, air temperature, ultraviolet (UV) light radiation, relative humidity of the ground, and
environmental sensing of crops. To implement the autonomous irrigation system, the system was created
using a clever algorithm and a variety of sensors that are wirelessly gathered via the cloud utilising web
services and a web-based visualisation [8]. Agriculture's demand and output are far apart. Utilise the

Dept. of ISE, HKBKCE 13 AY 2021-22

Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

newest IoT and intelligent robot technologies to close the supply and demand gap. The robust weed
identification technology was created to do away with both the hazardous effects of pesticide use and
the time-consuming nature of hand weeding techniques. This system has a real-time robot that can
identify different crops and classify weed plants. A deep neural network of the convolutional neural
network (CNN) technique is used to detect weed plants, and this system likewise achieves 90%
accuracy. The Raspberry Pi microcontroller, Pi camera, DC motors, Sprayer, and data server were used
to create the weed detecting system [9]. IoT is also being used to regulate agricultural development in
the future in the best possible way using hardware, online applications, and mobile applications [10]. A
solar-powered smart farm irrigation technology has improved agriculture in areas where farmers
previously had severe electricity and water shortages. Distributed solar energy resources may be
managed, monitored, and controlled remotely thanks to the development of the solar-based smart system
with IoT and LabVIEW software [11]. Smart farming decreases crop waste and helps farmers save
money [12]. The embedded system was created utilising an LPC2148 microcontroller to get beyond
agricultural farming's constraints and manage drip irrigation. To determine whether the soil is wet or dry,
this system uses soil moisture sensors, motor pumps, and RFID technology [13].

Literature Review for the IoT Mini-Project on Soil Moisture Measuring

• Introduction: The IoT mini project for sensing soil moisture is a creative use of IoT in the
agricultural industry. It is intended to detect plant soil moisture levels in real-time and give
farmers information to increase crop output. An overview of the literature on soil moisture
measurement methods, IoT technologies, and their uses in agriculture is provided in this
• Techniques for Measuring Soil Moisture: A crucial component of precision agriculture is
the measuring of soil moisture content. Over time, a number of methods have been created to
precisely measure soil moisture levels. Among the methods most frequently employed are:
1) Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR): Precision agriculture uses the popular soil
moisture measuring method known as Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR)
extensively. It entails delivering a powerful electromagnetic pulse into the ground and
timing how long it takes for the pulse to return. The soil moisture content is then
calculated using this period.
2) Neutron Scattering: Sending neutrons through the soil and monitoring their
scattering is the non-destructive method of assessing soil moisture known as neutron
scattering. The quantity of scattering is used to determine the moisture level of the
3) Capacitance: Measuring the capacitance of the soil is a common method for
determining the moisture content of soil. The relationship between soil moisture

Dept. of ISE, HKBKCE 14 AY 2021-22

Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

content and capacitance is direct.

4) Gravimetric: This disruptive method of gauging soil moisture entails weighing a
sample of soil both before and after it has been dried in an oven. The soil moisture
content is determined using the weight differential.
• Technology using IoT: Agriculture may undergo a change thanks to the Internet of Things
(IoT), a fast evolving technology. The following are some of the IoT technologies that are
most commonly used in precision agriculture:
1) Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs): A WSN is a network made up of a number of
wirelessly linked sensors. They are frequently employed in precision farming to gather
information on a variety of parameters, including soil moisture, temperature, and
2) Cloud Computing: Cloud computing is a technique that includes storing, managing,
and processing data on distant computers. Data gathered from IoT devices is
frequently processed and stored in precision agriculture.
3) Artificial Intelligence (AI): Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of technology where
data analysis and prediction are done using computer algorithms. In precision
agriculture, it is frequently used to forecast crop yields, spot pests and illnesses, and
organise irrigation and fertilisation cycles.
• Agriculture Applications: The use of IoT technology in precision agriculture attempts to
maximise crop yields while reducing the use of resources like water, fertiliser, and pesticides.
Some of the most popular IoT applications in precision agriculture are the ones listed below:
1) Crop Monitoring: Real-time crop monitoring is made possible by the widespread
usage of IoT sensors in precision agriculture. They gather information on a range of
factors, including temperature, humidity, and soil moisture, which may be utilised to
maximise crop yields.
2) Management of irrigation systems: IoT sensors are being employed to enhance
irrigation schedules. They gather information on the quantity of soil moisture and the
weather, which may be used to choose when and how much water should be applied.
3) Management of Pests and Diseases: IoT sensors are also employed to find pests and
diseases in crops. They gather information on a variety of characteristics, including
temperature and humidity, which are useful for locating and eradicating pests and
4) Management of the harvest and the post-harvest: IoT sensors are also utilised to
optimise harvesting plans and post-harvest operations. To optimise harvesting and
storage schedules, they gather information on crop maturity and storage conditions.

