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Adolf was very fond of fine arts but instead of pursuing art, his father wanted him to get

business. Alois Hitler died in 1903, after which he dropped out of school. Hitler decided to move
to Vienna and tried getting into the academy of fine arts, the attempt that went in vain twice! He
drained out all the money that he had inherited from his father and now was living a life of
poverty. Along with art, his life was greatly influenced with nationalism.
During world war 1, Adolf applied to serve in the German army and was accepted in august,
1914. He was a very brave soldier, the fact that is based on several awards he received during
the course of war. He was promoted to the rank of a corporal in a very short span of time.
Hitler started getting noticed after the spiteful speeches that he gave against the Treaty of
Versailles, rival politicians, Marxists and Jews.
Founder of the German’s workers party(DAP), Anton Drexler invited Hitler to join the party, an
offer that he accepted in 1919. To make it more appealing, the party’s name was changed to
Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP). In 1921, Hitler was made the leader of
On April 1, 1924, he was sentenced to five years in prison for treason during which he wrote his
book ‘Mein Kamph’.
The Jewish holocaust or the ‘final solution’ begun in 1933 killing at least 6 million Jews in the
concentration camps where the Jews died either of hunger, injury, infection, disease or were
shot at will and gassed by poisonous gases!
Hitler won the presidential elections held in 1934 and was firmly in power as the dictator of
Germany and was given the title of a fuhrer.
The Nazis occupied Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium and France.
In 1941, Hitler declares war against the US after Japan bombs the pearl harbor, thus being the
center of world war 2!
In the battle of Stalingrad, the Germans retreated even though Hitler ordered them to stand and
In July 1944, Hitler dodges an assassination attempt. Soviet troops enter Nazi Germany in
January 1945.
Losing everything, Hitler still decided to stay in Berlin.
Fearing that he will be captured by the enemy troops, he committed suicide along with his wife
Eva Braun!

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