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Before you read any further, please remember if anything happens to me, Robert Bentley Thurston,

(DOB 10-19-1967) the person this document is about Navy SEAL Jon Richard Smith DOB 2-18-1967
of 1206 Pine Dr, El Cajon - Grossmont, CA 92020 is most likely responsible. Should something happen
to me please investigate and prosecute Smith to the fullest extent of the law. Additionally, I have had to
add Collier County Sheriffs Kevin Rambosk and Neal Bohannon to this list of people who I feel are
trying to physically harm me.

I hope the public and reporters will please follow up with these people and ask if they are really doing
the things I am claiming. Are they (Primarily Smith) really violating people’s rights in secret as laid out
here for no legal reason? Herein I reveal the "manual” Smith uses if you will, and it is quite extensive,
to violate people’s rights who are not committing crimes. I feel Rambosk and Bohannon would not
even know me were it not for Smith’s direction and again most of the weight of judicial and civil
punishment should fall on Smith.

The following is a story, in my opinion, worthy of a Pulitizer. It’s a continuation on the Edward
Snowden report. It’s what would have come out if Snowden had not gone into exile.

Some of this document had been sent to local official's offices. There are four more
years of updates included here since the last court case in 2019.

What do I hope to accomplish with this? First and foremost, I wish to have the
unfair injunction against me dropped and the record of this manufactured case
against me dropped on the Collier Clerk. I have one arrest in 20 years. I want my
name cleared on the Clerk of Court’s website and no black mark of an injunction
against me.

More importantly, I want the community to know about these 3 people. Let the
community weigh in on whether they agree with the use of the Targeted Individual
program. Let the public weigh in on if extrajudicial punishment done without
citizen oversight or even knowledge of is something people want.

I know there is little local law enforcement can do (and next to no will to) stop the
actions of Smith below, but I am speaking with journalists and attorneys and seem
to be getting closer to remedying the situation legally through them. If you are an
attorney hearing these words, please speak with me after the presentation/reading.
I have been told a billion-dollar lawsuit has been filed in the Southern District of
Texas led by attorney Ana Toledo case 6:23-CV-00003 (6 Exhibits). This document
may be an important piece of that case’s evidence.

This document also includes new evidence not heard in Collier County Court in
2019 that Smith’s work in predictive threat analysis as he has presented on his
Internet Linkedin is just the kind of work that matches up with my claims. Smith
has read this document and has changed his settings so you have to have a
Linkedin Account to read his profile. I have submitted some research as to this
fraudulent pseudoscience here. Also, the dates, times, videos and other observations
of new crimes committed against me.

It is clear the Targeted Individual program is real. Please open Youtube and type in
Targeted Individual Program for literally hundreds of others filing complaints
about this program.

There may be some sections that are not formatted correctly or are unclear.
Certainly there is room for improvement. Room for clarity. I’ve put out the best
writing I could under the circumstances. I suffer through this in the belief that one
day I can help put an end to the incredible suffering damaged PTSD people like
Smith and others are inflicting on their fellow Americans. Smith and others like
him are not heroes, but cowards. They turn people in society against each other to
divert attention from them.

This is a painful and depressing task for me. Simply keep reading. There is 50
pages of writing here documenting Smith’s crimes.

The Nightmare World of Gang Stalking
Open Letter to Honorable Judge John McGowan 
My Life in the Targeted Individual Program 2010-2019 
This letter is in response to court case Case #: 11-2018-DR-002475-DV01-XX currently being held in
Collier County, Naples, Florida before Judge John Owen McGowan in which I am named by Jon
Richard Smith as the Defendant. It can be found through a Google search for the “Collier County Clerk
of Court.” Click on Records Search. Then Court Records. A box will appear to fill in. Type in
“Thurston” under last name and “Robert” under first name. For some reason if you try to access it from
overseas the search won’t work for only one attempt. You must put the name in a second time for it to
About the case itself, let me state unequivocally for the record I have done nothing to do with any
allegations he may be making against me. I have denied them and continue to. It’s my belief that in
Smith’s line of work he has probably made many enemies who are unhappy about the actions he chose
to take against them. Through some online research about my case, I have some understanding of his
claims and they are absolutely false and an attempt to frame me which is in line with the rest of
my explanation about Mr. Smith’s actions as described in great detail below.  
Hello, my name is Robert Bentley Thurston Junior. My date of birth is 10-19-1967. I am an English
teacher currently working in the Middle East. I hold an AA in Mass Communication/Journalism
(Hillsborough Community College 1994), a BA in English Literature (University of South Florida
1998) and an MA in English/ Technical Writing (University of Central Florida 2008) where I graduated
among the top of my class with a rounded off 3.6 Grade Point Average. I began my English teaching
career in 1994. I've travelled to 53 countries and taught in 9.   
I left the United States February 14, 2016, to work as a teacher overseas. I did not return for 1 year 11
months when I visited Seattle, Washington in January 2018. I then returned to visit my mother in
Naples, Florida this past December 10, 2018. I left again to work abroad on December 20, 2018, and
currently remain overseas for probably many years. If there are any doubts of these claims one can
easily check with the Department of State who maintains information about passports and when
Americans have left and entered the United States.  
Please see the link below to check 
Illegal Years of Harassment by Jon Richard Smith  
Let me say right off the bat I never wanted to be involved in anything like what I am getting ready to
explain to you. I am a private person who has been focused on doing constructive things with my life
for years and indeed, have had some success. I have finally, after years of turmoil, stress and heartbreak
directly related to Jon Richard Smith (DOB 2-18-1967) actions, and because of this court action filed
against me, no other choice but to further explain the sheer misery I have had to endure because of
him. Actually, I am grateful to be in a position where someone will finally listen to me.  
I want to preface my comments below with the disclaimer that I am perfectly sane, not delusional and
know reality from the unreal. This letter is not hostile and is meant to offend no one. It is written in as
neutral a manner as possible mostly stating the facts of what has happened to me in an informative
manner as I see them. I respect your legal authority and am defending myself as anyone would were
they in a similar situation. I tread lightly here because I don’t want to risk alienating the people judging
my case who I must assume from the beginning will be fair and impartial participants in this judicial
I have included links to websites about different people who claim to have endured the Targeted
Individual program (I will explain what this is in greater detail below) to support my claims because to
the uninitiated, and there are many, they might sound false to say the least. Also, please understand that
because the Targeted Individual Program is just becoming a better understood phenomenon
nationally and globally now that defense attorneys in this field are starting to come online and
getting the chances of getting good defense in this area is next to non-existent. There are a few
attorneys out there breaking ground in this important area. I hope the court can understand that finding
representation under my current circumstances is very, very difficult because the public at large has not
acknowledged the Targeted Individual Program as something real. I feel they will in time. If you are an
attorney reading this and are interested in representing me against Smith and the US government,
please contact me.
Throughout this missive I hope the court will keep in mind that this is a letter about public corruption.
It’s about gross misuse of power.  It’s a letter asking that we reexamine who we give power to in our
American Democracy. Finally, this letter is also about giving a voice to people who desperately need
Honestly, before these things began happening to me, if someone had told me what I am going to tell
you, I don't think I would have believed them. I hope whoever does read this will use due diligence as
well as their best critical thinking skills and have a good look at the links before passing judgment.
What is the likelihood all Targeted Individuals ( Americans the US government tortures) of these
hundreds or thousands of people are lying? These Targeted Individuals are giving often very similar
accounts. There is the ring of truth to many of the things they are saying. Why? 
Why would I write to what amounts to a small book about a guy I hadn't seen or heard from in 20 or so
years if I wasn't absolutely convinced that he is responsible for the attacks on me. There is no doubt he
is doing this. There is no question.  
The question will be asked. How do you know entity is doing this? A better question is is he really
doing these things I’m claiming. That answer is yes.  
I like to believe intelligence will win out here.  
It is difficult to ask something to investigate itself and hope for honest results, but I plan to bring such a
preponderance of evidence here that a rational mind can come to no other conclusion then to agree.  
How the Harassment Started 
I'm going to try to break something down that is complex and spans a lot of years into a few digestible
chunks. Occasionally I will diverge from the central theme of illegal abuse at the hands of this man, Jon
Richard Smith, into the anecdotal because I feel it is important to give some context for understanding
the overall narrative I'm trying to lay out here and therein show that there are just too many details here
for this to be an allegation that there is no substance to.  
If I can get you to accept that what I am saying has some truth to it... Then we should be  
able to accept that, initially, Jon Richard Smith is involved in something here. Then  
it becomes a question of just how much. The answer to, "How much?" is way beyond what  
this lengthy letter can go into because even this will just scratch the surface of what  
I have endured.  
Currently a man, Jon Richard Smith, DOB 2-18-1967, is presenting before a Collier  
County Judge. Smith, reputedly a sniper and a Navy SEAL is pursuing legal action in a Collier County
court against me. His attorney's names are seemingly Jennifer Lee Siegal Miller and Paul Mcdermott.
The nature of the claim is currently an injunction, but I believe he is testing the waters for criminal or
civil liability against me, which is absurd as he is the one who started the many illegal activities against
me which include attempted murder on two different occasions. I believe his actions fall into the
category of vexatious litigation and malicious prosecution.  
It should also be mentioned that whatever strategies or discussions I am preparing to argue my case to
the court are being intercepted through advanced technology by Mr. Smith while working in the
capacity of his employment or former employment with the US government giving me a distinct
disadvantage. He is aware of and has read this letter I am sending to you now. Anything I do to try to
defend myself I have to keep mostly in memory because he reacts and sabotages, or can sabotage if he
chooses whatever I do to defend myself in writings, online searches, conversations with
others etc.  Additionally, it may be happening that parts of this letter are being edited out by Mr. Smith
as I write it.  As I write these warning letters to the American public Smith increases the pressure
through the deep pockets and enormous resources he has access to. It’s a common theme throughout
this paper. Smith using taxpayer dollars to punish Americans not for breaking a lwa but to save his own
sorry butt. And I’ve seen the same from Rambosk and Bohannon. These are not people who should
hold any responsibility because of their involvement in the Targeted Individual program as explained
I constantly receive the following warning from Google: 
Government-backed attackers may be trying to steal your password 
There's a chance this is a false alarm, but we believe we detected government-backed attackers trying
to steal your password. This happens to less than 0.1% of all Gmail users. We can’t reveal what tipped
us off because the attackers will take note and change their tactics, but if they are successful at some
point, they could access your data or take other actions using your account. To further improve your
security, based on your current settings we recommend: 
Before I go any further, I would like also to invoke the unclean hands doctrine in regard to Mr. Smith’s
filing that states according to one website: 
The principle that someone who violates equitable norms cannot then seek equitable relief or claim a
defense based in the law of equity. A party who has violated an equitable principle, such as good faith,
is described as having "unclean hands." 
Jon Richard Smith is, to the best of my knowledge, a current or former member of the Navy since
about 1990 and has since in or around June of 2011, or possibly earlier, been involved in coordinated
stalking and harassment of myself seemingly through illegal methods the nature of which were they
revealed to the American public might cause tremendous political instability. To the best of my
recollection the harassment started with phone call hang ups and progressed to what we have today,
November 30, 2018. (Update – date January 22, 2023)
The idea that a secret group of hundreds or thousands of Americans are trying to murder and drive to
suicide their fellow countrymen for no real good reason except to exercise their own sadistic power
over others, or because they are damaged psychologically from PTSD, or for their personal monetary
gain all the while using the American taxpayer's own dollars on American soil to do it is one that
should be examined closely.  
But that is exactly what is occurring and has been happening to me for many years.  
Jon Richard Smith Attempted Murder 
I want to introduce the two most egregious acts against me first to give the proper weight and context
to the seriousness and gravity of this correspondence. These two acts both constitute attempted murder
of myself. I do not make these allegations lightly but contacted a polygraph expert to verify and support
my claims were I allowed to go forward.  
The first act occurred on August 11, 2011. Mr. Smith either acting in some capacity of security, or
completely on his own sent a man into my hospital room at Naples Community Hospital to harass or
attack me in my hospital bed while I was waiting for lifesaving medical surgery. I was violently shaken
awake shortly after 5 am on the morning before the surgery that was to rid me of cellulitis that was
rapidly spreading through my body. A man with a thick beard was asking me repeatedly what are you
doing here? I was in the hospital.  
Was I wrong to be in the hospital, I thought upon waking?  
But I knew already that the harassment had been going on by then for maybe a year and I knew what
this was. Something in the man's face told me this was more harassment. Part of the MO of the “Gang
Stalkers” (for the sake of ease and clarity within this letter I will refer henceforth to the people behind
these coordinated attacks on my person as gang stalkers) is to attack you when you are somehow
preoccupied or vulnerable....  
The use of the word gang stalkers is a popular terminology in the vernacular of people deemed
“Targeted Individuals.” Targeted Individuals are, in my definition, people who are for whatever reason
chosen for intense around the clock harassment mostly designed to drive people to suicide, or to
commit a crime for which they can be locked away for, or for which the police will come in and
execute them.  
But the man in my room kept repeating…  
"Why are you here?"   
and I said, "Don't you know?"  
His tone was escalating in urgency. 
Was he trying to find out why I was sick? Was he asking me why someone as low as myself  
would be in a hospital?  
He made it clear by his body language and demeanor he was seemingly about to physically attack me
in this vulnerable condition. I imagined I would have to fight with this person with all of the tubes
sticking out of me to defend myself.   
He was dressed in a white sweater that made him look like a male nurse because he had to be able to
get in to the hospital. Visiting hours for patients had long been over and someone in civilian clothes
would be stopped and questioned. They chose the shift change of 5 am suggesting they had knowledge
of the hospital procedures beforehand. Maybe they just placed a call to the front desk and found that
out. I don’t know. He was obviously aware he couldn't stay in the room very long. There was an
urgency to what he was doing.  
To the outsider who didn't see what was happening one might say, well you were medicated.  And I
was. Or you just misinterpreted a medical assistant trying to help you. I did not. It was absolutely
neither of these things. It was an attack at the time of my greatest vulnerability meant to kill me. If it
was not meant to kill me, then it was an act of such disregard that it could have killed me thus placing it
in the category of what would have been Manslaughter. I’m not a lawyer and I don’t profess to be an
expert on law, so perhaps some of my ideas are incorrect. But there was premeditation in this act. An
act meant to kill me, or an act one should have known could have killed me. That is what I believe.  
Dressing like a doctor would have been, in my opinion, too risky. The gang stalker might have been
asked for credentials he couldn't produce or a question he couldn't answer. The clothes he wore
suggested (male) nurse, but they weren't the exact same clothes that nurses wore in the Naples
Community Hospital. I was in the bed with IV needles in my arm and in a very weakened state. That
someone would do this to someone else having life-saving surgery is tantamount to attempted murder.  
Again, I was already there for a life-threatening illness.  
They were interfering with my medical care.  
The man suddenly left.  
I reported this to the incoming early shift nurse who arrived shortly after 5 am. She appeared frightened
I would say such a thing and she hurried out of the room. After that night I left the hospital without the
surgery and opted for a longer-term outpatient procedure that was riskier than the surgery. I spent
around two months in this alternative therapy.  
I reported this at the time to Alan Weiss the head medical person at Naples Community Hospital 
at the time and also as of this writing in 2019. I wrote letters to politicians reporting this. I spoke with a
Naples Police Department Officer Tyrone ... who gave me his card which I still have. 