Dept. of ISE, HKBKCE 15 AY 2021-22

Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project


In conclusion, the IoT mini project for sensing soil moisture is a creative use of IoT
technology in the agricultural industry. The project makes use of several soil moisture measurement
methods, IoT.

Dept. of ISE, HKBKCE 16 AY 2021-22

Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

Chapter 4

4.1 Hardware Requirements:

• Arduino Uno R3
• Soil Moisture Sensor
• 9V Battery Connector
• 9V Rechargeable Battery
• Switch

4.2 Software Requirements:

• Tool: Arduino UNO IDE

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

4.3 Implementation details:

4.3.1 Arduino Uno R3

The Arduino Uno microcontroller board is built around the ATmega328P (datasheet). It contains a 16
MHz ceramic resonator (CSTCE16M0V53-R0), a USB connector, a power connection, an ICSP header, a
reset button, 6 analogue inputs, 14 digital input/output pins, and 6 of these may be used as PWM outputs.
The microcontroller comes with everything it needs to function, so all you have to do to get started is plug
it into a computer using a USB cable, power it is using an AC-to-DC converter, or use a battery. With
your UNO, you can explore without having to worry too much about making a mistake; in the worst
scenario, you can start over by replacing the chip for a few bucks.

The 1.0 release of the Arduino Software (IDE) was designated as "1.0," and the Italian word "uno"—
which translates to "one"—was chosen to represent it. Future iterations of Arduino were built on the Uno
board and the Arduino Software (IDE) version 1.0. The Uno board, the first of a series of USB Arduino
boards, serves as the baseline design for the system. See the Arduino index of boards for a complete list of
all prior, present, and out-of-date models.

The Arduino Uno R3 is selected as the project's core processing unit since it can accommodate more
than just the soil moisture sensor. It is also easier to programme and more functional when compared to
other Arduino boards.

An open-source microcontroller board called the Arduino Uno R3 is made for DIY projects and quick
prototyping. In the maker and electronics communities, it is one of the most widely used boards in the
Arduino family.

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

The ATmega328P microprocessor, which powers the board, contains 2 KB of SRAM for data storage
and 32 KB of flash memory for storing code. It supports pulse width modulation (PWM) for analogue
output and has 6 analogue inputs in addition to its 14 digital input/output pins. For accurate timing, it also
features a 16 MHz quartz crystal oscillator.

The Arduino Uno R3 may be programmed using the Arduino IDE (Integrated Development
Environment), a piece of software that provides a simple and user-friendly interface for writing,
developing, and uploading code to the board. The IDE supports a wide range of programming languages,
including C and C++, and provides a sizable library of pre-written code that can be readily included into

The Arduino Uno R3's key advantages are its simplicity and versatility. It may be utilised for many
different things, including simple robotics and automation systems, LED flashing, and sensor reading.
The board is also extremely programmable, with a range of shields and add-on modules available to
expand its capabilities.

Additionally, Arduino Uno R3 is reasonably priced, making it available to a variety of users, from
professionals to hobbyists. Additionally, the code and schematics are open-source, which enables users to
alter and modify the board to meet their particular requirements.

The Arduino Uno R3 is a well-liked option for the system's microcontroller in the context of soil
moisture measurement utilising Internet of Things technology. It can connect to sensors, gather and
process data, and send data to an IoT platform. It is a desirable alternative for creating and putting into
use an IoT-based soil moisture sensing device because to its accessibility, usability, and cost.

