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Development of calcium phosphate/ethylene glycol dimethacrylate

particles for dental applications

Livia C. Natale,1 Marcela C. Rodrigues,2 Yvette Alania,1 Marina D. S. Chiari,1 Handially S. Vilela,1
Douglas N. Vieira,1 Victor Arana-Chavez,1 Marcia M. Meier,3 Flavio M. Vichi,4 Roberto R. Braga 1

Department of Biomaterials and Oral Biology, University of Sa ~o Paulo, Sa~o Paulo, Sa~o Paulo, Brazil
~ o Paulo, Sa
Cruzeiro do Sul University, Sa ~ o Paulo, Brazil
Santa Catarina State University, Department of Chemistry, Floriano  polis, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Department of Fundamental Chemistry, University of Sa ~o Paulo, Sa
~o Paulo, Sa~o Paulo, Brazil

Received 4 January 2018; revised 2 April 2018; accepted 22 April 2018

Published online 00 Month 2018 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/jbm.b.34164

Abstract: This study describes the synthesis of dicalcium phos- in BFS was obtained with the use of particles with the highest
phate dihydrate (DCPD) particles in the presence of different functionalization level compared to non-functionalized particles
ethylene glycol dimethacrylates (EGDMA, ethylene glycol/EG (p < 0.001). The use of functionalized DCPD reduced flexural
units: 1, 2, 3 or 4) at two monomer-to-ammonium phosphate modulus in comparison to non-functionalized particles
molar ratios (1:1 and 2:1), as a strategy to develop CaP- (p < 0.001). Calcium release was similar among materials and
monomer particles with improved interaction with resin matri- remained constant during the experiment, while phosphate
ces. Particles displaying high surface areas and organic con- release was higher at 7 days in comparison to the remaining
tents were added to a photocurable BisGMA-TEGDMA resin weeks (p < 0.001). In conclusion, diethylene glycol dimethacry-
and the resulting materials were tested for degree of conversion late resulted in the highest functionalization levels and the high-
(DC), biaxial flexural strength (BFS), flexural modulus, and ion est BFS among DCPD-containing materials. Ion release was not
release. Data were subjected to one-way ANOVA or Kruskal- affected by functionalization. VC 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed

Wallis/Dunn test (alpha: 0.05). Functionalization with EGDMA Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater 00B: 000–000, 2018.
derivatives was dependent upon the length of the spacer group
and monomer concentration in the synthesis. No differences in Key Words: calcium phosphate, nanoparticles, dental materi-
DC were observed among materials (p > 0.05). A 39% increase als, ethylene dimethacrylate, bisphenol a-glycidyl methacrylate

How to cite this article: Natale LC, Rodrigues MC, Alania Y, Chiari MDS, Vilela HS, Vieira DN, Arana-Chavez V, Meier MM,
Vichi FM, Braga RR 2018. Development of calcium phosphate/ethylene glycol dimethacrylate particles for dental applications.
J Biomed Mater Res Part B 2018:00B:000–000.

INTRODUCTION drawback, calcium phosphate particles can be modified to

The efficacy of composites containing calcium orthophos- improve micromechanical interlocking with the resin phase8
phates in promoting mineral recovery of initial enamel car- and/or promote some chemical interaction with monomers
ies lesions has been demonstrated in vitro.1,2 Also, a in the matrix, for example, via functionalization with carbox-
composite material containing amorphous calcium phos- ylic acids9 or silanization.10
phate was able to reduce mineral loss of the surrounding Recently, the synthesis of dicalcium phosphate dihydrate
enamel in the presence of cariogenic biofilm in situ.3 particles (DCPD, CaHPO4.2H2O) functionalized with triethy-
Besides creating a supersaturated environment that could lene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) was described.11
favor remineralization, CaP-containing composites increase DCPD presents a refractive index similar to barium
the formation of Ca-F reservoirs in the biofilm, an important glass,12,13 which is advantageous in terms of photoactivation
mechanism to reduce demineralization.4,5 and overall aesthetics of the restorative material. Also, its
Unfortunately, the incorporation of calcium phosphate higher solubility in relation to other calcium orthophosphate
particles to resin composites results in significant reduc- phases14 may allow for sufficient ion release at relatively
tions in their fracture strength and fracture toughness, as low volume fractions. During the synthesis, TEGDMA may
the lack of an effective interaction between the particles bind to Ca21 ions via ion-dipole bonds with oxygen atoms
and the resin phase facilitates crack propagation through of the ethylene glycol groups (–O–CH2–CH2–).15 When
the matrix-particle boundaries.6,7 In order to minimize this TEGDMA-functionalized DCPD particles were added to

Correspondence to: R. R. Braga; e-mail:

Contract grant sponsor: FAPESP (The State of Sa ~o Paulo Research Foundation); contract grant number: 2015/15019-4; CAPES (Coordenaça
~o de
Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior); and CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa)