IMPORTANT – Please note here my first report date of these crimes to authorities is AUGUST
11, 2011. This is the first transgression by Smith that puts what he is doing firmly in the category of
serious crime against me.
The second attempted murder took place on August 23 of 2015. It was designed to be a staged
accident. The gang stalkers set up at a stoplight in Naples, Florida on the corner of Vineyards
Boulevard and Vanderbilt Road and tried to run me over while I was on my motorcycle at a high speed
with a truck.  
The way they set up is of particular interest because looking back in retrospect the cars that surrounded
me did not move like normal traffic but inched along to get into place watching and reacting more to
how I moved than one would if they were driving normally. There was a stillness in the air as this was
going on that I didn’t recognize until it was over, and I had time to go back and think about what I
saw. A tension among the people involved. But someone driving normally would have only minimal
concern or observance of me as I am just one of many considerations in that situation where there were
many cars. The gang stalkers in this were focused primarily on me is what I think. They seemed to be
setting up in a way to minimize collision damage to other cars who would have been innocent
bystanders from me. As my light turned green, I went. But none of the other cars behind me moved
forward. The one behind me did not move forward. It/They was/were in place to keep the
other uninvolved citizens away from the impact is what I believe.  
When the light turned green, I went to cross the street. The way the intersection was… The view to the
far left was obscured from where I sat by other cars. As I got into the intersection a person in a truck
accelerated quickly. I could hear the truck’s engine noise grow louder. It was clear that he saw me. I
was directly in his line of sight. For whatever reason, I didn't panic and accelerated quickly enough that
the guy missed. He didn’t miss by much either. Between 5 and 10 feet. I thought to drive after him, but
my motorcycle did not have enough horsepower to catch up with him. Something Smith was already
aware of. I looked back at the car behind me, and it hadn't moved. I don't know why I had the presence
of mind to notice it, but the car behind me did not move out into traffic at all on a green.  
I believe this was an attempt on my life by Jon Richard Smith. 
I attempted to get the camera footage from Michael  
L. Dolan  
Lt. Michael L. Dolan 
Special Ops 
239-252-0333/ fax 239-252-0329 
with the Collier County Sheriff and proof exists in this through an email that I sent to them at the
time and am in receipt of their response. Evidently, it is not legal to disclose this letter here. They said
they do not keep footage of traffic which seems strange. I wonder if this statement is true? 
Were it possible to obtain that footage the license could be traced, and the driver’s identity found out.  
Later that same night knowing they failed to hit me with the truck and with my then writing letters of
complaint to politicians I left my house to go somewhere. I’d pretty much decided not to drive my
motorcycle any more even though necessity made it so I did. Along that route, specifically on
52nd Terrace SW about 50 yards north of the auto store there, and right before Golden Gate
Parkway there was a particularly dark stretch of perhaps 100 yards.  For whatever reason they haven’t
lit that area for years very well. I drove this particular route to get out to the Golden Gate
Parkway every time. My daily patterns were largely predictable. I was determined not to let Mr.
Smith’s actions change the way I lived my life. As I entered that dark patch a car flashed its lights at me
just as I was passing. It pulled out from the side of the road as I passed. It sat facing the opposite
direction in the middle of the road. I think there was a sense of “we missed” on their side and maybe
even some panic about that and they hoped I would come back to where that car was parked and shoot
at me from there. That they would wait there again, to me, shows a high level of planning and
premeditation. This would constitute a third attempt on my life, but there is not enough evidence there
to make that claim.  
I wish to polygraph Mr. Smith to demonstrate his knowledge and planning of these 2 particular events.  
It should be mentioned that I know Mr. Smith personally having spent a considerable amount of time
with him as a child and teenager between the years 1977 to 1989. He's here in court so we cannot
dismiss him as a delusion. We know Navy SEALS go on to work in the CIA and other covert
organizations and we know what the CIA does. And we also don't know what they do. 
It should also be mentioned I anticipate Mr. Smith will deny all accusations and say I am crazy or
People who are being untruthful often have a hard time keeping their facts straight. Yet everything I
will tell you in person lines up squarely with what I’ve written here.  
Who are Gang stalkers? 
Except for Mr. Smith, I don't truly know who the rest of them are or where they come from. But I do
know what they do. And what they do should not be endured by anyone regardless of
their perceived wrong doings. We have laws and if there are laws that are broken the repercussions for
this should be examined in the light of day. That is a central tenant in American law -- constitutionality,
transparency and fairness. We are taught about the goodness of American justice from the time we are
young and we are brought up comparing injustice in other countries like Russia and China where
human rights mean little or nothing to contrast the value and quality of the legal system we possess
here. For years I sought to put this in front of people, lawmakers, police, politicians. I tried to deal with
this the right way, the legal way. Nothing was ever done. No one wanted to touch this. For years I
endured misery and what amounts to torture. For years I endured attempts on my life, or situations
where that appeared to be a distinct possibility.   
And knowing who the primary, initiating gang stalker is, namely Jon Richard Smith, is important here
because in 99% of these cases, I believe, the person enduring the harassment doesn't know who it
is committing the torture or even why. 
My case is different from almost other cases, I think, because I do know who.  
Jon Richard Smith is who. I lay squarely all the blame upon this individual.  
But when this all began in 2011, I had not seen Mr. Smith in 22 years. This is an important fact to
consider when asking why, if we hadn't been in contact for 20 something years, was he now  
filing against me in Collier County.  
Again, and in my particular case he used these taxpayers paid resources to try to drive a fellow
American to suicide and as I mentioned earlier, to attempt to murder me on two occasions. And by my
estimate thousands of other instances of harassment. And it should be explained that even as he is filing
this in public that as of 2019, he is still behind the scenes attacking me in hopes I will do something
back so that he can claim I violated the injunction.  
Closer to the truth about Mr. Smith is that he grew up a latchkey kid in a poorer family who were too
busy surviving to teach him right from wrong in both Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania (1967-1976) and
Naples, Florida (1976-1990) during the 1970's and 1980's. We went to the same elementary school
(Seagate Elementary), middle (Pine Ridge Middle School) and high schools (Barron Collier High
School) and played on many of the same baseball teams together. Early problems with severe
alcohol dependency may have contributed to his degeneration into the psychopathic sadist he is today.
He had 3 DUI's in Collier County before entering the military and it is, I think, highly likely he suffers
from PTSD today. He is the kind of person who would laugh at you when you were injured doing
something. I have memories of this.  
It should be mentioned that both of Jon’s parents are aware of what he is doing and if he perjures
himself and says they do not they should be interviewed. Mr. Gary Smith and Ms. Barbara Smith who
live in the Villages in Lady Lake, Florida are aware of what he is doing. I also believe his brother Jeff is
PTSD Historical Context 
And PTSD should also be in important consideration here into Mr. Smith's illegal actions against me.
We have no further to look than the news of the day, Ian Long, Theo Krah, Edward Gallagher,
Gregory Seerden, and historically to events like Mai Lai, to find precedents that add weight to my
claims that people suffering from PTSD are physically and psychologically attacking other people in
American society. It happens. Bad and damaged people exist in every walk of life. It often gets covered
up to the extent that is possible. People get scared and don’t speak out. Sometimes the things they are
doing are so bad they can’t be covered up. This is the case here.  
And I should say that I have respect for people in the military who do a hard job. My father served in
the US Army and my mother has donated to wounded veterans for many years. I want to make it crystal
clear this complaint is not about people in the military, but specifically about the illegal acts of one
It should be mentioned again even as Mr. Smith is filing these actions in court in 2019, he is
harassing my mother while hiding behind government and the Targeted Individual program.  Smith
brought my family and others into this harassment right from the beginning in 2010. There is also
further evidence Mr. Smith is tampering with my mother’s mail and taking her bills she is paying
through the mail out of the mail in attempts to hurt her credit and upset her.  He has sent people on two
occasions to walk around on the back porch area of her home to scare her. Jon Richard Smith has been
intentionally harming my mother’s health for years through his actions and this court case extends
attacks on an innocent person. She has never been arrested, retired from the David Lawrence Center
after 30 something years of work and has impeccable character.  
As an aside, it’s noteworthy that Smith filed the October 2018 injunction against me and gave an
incorrect address (1010 31st St SW) as to where I was residing, where to find me to serve me, when he
has been stalking my home for 9 years and knows exactly where I used to live while in the United
States. This indicates he had been dishonest with the court right from the beginning because he couldn’t
very easily say, oh yeah, I know right where he is, I’ve had round the clock harassment on him for 9
years. So he listed another address where he said I was or said he didn’t know the correct one and in
doing so brought some unnecessary grief to the innocent party who lived there who probably has my
name or a similar one.  
Mr. Smith often calls my mother and sits silent for several seconds and then hangs up on her or
has others call her and tell her there are problems at the bank. As I am writing this letter and as he reads
what I write as of 1-26-2019 he changes tactics because of the ongoing court action. He often turns off
our cable tv all day. Because he knows if my mother is called to testify before the court that she would
verify much of what I am saying, he has of late changed tactics in his harassing calls of her to avoid, he
thinks, descriptions by her of the same things I am saying here. So as of around 1-26 when he calls or
has someone call now they ask if I am there. Almost no one ever calls to ask if I am there for the past
three years I have been gone. Again, he harasses her in the hope I do something back so he can then
claim I violated the injunction. Mr. Smith understands that I have been telling my mother all the things
I put here in this letter for years and she has been living this harassment too. By my estimate there have
been over a thousand calls of this nature placed by or on behalf of Mr. Smith since this began roughly 9
years ago. 9 years of my life dealing with this.   
But these illegal methods of harassment he's engaged in against me and still others close to me are not
constitutional. If they are not illegal, they should be. They are tactics, I think, that were reserved by the
US government once upon a time for the people the government considered the biggest threats to their
establishment structure.  
For example, J. Edgar Hoover's now well-known harassment of Martin Luther King that has been  
proven to have happened. Over the years they have honed and refined these tactics of torture. After 9-
11 they made these horrible tactics applicable to a much larger section of the populous under President
George W. Bush who admitted as much when he said in interviews after 9-11, he was going to go after
the thugs. 9-11 created an atmosphere where leadership, I think, (if they weren’t responsible for 9-11)
said we don’t want this to ever happen again. What do we have to do to make sure this never happens
again? If we must take this radical approach where we harm anyone who we aren’t sure about… If we
have to become the thought police… Then do it. Bush opened a Pandora's Box though in that whatever
name you want to give to this targeting program, it was a poorly conceived notion with a lot of
potential for abuse and little to no oversight. It turned into something over time, I believe, where
individuals like Smith and others could settle petty scores over perceived personal sleights not related
at all to terrorism and avoid accountability in the name of “National Security.” 
What this "program" really is is state sponsored torture and has not been approved of by the American
people through legislation in an open and transparent manner. Various methods including gang
stalking (where numerous different people somehow interact in your life and cause some kind
of disconcerting disturbance) as well as electronic and phone harassment. It has been established
already through recent releases by Edward Snowden and others that spy equipment, back doors if you
will in the way of cameras and listening devices have been placed in the products everyday
Americans buy like computers and TVs to name just a few. It has also been written about that if the
spying device is not already in the product, they, the gang stalkers, will intercept the item on its way
from the store you purchased it at if it is delivered and place surveillance equipment in the electronic
device. They have a million different ways to accomplish their goals against one person who doesn't,
again, often if ever know the whos or whys or wheres or whens.  
The ability to monitor normal everyday civilians through these technologies in the hands
of psychologically damaged people like Mr. Smith in the name of "National Security" is a recipe for
As detailed in my many (100?) letters to Rand Paul in 2012-2014 at the time Mr. Smith, or other  
gang stalkers would do things like see me through the TV or computers in my home, ring my  
phone and as I walked through the house the phone would ring. Once I got to the other side and just 
as I would pick up, he would hang up. Or the person he had working for him in some capacity  
would hang up. Or I would go to take the dog for a walk and the moment I stepped outside  
a car would drive by the home at a fast rate of speed sometimes squealing their tires. Using military
tactics one time the car cornered me while walking the dog on the corner of my property and made it
look like they would run me and the dog over.  
Other times people will appear in crowded areas with expressions of pure hate on their face for you.
Still other times people will appear and just make it clear they are watching you by staring at you. If
you approach them they will turn and quickly walk away.  Sometimes men would sit parked right
across from my house with their driver’s window open for long periods. I’d walk up and ask them what
they were doing and they would sit there and not reply. Many other times people would set up on the
other side of the school I lived next to while I was in my yard exercising. I would get on my bike to
ride the roughly 3 minutes to get to the other side and they would always leave by the time I got
there. The intention there was to make you feel as if you would be shot I think. Many times while I
was jogging down the road a car or truck would pull up behind me and just trail along slow enough not
to pass. Smith has the ability to make people’s car horns honk. Many times when there is no other
person around car horns of the cars that are around will honk. It sounds ludicrous but read other TI
(Targeted Individuals) accounts and you will hear this. It is to keep up the pressure. Top never let the
person have a minute of psychological rest. Again it is a type of continual provocation designed to get
the TI to snap so he (or she, one stat says 75% of TIs are women) can be arrested, institutionalized etc.
There are different levels to the abuse. There is low level and high intensity. My research of this also
tells me many of the dirty tricks gang stalkers have available have not been used on me.  
And they mix them up. A car comes around and stops right outside your drive way and sits there. This
is the gangstalker vehicle. The next car that comes along is just an ordinary person, but you are primed
to think this car too is a gangstalker car.  
And life outside of their program can be erratic enough and it is impossible sometimes to distinguish
between what is deemed as gang stalking theater where they put on an "act" if you will and what is
naturally occurring in the already sometimes tumultuous world and spaces we occupy in everyday
life. To clarify, with the gang stalker theater they will use something personal they have heard over
your private phone line or read through your email. Then when you are out say shopping they will
stand next to you and talk loudly and in an exaggerated way about the exact same thing on their cell
phone while in an aisle of the store.   
This is known as “gaslighting” which is an attempt to make one doubt their own sanity. Under Florida
Gaslighting: Presenting false information making the victim doubt his or her memory and perception;
making victims question their sanity. 
Constitutes domestic violence against me whereby I again invoke the clean hands doctrine 
It is probably sadly true that soldiers overseas experienced these same things directed at them in
combat zones.  
Also, harassment in other countries and at airports. I’ve been singled out nearly every single time I
travel. I tell the airline people I am keeping track and won’t be using their airlines anymore to
the extent possible. There are names for these programs and many people claim to have been subjected
to similar things I've experienced. Please again see the links I have provided. Also, it would be greatly
appreciated if the reader of this would also do a Google search of their own on Targeted Individuals.  
People subjected to these day in, day out around the clock harassments from which there is no respite
who are reportedly from all walks of life including military people, politicians, dissidents, attractive
women, the eccentric, inventors, journalists, advocates and attorneys to name a few. I know first-
hand that this kind of organized stalking and harassment does exist and is ruinous to the individual as
well as family and friends who encounter it. The disastrous effects should not be minimized because
these gang stalkers kill people physically, spiritually emotionally, and psychically over time. It would
almost be comical the patheticness of the people doing this except over time they do lasting damage to
real people.  
Because they themselves are dead inside and will never be otherwise.  
I know many people are dismissive of these claims, but I do feel like the day is coming when these
illegal programs are revealed to the public. Programs that attempt to drive often law abiding citizens to
suicide through what amounts to constant psychological, quasi and sometimes real physical torture. I
envision a time when there is a watershed moment in the United States on par with the #METOO#  or
#TIMESUP# movement times 100 where people suddenly realize the enormity of what others like Mr.
Smith have been doing. Mr. Smith now is analogous to Harvey Weinstein committing crimes in the
shadows only one day to be suddenly exposed.  
This is the “Love Canal” of our time. A great toxic government cover up that poisons people for
generations to come.  That people could keep a secret like the one Mr. Smith has forever seems
incomprehensible to me.  
I sometimes wonder just what it is that keeps so many people who are gang stalkers quiet. How can a
secret of this magnitude remain a secret with so many people involved? The answer is some of it goes
through the FISA court that is amazingly enough not at all accountable to the American people and
secret deliberations are meted out on unwitting people every day. The penalty for disclosing what the
results of these deliberations are are punishable by 10 years in prison, so yeah, people stay quiet.  
Another answer is greed. These people are making money doing this. These are not arbitrary
allegations drummed up on the spot in response to the current court action in Collier County. I support
my claims against Mr. Smith with documentation that I can readily provide through hundreds of
Google emails through the years beginning in 2011 whereby I filed complaints against Mr. Smith
notably with politicians (Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Kevin Falconer, Kamela Patton, Daniel Glaun, Hillary
Clinton, Barack Obama, Chris Hall, William McDaniel, Barbara Boxer, Curt Clawson, Laura Glenias,
Bernie Sanders, Justin Amish, Mario Diaz Ballart, Glen Greenwald, Susan Davis, Officer Timothy
Pratt, Rick LoCastro, Naples Mayor Theresa Heitman, Chris Hall, Mark Warner (who appears to be
deeply involved at the highest levels in this program), Burt Saunders, Nancy Pelosi, Richard Burr,
Kamela Patton, Michael Murawski, Dianne Feinstein, Bill Nelson, Marco Rubio). Most politicians are
absolutely useless and ineffective.  Some may actually be involved in what I am describing. I
wrote military officials Eric Erdmann ( and
Christopher Goll ( who were complicit in hiding my complaints  
and punishing me instead through their filing of a FOIA report against me that was pejorative in nature.
I was interviewed over the phone by Marco Rubio's secretary. Others (Sergei Brin, John Thrasher, Alan
Weiss, Anthony Romero, Glen Greenwald, Ann Coulter, Ben Wizner) who I pleaded with over the
years to assist me in my claims and most importantly to get the harassment to stop. Local Naples
attorneys Sam Saad, Landon Miller and Wendy Mirada with Collier County Legal Aid.  I’ve written the
attorneys presenting this case for Smith who initially might not have understood the scope of what they
are involved in. I wrote the ACLU numerous times asking for representation. I spoke to three different
Collier County Sheriffs and Naples Police officers (Tyrone ?) (Cunningham?)
(Golden Gate, Fl substation) about Jon Richard Smith, but because he did not live in Collier County
and because of the nature of the crimes he was engaged in against me did not feel like I had a
reasonable ability to be successful in filing a complaint. I filed for refugee/asylum status with the
United Nations. One of only 4 Americans ever to do so. I wrote CSIS in Quantico, Virginia and the FBI
on numerous occasions and received no responses except one from CSIS referring my complaint back
to the Collier County Sheriff. In fact, because of my interactions with the local sheriff's office I felt like
somehow the law would be turned against me for reporting him. I’ve written to somewhere between 20
and 30 newspapers and sent this letter to them to explain what has been happening to me. I struggled
for a long time with how to respond to what was happening to me.  

UPDATE: 8/6/2020 As an aside, after the first trial and due to continuing harassment, I also reported
harassing phone calls to deputies Masse and Kehne from the District 2 substation in Golden Gate. That
new case number is 20-281326.
No one had an answer for me. Someone attempted to murder me, was interfering with my medical care,
and countless other crimes against me and no one had an answer. And even with knowledge of this
letter now the court has not dismissed Smith’s case against me and placed an injunction upon Jon
Richard Smith instead. The victim is being punished. Why is this allowed to continue? It is
my humble opinion that supporting court actions against me here is tantamount to supporting actions
against the American people. Other Americans are being victimized by these programs. Other law-
abiding citizens with no recourse… This is the height of corruption.  
Here in this particular case, it is going to come down to the individual looking at this case. What is that
person’s sense of fairness? And hope they understand that this is a phenomenon that will only grow.
That more and more innocent people will become “them” over time. Here is a chance to do something
to stop this. Jon Richard Smith is someone we can identify. Where 99.9 % of these people will remain
unknown and recede back into the darkness, here is one guy we can point out definitively. Here is one
guy who is most certainly pretty high up the food chain that a ruling in my favor would go a long way
towards outing. Smith and others like him, I think, represent one of the single greatest threats to long
held ideas about American liberty and freedom.  
Again, there are just too many details here for there not to be some substance to my claim. These
complaints can easily be verified. I currently work as a teacher and have held this position for more
than two years. I know what I know. I did not imagine this. I ask you to discount that completely as a
But I am a recreational marijuana smoker and felt this would be used against me to arrest me for
reporting Smith especially since Smith had clear views into my home through cameras around and in
my home in various computers and TVs I owned. An interaction I had with a Sheriff (Cunningham?)
supports this claim and there is more to that story were we to get into the details more deeply. NCIS
was supposed to interview me several times, but instead arranged for the sheriff to see me prompting
worries about myself getting arrested instead of justice against Smith. 
There is an unfair bias too for Smith right from the start here. Why for example is Mr. Smith, who has
arrests in Collier County not identified as that person filing this current complaint with the Collier
County Clerk? His filing makes it appear he has no record in Collier. 
These are two of his case numbers in Naples.  
From this we can infer he has had a past history of substance abuse and violence. Let me also shed
some light on why this case was brought at this particular time. The original Judge may recall that a
case was dismissed against me for a domestic violence case involving my mother. The report shows
that I threw a table on the ground and the report states there was no physical violence directed at my
mother. In fact, that particular instance was a direct result of the round the clock harassment I endured
because of Mr. Smith where a person sooner or later becomes short with the people around them they
love and care about. But Mr. Smith tried at the last minute to derail my attorney from having the order
dropped. How did Mr. Smith even know to file then?  
Mr. Smith has seemingly and conveniently had Judge Grieder, who probably was putting two and two
together, replaced.  
Perhaps it has already been explained to the court that Mr. Smith has been involved in years long
surveillance of me. If it hasn’t been explained to the court than the court should ask Mr. Smith if he has
been involved in surveillance of me.  
But how would he know precisely when to start this court case?  
He is involved in round the clock harassment and surveillance of me. And what is the basis or
justification for this? I have many traffic tickets but a relatively light record. The misdemeanor arrest in
2015. In 2001 my one and only felony conviction for writing what was deemed a threatening letter. In
1995 a Reckless Driving and several misdemeanors in the 1980’s. That is the extent of it.  
I hadn’t been back to visit my mother, who I love dearly, since I left in 2015 and he wished to prevent
this. He wished to prevent my being back in the US where I have said I would sue him. I have said this
alone in my room where he monitors my computer. His recent appearance in court is preemptive to
obfuscate and protect himself from what I feel is a lawsuit that might go my way once all the facts were
Imagine a life where this is the reality you face though. Day in and day out 365 days a year. Round the
clock harassment. No way to prove your claims. Innocent friends, family and significant others
harassed too until their health fails or they abandon you. No recourse. No one believes you. No one
believes these things are happening. My own life is in real danger. How can I get anyone to do
I took pictures of slander of my name on the Internet that was used to hurt my ability to  

In the first of my two letters I describe how Jon Richard Smith was using backdoors into Google to
slander my name on the Internet. He usually would post the defamatory material on days I had job
interviews and then take them down after it was clear I wasn't getting the job. They would go up and
come down at exactly those times. Please note the date. I was no longer considered for about 10
different jobs based on this. So I took a video of the websites he put up. I looked at other people's
names in Lee County who had been arrested before and even recently and their names did not appear in
the same format as is listed here. I actually never saw anyone and I looked at many people I saw had
arrests in Lee County. If you look closely the first link under my name mentions sex crimes, recently
released, pawned items, bookings today, prostitution, wanted, and jail information.