The 8-bit AVR RISC-based ATmega328P microcontroller chip offers high performance and low
power consumption. It has 32KB of flash memory, 1KB of EEPROM, and 2KB of SRAM. It also
contains a 10-bit ADC, which makes reading analogue signals from sensors easier.

A versatile board, the Arduino Uno R3 may be used for many different applications. I2C, SPI, and
UART are just a few of the communication protocols it may use to connect to other hardware. Data from
sensors may also be read using it. IoT apps may also collect sensor data and send it to the cloud for

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

4.3.2 Soil Moisture Sensor

The 1.0 release of the Arduino Software (IDE) was designated as "1.0," and the Italian word "uno"—
which translates to "one"—was chosen to represent it. Future iterations of Arduino were built on the Uno
board and the Arduino Software (IDE) version 1.0. The Uno board, the first of a series of USB Arduino
boards, serves as the baseline design for the system. See the Arduino index of boards for a complete list of
all prior, present, and out-of-date models.

There are many different kinds of soil moisture sensors available, but the capacitive sensor is one of
the most common kinds. The soil's dielectric constant, which correlates with soil moisture content, is
measured with a capacitive soil moisture sensor. Two metal plates make up the sensor, and one of them is
shielded from the ground by a dielectric substance. The capacitance between the two metal plates varies
when the sensor is put into the soil because soil moisture alters the dielectric constant. After that, an
electrical signal that can be measured and processed is created from the change in capacitance.

The resistive sensor, which gauges soil resistance, is another form of soil moisture sensor. The
resistance between two electrodes in the sensor changes as the soil moisture content does, enabling the
detection of moisture content.

In addition to being standalone devices, soil moisture sensors may also be included into more complex
systems like weather stations and irrigation systems. For data gathering and analysis, they may also be
linked to microcontrollers like the Arduino Uno R3.

It is crucial to check that a soil moisture sensor is calibrated correctly for the particular soil type and
environmental factors before utilising it. A known sample of soil with a known moisture content can be

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

used for calibration, or the results from the sensor can be compared to manual observations of soil

Soil moisture sensors can be utilised in construction, geotechnical engineering, and foundation design
in addition to being employed in agriculture, horticulture, and environmental monitoring. Soil moisture
sensors may be used in geotechnical engineering and construction to monitor soil compaction, settlement,
and stability, which is important for guaranteeing the security and endurance of structures like roads,
bridges, and buildings. Based on the moisture content and other soil characteristics, soil moisture sensors
may be used in foundation design to assist identify the suitable depth and kind of foundation.

In order to offer a more thorough awareness of the characteristics of the soil and surrounding
environment, soil moisture sensors can also be used in conjunction with other sensors, such as temperature
and humidity sensors. To monitor microclimates and enhance crop development, for instance, soil moisture
sensors can be used in conjunction with temperature and humidity sensors in precision agriculture.

It is important to keep in mind that a number of variables, including soil type, temperature, and
salinity, can have an impact on the precision and dependability of soil moisture sensors. For certain sensors
to retain accuracy over time, periodic calibration may also be necessary. As a result, it's crucial to carefully
choose and care for the sensor that's right for the application and setting.

Overall, soil moisture sensors are an important instrument for measuring and monitoring soil moisture
content, enabling more sustainable and efficient use of water resources and enhancing crop quality and
production. They are an advantageous component in a variety of applications, from engineering and
construction to agriculture, thanks to their flexibility and versatility.

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

4.3.3 9V Battery Connector

A 9-volt battery connector is a straightforward electrical part used to join a battery to a machine or
circuit. Two metal prongs on the connection, which is normally made of plastic, may be put into the
terminals of a 9V battery. For 9V batteries, the prongs are typically spaced 9 millimetres apart.
Small electronic projects and devices that require a portable and compact power source frequently use
the 9V battery connector. Small robots, remote-controlled vehicles, and electronic toys are some examples.
The connection is frequently used in prototypes and Do It Yourself electronics projects.
The simplicity and use of the 9V battery hook-up are two benefits. It is simple to insert into the battery
terminals of a 9V battery and simple to remove. This makes it a practical choice for short-term or mobile
power requirements.
The 9V battery connection does have certain limits, though. Its comparatively low capacity in
comparison to other battery types is one drawback. A standard 9V battery has a capacity of 500mAh,
meaning it can deliver 500 milliamps of power for an hour before requiring recharging or replacement. For
high-power or long-duration applications, this might not be enough.
Another drawback is the potential cost and difficulty of properly disposing of 9V batteries. They may
not be appropriate for long-term storage or usage since they frequently have a limited shelf life.
In general, the 9V battery connector is an easy-to-use part for attaching a 9V battery to a machine or
circuit. However, when selecting a power source for a specific application, one should take into account its
limitations in terms of capacity and cost.