V 1
byproducts and excess monomer were removed by filtration
under vacuum. The resulting gel was freeze-dried until a
white powder was obtained.
The calcium orthophosphate phase present in the par-
ticles was determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD). Diffracto-
grams were obtained using nickel-filtered CuKa radiation at
FIGURE 1. Structural formula of ethylene glycol dimethacrylate, with 40 kV and 30 mA (XRD-7000 Maxima, Shimadzu, Kyoto,
“n” representing the number of ethylene glycol units in the molecule. Japan). The equipment geometry was u/2u, and data were
n 5 1, ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA, 198.22 g/mol); n 5 2,
diethylene glycol dimethacrylate (DEGDMA, 242.27 g/mol); n 5 3, tri- collected continuously from 108 to 608 at 28/min. Monomer
ethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA, 286.32 g/mol) and n 5 4, tet- mass fraction in the particles was calculated based on their
raethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TETDMA, 330.37 g/mol). carbon content determined by elemental analysis (model
240 CHN Elemental Analyzer, Perkin-Elmer, Waltham, MA).
either unfilled or glass-filled bisphenol A glycidyl dimetha- Particles were observed under transmission electron
crylate (BisGMA)/TEGDMA resins, 30–40% increases in microscopy (80 kV, TEM, JEOL, model 1010, Tokyo, Japan)
fracture strength were observed in relation to materials and their long axis (n 5 100) was measured using ImageJ
containing non-functionalized DCPD.16,17 Also, because software (National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD).
TEGDMA-rich network domains are relatively hydro- Surface area was calculated based on nitrogen adsorp-
philic,18,19 functionalization did not hinder water access to tion isotherms using the BET (Brunauer, Emmet and Teller)
CaP, keeping ion release at levels similar to those observed method (Nova 1100e, Quantachrome Instruments, Boynton
with non-functionalized DCPD.17 Finally, it is licit to assume Beach, FL). In order to determine only the surface area of
that at least a fraction of the particles are actually nanopar- the calcium orthophosphate core, particles were sonicated
ticles agglomerates interspaced by the polymer, and these in acetone to remove their organic constituents. Particle size
agglomerates could behave as low-elastic modulus fillers distribution was determined using laser light diffraction
and contribute for reducing polymerization stress develop- (Mastersizer 2000, Malvern Instruments Ltd., Malvern, UK).
ment in resin-based materials.20,21 Particle micromorphology was observed under scanning
The hydrophilicity of ethylene glycol dimethacrylates electron microscopy (Quanta FEG600, Eindhoven, The Neth-
(EGDMA) increases with the number of ethylene glycol (EG) erlands) and their true density was determined in a helium
units.19 Also, the availability of oxygen atoms is affected by pycnometer (Ultrapyc 1200e, Quantachrome Instruments,
chain spacer length, not only due to the actual number of Boynton Beach, FL).
atoms in the molecule, but by the fact that longer molecules
can assume more complex tridimensional configurations. Resin-based materials containing DCPD particles
Therefore, the use of different EGDMA monomers may affect Particles combining high monomer levels and high surface
the final monomer content of the particles, as well as ion area were selected for the second part of the study, along
release from resin-based materials. with the non-functionalized DCPD. A resin mixture contain-
The present study investigated the effect of different ing equimolar amounts of BisGMA (2,2-bis[4–(2-hydroxy-3-
EGDMA derivatives (with EG units between one and four) methacryloxypropoxy)phenyl]-propane) and TEGDMA, and
as functionalizing agents for DCPD particles. Particles were 0.5% (by weight) of both camphorquinone and ethyl-4-
synthesized, characterized and added to a dimethacrylate- dimethylamino benzoate as photoinitiators was prepared.
based resin matrix. The resulting materials were tested for Particles were added to this resin at 30 vol % using a
mechanical properties, degree of conversion and ion release. mechanical mixer, under vacuum (Speedmixer DAC 150.1
The overall null hypothesis was that DCPD functionalization FVZ-K, Flak Tek Inc., Landrum, SC).
did not affect the tested variables.
Degree of conversion
MATERIALS AND METHODS Degree of conversion (DC) was determined using mid-
Particle synthesis and characterization infrared spectroscopy (Vertex 70, Bruker Optics, Germany)
DCPD particles were synthesized by a co-precipitation with an attenuated total reflectance accessory (ATR, MIRacle
method using calcium nitrate [Ca(NO3)24H2O] and ammo- Pike Technologies, Madison, WI). The non-polymerized
nium dihydrogen phosphate [(NH4)H2PO3] solutions material was inserted in a silicone mold (5 mm in diameter
(0.2 molL21) as precursors (all chemicals from Sigma– by 1 mm in thickness) placed on top of the diamond crystal
Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). For the syntheses of functionalized and its spectrum was obtained by the co-addition of 32
particles, EGDMA derivatives (Figure 1) were added to the scans, under 4 cm21 resolution. After photoactivation (Blue-
ammonium dihydrogen phosphate solution at molar ratios phase, Ivoclar-Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein, 24 J/cm2)
of 1:1 or 2:1. The calcium nitrate solution was added drop- and dry-storage for 24 h at 378C, a new spectrum was
wise to the ammonium dihydrogen phosphate/monomer obtained in a similar manner, assuring an intimate contact
solution and kept under stirring for 24 h. An additional syn- between the composite and the ATR crystal by means of the
thesis was conducted without the addition of any monomer accessory pressure point. DC was calculated according to
to the precursor (non-functionalized control, NF). Reaction the ratio of the absorption bands corresponding to carbon