In 2001 I had a traffic ticket in Duval County that was not paid and that I didn't go to court for. Smith
hoped someone doing a background check on me would see the negative entry and search back there
and find the traffic ticket arrest which I turned myself in for.

Please note the date on these is more than 6 years ago. More evidence about the length of time I have
been complaining about this

Here are several links to those from 2014.

Recent news purports Google searches can be manipulated to show certain entries at the top of the first
page where most Internet traffic lands upon a search. This ought to be of great interest in regard to
elections, but that is another topic. I have kept these videos with their original dates time stamped on
them. Mr. Smith would for years listen to my conversations with prospective employers and then post a
link to an arrest from 2001 that was by 2010 to 2015 10 to 15 years old. This usually resulted in no
returned call from employer or a call back asking about the arrest. Shortly after the call back, usually
that day, the link with the damaging information would go down. This happened maybe around 10
times. This is still going on today (2019) just in another form where Smith has filed this fraudulent
action where my name is slandered on the Collier Clerk of Court for “Violent Stalking” where again he
initiated these actions against me in the first place. Remember I had not see or heard from Jon Richard
Smith since 1989 or thereabouts until he suddenly remerged in my life, for hire, in 2010 or so. It is his
hope still to ruin my job prospects, make me broke, homeless ect in this manner. He again is using
American taxpayer funding to do this. In this sense American people’s taxes are going to destroy other
American’s lives. For what good reason? How does this serve any purpose? 

Other harassments… As I mentioned earlier some things happen that are dificult to prove. Knowing
what I have already seen I would guess the following observations to be true. They may not. The point
with all of these lengthy explanations is not all of them can be false. I study computers on the side and
have taken 4 exams where I go to a testing center and at one of them two men came in at the last
In addition to this, I have retained the services of a polygraph expert in Naples, Florida  
with more than 20 years of experience in the field. I am willing to put my own money on a polygraph
test with Mr. Smith that proves these programs exist and I would suggest that Mr. Smith will be quite
reluctant to take the polygraph asking the following questions.  Should he agree I ask that the court
immediately allow me to set this test up. Other truth detecting technologies are coming online that will
aid me in proving my claims. 
While I can't show or prove exactly who employees him, I believe Smith, my illegally self-appointed
minder, to be a higher-level CIA, Deep State agent, or otherwise associated with one of the various
alphabet soup agencies spawned after 9-11. Part of a rogue faction, he is, I believe, operating with little/
or without any oversight or boundaries and has access to seemingly endless technological and
manpower resources and is completely off the public's radar. Even when these guys are caught, I have
read they have a person who comes around and quietly gets them out of whatever trouble they are
in. There are, in my estimate, hundreds if not thousands of other people singled out for this round the
clock treatment which amounts to torture of law-abiding citizens on American soil.  
While there is seemingly an element of mental illness among people in these "targeted"  
communities, I do believe it is true they are also being harassed. Their mental conditions 
is probably getting worse because of the gang stalking and all that goes along with it.  
Maybe the Targeted Individual program is just about money for damaged military people who in the
70's and before would have been confined to veteran and mental hospitals, or homeless. The US
military needs to keep recruiting and so much has been said about what happens to ex-soldiers. And I
don't know for sure how many of these gang stalkers are ex-military at all.  
There is a criminal element to this so... I will say at one point I was offered what  
might have been a first step entry into this program as a gang stalker myself. Again  
were I to get the chance to get deeper into the details say in front of congress or another 
entity that could do something about gang stalking I could go deeper into the vast range of  
horrible experiences I went through. I think military wannabes and even just felons/criminals can
become gang stalkers where they are given contract work to harass that perhaps the gang
stalkers directly employed by the US government don't want to do because they can be linked
somehow to whatever it is they are doing. There are cameras everywhere these days and facial
recognition will draw a match instantly. Some of these people, (T.I.s for short) claim electronic
weapons have been used on them and they go into great detail with drawings, schematics and lengthy
scientific explanations that seem to add to the madness of it all. I don't believe this to be true in my
case. That electronic weapons were used on me that is. I did develop tinnitus during this period.  
Many other times there has been one form of harassment or another directed at me by additional  
people working in some capacity for him where they act like they will run me over with their car while
I was jogging. It is hard to convey to others the things I was going through without sounding impaired
and this is what this organization of people rely on to do what they do; namely to destroy people they
don't like. My life had become somewhat like the Will Smith character in the movie Enemy of the
State if you've ever seen that. Even this guy's anonymous sounding name, (his real name) adds to the
seeming unbelievability of the whole thing. But he is a real person who has been doing this, maybe to
others as well, for many years.  
Mr. Smith entered me into some kind of program that basically deemed me a terrorist and used the fact
that I am employed in the Middle East as a teacher to twist the facts around.  In my 51 years I've never
been arrested for committing an actually violent crime i.e physically hurting someone. I am not a
hijacker, kidnapper, hostage taker or bomber. For years I reached out to everyone I could find for help
and no one did anything.  
Why were these things done to me? Whatever the reasons were, if there were any they should have  
been addressed in open court in the beginning.  
Do any of them merit my being killed? 
I understand this letter will probably be used against me. I’m not the kind of person to hide especially
when I feel I am right. I am going to submit it anyway in hopes others with some courage will fight for
the right thing. The right not to be spied on. The right not to be harassed by people hiding behind
government for money or out of some sick perversion to see others in pain. The right not to have
attempts made on my life where no one will know or understand why I died. The right to face a person
committing crimes against you in a court of law under fair conditions. The right to self-defense,
especially if the people in society responsible for your safety abrogate their duty. I tried for years to get
fair results in open court, or before congress if need be, and wrote and contacted many who did
What am I asking for? That is beyond the ability of this court. There is a much larger issue here and
that is when will these programs become known to the public. How will that come about? A secret like
this won’t be kept forever. Information spreads rapidly. These programs hurt and kill people. The goal
of these programs is the destruction of the individual.  And what about the people I told who did
nothing? How will history treat them?
But here I am asking that the injunction against me be rejected and one be placed instead upon Jon
Richard Smith effective immediately.  
We should all care about liberty. When it is lost society breaks down and cases like mine emerge.  
Thanks for listening, 
Robert Thurston 

Part II
Time Line February 2019 to October 24, 2020
Second Court Case: When someone is put in the Targeted Individual program it is misery for life. One
doesn’t get out of it unless there are huge changes in the country like the ones we have been seeing
where people flat out refuse to take the abuse anymore. And the recent Floyd George revelations have
been a breath of fresh air in seeing corrupt individual like Smith have to dial back their operations
under the increasing scrutiny of a public that is much more receptive to the idea of bad people hiding
behind government doing evil things to ordinary American citizens for the reasons listed above. When I
appeared in court in 2019 phrases like “Deep State” and “Targeted Individual” had to be explained to
the layman. Then the terms did not appear frequently in Internet searches but if you check the links
provided at the top one can see literally hundreds if not thousands of new people describing in videos
and writings the terrible harassments they have faced just in the last few months. Denial of the
existence of the Targeted Individual program then by officials might have been plausible. Evidence
makes cases. To suggest otherwise is ultimately without merit.

Now with the many people seeking to defund police departments and most certainly later the alphabet
soup agencies/military industrial complex... In this new environment where the world has changed
markedly since my last testimony. Where Smith has placed his business online for scrutiny and we can
clearly see his job overlaps squarely into my claims. I hope people hearing my case will come to a
fairer conclusion for me. Don’t you think I would much rather do something with my life than sit in my
room alone and write this totally depressing account of what Smith has done to my life? I have been to
54 countries and 36 US states. Spending time dealing with someone stealing my life away day by day
is the last thing on my wish list.
Despite my testifying in open court in 2019 about Jon Richard Smith he resumed the literally hundreds
of harassing incidents as soon as I returned from working overseas as a teacher. He did this because he
was able to win the case in court because… I didn’t have enough evidence to show his involvement. He
works for the same entity, the US Government, who incidentally is the same entity ultimately running
the court that we had the case in. He felt like here is a case he manufactured and instigated from the
very beginning and now that he was able to hide his involvement and get an injunction, he can harass
me and can do nothing to stop it. I don’t subscribe to that and I never will. Because it’s not fair and it’s
not right. I have only put up with this in the last few months as long as I have to get more evidence to
support my claims including recorded phone calls, police reports, videos and meticulous writings
documenting these crimes. I have tentatively secured counsel and have been invited on a journalist’s
radio show to give an interview about the targeted individual program. I have right on my side, so I will
put it back in front of the court again with all of the new complaints added. With my recent mental
evaluation showing I am sane the court with all it now knows, and all that has recently happened in the
US culturally, legally, politically and racially would seemingly have to admit my case has new and
pertinent information to be introduced that changes what the judge had for evidence to look at before.

So I started to document the names, dates, places and circumstances of the harassments and they are
listed below. This list is not comprehensive. These intrusions are so numerous I just don’t get around to
documenting all of them. Smith relies on this because he is reading my writings as he hacks into my

5184425869 crank call 340 Pm

Crank call 239-353-2256 June 3, 2020
June 5, 2020
Numerous crank calls from _
Crank call Smith 6-9-2020 about 2 pm

Monday June 15, 2020 with recent events including talks of qualified immunity gang stalkers not
coming in close contact where they can be photographed but still happening

10:20 crank call posing as Huma

2:30 crank call posing as Humana- Smith listens to what is going on in my home. I’m sure this happens
to others based on reading other accounts. I have a dog that I like to leave the leash off for comfort my
mom wants it on the leash in case the dog escapes. It’s something we argue about so he waits to call
when people in the home have a disagreement knowing we both know who is calling. Why is the
taxpayer's money being spent this way?

Tuesday June 16, 2020 called 1:00pm just as I’m bringing groceries in to eat to interrupt my meal.

Tuesday June 16, 2020 - Smith watches what I read and if it is an article that is scary will call right
when I am reading it. Today was reading about inmate who died in prison at hands of jail guards when
Smith calls and hangs up.
Tuesday June 16, 2020
Caller says nothing 2:42
Wednesday June 17, 2020 caller calls says nothing
920 am


Sunday 21st June 2:00 smith calls and says he will shoot my sister christy

Car waiting corner of
I see _ in car as it drives by point gun at me

June 24, 2020_ 415 pm called twice lawsuit has been filed

June26 255 pm __ crank called as (list com po

June 27 10:15 or so crank calls


Mom 29 June 10:15 car waits at far corner I’m running to and sits there for about 5 minutes til I almost
catch up to it than it pulls away

June 30 crank call _ 11:00 am to gg home phone number 3532067

105 harassing call from _ hile I was ordering groceries online

1020 Friday3rd July 2020_ use the taxpayers money and equipment to illegally harass I told my
roommate I was feeling a little sick this morning so _ calls in hope harassing me will cause me stress
and harm my health
3:15 crank call 
Crank call _ . July 5    3:53 pm

July 7 115 crank call supposedly about warranty of car smith calls often when I first come home and
am trying to relax. 

Crank call _ 3:35 pm 

Some things in my life happen that are truly random. Some are undoubtedly Smith and his severe
PTSD. Exactly how much is Smith? How often am I wrong in my guesses of whether this is Smith or a
random event. If it was Smith 1% of the time that would be too much. My guess is I am right about
90% of the time.

He may have sent cops to follow me around the block while I jogged 7:00 pm run July 7, 2020 possibly
random . I believe Smith works with some local police who are off the radar.

Call from _ claiming to be card services 652 pm. I have twice applied for the do not call registry.
Everyone gets those kind of calls. I believe Smith sends those kinds of calls too and hides behind them.
I think this because of the timing when I get calls that may or may not be robocalls often occur again as
I am leaving or arriving or doing something that has me occupied or tired. So there are in my opinion
the _possibility some are still robo calls or it is also Smith. My belief is it is the latter most of the time.

July 9, 2020 Smith sends man out to harass me while I was getting blood test. Smith has harmed my
health over the years. I parked my vehicle in a corner of the Walgreens parking lot at 7985 Airport Rd.
and 11 AM in a corner of the lot where there was no one,. Parking lot was about 20% full with no one
in the corner where I parked. As I was walking into my appointment, I noticed a truck park and block
my vehicle off from sight. I went back to move it and the guy inside said nice bike. My scooter is
unremarkable no one ever notices it. This is standard operating procedure to listen to my phone calls
and person he sends pops in to harass me just as I’m doing something important. Meant to harm me as
it causes stress when I am already ill.

1247 man/smith identifies himself as police officer asking for funding. I ask him to give me his number
I’ll call right back 
He hangs up 

July 10, 2020 11:31 crank call smith while I was waiting for return call from doctor. I periodically take
phone off hook just to get a break from Smith calling and poisoning the environment in my home. He
relies on this to make me miss important calls.

July 10, 2020 113 pm smith calls from account holder services  
Calls after I wrote a loved one an email as if to threaten that person. 

July 10, 2020 1:39 pm Smith calls with much frequency today as he thinks I’m ill and he’s quite
worried about my recent conversations with reporters and lawyers he illegally hacks into my email and
watches me email them 
The level and corruption of Smith using a lot of US taxpayer resources directed at me in a very
dishonest way simply to save himself from being discovered, sued, imprisoned and future wages and
pension/properties confiscated reaches high levels of criminality, planning, premeditation and such a
preponderance of documentation about these vile efforts has deranged him and the frequency of these
suggest his family has nothing to do with him as they aren’t spending enough time with him to counsel
or prevent him from acting. This suggests to me they fear implication in his crimes. Smith also calls
when he sees my mother is napping in the afternoons to hurt the sleep an old woman needs to remain

Sunday July 12, 2020 

7:20 smith calls claims to be the police asking about someone in my family. When I asked for a call
back number callback number smith hangs up 

1140 July 13 smith calls as I am waiting for my drs reply to tie up my phone while waiting for
important medical call.  

So I am in touch now with a lawyer and a journalist. Jon of course knows as he monitors all my
communications. I was in the middle of writing a letter to the reporter and in the middle of an important
sentence and he crank called. He has the ability to read my sentences as they are being written in real
time, which I hadn’t gathered until today. He will call in real time in response to something emotionally
upsetting happening on TV (news, some movie or TV drama, documentary where a murder occurred or
where someone is jailed for example) or maybe with something sad discussed here in my home with
my family. Of course I do not want to be harassed and Jon thinks this is the leverage that he has so he
will crank call one time after I talk to an attorney or crank call one time after I spoke with the reporter.
Crank Call one time after I reported him to the California state attorney as if to say this can’t be me
doing this Rob because now that I know I’m in trouble I would stop calling and so I’ll try some reverse
psychology and call right after you talk to people who can get me in trouble for my crimes. Also, when
I call right after you talk to people who could get me in trouble it shows that I’m not scared of being in
trouble because I’ve operated under the radar with impunity for so long how could I possibly get in
trouble? This is the kind of faulty reasoning that ultimately traps people who have grown very
comfortable committing crimes. 
July 14

Crank call from smith 1055 claiming to be from social security call came from 2392561234 forwards to
message customer service Message states if in California press 1 
Called police golden gate sub center between 11-12 Tuesday the 14th July, 2020 
Collier county communication center was told to call century link 

Called century link asked them to put trace on line 

Crank call 7-20-20  

Called Attorney General Xavier Becerra of California directly. 

6:27 smith claims to be from Medicare number 4078741200

Call it back it’s not in service.
When police respond privately tell them it's Smith 

Reported Smith July 21, 2020 to Collier sheriff awaiting reply police report number 
T20000520 is number of report 

Spoke to police asked for Phone trace was refused 

Corporal Morgan  3677

July 21, 2020 5:50 pm Crank call smith

July 22, 2020 10 am roughly and 2:22 smith calls claiming to be Medicare smith calls at 2:22 as I am
plotting out my 30 mile drive to Fort Myers to donate blood as if to say he will try to run  me over on
my scooter again.

2 police who pulled off before I could identify them show up in front of my house after I make up
funny song I sing into the open air in my room about suing smith for his pension and home I believe
smith has local police connection. This has happened maybe 10 times. Why wouldn’t a police officer
stop when he can clearly see you waving to him to stop.  

July 23, 2020 5:55 crank call again right after I talk to people about job 

July 24, 2020 930 am I wake for first time check cell phone smith calls hangs up within a minute of
my checking my cell and waking up. First part of my waking day is Smith calling to harass me.

With the virus Smith has become bolder at times. I know virus will eventually disappear and things get
back to normal and all my entries still  here 
July24, 2020    240 pm calls right after my doctor called to give me health information as if to say I am
trying to find out about your personal medical information 

August 2, 2020

7:17 Woman drives by while on my lawn and wags finger at me for no reason just as I am ending
Aug 3, 2020 3:16pm from 239-299-9216
Gave sheriff this Number he is on vacay called back says number not in service
Smith can see my computer and calls to interrupt online game I was playing just as I was completing a
5:30 call claiming to be from Medicaid 

As I filled out the entry above, right at the moment I started he called again from an ad claiming to be
connected to the number 8559972986

Always calls when I am starting or ending something not in the middle so I know it’s not random 

Sometimes I check the crank call numbers on the internet and these numbers are used to harass others 

I had problems with my AC and he knew and called to harass. 

I’m recommending civil suit if 10 million dollars and a minimum of 10 years in prison. 