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

4.3.4 9V Rechargeable Battery

A battery that can be recharged and used again is a 9V rechargeable battery. Rechargeable 9V batteries
are more environmentally friendly and economical than disposable 9V batteries, which must be thrown
away once their energy has been used up.
Rechargeable 9V batteries have a larger capacity than disposable 9V batteries, which is one advantage.
Since rechargeable batteries can typically store more energy, they can run gadgets for longer intervals
between charges. They also frequently have longer lives, which means that they can be utilised before
needing to be replaced.
The environmental advantages of 9V rechargeable batteries are another perk. Due to the fact that they
must be thrown away and replaced after use, disposable batteries contribute to environmental waste. On the
other hand, rechargeable batteries may be reused again, lowering the amount of trash created.
The initial cost of 9V rechargeable batteries is one possible drawback. Some consumers may find
rechargeable batteries to be prohibitively costly compared to disposable ones. The price can be recovered
over time, though, with repeated usage and recharges.
It is also worth noting that not all devices are compatible with rechargeable batteries. Some devices
may have specific voltage or current requirements that cannot be met by rechargeable batteries, or may not
be designed to accommodate the larger size of rechargeable batteries. Therefore, it is important to check
the compatibility of a device before using a rechargeable battery.
Overall, 9V rechargeable batteries offer a sustainable and cost-effective option for powering electronic
devices that require a 9V battery. Their higher capacity, longer lifespan, and environmental benefits make
them a viable alternative to disposable batteries, with the added convenience of being able to be recharged
and used multiple times.

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

4.3.5 Switch

The conducting channel in an electrical circuit can be disconnected or connected by a switch, halting
the flow of electricity or switching it from one conductor to another. A switch can be directly operated by a
person to regulate the flow of electricity in a circuit, such as a light switch, or to send a control signal to a
system, like a computer keyboard button.
Switches can function as sensors in a process and be used to automatically regulate a system by being
activated by process variables including pressure, temperature, flow, current, voltage, and force. A
thermostat, for instance, is a temperature-operated switch that regulates the heating process.

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

Chapter 5

5.1 Flow Chart

Fig 4.1 System Architecture with a base flow of the system and security leakages

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

5.2 Working Description

The analogue real-time data is produced by the soil moisture sensors. Aurdino Uno Microcontroller is
used for Analogue to Digital (A/D) conversion and data conditions. Utilising a soil moisture sensor, the
microcontroller is used to obtain real-time soil moisture data. High-level programming languages C and
C++ are supported by the cross-platform Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Writing
code and uploading the source code to the board are both made simple by the IDE. It has cores and
libraries. The microcontroller is connected to the GPS and GSM using AT commands in order to receive
the position of measured data and to send SMS through the smart phone. The samples have a range of
low to high soil moisture levels.

The farmer may access the processed data via their mobile app and Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi)
Technology. Farmers may make an irrigation plan decision quickly and preserve data for further study
with the aid of the app. This device can deliver real-time soil moisture data together with GPS data. The
suggested system's block schematic is shown in Figure 6. The Soil Moisture system is connected to the
ThingSpeak programme. It functions as an interface between the Soil Moisture System and the GUI
interface, allowing for the visualisation and analysis of real-time data streams in the cloud over Wi-Fi. It
also provides a platform for IoT analytics.