TABLE I. Characterization of the Particles Synthesized in the Study

Full width at Nanoparticle diameter (D50,
Functionalizing Monomer: half maximum long axis Organic content Density Surface in mm, D10–D90
agent (NH4)H2PO4 (FWHM)a (in nm)b (in wt%) (g/cm3) area (m2/g) in parentheses)

Non-functionalized N/A 0.150 142 (61) N/A 2.4 28 25 (13–50)

EGDMA 1:1 0.188 111 (69) 0.6 2.5 25 26 (14–51)
2:1 0.254 86 (36) 1.3 2.4 43 25 (12–56)
DEGDMA 1:1 0.181 83 (40) 34.4 1.7 40 12 (6–23)
2:1 0.217 111 (46) 30.3 1.8 66 20 (11–47)
TEGDMA 1:1 0.257 70 (40) 14.1 2.2 16 19 (10–37)
2:1 0.188 136 (60) 27.2 1.9 55 20 (11–52)
TETDMA 1:1 0.179 42 (18) 0.8 2.4 10 17 (9–30)
2:1 0.200 91 (36) 12.9 2.2 63 16 (8–27)

N/A, not applicable.

FWHM represents the width of the highest intensity peak of the diffractogram (at 10.58) measured at the y-axis value corresponding to half of
its maximum amplitude. Higher values correspond to smaller crystallite sizes.
Obtained from TEM images; average and standard deviation in parentheses (n 5 100).

double bonds located at 1,638 cm21 (aliphatic) and Flexural modulus (E, in GPa) was calculated according
1,610 cm21 (aromatic) according to the formula (n 5 3): to the following equation:
polymerized bPa2
DC5 12 3100 E5
non2polymerized xh3

where E is the flexural modulus (in GPa), b is a constant

related to the deflection at the center of the disk (0.509), P
Mechanical properties is the load (in Newtons), a is the disk radius (in mm), x is
Disc-shaped specimens (12 3 1 mm, n 5 10) were made the deflection corresponding to P and h is the disk thickness
using a stainless steel split mold and photoactivating each (in mm).
quadrant for 20 s (24 J/cm2 per quadrant, Bluephase, Ivo-
clar Vivadent). As an additional control, a set of unfilled Ion release
resin specimens was prepared. After 24-h storage in dis- Disc-shaped specimens (5 3 1 mm, n 5 5) were prepared
tilled water at 378C, specimens were fractured on a “piston using a silicone mold. A single 20-s irradiation was used to
on three spheres” testing jig positioned under the crosshead photoactivate the material (24 J/cm2, Bluephase, Ivoclar-
of a universal testing machine (Instron model 5565, Instron Vivadent). After 24-h storage at 378C under 100% relative
Corp, Canton MA). The center of the specimen was loaded humidity, specimens were individually immersed in 5 mL of
at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min and specimen deflec- NaCl solution (133 mmol/L) buffered to pH 7 using HEPES
tion was monitored by a contact transducer (model W- solution (50 mmol/L). The immersion medium was totally
E401-E, Instron). Biaxial flexural strength (BFS, in MPa) was replaced by fresh solution weekly, for four weeks. Calcium
calculated using the equations below: and phosphorous concentrations in the collected solutions
were estimated by colorimetric methods (DU 800 Spectro-
20:2387PðX2Y Þ photometer Beckman Coulter, Brea, CA).
Statistical analysis
 2   2 Degree of conversion data was analyzed using one-way
r2 12m r2 ANOVA. Mechanical properties and ion release data were
X5ð12mÞln 1
r3 2 r3 analyzed Kruskal–Wallis test, with multiple comparisons
performed using Dunn test. A significance level of 0.05 was
"  2 #  2 adopted in all cases.
r1 r1
Y 5ð12mÞ 12ln 1ð12mÞ
Particles characterization
where P is the failure load (in Newtons); b is the specimen Characteristics of the synthesized particles are shown in
thickness (in mm); is the specimen Poisson’s ratio (0.3); r1 Table I. Diffractograms (Figure 2) revealed that all particles
is the radius of the circle where the spheres were posi- presented the peaks characteristic of DCPD (International Cen-
tioned (5.0 mm); r2 is the loading piston radius (0.6 mm); ter for Diffraction Data/Joint Committee on Powder Diffrac-
r3 is the specimen radius (in mm). tion, PDF #09–0077). Functionalized particles showed peaks