8:15 pm or so car waits on corner of 49th and 20th in dark at stop sign not moving for about a minute
til I get close and turn on camera phone  

Delivered This Day ____ in Person

New Links Supporting Claims of the Existence of the Targeted Individual


Videos of Neighborhood Stalkers

Prelude - At this writing October 24, 2020 it has become widely known to people that I
have contacted in the Law Enforcement Community that yes, these allegations hold
some truth. That they are indeed receiving reports like mine from many others. That
historically, allegations in line with mine have been made for many years.
They sometimes cut interviews short understanding that the crimes I am alleging are
indeed going on in their midst and I think I sense internal conflict among some of them.
There is such a thing as willful blindness, but confronted with overwhelming evidence
the good or the honesty in them sometimes comes out. And this makes sense. It has to be
said once again there are good people working on the side of the law. They struggle
ethically with what some of their “co-workers” are doing in their midst. That is my
humble opinion at least.

And I should clarify I use the term law to mean anyone (soldiers, contractors, police,
other alphabet-soup agencies/entities) in the position to be connected in some way large
or small with the Targeted Individual Program. People who know through direct
observation, anecdote, rumors or otherwise the grapevine that the Targeted Individual
Program is real. That people they may or may not be associated with are committing
crimes against people for no real good reason. The truly ethical ones in those
communities didn’t sign up to wrong people.

So at this point it seems that coming clean would be the single-most honest thing they
could do. Don’t defend the people involved in creating and subjugating the Targeted
Individual community I.e., “the American People” to the misery they have. I would
suggest the good ones don’t tacitly accept these crimes through their silence born of fear.

Better to say yes, we have a problem here we can admit to and start looking at ways to
clean this up. We don’t want corruption any more than you and here are the changes we
are proposing.

Part II

Time Line February 2019 to Present

Introduction – My name is Robert Bentley Thurston DOB 10-19-1967. I am the author

of this supplemental letter to the court following up on Case #: 11-2018-DR-002475-
DV01-XX. For more information about me please see original document herein referred
to as HISTORICAL DOCUMENT 1. These combined documents total close to 40
pages. Please ask yourself why would a sane individual spend this much time with this if
it wasn’t something really going on. If it wasn’t something incredibly aggravating. I
have spent this time because, as I said in the original document this is an incredibly sad
thing for anyone to go through. If the true scope of these crimes were realized then
hopefully more discussion will lead to remedies that are appropriate.

When someone is put in the Targeted Individual program it is misery for life. And if we
are seeking to be of fair mind, we should be able to quickly assess who is a real threat
and who is not. If the intelligence community is trying to point at why they should
remain relevant, it is true there are dangerous people in the world. People who should be
watched. And I imagine it probably becomes clear shortly after watching them what they
are up to. The intelligence community has access to everything, so they should be able
to tell the public what the results are of their findings about people they watch.

In my case I have been harassed for over 10 years. I consider myself an objective person
and even though I can tell you unequivocally the case against Jon Richard Smith (DOB
2-18-1967, 1206 Pine Drive, El Cajon 92020-7251, San Diego California) is one of
amazing corruption, let’s play the devil’s advocate and try to give him as much credit as
possible. Let’s say he needed a whole year to look into my private life becausehe was
truly concerned about my being a terrorist. He’s had all this time (10 plus years).
Nothing. No arrests, no crimes. If you are going to put someone under surveillance and
take measures to ruin their lives you need to be right. You need to operate under a time
line where the case is either acted on or disposed. But Smith doesn’t do this in my case
because my case is not really about terrorism. Smith then, after much consideration, is
guilty of treason against the American people and should suffer the penalty associated
with treason. Additionally, he should face civil repercussions without the unfair benefit
of qualified immunity, and he should forfeit an amount deemed fair by a jury of his
peers in open court.

It’s important to remember these programs serve no real purpose. The individuals
running the program hope only to provoke the people they torture (through endless,
meaningless harassment as well as occasional acts of real violence) into committing a
crime where Smith can then justify his own job and say, see we told you he/she would
do this. They have no concern of protecting society because periodically when they
provoke the targeted individual into committing a crime innocent people are sometimes
hurt. Smith would actually much prefer some other innocent people to be hurt than to be
wrong because then it becomes evident no one really needs them. See Myron May
Aaron Alexis cases.
Have you ever known someone who was committing crimes and hiding them? Someone
doing really bad things who would never ever in a million years admit to what they were
doing? And someone who had become quite comfortable with committing the crime
because he or she is absolutely convinced that people are stupid and they won’t ever be
caught. As time goes by, they grow bolder with the crimes because they believe they will
never be caught. This is the case with Navy SEAL Jon Richard Smith 2-18-1967, a
person so arrogant he really believes he can run the Targeted Individual program for
dirty money without ever being punished all the while causing enormous damage in
mostly minorities lives.

In my particular case Jon Richard Smith is actively involved as a profession in

“Predictive Threat Analysis” and professes in his work website to have access to 90%
more secret information than the public which will help him determine who will commit
crimes. This essentially means he is using his crystal ball and his ill-gotten spying access
through the US government to forecast who will commit crimes.


Ironic then it’s often this abuse of power that cause people to act badly who might not
otherwise have. Yet, in our last court appearance together testified to being in no way
involved in monitoring me. Once one starts going through a checklist means, motive
opportunity... The potential failing of a polygraph. My detailed logs.

I keep waiting for someone in authority to appear and say, Mr. Thurston we are so sorry.
We can’t imagine on what planet this would be acceptable.

One doesn’t get out of the Targeted Individual program unless there are huge changes in
the country like the ones we have been seeing where people flat out refuse to take the
abuse anymore. And the recent Floyd George revelations have been a breath of fresh air
in seeing corrupt individual have to dial back their operations under the increasing
scrutiny of a public that is much more receptive to the idea of bad people hiding behind
government doing evil things to ordinary American citizens for the reasons listed in
HISTORICAL DOCUMENT 1. (See 1st Victim Impact Statement from Collier Court
Case #: 11-2018-DR-002475-DV01-XX May 2019.)
In this new environment where the world has changed markedly since my last testimony
in 2019 evidence to support my claims about the US government and the Targeted
Individual Program has new relevance. New evidence supporting my earlier testimony
that the US funded TI program is dramatically harming its own citizens physically and
mentally not to protect the country from terrorism but to settle petty personal disputes or
for psychotic people to feel a perverted sense of sadistic power over other individuals.

Again, let me say testifying about this in court is the last thing I ever wanted to do. I AM
AN UNWILLING PARTICIPANT IN THIS. but the daily intrusions are unacceptable. I
have seen mayors and governors rebuke the US Government’s intransigence in matters I
consider somewhat similar to mine and this gives me hope local officials hearing my
case will follow suit.

Continuing Harassment 2019 to Present

Despite my testifying in open court in 2019 about Jon Richard Smith the many
harassments resumed. Actually, there was never a break. While I was working overseas
Smith continued to harass my innocent mother with phone calls. Since my testimony
literally hundreds of harassing incidents and as soon as I returned from working
overseas as a teacher immediate neighborhood stalking.

In regards to these calls. They are often when I am talking a lot to friends or family
members in my home. Here we get into the violation of the sanctity of harmless private
conversations we all have in our home.

As mentioned previously Smith will call just as I am talking a lot. The message is clear
that Smith is telling me to shut up in my own home where my harmless private
conversations are certainly protected by free speech. Again, here is the waste of taxpayer
dollars from people like Smith who really contribute nothing of value to society, but
need to justify their existence periodically. But Smith will make the calls when I am
talking a lot. And not about anything terrorist related. More recently my private
conversations about what I think will happen with coronavirus seem to prompt harassing

I don’t know if he makes these calls to shut me up because I create such a long paper
trail through my verbose conversations and that makes work for him. I have no doubt
after all that reams of transcripts of my private home conversations exist in some secret
file somewhere.

Or, more importantly it shows through voluminous evidence that I was never any real
threat. For example, it’s a good bet someone going on and on about their future based on
a good credit score is not likely to go out and commit some kind of terrorism. And
incidentally, I believe Smith to be involved in a recent credit card theft against my
BBVA account. Smith’s offenses largely fall into two categories. Crimes he makes it
clear he is doing. And other crimes/strange instances where it remains unclear what
happened. Was it him, or was it a naturally occurring problem or issue? Why commit
uncertainty in civilians' lives? It’s just my opinion but I think damaged people like Smith
blame the American public for some extent for sending them into combat, if Smith ever
really was in combat. They are basically passing back their trauma to the people they
feel are responsible for it. Never mind they made the choice in the first place to join the

Smith is the worst kind of fraud. A cheater who laughs in your face while cheating, quite
confident no one will ever call him on it. And this could be you, me, anyone he feels like
doing this to. People at the highest levels sign off on this and then it’s all up to Jon
Richard Smith and wholly unqualified people like him to do as they please.

I feel Smith felt comfortable resuming these harassments in 2020 when I returned from
abroad because Smith was able to win the 2019 case in court because… I didn’t have
enough evidence to show Smith’s involvement. No one has enough evidence to prove
the Targeted Individual cases are happening conclusively. If they did Smith and others
like him would not even start to try to commit these crimes. When evidence is presented
its dismissed. The average person wields little to no power compared to a well-
developed, well- funded structure already in place with a singular goal of destroying
people’s lives. Yet, a rational mind seeing all of these people making these claims as of
October 2020 certainly could not dismiss the existence of the Targeted Individual
program as readily as they could in the past.

With the current structure in place I can’t prove Jon Richard Smith’s role in this and
even if I could I feel his punishment would be light.

I believe Smith felt like here is a case he manufactured and instigated from the very
beginning and now that he was able to hide his involvement and get an injunction, he
can harass Robert Thurston/me and Mr. Thurston/I can do nothing to stop it.

I don’t subscribe to that and I never will. Because it’s not fair and it’s not right. I have
only put up with this in the last few months as long as I have to get more evidence to
support my claims including police reports, receipt of government accounts/letters,
videos and meticulous writings documenting these crimes.

I have tentatively secured counsel, Ray Shumann

and have been invited on a journalist’s radio show (Ella Free) to give an interview about
the targeted individual program.

I feel I (and thousands of others) have right on my/our side, so I will put it back in front
of the court again with all of the new evidence and complaints added. With my recent
mental evaluation showing I am sane the court with all it now knows, and all that has
recently happened in the US culturally, legally, politically and racially would seemingly
give legal minds pause.

My end goal is to have the injunction dropped against me and a criminal and civil
investigation of Smith begun as well as placing an injunction against him. If that is not
possible then place the fault for this at the feet of the US Government itself and that is a
path we can explore legally in the future using this case as a precedent.

Additional Documentation

So I started to document the names, dates, places and circumstances of the harassments
and they are listed below. This list is not comprehensive. These intrusions are so
numerous I just don’t get around to documenting all of it. This is maybe 50% of all of
the harassment. These records can be matched against the phone companies records for
accuracy and veracity. The formatting etc. may not be perfect or pretty by why am I
even having to spend my valuable time with this??

April 20, 2020 man and woman waited in far corner of my block

April 20, 2020 10 pm Smith calls hangs up


April 24, 2020 while jogging cars set up on deserted street corner in van with license
number jwfx92/YouTube picture number

April 24 , 2020 crank call/ad he has access to. Smith will use companies/politicians'
actual ads and call you using their ads.


April 26, 2020 see image pic 2 man in van corner 18th court sw and 49th street

2nd mile Smith had other person pictured in pic 2 go home for day

April 27, 2020 crank call from Smith using 407 863-9560


April 28, 2020 crank call Smith


April 30, 2020 crank call from Smith about 10 am

Note normally I get a set schedule so my run is at 8 or so every morning making me

predictable so he calls today at 10 because his men have had to wait around longer to do
their gangstalking (Gangstalking to the uninitiated is also known as street theater where
a person or persons will come along and do something harassing)

Two trucks parked at corner of 49th street and 20th place (so easy to identify
gangstalkers because they linger where normal people never stop) while I am out
jogging. Most harassment I get is during my morning jog which is every day

See video 4 April 30 10:55 am roughly


Saturday May 2 black man white woman sent by Smith at corner of 21st avenue
southwest and 49th terrace saw about three houses south from my home at 8:50 or so


May 4 about 1130 had helicopter flying and stay right over my house

2nd time in 9 years

The wastefulness of this to harass a citizen who is a threat to no one


May 6 crank call called me grandpa 8773187147 is number used

I star 69 and call back

Reserved phone number for anthem was message

130 crank call from Smith 2398615953


Complain 1 on record Reported Smith May 9, to Trump, Cruz, Boris Johnson, and Rand
Paul citing Collier court case


May 14, 2020 left tape off camera 10 minutes Smith crank calls to let me know he can
see me


May 15, 2020 Several crank calls from Smith today 4:43pm Friday


May 19, 2020 crank call 2:00 in afternoon and at 445 pm from 5593153446

Smith calls right before he knows I am going out like to the grocery store to imply they
may try to run me over on my cycle again and he’ll call after someone says something in
the house like my mom said something like this coronavirus will be the death of me and
he must have some. Kind of the media call button because it soon as any words come
out that can be twisted around here comes a phone call.

Smith realizes that there’s no documentation of the things he does, but I have taken great
pains to document everything for the day that the program was exposed and I can show
in retrospect all of the crimes that he committed

May 19

Portal June 1

May 21 Jon Richard Smith/US GOVERNMENT changed tactics having cars no longer
stop but move by too fast to speak with

at corner of 21st avenue southwest and 49th terrace saw about three houses south from
my home at 8:50 or so

May 4, 2020 about 11:30 pm had helicopter flying and stay right over my house

2nd time in 9 years

The wastefulness of this to harass a citizen who is a threat to no one


May 6, 2020 crank call called me grandpa 8773187147 is number used

I star 69 and call back. NO ANSWER

Reserved phone number for anthem was message

130 crank call Jon Richard Smith / 2398615953


Complain 1 on record Reported Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT May 9, to

Trump, Cruz, Boris Johnson, and Rand Paul citing Collier court case


May 14 left tape off camera 10 minutes Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT crank
calls to let me know he can see me


Several crank calls from Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT today 4:43pm Friday
May 15, 2020


May 19, 2020 crank call 2:00 in afternoon and at 445 pm from 5593153446

Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT calls right before he knows I am going out like
to the grocery store to imply they may try to run me over on my cycle again and he’ll
call after someone says something in the house like my mom said something like this
coronavirus will be the death of me and he must have some kind of the immediate call
button because as soon as any words come out that can be twisted around here comes a
phone call.
Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT realize that with most people there’s no
documentation of the things Jon Richard Smith to speak with

5184425869 crank call 340 Pm

Crank call 239-353-2256 June 3
June 5,
Numerous crank calls from _
Crank call Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT 6-9-2020 about 2 pm

Monday June 15 with recent events including talks of qualified immunity gang stalkers
are not coming in close contact where they can be photographed but still appearing on
same corner where not a soul usually is. I have a logical mind. How can 20 out of 20
times when I jog past a certain place a car appears there. Yet if I hop on my scooter out
of the blue and go to the same place 10 different times and there is almost never anyone
10:20 am crank call posing as Huma
2:30 pm crank call posing as Humana entity listens to what is going on in my home.
Sure this happens t’o others. I have a dog that I like to leave the leash off for comfort my
mom wants it in in case dog escapes. It’s something we argue about so he waits to call
when people in the home have a disagreement knowing we both know who is calling.
Why is the taxpayers money being spent this way?

Tuesday June 16, 2020 called 1:00pm just as I’m bringing groceries in to eat to interrupt
my meal.

Tuesday June 16, 2020 _ watches what I read and if it is an article that is scary will call
right when I am reading it. Today was reading about inmate who died in prison at hands
of jail guards when Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT callsrambos and hangs up.

Tuesday June 16
Caller says nothing but stays on line 2:42
Wednesday June 17, 2021 caller calls says nothing but stays on line
920 am crank call

6-18, 21 1202 pm
crank call
Sunday 21st June 2:00

Car waiting corner of

June 24 _ 415 pm called twice lawsuit has been filed

June26 255 pm __ crank called as (list com pop any name used from here forward)

June 27 10:15 or so crank calls


Mom 29 June 10:15 car waits at far corner I’m running to and sits therefor about 5
minutes til I almost catch up to it than it pulls away

June 30 crank call _ 11:00 am to gg home phone number 3532067

105 harassing call from _ hile I was ordering groceries online

1020 Friday3rd July _ use the taxpayer's money and equipment to illegally harass I told
my roommate I was feeling a little sick this morning so _ calls in hope harassing me will
cause me stress and harm my health

3:15 crank call


Crank call _ . July 5 3:53 pm

July 7 115 crank call supposedly about warranty of car Jon Richard Smith /US
GOVERNMENT calls often when I first come home and am trying to relax

Crank call _ 3:35 pm

Call from Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT _ claiming to be card services 652
pm. I have twice applied for the do not call registry. Everyone gets those kinds of calls. I
believe _ sends those kinds of calls too and hides behind them. I think this because of
the timing when I get calls that may or may not be robocalls often occur again as I am
leaving or arriving or doing something that has me occupied or tired. So there are in my
opinion the possibility some are still robo calls or it is also Jon Richard Smith /US
GOVERNMENT _. My belief is it is the latter most of the time.

July 9, 2020 Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT sends man out to harass me while
I was getting blood test. Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT has harmed my health
over the years. I parked my vehicle in a corner of the Walgreens parking lot at 7985
Airport Rd. and 11 AM in a corner of the lot where there was no one where we shared.
Parking lot was about 20% full with no one in the corner where I parked. As I was
walking into my appointment, I noticed a truck park and block my vehicle off from
sight. I went back to move it and the guy inside said nice bike. My scooter is
unremarkable no one ever notices it. This is standard operating procedure to listen to my
phone calls and person he sends pops in to harass me just as I’m doing something
important. Meant to harm me as it causes stress when I am already ill.

12:47 p.m. man Jon Richard Smith US GOVERNMENT identifies himself as police
officer asking for funding. I ask him to give me his number I’ll call right back

He hangs up

July 10 11:31 am crank call Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT while I was
waiting for return call from doctor

July 10 113 pm Jon Richard Smith US GOVERNMENT calls from account holder

Calls after I wrote a loved one an email as if to threaten that person

July 10 1:39 pm Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT calls with much frequency
today as he thinks I’m ill and he’s quite worried about my recent conversations with
reporters and lawyers he illegally hacks into my email and watches me email them.

The level and corruption of Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT using a lot of US
taxpayer resources directed at me in a very dishonest way simply to save himself from
being discovered, sued, imprisoned and future wages and pension/properties confiscated
reaches high levels of criminality, planning, premeditation and such a preponderance of
documentation about these vile efforts has deranged him and the frequency of these
suggest his family has nothing to do with him as they aren’t spending enough time with
him to counsel or prevent him from acting. This suggests to me they fear implication in
his crimes. Jon Richard Smith US GOVERNMENT also calls when he sees my mother
is napping in the afternoons to hurt the sleep of an old woman who need her sleep to
remain healthy.

