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My understanding in different human development is fun because of this theories I knew that
what I living before is very accurate in the theories of human development, let say for example
the theory of Bronfenbrenner, there have a theory that the place is affecting the human
development of an individual, this is very accurate because it is true that the place is affecting the
growth of a person, because there are many influences around him, a person will see that what is
happening around him is right and that is what will make him grow, for example it's just that a
person grew up on the street where there wasn't much to guide him, he may have grown up very
accustomed to the street, for example me, I grew up on the street where I met different people, I
grew up on the street, I grew up that I'm dealing with a mixed personality, that's why it affected
me, it impressed me that not all people can be trusted. Let's make an example of people who
grew up in troubled towns, where murder and robbery and illegal drugs are one after the other.
Of course, when a person grows up in a bad place, there is a possibility that he will become one
of those who steal, kill people, etc. Because he is still young, he will be aware of such activities,
that's why he will get used to it and think that it is normal, for example myself, I grew up on the
street where life is also chaotic, relying on alms from other people, fighting with other groups,
using illegal drugs, all vices, but now I live in a good house and my friends are kind, so they
influenced me that's why I became sober, studies hard, and helps others. Let's take the Sy family
as an example. Henry Sy's children became aware of the business world, when they were young
they became aware of what their father was doing about doing business, when they were young
they were taught how to do business, until they grew up, doing business is their master. That is
one of the examples that affect the place and those around a person in his growth. As a future
teacher, I can compare here the students who have their own friends, inside the school, there are
different types of friendships there, there are friends who are just silly, there are friends who only
think about studying, there are there are friends who are quiet, there are friends who are loud,
there are friends who give teachers headaches. This is where the place and surroundings affect
the growth of a person, for example, with friends who are all smart, there is a possibility that
they will grow up to be smart and highly educated because they can help each other in learning,
for example, friends who are just silly, they may grow up to be silly because that's what they
grew up with when they were young, that's why the place and the people around a person are so
big. As a future educator, as much as possible I will give advice to my students so that they can
grow up well and safely, I will not let them get lost in life, I want them to grow up well, as long
as I can I will help them with the help of words, because whatever they grow up with now, this is
what will affect them when they grow up. As a future educator, I have to teach them and guide
them in their development tasks, there are many more development tasks and it is not necessary
to list them one more, but I am here to teach my students what they need to do. For example,
there is someone in my class who doesn't know how to read yet, this can be the start of a fight, so
as much as I can, I will teach the child how to read, I will teach him to read if I have free time,
and of course when I will also tell his classmates not to laugh at this and make it a joke, I will
explain to them that there are indeed children who do not learn to read right away. That is just
one of the examples that I will do if I encounter such an event. That’s all my understanding thank

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