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

Chapter 6
The implementation of the soil moisture measuring IoT mini project involved several steps,

• Hardware assembly: The first step in the implementation process involved assembling the
hardware components. This included connecting the soil moisture sensor to the Arduino board,
connecting the Wi-Fi module to the board, and connecting the 9V battery connector to the board.
• Code development: The second step in the implementation process involved developing the code
required to operate the system. This code was developed using the Arduino Integrated
Development Environment (IDE) and involved setting up the Wi-Fi module to connect to a Wi-Fi
network and sending data from the soil moisture sensor to a cloud-based database.
• Cloud-based database setup: The third step in the implementation process involved setting up
the cloud-based database. This database was used to store the data collected by the soil moisture
sensor and make it available for analysis and visualization.
• Testing and debugging: The fourth step in the implementation process involved testing and
debugging the system. This involved checking that the soil moisture sensor was functioning
correctly, the Wi-Fi module was connected to the correct network, and the data was being sent to
the database correctly.
• Deployment: The final step in the implementation process involved deploying the system. This
involved placing the soil moisture sensor in the soil and connecting the 9V battery to power the
device. The data collected by the sensor was then sent to the cloud-based database and could be
accessed remotely using a computer or smartphone.

Overall, the implementation of the soil moisture measuring IoT mini project was successful. The project
was able to collect real-time data on soil moisture levels, which could be used to inform decisions about
irrigation and watering schedules for plants. The project could be further enhanced by adding additional
sensors or integrating with other IoT devices to create a more comprehensive system for monitoring plant
health and growth.

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

6.1 Circuit Diagram

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

6.1 Circuit Diagram

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);

void setup() {





pinMode(2, OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(2, HIGH);


lcd.setCursor(0, 0);


lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("SYSTEM IS ON ");




void loop() {

int value = analogRead(A0);

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project


if (value > 950) {

digitalWrite(2, LOW);

lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

lcd.print("Water Pump is ON ");

} else {

digitalWrite(2, HIGH);

lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

lcd.print("Water Pump is OFF");

if (value < 300) {

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("Moisture : HIGH");

} else if (value > 300 && value < 950) {

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("Moisture : MID ");

} else if (value > 950) {

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

lcd.print("Moisture : LOW ");

Dept. of ISE, HKBKCE 30 AY 2021-22

Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

Any engineering project, including the IoT mini-project for soil moisture measurement, must include
testing. The system was tested to make sure it was operating as planned and to find and fix any problems or
defects that could have appeared during the project development phase.

There were various phases in the testing procedure, including:

• Sensor calibration: The calibration of the soil moisture sensor was the first stage in evaluating
the IoT mini project for sensing soil moisture. The sensor had to be placed in a dry area, and the
data were to be recorded. The measurements from the sensor were then recorded when it was put
in a moist environment. The baseline values for dry and wet soil were established using these data,
and the soil moisture was then calculated using those values.
• Hardware testing: Testing the hardware components was the second stage of the system's testing.
This entailed making sure the Wi-Fi module was linked to the appropriate network, the soil
moisture sensor was appropriately attached to the Arduino board, and the system was receiving
enough power from the 9V battery.
• Software testing: Examining the system's software components was the third phase in the testing
process. This required making sure the data was appropriately supplied to the cloud-based
database and that the code was successfully generated, uploaded, and executed on the Arduino
• Functional testing: Functional testing was the fourth stage of the testing process for the system.
In order to do this, the soil moisture sensor had to be inserted into the ground, and the system's
accuracy had to be verified.
• User Testing: User testing was the last stage of the system's testing process. Users had to engage
with the system and offer comments on how well it worked and was user-friendly.

Overall, the testing procedure was effective in locating and resolving any systemic flaws. Testing made
verified the IoT mini project for detecting soil moisture was operating properly and giving accurate
measurements of soil moisture levels in real-time.

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

Finally, the soil moisture sensor and Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller board were used to construct
the IoT small project for sensing soil moisture. The goal of the project is to gauge the soil's moisture
content and transfer that information to the cloud for study. With the initiative, farmers may take a step
towards precision agriculture, where they can utilise real-time data to maximise crop yields and use less

The suggested method involved reading the soil moisture level using a sensor and sending the
information to the cloud using an Arduino Uno R3 board and WiFi module. An online dashboard was
used to analyse the data, allowing the farmer to keep an eye on the moisture level and take the necessary

Designing the project's hardware and software was part of the technique. The Arduino Uno R3 board,
soil moisture sensor, WiFi module, and battery were all included in the kit. The software components
comprised the internet dashboard for data analysis and the Arduino IDE for writing and uploading code to
the device.