Sunday July 12

7:20 Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT calls claims to be the police asking about
someone in my family. When I asked for a call back number callback number Jon
Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT hangs up

1140 am July 13, 2021 Jon Richard Smith US GOVERNMENT calls as I am waiting for
my drs reply to tie up my phone while waiting for important medical call.

So I am in touch now with a lawyer and a journalist. Jon Richard Smith /US
GOVERNMENT of course knows as he monitors all my communications. I was in the
middle of writing a letter to the reporter and in the middle of an important sentence and
he crank called. He has the ability to read my sentences as they are being written in real
time. He will call in real time in response to something emotionally upsetting happening
on TV (news, some movie or TV drama, documentary where a murder occurred or
where someone is jailed for example) or maybe with something sad discussed here in
my home with my family. Of course, I do not want to be harassed and Jon Richard
Smith /US GOVERNMENT thinks this is the leverage that he has so he will crank call
one time after I talk to an attorney or crank call one time after I spoke with the reporter.
Crank Call one time after I reported him to the California state attorney as if to say this
can’t be me doing this Rob because now that I know I’m in trouble I would stop calling
and so I’ll try some reverse psychology and call right after you talk to people who can
get me in trouble for my crimes. Also, when I call right after you talk to people who
could get me in trouble it shows that I’m not scared of being in trouble because I’ve
operated under the radar with impunity for so long how could I possibly get in trouble.
This is the kind of faulty reasoning that ultimately traps people who have grown very
comfortable committing crimes.


July 14, 2021

Crank call from Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT 1055 claiming to be from
social security call came from 2392561234 forwards to message customer service Message states if in California press 1

Called police golden gate sub center between 11-12 Tuesday the 14th July

Collier county communication center was told to call century link

Called century link asked them to put trace on line

Crank call 7-20 11

Called Xavier becerra directly

6:27 Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT claims to be from Medicare number

Call it back it’s not in service

Reported Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT July 21 to Collier sheriff awaiting
reply police report number

T20000520 is number of report

Spoke to police asked for Phone trace was refused



Corporal Morgan 3677


July 21, 2021 5:50 pm Crank call Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT

July 22, 2021 10am roughly and 2:22 pm Jon Richard Smith US GOVERNMENT calls
claiming to be Medicare Jon Richard Smith US GOVERNMENT calls at 2:22 as I am
plotting out my 30-mile drive to Fort Myers to donate blood as if to say he will try to run
me over on my scooter again (SEE HISTORICAL DOCUMENT 1)

2 police who pulled off before I could identify them show up in front of my house after I
make up funny song I sing into the open air in my room about suing

Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT for his pension and home I believe Jon
Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT has local police connection

July 23, 2020 5:55 crank call again right after I talk to people about job

July 24, 2020 9:30 am I wake for first time check cell phone Jon Richard Smith /US
GOVERNMENT calls hangs up within a minute of my checking my cell. Waking up to
this and how that affects a person psychology
Virus will disappear and things get back to normal and all my entries still here

July 24. 2020 2:40 pm Smith calls right after my doctor called to give me health
information as if to say I am trying to find out about your personal medical information


August 2, 2020

7:17 woman drives by while on my lawn and wags finger at me for no reason just as I
am ending workout


Aug 3 3:16pm from239-299-9216

Give sheriff this Number he is on vacay called back says number not in service

Jon Richard Smith/US GOVERNMENT Scan see my computer and calls to interrupt
online game I was playing just as I was completing a level


5:30 call claiming to be from Medicaid

As I filled out the entry above, right at the moment I started he called again from an ad
claiming to be connected to the number 855-997-2986

Always calls when I am starting or ending something not in the middle so I know it’s not

Sometimes I check the crank call numbers on the internet and these numbers are used to
harass others

Had problems with my AC and he knew and called to harass.

8:15 pm or so car waits on corner of 49th and 20th in dark at stop sign not moving for
about a minute till I get close and turn on camera phone

Sep 29, 2020 Missoula mt 406-549- 1638

Sep 29, 2020 TPC Research

Sep 30, 2020 813-285-7248 phone rings and rings no answer

Sep 30, 2020 286-7685

Sep 30, 2020 number is not in service there have been at least 50 of these not in service.
Who gets calls once where there is not a call back much less 50 to 100 times in two
months average

Sep 30 3533761

2nd September 30, 2021Online Police Report Filed 2000383517

Registered for the online portal to report Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT and
started receiving a lot of crank calls (4) during that half hour registration as Jon Richard
Smith /US GOVERNMENT can see my computer

October 1, 2020

10:29 am 2020 Crank Call 232-5846 says auto warranty

11:20 am 904-645-2667

11:53 am 949-688-2886
October 5, 2020 Crank call from California number listed as 1-417-640-9481. I called
back and automated voice says number does not exist. Who gets hundreds of calls where
you call back and the number does not exist. Was having dinner with my mother
laughing and making jokes. Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT calls to ruin mood.
Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT can’t stand to see happiness in my life because
he has severe PTSD and is incapable of happiness.
October 5, 2020 7:00 am Burlington New Jersey 6099520066

October 1, 2020

10:29 am 2020 Crank Call 232-5846 says auto warranty

11:20 am 904-645-2667

11:53 am 949-688-2886


October 5, 2020 Crank call from California number listed as 1-417-640-9481. I called
back and automated voice says number does not exist. Who gets hundreds of calls where
you call back and the number does not exist. Was having dinner with my mother
laughing and making jokes. Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT calls to ruin mood.
Jon Richard Smith /US GOVERNMENT can’t stand to see happiness in my life because
he has severe PTSD and is incapable of happiness.
October 5, 2020 7:00 am Burlington New Jersey 6099520066
October 6, 2020 Smith calls 10:46 from 1-239-323-3646 Number not in service
Car parks on my lawn i go to see who it person says I am lost and drives away
October 10, 2020 Smith calls posing as my doctor from 1-239-312- 4903and asks about
my back as I currently do have a back probelm
OCTOBER 13, 2020 1-866-484-2614
October 13, 2020 Officer chiatta (check spelling here name is not correct) arrived and
took pictures of my call log
started crank calls just as washer was being delivered
october 14 crank call 1-412-785-0206

Oct 15, 2020

Smith Continued even as facing charges from DOJ report
I started to make an entry about willful disbelief which is basically how people don’t
want to believe anything that is contrary to what furthers their lives financially. It applies
to my case as people I report Smith’s crimes against me to seem to resist believing such
a thing could be true.
Smith often calls to try to interrupt that train of thought. It’s somewhat surprising with
all the evidence I’ve gathered and turned into officials he still continues to do what he’s
doing. He is desperate at this point because 99% of the people they do this to don’t have
an answer or strategy. Even if they did the target would have to be willing to take time
out of their day to document, and then have the willingness to show others and face
ridicule perhaps. I’m unique in that I possess both of these qualities so Smith can see he
has painted himself into a corner. He is seemingly the only person doing this to have so
much evidence accumulated against him. Smith shows high level of plotting and
dishonesty not to serve the public, but to further his own self-preservation at this point
and in the past to steal from the American people power which is not rightfully his.
Power not granted by the constitution. That the US government ultimately funds this out
of our taxpayer money is an abomination. We had to take our phone off the hook
because of the numerous calls from Smith today and many other days. When I am
expecting calls that are important, I have to deal with Smith doing this.

Caller Id October 15, 2020 Lots of harassing calls today from Smith
11:12 am 1-239-374-4360
11:27 am 1-440-942-6946
11:54 am 239-297-2910
3:17 pm 1-866-203-9560
4:53 pm 1-239-321-8139

Later the same day About 4 pm October 15, 2020 Smith is, I believe in communication
with someone in local police driving gray suburban newer vehicle that is parked across
the street. Vehicle is there as I get my mail. I go inside for about 10 minutes and come
back and just as I open door to go out to box this car suddenly drives away so I can’t see
who the officer is inside. This has happened before where whoever is driving the car
drives away quickly before I have a chance to see who they are because it’s obvious they
are there to scare me. Why? They leave before I can flag them down to see who they are.
All police have GPS units, correct? Isn’t it known where each police officer is and in
which vehicle at all times while they are on duty? Request position locators for cars that
seem to be participating with Smith and who is the officer in this location at this time.
Begin to identify these individuals and ask why they were there at this time and why
they drove away as soon as I came towards them to speak with them.
They are there for my reporting Smith's involvement in the Targeted Individual program.
So it’s evident Smith has a contact with local police who I believe to be ——-. Qualified
immunity will be an issue here in the future.
Smith usually only uses this tact (a police car whose driver moves away before I can see
who is driving) as a last resort to involve others in his crimes against me as a sign of
desperation. I believe it is the same officer or two each time because no one wants to be
identified as a dishonest police officer involved in what I am describing. The question is
who is he speaking with in the local police that is helping him coordinate surveillance on
me who is committing no crimes. While his use of the police in this way is used to hide
his crimes against me by him hoping I’ll stop documenting what he is doing.

Again, a polygraph of Smith should verify much of what I am alleging. If people are not
scared of the truth. If they are not hiding the truth. If someone wanted to prove my
allegations as wrong why not grant my one simple request to polygraph Smith using a
polygrapher of my choice to avoid collusion. If he is doing the things I am claiming and
people know these allegations to have even some veracity (because not all of my claims
are accurate and my admitting this actually supports the fact that I am an unwilling
participant in all of this and not privy to the true inner workings of all of what they are
doing. Just an observer trying to make heads or tails of this for the public to be protected
against this. Then why not end the speculation once and for all. In the name of fairness.
The American people deserve to know if their government is doing these things to them
I am alleging here. If the polygraph supports any of my claims, if Smith fails any of the
specific questions I have arranged for him then everything I have said in the past has
some relevance, some validation. How much will be determined, but any should be of
use to the American people and to the people especially undergoing this torture in the
Targeted Individual Community.

October 23, 2020 Smith continues to harass me, mostly by phone. This week I reported
him to State DA Moody, Collier District DA Amira Fox, the DOJ, and an officer (Chiati
sic) from Sherriff Rambosk’s office. I received a letter from California State Attorney
Xavier Becerra’s office as well making recommendations about how to proceed.
Tonight, I started to add in my links from video from 2014 where I took videos of
several instances where Smith used backdoors into Google to smear my name just as I
was in the midst of interviewing for work. As soon as I started to make this addition to
my report harassing phone calls started again. It is yet another example of how Smith
has no real concern for people or stopping terrorism but is willing to use the taxpayer
appointed position he has to try to hide his crimes. Mentally he is like a small child. You
know the one on the playground who punches another and when the other cries Smith
puts his hand over the other kids mouth and says shhhh! It would be laughably pathetic
except he is a sadistic person who likes to hurt others for no real good reason. Smith is a
person who tried to kill me twice. No laws are being broken by me is the mantra I repeat
over and over. And if this is true why am I being bothered? In the end it is the evidence...
The documentation I have spent many hours putting together (but never, ever wanted to
spend my time this way) that will convict and imprison Smith as well as open him up to
the civil suit against a person who stole the quality of my life for 12 years.
Meanwhile the crooked injunction Smith gained against me is still in place and prevents
me from finding work to this day as it comes up in background searches.
If someone reading this wanted to fix some injustice quickly the first thing they could do
is drop that ill-gotten injunction that punishes the victim, me.
November 10, 2020 10:30 am Vineyards Boulevard and Vanderbilt – Smith again
cowardly hides and sends people out to provoke me in hopes I will get arrested and then
he can say see here Mr. Thurston has done something wrong. This is the same
intersection by the way where Smith attempted to have me killed in 2015. There is a 4
way stop sign one goes through before filtering out to the light on Vineyards. A car out
of nowhere pulls up and skips me in the line waiting for the light. When the light turns
green the car does not move. I laid on my horn knowing what this was. Man exits car
and asks me how I would like my day to end. I live close to the Vineyards and often
travel through it is a major artery to get to the rest of Naples. I believe the targeted
individual program may have some person who works at the Vineyards cooperating with
Smith and I wish to include the Vineyards in my civil suit for the attempted murder of
myself in 2015. Coronavirus is at an all-time high now and Smith also wished to have
this setup at the stoplight jail me in a way not connected to him. This basically risked my
life, and if proven should merit another charge of endangerment.
November 11, 2020 Smith continues to call my house daily and often when I am asleep.
He tries to call so often that I will take the phone off the hook so I miss important calls
from my doctor or employer.
November 13, 2020 I’m keeping a running log of what is happening here. Again, why
am I even having to write all of this? It’s not my choice. It’s my last choice really. But I
will continue warning the public till the end of time if need be. We are in the transitional
period where we are not sure if Trump or Biden will be president. Smith has used this
time of uncertainty to crank up the harassment because it is not clear what will become
known publicly about the Targeted Individual Program in the coming months.

The Navy SEALS are supposed to be heroes. It’s pretty clear from things coming out in
the news that there are some people in the Navy SEALS that are really traitors to the
American people. Navy SEALS committing treasonous acts against the American
people while the American people pay for this with our tax dollars.
Here we have Navy SEAL Jon Smith acting in the most corrupt way possible in hopes
he can hide his roles in these years of continuous felony charges he faces. Because most
of the people victimized by these crimes don’t know what to do about them. Because I
am probably the only person to write in great detail the extent of these programs. Most
people are so traumatized by the daily harassments they fall apart. In my case, I’ve done
more to document the full extent of the crimes and I know who the person is involved.
The time will come when it is asked to point out just one of these people who we can
say for sure are involved in these crimes against the American people. Surely if or when
the public finally understands the people responsible will try to fade back into the
woodwork. Smith doesn’t have that luxury as he has watched me write this book on
what he has been doing for years. He understands that more than any other individual
the weight of this is going to be put on him as well it should be legally and civilly.
December 2, 2020 So the reader can kind of get the gist of what has been going on.
Thousands of mostly minority people harassed in their own country with the goal to be
driven mad, broke, destitute, homeless or into a position where upon continual
provocation the Targeted Individual lashes out and is jailed, shot, murdered etc. and no
one ever really knows what happened. This is the game plan of the Targeted Individual’s
San Diego based leader Jon Richard Smith of 1206 Pine Street, El Cajon. It’s a dirty
business for these sadistic people who enjoy the pain of others while they cowardly hide
in the shadows. Thousands of people worldwide going through this with no recourse.
Smith and others like him hit and then shrink away into the shadows and these poor
people they prey on suffer continuing trauma. Except I am a writer. And I’ve taken a lot
of time to document what this is while waiting for the day when these people are outed
and the full weight of what they done comes back to revisit them.
December 2, 2020. Hard to tell the extent of corruption, if any, local sheriff Kevin
Rambosk is involved in here with Smith. My opinion is Rambosk knows the Targeted
Individual program operates in his area, but he is essentially unable to do anything about
it without proof. As I am keeping a record of everything, I am for subpoenaing the
records for who was in the black SUV vehicle coming out of Golden Gate Elementary
school this morning at around 9:00 am. It was a woman police officer who made sure to
leave and get behind me just as I was coming out of my house. Again, I’ve committed
no crimes.
January 8, 2020 My mother became ill the and is currently very sick. Smith began
calling and harassing our home as soon as he was able to hear about it through hacking
into devices in our home. Yesterday he called with fake voice from 1-239-356-8155
saying he wanted to buy our home. The implication being your mom is sick and I can try
to harass you this way.

means, method, motive

This covers the period of harassment from mid-November 2020 to now, April 10, 2021. Please see the earlier
chapters of my lengthy description of Jon Richard Smith (DOB 10-19-1967, address 1206 Pine Avenue, El
Cajon) continuing torture/harassment of myself and undoubtedly hundreds if not thousands of others in the
Black and Brown communities that are his jurisdiction of Southern California. What you’re reading is the
blueprint for how he operates put into laymen’s terms. Murders Mr. Smith may or may not have participated in
during this time that were results of racism and the targeted individual program that were explained away as
something else than the Targeted Individual program include these two individuals

It continues to be my hope this racist program that mostly targets minorities will be revealed in a sudden fashion
with news of the program gaining quick traction amongst the public. Earlier examples of the MeToo and
GeorgeFloyd movements could provide the model for sudden revelations that go public and gather outrage. In
these examples and seemingly overnight there was a cultural shift and Smith/others committing these behind
closed doors and who had felt comfortable committing crimes for years were/are suddenly faced with the
prospect of widespread condemnation for their actions as well as financial and legal sanctions including lengthy
prison sentences, losing their pensions (los of qualified immunity) homes, savings, and any other possessions of

To get you the reader up to speed, I myself have been targeted for this program that basically attempts to get the
targets to commit suicide because their lives seem to have become hopeless. The Targeted Individual Program is
funded covertly buy the US Government and the CIA who divert taxpayer monies into the Targeted Individual
Program without any oversight or accountability.

As I explained earlier, with the Targeted Individual program the assaults and intrusions are committed often
daily and there is usually no recourse for the victim. Who are you going to report it to after all? The people who
could arrest Smith and others like him running are all part of the US government.

Most of all, the people targeted don't take the time to meticulously document the crimes. They just go on
suffering miserably. They don't have an answer for it. These writings are the answer. For me and thousands of
others like me. We have the identity of one of them. Jon Richard Smith. It is my hope that future litigation and
punishment will make a very strong example of Smith and send a message to others doing it that there can be
substantial penalties. This is the only way this essentially White Supremacist program will end. When enough
people know and when enough people ask Smith to explain his actions to the public.

So most others suffer whatever kinds of things they are subjected to without the ability to fight back in any way
or even know what is happening to them or why. And responsibility for this program goes all the way to the top
to the Joseph Biden administration. That is to say current president Joseph Biden supports the Targeted
Individual program.

This is where I am different than the rest because the entirety of what I have written in over 30 pages now simply
can't be ignored. This is the proof that is certainly the beginning of the end for Smith. I was directed by the court
to have a mental evaluation which I passed. So a sane person is writing all of this. Barring that it is all a made-up
story (and for what purpose would anyone take so much time out of their own lives to write about a person they
hadn't seen in 20 years) a rational mind would have to come to the conclusion there is some truth to what I am
saying. Then we get into how truthful and the case can be made Smith is leading these crimes against people.

Smith is on the Internet these days touting his ability to predict terroristic threats with his crystal ball, i.e spying
ability not given to him willingly by the American people. In court he hadn't yet started this business and acted
as if he knew nothing about my allegations against him. And this is important new evidence that lends credence
to my earlier claims in this paperwork. Again, Smith denies all accountability and involvement in this program.
A simple polygraph of Smith would begin touncover his lies.

