Observation Summary

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ASSIGNMENT 7 (Summary): Thoroughly summarize and reflect upon your entire 10 hour Field

Observation Placement.


In my 10 hours of observation, I only found out that I want to do become a teacher even
more than I originally thought. My teacher I spent the observation with had a lot of
valuable insights to everything education related. Any question I had she had an
answer. I appreciated my time in her classroom. I feel that working here before the
observation gave me a slight advantage. Having each assignment for the observation
helped me dig deeper into learning about my school and I found out things I never
knew, which was very interesting. I loved the way the classroom was setup. It felt very
homey and safe. The couches were the best. The class as a whole was very well
behaved and understood the roles of being a student. Of course, you have the small
group of students that may not be as high as the rest of the class. Every classroom has
it’s behavioral challenges as well. With that being said, all needs were met regardless
and it was very refreshing to experience. The school’s culture and community is most
definitely felt here each and every day. It’s tough to give any other input being that I
have spent so much time here already but I think it was a great experience and will only
further better me as an educator later on in my career.

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