The method that was suggested involved utilising an Arduino Uno R3 board to read the soil moisture
level from a sensor and then using a WiFi module to upload the data to the cloud. A farmer may monitor
the moisture level and take the necessary measures once the data was analysed using an online dashboard.

The project's hardware and software components were designed using a certain approach. The
battery, WiFi module, soil moisture sensor, and Arduino Uno R3 board were among the hardware
components. Both the web dashboard and the Arduino IDE, which were used to develop and upload the
code to the board, were included in the software components.

The project was successfully tested and put into practise, and the outcomes were examined. The data
was successfully communicated to the cloud via the soil moisture sensor, which was proven to be
accurate and dependable. Real-time data from the web dashboard was made available for agricultural
production optimisation and water conservation.

The project's implementation provides a number of advantages. In the beginning, it offers real-time
data that can be used to enhance crop yields and lower water consumption. In addition, it eliminates the
need for manual soil moisture readings. Thirdly, it is an inexpensive option that farmers can quickly put
into practise.

Scalability is one of the main advantages of the IoT micro project for sensing soil moisture.
Depending on the magnitude of the agricultural activity, the project is readily scalable up or down. Small

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

farms can monitor the amount of moisture in the soil with a single Arduino Uno R3 board and soil
moisture sensor. Multiple boards and sensors can be used on larger farms to cover a larger area.

Portability is another benefit of the project. Since the entire system is portable, it is perfect for
farmers with multiple farms or those who want to rent out their land for farming. The method is also
applicable in greenhouses, where accurate soil moisture regulation is essential for optimum plant

A more complete picture of the growth circumstances may be obtained by combining the soil
moisture sensing IoT mini project with other IoT devices, such as weather sensors. To decide the ideal
time to water the crops, for instance, temperature and humidity data can be integrated with the
information from the soil moisture sensor.

The project's battery life on the 9V rechargeable battery is one of its drawbacks. The battery may
require regular replacement or recharging depending on how frequently measurements are taken and data
is sent. Solar energy or other renewable energy sources can be utilised to power the system to get around
this restriction.

Future improvements to the soil moisture measuring IoT mini project could include the addition of
machine learning algorithms that would analyse the data and make suggestions for the best crop yields.
To offer a more full view of the soil conditions, the system may potentially be expanded to incorporate
other types of sensors, such as pH sensors.

In conclusion, the Internet of Things small project for sensing soil moisture is a promising one for
precision farming. Real-time data, scalability, portability, and connection with other IoT devices are just a
few advantages of the project. The project has certain drawbacks, such the 9V rechargeable battery's
battery life, however these drawbacks may also be overcome, like by using renewable energy sources.
Future project developments, such as the addition of machine learning algorithms and other kinds of
sensors, have a great deal of potential to maximise crop yields and lower water usage.

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project


The Internet of Things micro project for sensing soil moisture has a lot of room for growth. Here are
some potential areas for development and improvement:

Algorithms for machine learning: The project may be made better by including algorithms for
machine learning that can analyse data from a soil moisture sensor and provide suggestions for the best
crop yields. These algorithms can forecast when and how much water should be administered by using
past data to learn about the individual crops and agricultural circumstances.

Integration with other IoT devices: The soil moisture monitoring IoT mini project may be improved
by integrating it with other IoT devices, such as weather sensors, to provide a more comprehensive view
of the growing circumstances. With greater information, farmers would be better able to choose when and
how much water to apply to the crops.

Extension to include more sensors: more sensors can provide more information about the condition
of the soil, even if the soil moisture sensor is still a key component of the project. For instance, pH
sensors may be used to monitor the acidity of the soil, which is important for determining which crops
will do well there.

Use of renewable energy sources: The project's battery life constraint is the 9V rechargeable battery,
however this issue may be resolved by powering the system with renewable energy sources like solar or
wind energy. As a result, the system would be able to run without needing to be recharged or replaced
batteries on a regular basis.