Here is the link to that Smith’s site by the way and his information about his work in Predictive Threat Analysis

So, let's review. I am still making the same allegations against Smith as when I was in court in 2019. Allegations
I started making to local authorities as long ago as 2011. Would someone still be making these claims if they
weren't still experiencing the harassment I have been describing all along. Would I still be making these claims
since I lost in court against Smith last time and might be punished for continuing to complain. Would someone
still be making these claims if they weren't sure that time or technology was eventually going to expose Smith.
And understanding that upon that exposure wouldn't those who ruled in Smith's favor inevitably change that
ruling against me to a fairer one in light of new evidence?

Smith has means, motive and method to carry out everything I have described here

From the period of November 2020 to March 2021 Smith continued his harassment. Mostly phone calls.
Because I often unplugged the phone Smith used a rootkit on my computer that would pop up anytime, I would
look at information about how I might prove his guilt. Or since I cover the flap on my web camera with tape, but
take it off for Skype calls... The rootkit would always pop up when the lens was not taped over. He also seems to
be running scam calls that attempt to defraud people by acting as if he needs to receive their bank information
and it occurs to me that people like him are getting into others banks accounts and stealing money from them.
This is a person who worked for government for 30 years now remember. Sometimes the rootkit comes up as a
threat for example after I view obituaries in the local paper.

I have to say the number of cars following me around here in Naples dropped during the election period. Smith
sends them out to try to stir up trouble with my neighbors because they sit in front of our houses and my
neighbors, I think, think I have called these people

Smith has grown increasingly desperate if that is possible. It’s amazing someone so corrupt who knows it is just
a matter of time before this catches up with him will go to such great lengths to hide what he has done. He thinks
either this will go nowhere or he is going to get caught. Either way he will try to do more damage now because it
is all the same. Except I keep writing as much as I can about it and his new crimes might be the ones that seal his
fate because they show years of premeditation. It is April 2021. 11 years this has been going on. I read a man
was complaining that he was falsely imprisoned for 40 years and was only given 750,000 dollars cash in
compensation. One has to ask what will be a fair price for Smith to pay for 11 years of this? And then we can get
into who else he did this to, contact those parties and also Smith can be responsible for them. Smith might endup
being sued by hundreds of people if Smith won’t explain who else has been involved in coordinating this mass
program of torture on American citizens on American soil. It might just be no one else can be charged because
Smith knows to roll over on them will put his own life in danger. So you might have hundreds of people suing
Smith at once whereby he ultimately is made an example of. I believe Smith has deteriorated significantly
mentally from the stress of what he has done.

But here are things he has done just in the last two months. New crimes with new approaches.

I visited Tennessee during this time and he had someone sit out front of my residence at a four way stop sign
pointed at my house. Just sitting there. Occupants wanted me to know they were watching andthat Smith can
successfully harass me anywhere in the country, or the world for that matter I go and if I don’t stop writing my
documentation of what he has done I will always face this harassment. I will continue to speak and tell others
until the end of time and until the day I die in hopes Smith will ultimately be held accountable.

I had to change my cell phone after years of having it because he ws costing me money on it through the sending
of calls and messages. I Changed to trac phone and he was crank calling within a day or two of getting it. I had
only given out the number to one or two people.

He started calling in the middle of the night rather than during working hours because he felt there was less of a
chance of him being caught I think. Smith knows atthis point he is being investigated, but has to make it appear
he is willing to do even more because he thinks I don’tknow he’s being investigated.

Mom's illness – Smith has a way to communicate with me. I haven’t disclosed it because most people would not
believe it and it would make me seem less credible to disclose what that method of communication is. Once I’ve
proven Smith’s role, I can disclose this form of communication. But he made it clear through these
communications he hoped my mother died during the time she was hospitalized with a serious UTI that the
doctors were not sure she would live through. This is my mother keep in mind.

Smith started this whole thing. Again, I hadn't seen him in 20 years. He attempted to profit from his actions
against me. I am the victim in this whole thing. He used his position in government to get this unfair ruling
against me. And he has resumed his harassments of me while I have no recourse to get it to stop. He is damaging
my job prospects in this as with the current (and very unfair) judgment against my name it is impossible to get
work in the US in my profession of English professor. As a result of this I am asking the court to allow me to
drop my middle name.

means, method, motive

This covers the period of harassment from mid-November 2020 to now, April 10, 2021. Please see the earlier
chapters of my lengthy description of White Supremacist Jon Richard Smith (DOB 10-19-1967, address 1206
Pine Avenue, El Cajon) continuing harassments of myself and other undoubtedly 100's of others in the Black and
Brown communities that are his jurisdiction. That paperwork is included here too. It continues to be my hope
this racist program that mostly targets minorities will be revealed in a sudden fashion with news of the program
gaining quick traction amongst the public. Earlier examples of the MeToo and GeorgeFloyd movements could
provide the model for this. In these instances, and seemingly overnight there was a cultural shift and
Smith/others doing the wrong things behind closed doors and who had felt comfortable committing crimes for
years were/are suddenly faced with the prospect of widespread condemnation for their actions as well as
financial and legal sanctions including lengthy prison sentences.

To get you the reader up to speed, I myself have been targeted for this program that basically attempts to get the
targets to commit suicide because their lives seem to have become hopeless.

As I explained earlier, with the Targeted Individual program the assaults and intrusions are committed often daily
and there is usually no recourse for the victim. Who are you going to report it to after all? The people who could
arrest Smith and others like him running are all part of the US government.

Most of all, the people targeted don't take the time to meticulously document the crimes. They just go on
suffering miserably. They don't have an answer for it. These writings are the answer. For me and thousands of
others like me


So let's review. I am still making the same allegations against Smith as when I was in court in 2019. Allegations I
started making to local authorities as long ago as 2011. Would someone still be making these claims if they
weren't still experiencing the harassment I have been describing all along. Would I still be making these claims
since I lost in court against Smith last time and might be punished for continuing to complain. Would someone
still be making these claims if they weren't sure that time or technology was eventually going to expose Smith.
And understanding that upon that exposure wouldn't those who ruled in Smith's favor inevitably change that
ruling to a fairer one in light of new evidence?

Smith has means, motive and method to carry out everything I have described here

From the period of November 2020 to March 2021 Smith continued his harassment. Mostly phone calls.
Because I often unplugged the phone Smith used a rootkit on my computer that would pop up anytime I would
look at information about how I might prove his guilt. Or since I cover the flap on my web camera with tape, but
take it off for Skype calls... The rootkit would always pop up when the lens was not taped over. He also seems to
be running scam calls that attempt to defraud people by acting as if he needs to receive their bank information
and it occurs to me that people like him are getting into others banks accounts and stealing money from them.
This is a person who worked for government for 30 years now remember.

I have to say the number of cars following me around here in Naples dropped during the election period. Smith
sends them out to try to stir up trouble with my neighbors because

I visited Tennessee during this time and he had someone sit out front of my residence at a four way stop sign
pointed at my house. They sat there for several minutes while I was getting ready to get in the car. After I jumped
in my car they sped off. So Smith’s message is essentially no where you go is off limits for harassment. I was
1000 miles away from Naples. Again, we as tax payers spend money on this why?

Mom's illness – My mother was hospitalized at the Naples Community Hospital for several weeks in January
and February 2021. I was by her side daily. Smith has a way of communicating with me and threatening me
which would probably not be believed at this stage. But the threats are basically he hopes my mom dies because
then I will need to leave Naples where people are familiar with my case and go somewhere else where local
officials would again have to be educated on the Targeted Individual Program. And that this would go on all of
my life. Again, why? Where is the crime I’ve committed? Why is someone, a servant of the people and the
taxpayer, a soldier allowed to do this to other American civilians where no crime is indicated? I want to get this
all out in the open now.

April 6, 2021 Proof Smith is able to get into Google and change information as links he attributed to my creating
changed and the bad things said about him there were changed when it is most likely certain the website did not
cooperate with him.

April 12, 2021 – After speaking to Medicaid on the phone Smith calls through intermediary he oversees and acts
like he is Medicaid

I have submitted this last part of my complaint to your office today in hopes my request for dropping my middle
name will be granted. Smith started this whole thing. Again, I hadn't seen him in 20 years. He attempted to profit
from his actions against me. I am the victim in this whole thing. He used his position in government to get this
unfair ruling against me. And he has resumed his harassments of me while I have no recourse to get it to stop. He
is damaging my job prospects in this as with the current (and very unfair) judgment against my name it is
impossible to get work in the US in my profession of English professor. As a result of this I am asking the court
to allow me to drop my middle name.
April 2021 to September 2022

I am updating my information here to add to my past reports because Jon Richard Smith continued and
continues to harass me most every day while hiding behind the Targeted Individual program. He has
grown increasingly desperate, if that is possible, with my writing of this document as he sees it expose
many of the techniques they use. And with each new writing of this document, I tell more and more
This document is out there waiting to become part of the public discourse about civil rights violations
and he has tried to cause many more problems for me which I detail below. He also has employed local
corrupt cops Kevin Rambosk, Neal Bohanon and Timothy Pratt to try to provoke/set me up whereby I
somehow get in trouble because this is like the 1000th time they have tried these tactics. I hope the
public will take special notice of these three because they don’t really care about people/Americans and
their right. They will violate people’s rights without caring at al. They will arrest you not because you
did something illegal but simply to try to lord power over you, or deprive you of your right to a fair
outcome. Or to protect one of their buddies. They will arrest you to shut you up and that is something
the public should never stand for.

In my discussions with the DOJ I was told that the local sheriff is the leader of what amounts to a local
torture program. In other words, Collier Sheriff Kevin Rambosk and his direct underling Neal
Bohannon are involved in depriving law abiding Americans of their constitutional rights by illegally
participating and coordinating the Targeted Individual program through FEMA even though these
illegal torture programs were never ok’ed by the American people. The ridiculous, draconian tactics
they use would not be signed on to by the public. I don’t know if each county has a sheriff involved in
the Targeted Individual program. If this is something Rambosk thinks the community is on board with
than why not let the people see what they are doing and what they really have access to... Because they
are using technology and not sharing what that technology is with the public. Ask Rambosk questions
about the issues I am bringing up here. Better yet, relieve him of duty and investigate him for violating
my civil rights.

But In essence you have thousands of these brain damaged, PTSD ridden individuals running around
across the country employed in this secret army that seems to do little of value, yet we know firsthand
it attempts to destroy and destroys the lives of law abiding Americans. Having no choice with my own
personal situation but to research the Targeted Individual program so that I had my facts mostly straight
(I say mostly because again, full disclosure, I just don’t know for sure their secret procedures. I just
know what I have been exposed to and why I think they did it. Some of my assertions are most
assuredly wrong. But many are correct. I write them all down and tell the public. Let’s ask the people if
these things are ok.

At some point this ponderous missive will no longer be able to be ignored. People will have no choice
but to ask Rambosk in his public appearances.... Are these claims true. Are you doing the things
described in this document to people, especially disproportionately people of color. Why haven’t we
the people been told? We didn’t say this was alright.

So I just keep hoping that it comes to the point where enough people are affected (and I get calls from a
lot of these people as I am somewhat known in the Targeted Individual group). I plan to provide 200 or
so of these people’s email addresses. Contact anyone of them. Who would sit around and make all of
this up? It’s not ok. For the ones involved I will be making my case in court one day.

All of this was the logical extension of the Snowden revelations. Revelations that people like Smith and
others went into overdrive to try to convince the American public notions of intrusive, illegal spying
were unfounded. Why do we have the Targeted Individual program in place with public officials like
Rambosk illegally helping Smith and engaging in harassing members of the community who have
broken no laws.
han I will be asking for the maximum penalties, including Treason be charged against Mr. Smith and
that he will not be protected by qualified immunity instead being liable civilly and having to liquidate
and forfeit his personal assets to pay for what he has done in diminishing my quality of life and
violating my civil rights for more than 12 years now This period I am discussing here covers the time
from April 2021 to September 2022. Here I focus on 5 areas that were not previously discussed. New

In our court date of May 2019 Jon Richard Smith perjured himself during the court hearing we were at
to establish cause. He said he was in no way harassing me through any programs. Since then I have
come across new and important evidence about Smith and the Targeted Individual program that were
not known in the 2019 appearance these being:
1. Newsweek Article ‘The Pentagon’s Secret Army”
2. Smith’s release of his Linkedin page
which explains his job duties as a school security guard. Smith purports to use predictive
Threat software to keep an eye on people he feels might be threats.
3. Testimonials of others Many many more people have come forward identifying themselves as
Targeted Individuals and I have collected the emails of about 50 people who will vouch for
what I am saying here.
4. Increased involvement of local sheriff Kevin Rambosk and Neal Bohannon in running the
Targeted Individual program locally.
5. Polygraphs - I am requesting polygraphs for myself and Smith as well as his mother, wife and
6. Same Account Why would I make up this story for 12 years when I have absolutely nothing to
gain from it. I am still making the same claims 4 years after the original 2019 trial.
7. New Conclusions – Smith’s crimes actually make some people more likely to commit crimes.
Examples of Myron May Aaron Alexis and others.

Newsweek Article
Jon Richard Smith’s Linked in Page –
Smith’s Linkedin Page’s content makes it clear to anyone following this that Smith perjured
himself in the original trial. During his testimony Smith claimed to know nothing about the
Targeted Individual program. At the time I explained he had the means because of his
employment to carry out the kind of harassment I described
Testimonials of Others
During this time I became a little more active in finding and helping other people often targeted by the
US government for what amounts to torture. I started networking and am keeping a running list of
emails including

There are still openings for Group Leaders in many states & countries.
Group Leaders in 16 States, and 9 countries
If you would like to be a Group Leader, contact
We recommend Saturday morning, coffee shop meetings.
Targeted Justice is not responsible for the meetings, events, or opinions that may be

United States
Los Angeles Deb
Denver Rocky
Denver Mary
Naples Robert
Fort Meyers Susan
Jefferson Patricia
Atlanta Dan
Chicago Ryan
Champaign Derek
Batavia Troy
Grand Rapids Denise
St. Louis Megan
New York
NYC Gogi
North Carolina
Franklinville Spencer
North Carolina
Charlotte Jeff
Kenton Jennifer
Toledo Jacqueline
Quakertown Angela
Meeting: 2nd Saturdays at Panera
Rte 309, Quakertown, PA
South Carolina
Columbia Holly
Dallas Brandon
Houston TargetedJustice
San Antonio Sandy
San Antonio Devin
Salt Lake City Whitney
Republic Crystal
Sydney Jonathan
+61 455508287
Balkans Maja
Brussels Melanie
Winnipeg Lady Sherry
Nova Scotia Cheryl
Germany Ralf
Stuttgart Tom
00 49 1 520 476 8485
Hyderabad Minhaj
Bangalore Bharath
Spain Enrique
London Janette

Smith himself continued doing the things I complained about. When I finished my earlier writings, I
thought that would be enough to explain to people but Smith continued to cross the line even stealing
some items from my home in Naples, Florida putting him in the category of thief for the first time. He
felt that he could continue as the coward he always was but I just kept writing down the crimes he
committed against me.

The biggest development during this time was my idea to have myself polygraphed to prove the things
I am saying are true and then use these polygraph results to challenge Smith (as well as a several other
people I suspect of being participants in this program who have recently come into my life) I’ve found
the cost of the polygraph to be 500 dollars and above and am working on having the test to corroborate
what I have said here. I’ve continued to reach out to the California and Florida Supreme Courts, Florida
Govenor Ron Desantis, and the San Diego Distirct Attorney. I plan to write Judges for Justice soon.

I had felt I had written enough and really, it’s quite depressing to keep writing this document but Smith
continued on so I made more notes. This person and people like Smith are trying each day to take
things from me, (peace, my civil rights, money) I tell the other TI’s (again, known as Targeted
Individuals) take something back. Document everything. It is the simplistic gameplan of Smith under
the tutelage of Senator Mark Warner who runs the TI program and others like to first accuse you of
being crazy. 4 mental evaluations have all shown completely sane for me. The second way Smith has of
defending this government run fraud is to claim I and others like me are lying. This is why I am
proposing polygraphs for him and I. Perhaps the reader of this letter can coordinate that? I guess it
goes without saying but if anything, ever did happen to me Jon Richard Smith is the one responsible
and he should be polygraphed and charged with whatever it was he did. Finally, with no other place to
hide Smith will claim I am simply wrong. There is no other place for Smith to hide. He’s painted
himself into a corner. I can’t simply be wrong with the authoring of this document and so many details.

Smith has tried to turn up the pressure especially now because the Targeted Individual members have a
new attorney named Ana Toledo who is organizing the people who have been victimized by this

Smith had a person sit down in my driveway. One day I started to walk out my front door and a man is
sitting in a beach chair in my front driveway, He has his truck blocking him so you can’t see him from
the road. He is smoking cigarettes and throwing them in my yard. This is a person performing a
contract that Smith pays out on. The person will argue with you and try to upset you but when you take
out the camera or go to call police they will suddenly stop.
Stole my property from my driveway using my cameras
Shares information that is used against me

Jon smith list of polygraph

On or around August 2022 my mother was sick in the hospital. Smith works with Kevin
Rambosk this counties sheriff to have a police officer follow me for several miles on my
way to the hospital hoping to make me think I would be picked up for something and then
not able to help my mother during her stay and upon her discharge Hospital

On I visited a home in Tennessee Person at house here

Had to get rid of my phone from all the calls

Walmart in or around August 2022 man wastes my time at checkout with credit card that

Stole bag aug 15 stole my property thief

High priority polygragh over theft of my bag. Thievery by Smith is very hard for him to
explain or justify and violates military code I believe smith has stolen money on two other
times one from my bank account while in Thailand and once from my moms bank credit

Messing with my mail had my mail intercepted which were coronavirus masks
Broke into my home security cameras
Person Tennessee
Smith causing people
Smith has hacked into my computer and a Gray box pops up whenever I look at topics
having to do with him or with anything that Smith wants me to know that he knows I am
interested in
Today august 15 spoke with rand Paul through letter smith hates this cause Paul ran for
I contacted a to who organizes in ft muses she had a list of Tia so I sent smothstory out to
all those emails smith responded by having some woman in a van follow me and then she
acted like I followed her to try to make some disturbance outside the school because the
walls are closing in on smith since I re early contacted sd da, California Supreme Court,
Florida Supreme Court and desantis will send second letter to all shortly uses what he
hears in my home has hacked into my camera tv other equipment t so he knows when I
leave the house and the person arrives outside just as I’m leaving he has done this for
years and still doing it today

Why were you fired?