Cloud-based data storage: Using cloud-based data storage solutions to handle the information may be
important as the project grows and more data is gathered. Farmers would be able to share the data with
other parties, such as academics, consultants, or investors, and access it from anywhere.

Integration with precision irrigation systems: The soil moisture sensing IoT micro project may be
integrated with precision irrigation systems to supply water to the crops in an autonomous and precise
manner. These systems may be configured to apply water at predetermined periods of the day or night and
can use data from the soil moisture sensor to determine how much water should be applied.

Farmers will be able to access the data from the IoT small project for monitoring soil moisture from
their smartphones or tablets thanks to the development of mobile applications. They may use this to keep
an eye on the condition of the soil and determine when to water the crops even when they are not on the

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project

Extension to other farming methods: Although the soil moisture measuring IoT mini project was
designed with traditional farming in mind, it may also be modified for other farming methods like
hydroponics and aquaponics. The soil moisture measurement IoT small project may be used to give the
essential data for such management, as these systems depend on accurate control of the water and nutrient

Collaboration with other stakeholders: Through collaboration with other stakeholders, such as
agricultural researchers, consultants, or investors, the soil moisture measurement IoT micro project may
be expanded. These stakeholders may help the project expand and evolve by exchanging the data and
insights produced by it.

In conclusion, there is a lot of room for growth and development for the soil moisture measurement
IoT micro project in the future. The project can be further optimised for precision agriculture and
increased crop yields by incorporating machine learning algorithms, integrating with other IoT devices,
expanding to include other types of sensors, using renewable energy sources, adopting cloud-based data
storage, integrating with precision irrigation systems, developing mobile applications, expanding to other
types of farming, and working with other stakeholders.

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Soil Moisture Sensor Mini Project


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Laura García García. "Architecture and
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"Internet of Things Empowered Smart
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Greenhouse", IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency
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Submitted to The University of the West of
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Student Paper

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Siva K. Balasundram, Redmond R. Shamshiri,
Shankarappa Sridhara, Nastaran Rizan. "The
<1 %
Role of Digital Agriculture in Mitigating
Climate Change and Ensuring Food Security:
An Overview", Sustainability, 2023

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Internet Source <1 %
Internet Source <1 %
Internet Source <1 %
Mochammad Haldi Widianto, Bryan Ghilchrist,
Gerry Giovan, Rachmi Kumala Widyasari,
<1 %
Yovanka Davincy Setiawan. "Development of
Internet of Things-Based Instrument
Monitoring Application for Smart Farming",
2022 4th International Conference on
Cybernetics and Intelligent System (ICORIS),

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PO 1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering

fundamentals, and an engineering specialization for the solution of complex engineering problems.

PO 2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences,
and engineering sciences.

PO 3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and

design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration
for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

PO 4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: use research based knowledge and reaserch
methods including design of Experiments, analysis & interpretation of data, and synthesis of the
information to provide valid conclusions.

PO 5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling to complex engineering activities, with
an understanding of the limitations.

PO 6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the
professional engineeringpractice.

PO 7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering

solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for
sustainable development.

PO 8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and
norms of the engineering practice.

PO 9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in
diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

PO 10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the

engineering community and with t h e society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write
effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear

PO 11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of t h e

engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader
in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.

PO 12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

To empower the students through wholesome education & enable the students to
develop into highly qualified and trained professionals with ethics and emerge
as responsible citizens to build a vibrant nation.

To achieve academic excellence through in-depth knowledge in science,

engineering and technology through dedication to duty, innovation in teaching and
faith in human values.
To enable our students to develop into outstanding professional with high ethical
standards to face the challenges of 21st century.
To provide educational opportunities to the deprived and weaker section of the society
to uplift their socio economic status.



To train skilled and ethical professionals with the ability to plan, design, develop,
organize and manage modern and traditional information systems with the
knowledge of information technologies, services and organizations globally.

To impart high quality engineering education in the field of Information Science

and Technology with strong theoretical and extensive practical training
methodologies through innovation and research to make world-class Engineers.


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Tel : +91 80 25441722 / 3744 / 3690 / 3698 Fax: +91 80 25443813
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