Did other members of the community complain about what you did with targeted individual
Once I report the harassment he stops out form of harassment but he has so many
different ways literally hundreds of different ways to cause a person problems

September 26 while preparing for the hurricane Smith listen to my conversation with my
mom and I room and leave that I was going to Walmart to pick up two cell phones had a
man get in front of me in line and then act like his credit card wasn’t working and The guy
had tattoos regular combat guy and so Smith has this person get up in front of me in line
and fumble around his credit card credit card doesn’t work.
August 28 day of storm hurricane in Naples Florida smith listen to conversations my mom
and I heading home about needing to get a hotel I went to the hotel someone was waiting
outside the hotel lobby asking me all my foot hurts trying to get me to stand out in the rain
Smith sent this person my foot has been hurting for weeks

Smith violated many of the rights I supposedly have as a citizen of this country
Take some time on these two below and develop
On or around ___ Smith worked with Collier County Sheriff ________ to intercept mymail.
It was the time of the coronavirus and Smith had local police take a package of masks I
ordered. They used the local mailman to bring my package to the police and opened my

Smith called a man named ___ Read? And reported I was trying to steal my moms 401 k
and that she was in danger. The dcf rep came ot my door and askede my mother a couple
of questions and quickly saw that he had been a victim of a false report by Smith and left.

Smith felony conspiracy

At bk out with

Tuesday, October 4 about 11 o’clock Smith has done this a number of times I have my
phone on me and he’ll know where I am by my phone and he’ll send someone out of the
blue just to run up behind me very close to my car and for no reason at all some persons
like on my tail so I pulled over to get out of the way of this person in the this person
suddenly gets out of the car and starts yelling at me oh this is happened many times

Smith began turning the power off in my moms room during the day

Who would put so many cameras in their own home as myself if I was committing crimes
from there I have 30 cameras in my house
Add in for smith uses my home cameras and takes pictures of I’m joking around with and
making funny faces for jokes at home
Person at house here
Had to get rid of my phone from all the calls

Stole bag aug 15 stole my property thief

High priority polygragh over theft of my bag. Thievery by Smith is very hard for him to
explain or justify and violates military code I believe smith has stolen money on two other
times one from my bank account while in Thailand and once from my moms bank credit

Messing with my mail

Broke into my home security cameras
Person Tennessee
Smith causing people
Gray box on computer
Today august 15 spoke with rand Paul through letter smith hates this cause Paul ran for
I contacted a to who organizes in ft muses she had a list of Tia so I sent smothstory out to
all those emails smith responded by having some woman in a van follow me and then she
acted like I followed her to try to make some disturbance outside the school because the
walls are closing in on smith since I re early contacted sd da, California Supreme Court,
Florida Supreme Court and desantis will send second letter to all shortly uses what he
hears in my home has hacked into my camera tv other equipment t so he knows when I
leave the house and the person arrives outside just as I’m leaving he has done this for
years and still doing it today

Why were you fired?

Did other members of the community complain about what you did with targeted individual

Once I report the harassment he stops out form of harassment but he has so many
different ways literally hundreds of different ways to cause a person problems

September 26 while preparing for the hurricane Smith listen to my conversation with my
mom and I room and leave that I was going to Walmart to pick up two cell phones had a
man get in front of me in line and then act like his credit card wasn’t working and The guy
had tattoos regular combat guy and so Smith has this person get up in front of me in line
and fumble around his credit card credit card doesn’t work.
August 28 day of storm hurricane in Naples Florida smith listen to conversations my mom
and I heading home about needing to get a hotel I went to the hotel someone was waiting
outside the hotel lobby asking me all my foot hurts trying to get me to stand out in the rain
Smith sent this person my foot has been hurting for weeks

Smith violated many of the rights I supposedly have as a citizen of this country

Smith felony conspiracy

At bk out with

Tuesday, October 4 about 11 o’clock Smith has done this a number of times I have my
phone on me and he’ll know where I am by my phone and he’ll send someone out of the
blue just to run up behind me very close to my car and for no reason at all some persons
like on my tail so I pulled over to get out of the way of this person in the this person
suddenly gets out of the car and starts yelling at me oh this is happened many times

Smith began turning the power off in my moms room during the day

October 10, 2022 roughly 10 in the morning car waiting down at the end of the road park
there a stop sign for about four minutes

Have had to get several new cell phones and he is able to start harassing me almost on
the same day I get the cell phone

Jon smith sedition

He’s making a living out of accusing others of things that they haven’t done

When someone with new ideas rises into the position where he change the world for the
better. The old guard will go through the progressions of; dismiss/oppose/discredit/make
offer he can't refuse/eliminate.
Hi make notes in my emails about things I’m getting ready to do so I don’t forget some
uses this planning to show up at the place I’m going to if I say I’m going to the store to my
mom when I get to the store there’s some kind of harassment there waiting for me people
following me around acting like I’m stealing things in the store I have an 800 credit score
and I’ve never stolen anything from the store

Check charges of defrauding government

Use above for quote

Polygragh Smith trick have someone aggressively pull up behind the target as they are
pulling into their home make some kind of a little stink there then drive off if the person
follows go to the police station and see the target was following them write about history
of following polygragh

Workin Newsweek article says that they’re trying to get big companies that work with
operating systems to allow features to be built into the systems that automatically do not
facial recognize faces of people in the secret army their case being that when I get a
Russian China they are picked out based on this patient recognition software but what
really happens is you have people slowly remove themselves from all responsibility or
accountability for things that they’re doing or they might be captured on camera

Create extra wait in some line

Local Sheriff Kevin Rambosk – I had written the DOJ numerous times and someone from
there (would take me some time to locate their name) told me that the sheriff in each county is
in charge of these illegal programs, the Targeted Individual program, locally. Again, as I have
stated throughout these programs overwhelmingly target minorities to drum them out of
society. It’s cowardly and illegal that they do this in private instead of addressing their reasons
why, if they do indeed have any, for harassing people whose only offense was not to kowtow
to some person's whim who thinks they are above the law, unable to be prosecuted civilly or
judicially etc. Throughout this letter I challenge Smth, Rambosk and Bohannon’s seeming
belief that they are not accountable for their work in the Targeted Individual Program. That
they can in secret and without the knowledge of common folk like myself deprive us of our
constitutional rights. I think they are accountable and at least these letter to you reporters,
politicians and others can at least broach the subject and question these three. Again, I seek
assistance by counsel. They (Smith, Rambosk and Bohannon) really have no outs once
questioned. They can lie and say they are not involved. They cannot reply, but that is going to
get harder and harder to do as this letter and document starts to reach hundreds or
thousands of people as I intend over time to distribute. They can admit the existence of the
program but face legal penalties from the US government for admitting what more and more
people already know. And at some point, what they have done will be indefensible. I imagine
they will turn on each other at that point and everything will come out in the wash. That is, it
will be clearly articulated, as it is in this document, the ins and outs of the dirty tricks

I have had to edit this ponderous document over 4 years never wanting to write it. But
it is the single best way to beat these people at their own game. They have wanted to
continue to harass me even more since I started writing this. But when they do I write it
down. I am a professional writer by education. Mostly Smith is the main person who
caused this, the person who submitted my name for this program, but Rambosk and
Bohannon have done enough at this stage to be fired and prosecuted. Increasingly
these days Rambosk and Bohannon do anything to me I write it down so they just dig
themselves in deeper.

And again Monday October 26 either Jon Smith or Kevin Rambosk /Neal Bohannon
organized another dangerous stunt to try to get me to quit complaining publically and
to the news and politicians about their continually violating my civil rights through the
targeted Individual program This time a car appears aggressively up behind me while I
was out driving and follows me to my house stopping in front of my house.

In the latest stunt they had a car follow me when I almost was home using my cell
phone which they follow me around through my cell phone. The car pulled up quickly
just as I approached the last turn before my house and was aggressively on my tail as I
pulled in my driveway. I pulled back out and followed the car for a bit to see if they
lived on my street as people don’t generally drive down my street if they don’t live in it
or the adjacent street. I have had problems with being followed around for years so
yeah I thought so had the right to see who was doing that.
Turns out the car didn’t live close by and as I went up to the police station to report it that car,
knowing where I was headed, went there. Once I arrived I honked the horn at the police to try
to get their attention as they are talking to the car in question already by this point. I am pretty
sure the Rambosk/Bohannon had this person follow me aggressively into my driveway or else
it was Smith telling them too as the police officer at the station even mentions smith.Again,
Smith started involving others to take some of the heat of himself. So other corrupt poice
officers participate. I am just one guy without all of these resources but I know what they are
doing is wrong and that they are doing it without the public’s knowledge.

Stop for a second and think if everyone were to read this and then vote on whether violating
people’s civil rights for years in an organized way is what they want. I think most Americans
would not want this.
ReplyReply allForward
Emails list politicians, reporters, news outlets,

January 20, 2023

So this is still going on. Primarily Jon Richard Smith harassing me. Last night when I went to
sleep Smith of course knows when this is. So I look at my video this morning and between 12
and 1:30 a.m the same black truck pulls up in front of my house and leaves. Here are the
links. Meant to scare me but I just was not born with much fear. I was born with a ton of
determination to go after people, in court legally, who violate my civil rights. I’ll never ever stop
until this is made right legally. So mostly Smith and Bohannon and Rambosk also still
harassing me. I’ve told the Board of County Commissioners about Rambosk and Bohannon. I
think they may believe me. Who writes all of this if they aren’t going through something. I
include polygraph experts in my emails. I have started emailing 10’s of people in government,
law enforcement, lawyers, other Targeted Individuals and plain folk.

So I am still gathering evidence. Here are the two harassing video links.

Same vehicle pulling in twice to my house exactly 30 minutes apart. Right after I go to sleep. I
have literally 30 cameras up around my house which he has hacked into and knows when I
go to sleep. Jon Richard Smith 1206 Pine Avenue, Grossmont, El Cajon California is ordering
this address is ordering this. Let this be one of the polygraph questions for Smith. As I rack up
the many different scenarios and provide evidence one day hopefully Smith will be in the
polygraph (or a machine that exceeds the polygraph) and I can prove he did these things by
myself taking the polygraph showing at least I believe I am telling the truth (I get some things
wrong, but I am not wrong ion saying Smith is doing some/many of these things). Smith will
remember he order this or did that and that is going to be pretty convincing evidence if Smith
continues to maintain he has done nothing.

So the Targeted Individual Lawsuit is going forward. It can be found on Federal Government
website Pacer and

Literally thousands of people now complaining about similar targeting. Remember these
programs designed to target Americans without due legal process were not passed by the
American people. People like Smith, Rambosk and Bohannon conspired with each other to try
to find all these ways to deprive people of their civil rights. Now with the suit in court and the
suit itself very articulate in describing the things these cowards have been doing. Let a jury of
our peers decide. Let the American people finally see what Smith has been up to. I don’t think
it will go well in the future for Smith. I am personally asking he serve a life sentence in prison
and that he foregoes all of his possessions in a civil suit that strips him of his qualified
immunity. Here is a list still of other things I believe he does. Some may be wrong, but some
are not. He flies a spy plane directly over my house every day. And I mean literally every day.
Often more than once. Usually if I am out enjoying peace in my yard it won’t be 10 minutes
before I hear the engine. He makes it sputter loudly. The sheriffs also fly their helicopter
whenever I go out He caused our home phone number we had for 30 years to no longer work.
Sprint out to fix 7 or 8 different times. We had to give up on the landline because they were
still charging us. He switches the stop lights so that mine are often red or turning red. They
have something with the sirens and here is where Smith coordinates with local police or
firemen. They will know I am about to leave the house for something. I tell my mother who I
am the caretaker for and so they set up a block or two away and I have my cell phone on me.
The cell phone is precise enough they know where in the house it is so they know the
moment I am actually opening the door. So within 5 seconds of opening the door the sirens
go on. Or exactly when I walk out the door from the gym, a restaurant or the movies. Maybe
once or twice but statistically when it is happening every day at the exact same moments. It
sounds insane. It’s meant to make me look insane. But it is Smith with his PTSD and born
with psychological problems. And it’s not just Smith but thousands of others Smith employs.

Again, there is a real Jon Smith.
I am aware my story sounds ludicrous. This is their plan. These are damaged people,
criminals hiding in the government using the unwitting taxpayer’s dollar to attack fellow
Americans for their own monetary gain which makes these people the lowest scumbags there
are. They will do this to you given the chance. Stop them before they get that far. If you can
fire them replace them and train their replacements to do better.

I also got my mom a new flip phone pay as you go. Less technology than less ability for Smith
to harass her right? Wrong. Smith turns on the Amber Alert when she is sleeping so now I
have to take her phone out of her room when she is sleeping. If you haven’t heard the Amber
Alert it is jarring.

Smith tries to prevent me from hardening my security system. If I am putting up a new camera
he has something fly over or the sirens set up.

Part of the upcoming lawsuit I file when I finally get a lawyer that understands will be against
Collier County. Specifically, Police, Fire Department and US Mail. I think I mentioned that for
years the mail man also followed me every where in his truck. The Fire Department put the
guy in next door which is wrapped up in this whole thing.

So if you are still reading all of this. It’s important you believe me. There are several camps
out there.

I ask myself if you truly don’t believe me at this point why? Maybe you do believe me and just
don’t care or think I deserve it somehow. Ok let’s examine those people. You think essentially
it is ok for forces which we have not given this power to to extrajudicially decide how to mete
out justice. You trust them and they should independently be able to harass in any way they
see fit people who are often not criminally charged with anything? If that is you than whew!
That’s a bad spot to be in. Don’t look for anyone to help you in the future. Sadly, there might
be a lot of these people.

If you don’t believe me at this point why? I’ve invited and included polygraph people in these
letters. I’ve taken 4 mental evaluations all fine. I am not an attention seeker, but I am not
going to put up with Smith and the harassment in my life without writing it all down and telling

Another camp is those who do believe me and don’t want it to happen to them. I get that.
They think, I think at least, what could I the individual do? I’ve worked hard to get where I am.

Another camp is you don’t believe it, but if you did you would be seeking legal justice for me
and others like me.

These are my demographics.

So yeah, it is 2023 and I am still dealing with Smith’s daily harassments. I’ve written so many people.
Literally over a thousand people. The Targeted Individual lawsuit in Texas is causing a lot of people to
worry because a lot of people took dirty money to be involved in this very unAmerican enterprise. The
wholesale torture of certain Americans without due process of law where their civil rights were
intentionally and in a very organized way trampled. These people are around us. We can name them
and let them be held accountable. The ones like Smith who are so arrogant as to believe they qare
above the law.
On February 20 Smith had someone call me from 727-610-5071.

Notice the level of detail through this. The links, the numbers, the other real people’s email addresses,
the videos. The duration. He and they are doing this. I can and have proved it. A current national case is
seeking hundreds of millions.

I didn’t ask for this. It was forced on me. It is amazingly enough even with all my writings and what is
going on in court, still STILL happening to me.

I have begun to compile a debt registry is what I call it. Each time a new violation from Smith,
Rambosk or Bohannon I add an extra 20 to 200,000 dollars. This is what I am going to ask for if I can
get my case to court. Here is where Smith drove up on my lawn twice while I was sleeping. I am asking
for 400,000 in compensation just for that act. If any of you are financing the entities I am describing
here you bear responsibility for their actions. Bear responsibility to others you’ve involved in this.

These 3 men believe the law doesn’t apply to them. They believe they are above the law.

Upton Sinclair said it was difficult to get as man to understand something when his salary depends on
him not understanding it and this quote so succinctly sums up what is happening with the Targeted
Individual program. People’s lives and freedoms increasingly sold off like they were a product to buy.

You’d think Smith would say. Wow they have a lawsuit that is making this public. There’s no denying
really this is happening. In today’s environment it’s really not so unbelievable to understand this is
happening. And so this is wrong and there should be penalties to pay.

Other things I think Smith does. He turns off our Internet from time to time.

I think we’re seeing an exodus out of the police department and the people who still want to be police
after coronavirus and drugs like carfentanyl are gun nuts or control freaks. Police don’t seem to be
trained nearly as well. Are they coming out of police academies still? It seems like a soldier comes
home and goes right into being a cop. Never mind that they are not qualified. Community policing had
to go way downhill in order for the Targeted Individual program to work.

Smith stole more things out of my yard by waiting until several short periods of time when he knew he
disabled my camera. Things happen in life coincidentally but when statistically unusual things happen
all the time. This is part of the gaslighting they do.

I also want to reiterate again that the Targeted Individual program… They don’t catch real terrorists
with this program. They have however angered a couple people we know about and probably some we
don’t to actually go out and take some kind of action for being forced into the Targeted Individual
Program. Like Myron May and Aaron Alexis. Certainly others. These programs cause some people to
lash out which is the opposite reaction that apologists for this program would seemingly want. The
truth is the people running the Targeted Individual program are dangerous and they care nothing about
people. It’s all about money and power to them. But what they are doing is criminal, pointless and just
making a bad situation worse. Is that the outcome we want for each other?
Another thing Smith continues to do is go into Google to slander my name even today March 1, 2023.
It might seem pathetic to keep mentioning I only have one misdemeanor arrest conviction for
ANYTHING in the last 22 years. Insert video link here (Use this video in DOJ letter) You can see
searching ANY other person with or without a police record that this block of “Related Searches” does
not yield results like these. The fact I am the only one you can find something like this for proves what
I have been saying and that Smith has slandered my name and cost me literally thousands of dollars in
lost job opportunities for which he must repay this loss.

So there is a very simple way at this point to prove that Navy SEAL Jon Richard Smith is responsible
for the claims I am making against him. My case is different than many others in that I know who is
involved in doing this to me. And I wrote it all down. There are 13 years of points of reference. Smith
knows he did these things. I know he did these things. So we get 5 different polygraph tests with
different polygraphers. I focus on the 10 events that were most traumatic. 10 events Smith is certainly
aware of because… Well because he is one of the leaders of the program that Targets Americans (the
Targeted Individual program) This form of questioning should satisfy everyone I am telling the truth. If
Smith fails with 5 different polygraphers and I pass with each of them for the 10 events listed below…
How could you come to any other conclusion than I am telling the truth and Smith is lying. There is a
second person in here Collier Sheriff Kevin Rambosk. He can be polygraphed and he’ll fail these tests
or tell the truth about why he did what he did to me. Between all three of us I think the truth will
become quite clear. Let’s say we finally come to the conclusion everything I said here was true. Or
much of it turned out to be correct because remember I know some of what I think here is wrong. A
crazy person wouldn’t offer that up. Why am I wrong in some instances? Because as I explained earlier,
it is by design that the harassment they inflict be such that a person reporting it looks crazy. There is a
way in my case we can get to the truth. And in the end isn’t that what we are really concerned with?

So I list these 20 events

1. Were you responsible for hospital event as I described?
2. Intersection assassination attempt on my motorcycle?
3. Have you been flying drones over my home?
4. Do you coordinate with local police to follow me?
5. Did you slander my name on Google?
6. Did you steal boxing equipment off my front lawn?
7. Did you have airport people in different countries harass me while going through the airport?

Questions for Rambosk

Date March 13, 2023

I spent an hour today writing about the latest updates and had to run to the post office for something.
Just as I am pulling out of my driveway a police car comes up at about 1:15 p.m. This again is a
common tactic. Use my phone to harass me. I beeped my horn politely as if to say hello and the cop
stopped and started telling me she could get me in trouble for honking my horn. So again police
harassing me. As I started to drive away a second police car whose license was close to zr157 pulled up
quickly as if to say, this is no coincidence, we are here to harass you for reporting the dishonest things
we are doing to the public. For reporting our crimes. We have nothing on you because I know I’ve done
nothing. That is how pathetic, weak, corrupt cowardly and lame Kevin Rambosk and Neal Bohannon
are. They are still trying to provoke me so they can arrest me. Not for anything I have done but for
telling people about them. For today’s violation of my rights I added 500,000 dollars on to the total that
I will be asking from Rambosk in civil court and 500,000 from Bohannon. I have increased the
amounts because they are well aware of my repeated complaints about what they are doing. They feel
the law does not apply to them. Smith, Rambsok and Bohannon think they are above the law. They are
not. We don’t arrest or harass people in this country because you don’t like it that I am telling the public
about the ways they are violating my and others civil rights. I am close to giving my presentation for
the board of County Commissioners and the public over closed circuit TV. Here I will be asking for
Rambosk’s and Bohannnons firing. I hope the community will stand behind me.

Rambosk questions on 3-13-23did you send a female police officer to harass me as I was driving from
my home
Bohannon questions for polygragh
3-13 did you send a female police officer to harass me as I was driving from my home

March 14, 2023

I have been amassing the emails of attorneys, politicians, other targeted individuals who identify as
such, police, FBI, DOJ, and reporters. I know I have right on my side. I know the community needs to
know Smith, Bohannon and Rambosk and others are employed… Who are practicing modern day
policing with the end goal to destroy individuals lives. And what does the community think of that
especially when they can see it could happen to them.

I should mention I spoke with one of the local county commissioners. These are the people who have
the ability to replace Rambosk and Bohannon locally which I am asking for. For the reasons I have
already stated. It is not like Rambosk is a total villain either. He has done things for the community that
are good. Taking a lot of bad drugs off the street. Helping with loud neighbors. Few people are all good
or all bad. It is just in my particular case he grossly violated my civil rights for years and even with all
the people I am telling. Instead of stopping at this point he/they have increased the provocations in a
last minute effort. The dishonesty. Again, not because I committed a crime because I haven’t. But to
use the power the local people gave him to try to shut someone up who is telling the community about
his dishonest practices.

So I talked to one of the commissioners. And he seemed somewhat sympathetic. So I am expecting a

reply from them like, yes we talked to Sherriff Rambosk and… What would it be. We are investigating
Mr. Thurstpon still? For what? There’s nothing and we all know it. Or second answer, we have no idea
what Mr. Thurston is talking about. Rambosk didn’t get where he is by being a total liar. My guess is
they did talk and Rambosk admitted to the Targeted Individual program if he hadn’t already at an
earlier time. So now you have some complicity if that is indeed the case. You have a situation where the
board of county commissioners is going after private individuals in Naples. Individuals who again just
pissed off the so called “wrong person.” And that is not how we should be conducting business where
people with power sit back and quietly try to destroy people’s lives on the taxpayers dime. This can
happen to anyone.

March 15, 2023 – I am in my room talking into the air which of course Smith is listening to what
happens in my room over my cell phone or laptop or maybe even in some other way. I am saying to
him you are finally about to get busted and we both know it. I am saying the best strategy for you is to
stay out of my sight. If I even smell you, I go back to writing. He’s been laying low these past few days
as I got together about 150 email addresses of other Tis who can verify their experiences, police, DOJ,
FBI, politicians and around 100 reporters. That shook Smith I think. And I plan to grow that list to so
many people that the day I send it out it is the letter that can’t be ignored. It’s the letter that finally gets
Smith the knock on his door by police to take him away.

So, I go outside for one minute and I notice one of my yard’s solar lights mini solar panel is turned over
from the wind. My yard lights up like a Roman candle at night with yard security lights. I go outside
into the yard to fix it and this is just minutes after saying that his time avoiding arrest for this is coming
to an end. As I fix the solar light ion my yard, across the street one car horn begins to start honking and
then two. I run to get my phone camera to record which Smith can see and just as I get to the door to
start videoing the alarms stop. There have been many times when I didn’t stop to video record because
that doesn’t come naturally to me. Feeling angry and not having a way to respond is usually what the
TI encounters. You have to kind of be quick thinking and get the evidence rather than stew impotently
which is what they want. So Smith is really not too awfully bright because you would think after he
sees me write what he just did he would stop. I can take these events he knows he is responsible for,
write them down here so he reads them and then polygraph him. Regardless of what he does, how he
apologizes etc I will pursue this case in court against him. He did this. He knows about it and so do I.
He’s already done too much. He has passed the point of no return. I’ve written down what he has done
so many times I have a book I never wanted to write. I must be the first author in history forced to write
a book that they totally didn’t want to write. Every minute of doing this is a hassle. So, I finally came to
the point after 13 years where I think I need to be compensated. This was forced on me. I talked to
everyone trying to stop it. Instead, I have just started adding up the total for each new infraction and I
will be asking the parties involved to settle with me based on the fees they accrued. For Smith I
charged 500,000 for the horn honking harassment. I should note too it is important that he try to show
the EMT who is getting his own document solidarity. He worries the EMT will roll over on him soon
i.e throw Smith under the bus instead of the reverse Smith had envisioned for him. Look for the other
document on the EMT as I continue to name names in this and who I feel is responsible and we can let
the community see this document and decide for themselves. Look for a Powerpoint presentation to
show at the Board of County Commissioners so I can speak to the Naples community directly.

I have included some lawyers here. If you’re a lawyer, please contact me. Kudos for having a mind
strong enough to read to this point. See the current nation lawsuit.
Everything is in place to prove my case and everyone who can decide on it already knows.

If you are an attorney there is a niche here you can be on the leading edge of just by advertising the TI
program as one of your specialties.

So, I am adding Smith’s new liability as of today by my calculations comes to 9.1 million dollars. The
US government by my tally owes me 18.2 million dollars and the city of Naples, FL 17.4 million
dollars. There are several others. That is what I will ask for in civil court and have been slowly
documenting the accrual of evidence supporting those figures. I write the Department of Justice often
to report Smith. As of today, I believe I wrote 52 different times. The DOJ has not acted in the Smith
case but is aware of the TI program. I would say well aware. I’ve asked them to at least act as a
repository for documenting my latest incidents of harassment by Smith. Times, places, dates,
description of the harassment and what I think it is worthwhile considering Smith is still doing the
things I described here as of March 15, 2023.
I took on some small role with the TI program acting as a contact for people in trouble and was called
by maybe 20 people asking for help, so I know a lot of people have called the DOJ too. They as much
as admitted it to me in a letter but said they couldn’t help at the time. I believe they used budgetary
constraints as the reason rather than we don’t believe you. When you have had this done to you, you
begin not to trust anyone in government, but the truth is not everyone is involved. There are police,
military, firemen, mailmen etc. that don’t get involved in the TI program. They hear things though.
They know things but would never sacrifice their career to corroborate what I have explained here. I
think they tolerate people in their midst like Smith out of fear. The thing they should have remembered
instead is that they (police, military, EMT first responders) only make up 1 of the populace and the
crimes they are committing are going to be rejected by a lot of that 99 percent and. Well, it’s
indefensible. Put what I am saying in front of a jury. I can’t speak for them. I can’t say I have my finger
on the pulse of America. I have talked to people lately (at the carwash, in restaurants and in the stores
while waiting in line who feel that there is a corrupt group of government people operating wholly on
their own and again… That is not what the country was founded on. If they people know and vote on
this issue of corruption and surveillance, I think they vote against it. I think they vote for civil and
judicial penalties. Time will tell.

Smith continually flies drone or surveillance plane at slow speeds over my home twice tonight. 100,000
dollars for violating my rights. put

Smith has done something to my Gmail where it won’t send anything out most of the time. I go
somewhere where there is Wi-Fi I can access from my car and a police officer immediately pull up at
the restaurant I am using the free Wi-Fi at. Again, not breaking a law but being harassed for trying to
tell people what these crooks are doing.


Hello, my name is Robert Thurston. I have had some more recent problems as a victim of the Targeted
Individual program and as a result of the actions of Navy SEAL Jon Richard Smith (2-18-67)who has
for years harassed me through the Targeted Individual program for which a new lawsuit has been filed

For newcomers, lawyer and Targeted Individual Chomi Prag has done a good job defining what a
Targeted Individual is here:

I went a few days with relative peace and quiet. Which is what I want. Let some time for my, not
accusations, but truths to set in. Time for people involved to reevaluate what they have done in my
case. People who aren’t necessarily corrupt struggling with how to handle my case with honesty and
fairness. Some who could care less and find my letters burdensome. To you I apologize, but I find
being a Targeted Individual burdensome. I refuse to suffer in silence while crimes are committed
against me and I know who is responsible. Others saying keep trying to provoke Thurston. Keep trying
to trip him up so we can put him in the legal system so we can say we were right all along. Try still to
arrest him so we can extricate ourselves somehow from this responsibility we’ve placed ourselves in.
Problem is I don’t commit any crimes. I just keep telling the readers about what these corrupt people,
or others, not so corrupt, but powerless or indifferent, are doing or letting go on. Others in no way
involved in my case except to the extent I have involved them through these writings.
As nice as some of you folk are I have no desire to keep writing you. I never wanted to write you. I am
having my life upended by government corruption and it is happening on some of yours watch. The
harassment is still going on today 4-6-23 as I will explain here shortly.

If I can find an attorney to take my case. If you know of one please reply. I am currently seeking 19.1
million dollars in restitution and compensation from the city of Naples through the civil courts.

It’s either Smith is now operating alone or still with local police, and firefighters. I added an additional
1 million dollars in restitution request from the city of Naples for my future civil suit because at this
late stage even with all that is known Smith is still trying to cover up his crooked actions any dishonest
way he can. The degree of corruption is shocking – almost cartoonish.

I ask those who have responsibility, and you know who you are… If you are going to allow the
harassment to continue then pay me for it. That is the conclusion I came to after 13 years of this
garbage. I didn’t come to you seeking this money or attention. I asked not to be part of this many, many
times. My wishes were not respected. I am not a criminal. Or terrorist. Compensate me for the injustice
I have endured. It might not stop Smith, but I will have some justice. I will use that money to hire

So it’s hard to know the level of involvement of each of the people. Mark Warner, Jon Smith, Sheriff
Kevin Rambosk, and Sheriff Neal Bohannon are definitely the main people who bear much of the
responsibility. The Targeted Individual program is a systemic thing though with many working parts.
Many people. Thousands employed by the US government to make the Targeted Individual program

My guess is there have been discussions with specifically the mayor of Naples and the Collier County
Board of Commissioners saying why are we hassling this guy? Stop it. Look at the money you are
going to cost the city. The money you might cost the city. That’s enough money to hire all these people.

But you have sick people involved here who won’t stop until they are arrested.

What happened in a nutshell, and I refer you to the document attached is academic underachiever Jon
Richard Smith rose to the level of gaining elite governmental ties to DC at the highest levels as a Navy
SEAL. He used that to continue some petty vendetta where he managed to tell a local sheriff to go
bother this guy all the time (me). Smith’s instructions to Rakmbosk/Bohannon? Destroy Thurston’s life
because I don’t like him and I think I have some power.

Smith, ever arrogant, feels he is above the law. That is the only conclusion you can come to. Where is
the crime? You should have been able to detect the crime after 13 years. Oh, can’t find one. Let’s work
hard to invent one. And they did that. I said it before of Rambosk, if someone told me, hey your new
job description is going to be to try to drive someone to suicide, or institutionalization, or poverty…
You know, I wouldn’t take that job. Rambosk and Bohannon found that acceptable and should lose
their jobs for it. They should lose their jobs for being involved in the Targeted Individual program and
for what they have done to me.

So, my letters have had time to coalesce in your consciousnesses. People are checking their own
involvement here, if any. The implication of what I am saying sinking in.
Did others know, finance, hire, not fire, not act when it’s in their job description to act etc. Somehow…
sign off on doing this to me. I will be looking at this possibility as time goes on. I’ll choose to
prosecute where and when and if I can in those instances.

There are still some in the “sick” camp or, maybe just Smith alone at this point. Alone in the “sick”
camp. Alone in the sense he isn’t using Collier County resources to harass me (although drones still
following me, where does Smith send them up from?) anymore? Or not. Police haven’t followed me or
sat outside of wherever I am to wait to turn their sirens on.

So Smith at the minimum is watching his world spin out of control in slow motion as this drags out for
days, weeks, months, years. There is no breathing easy for him. Every day he wakes up knowing he’s
involved in these crimes and the world is changing slowly but surely. There is going to come a day
when people say, really?? You Smith really did this to someone else?

Rather than sit back and let the public slowly become aware (and I am still planning a presentation for
the board of commissioners to be broadcast here locally for the people of Naples. I’ve got my
PowerPoint presentation started and this document ready for PDF so that the community can read along
as I speak) Smith decides to be proactive.

He has to wait a little time after my last letter to all the people I have been writing about this (Smith’s
actions and the Targeted Individual program) and then he/they think this is the time to try to set me up
because my last complaints aren’t so fresh in the minds of the people I have written. Smith knows I am
working on new letters that cement my case from every conceivable angle until the day there is nothing
else to do but go to his house and arrest him. There is already enough evidence to do this. How much
longer do I have to put up with this? Would any of you put up with this? What could you do? Imagine if
this was happening to you, you were telling everyone and no one was doing anything.

Rather than sit back he and maybe others (Rambosk, Bohannon, Warner) feel like they need to set me
up, try to get me arrested. How do they do it when I am not committing any crimes? This is another one
of the dirty tricks Smith does that I am enunciating again for public consumption how this one goes.

And this happened today. 4-6-2023. And I think this is one of the main ways they get people. It’s a
common tool in their tool bag when nothing else works. When they can’t find any real reason to arrest.

Here is what Smith does. I have had this happen several times. Maybe 4 times since I returned to
Naples in 2020. It’s choreographed basically the same way each time. A car pulls up behind you
suddenly. It’s appearance meant to be attention grabbing. Usually a big loud truck. Yesterday’s truck
had a “Don’t Tread on Me license” with a snake in the middle of it. He (usually but sometimes she)
gets right on your bumper. They are using your cell phone GPS to find you. I refuse to leave my phone
at home. So someone is in a big vehicle right on your tail. You slow down he goes around in an
exaggerated way without signaling and yells out the window. Or flips you off. Does some kind of hand
thing. If you speed up, they stay on your bumper. Then when you get to a stoplight they yell at you, or
even get out of their car. They aren’t the least bit worried. Why? Because the police are on their side. If
you actually call the police, or just get on your phone they run away. But until you do that they keep
following you saying I got you on film. If you yelled back at them or flicked them off they only film
that part. If you go to the police station the police side with the “actor” I guess you would call them. If
you do anything to this person Smith has put in they will have you arrested for doing something to the
These are dangerous actions taken by Smith. Were I to get out of the car I can be shot or run over and
everything can be neatly explained away. But the more people I write… The longer I write, the harder
it gets for them to do these things. Smith is so desperate at this time his last hope to get himself off the
hook is to kill me. And I feel Rambosk and Bohannon are onboard with this. The more people I tell this
the less likely this fate becomes for me.

If I stay in the car Smith gets to harass me unchecked. But not unchecked because I write these letters
explaining in a polite, objective way what I am seeing. What I am being exposed to.

Normally this would be a no-win situation but I am trying to take lemons and make lemonade and each
time I wrote down what he did until we have this compendium that keeps growing. How many pages
will it have before Smith is finally arrested?

Smith would derisively refer to this work as a manifesto. Often when someone complains about some
real corruption going on the corrupt pull out the term “manifesto.” This is no manifesto. It’s justice in
written form.

But these are the desperate ploys of people running out of ideas who know they have been involved in
something that they shouldn’t be doing. And this desperation worries me..

So you can’t arrest people for telling the rest of the public about your crooked deeds. But that is what
Smith would like to do. Every time I think I have exposed all their crooked schemes they come up with
another one.

I’m reminded of the John Lennon quote

Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs

for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's

what's insane about it

John Lennon

I want to say with these letters… I would come in and talk to any of you face to face. Re-

porters, attorneys, police, book writers/authors, fellow TI’s and politicians. I’ve tried with sev-

eral people who wouldn’t meet with me. If you would like to talk to me on the record or off
Just ask

I am Robert Thurston


Thanks for listening. If you’re in a position to help me somehow please do the right thing.

Robert Thurston

April 13, 2023

One tactic they use is to use your phone to see exactly when you are walking out the door to pass by
your house at the moment you are walking out the door. Statistically, I NEVER see the police without
my phone and see them almost I go out with the phone. I wrote Rand Paul about exactly this in 2012.
It is another tactic Jon Richard Smith/ the police use to violate your civil rights when they can't get you
for any crimes.

April 17, 2023

An Officer Lawson came by today from the mental health unit. I don’t know Mr. Lawson and I imagine
he was coming over to be helpful. They have been out once or twice before. I didn’t see him on my
camera because my phone was charging up in the other room. It’s ridiculous though. The people largely
involved in the Targeted Individual program that harm so many people’s mental health through their
actions (the police) are now here to help out. The people with the PTSD are here to make sure
everything is ok. We harass you around the clock, for no real legal reason and you must be the one that
needs mental health. From us. We live in a ridiculous society where this goes on. So as a result I
decided to tell some more people what Kevin Rambosk is doing. I have continued to file complaint
after complaint with the Department of Justice about Rambosk, Bohannon and Smith. At last count
around 50 letters about these 3. I’ve done nothing wrong and they have. They are participating in a
program that robs civilians of their civil rights while they crookedly try to cover it up. They know this
story out in front of a bunch of regular citizens probably won’t go over too well. I’ve had 4 mental
evaluations that the court ordered to try to get me that way. I am fine. Always have been fine. 1
misdemeanor conviction in the last 22 years. You have heard it before. I keep having to say it because
we have dishonest crooked people trying to hide their crimes. And I keep telling everyone. That’s all it
is. This document is floating around and people are reading it. They did these things. The times are
changing. I get it.

Please save these “mental health” visits for people who really need it.
In the meantime I will politely go about telling everyone what your doing.

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