FIGURE 2. Diffractograms of the calcium phosphate particles obtained with the addition of different ethylene glycol dimethacrylate monomers
to the ammonium phosphate solution. Left: 1: 1 monomer-to-ammonium phosphate molar ratio, right: 2: 1 molar ratio.

with higher full width at half maximum (FWHM) in relation to rates compared to the other conditions tested. For
NF, an indicative of smaller crystallite size. At the nanoscale, 2  EG  4, the organic content on the particles was
agglomerates of plate-like nanoparticles were observed, with inversely related to the length of the spacer group. The use
long axis ranging from 42 to 142 nm (Figure 3). At the micro- of a higher monomer ratio resulted in increased surface
scale, particles and nanoparticle agglomerates with median area and, except for DEGDMA, lower density.
sizes ranging from 12 to 26 mm were observed (Figure 4).
The highest functionalization level was achieved with DCPD-containing resin materials
the addition of DEGDMA at 1:1 ratio. EGDMA (both 1:1 and DC was not affected by the presence of DCPD, with values
2:1 ratios) and TETDMA at 1:1 showed very low retention ranging from 49 to 56% (p > 0.05, Table II). Flexural

FIGURE 3. Examples of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images showing plate-like nanoparticles agglomerates obtained with different
syntheses conditions. (A) DEGDMA 1:1, (B) TETDMA 1:1, (C) TEGDMA 2:1, (D) non-functionalized.



FIGURE 4. Examples of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images showing particles obtained with different syntheses conditions. (A)
DEGDMA 1:1, (B) TEGDMA 1:1, (C) TETDMA 1:1, (D) non-functionalized.

properties of the resulting resin-based materials are DISCUSSION

shown in Figure 5. Among the DCPD-containing materials, Particle characterization
DEGDMA 2:1 showed the highest average fracture The use of different EG monomers affected the particle syn-
strength, 39% higher than the material with NF thesis outcomes. Though all particles presented their typical
(p < 0.001). Conversely, the use of functionalized DCPD large tabular habit,11 the addition of EG monomers resulted
resulted in 19–26% lower flexural modulus than those in smaller crystallites compared to the non-functionalized
obtained with NF (p < 0.001). control due to the reduction in surface tension of the reac-
Calcium release was not affected by particle functionali- tion medium, which facilitates crystal nucleation.22 The role
zation and remained relatively steady during the 28-day of EG monomers as co-solvents during DCPD precipitation
period (p > 0.05, Table III). Weekly values ranged from 7 to seems independent of their retention on the particle surface
18 ppm. Phosphate was released in lower concentrations as, for instance, EGDMA reduced crystallite size but did not
than calcium and similar patterns were observed among bind to Ca21. Also, 25–54% smaller crystallites were
materials, with higher concentrations being released at 7 observed for EG  2 added at 1:1 ratio, probably because at
days (average: 4.2 ppm) in comparison to the remaining 2:1 ratio the increase in the viscosity of the reaction
weeks (averages between 0.8 and 1.1 ppm). Similar concen- medium decreases ionic diffusivity, partially offsetting the
trations were observed among materials at 7 and 28 days, effect of the reduced surface tension.
while a few differences were observed at 14 and 21 days The low monomer retention in particles synthesized in
(p < 0.001). the presence of EGDMA suggests that the oxygen atoms

TABLE II. Averages and SD for degree of conversion (in %). No statistically significant differences were detected among mate-
rials (one-way ANOVA, p > 0.05)

Non-functionalized DEGDMA 1:1 DEGDMA 2:1 TEGDMA 2:1 TETDMA 2:1

55.9 (6.1) 54.8 (1.7) 51.4 (5.3) 51.4 (2.8) 48.7 (3.7)

FIGURE 5. Averages and standard deviations for biaxial flexural strength (left) and flexural modulus (right) of resin-based materials containing
30 vol % of DCPD particles functionalized with different ethylene glycol derivatives. The unfilled resin and a material containing non-
functionalized particles were used as controls. Values accompanied by the same letter are not statistically different (Kruskal–Wallis/Dunn tests,
p > 0.05).

adjacent to the bulky methacrylate groups are not suffi- result of incomplete monomer removal after sonication in
ciently exposed to bind to calcium ions. On the other hand, acetone. Though removal was verified using infra-red spec-
TEGDMA and TETDMA (particularly the later) showed sig- trometry, this technique may not be sensitive enough to
nificant retention only when added at 2:1 ratio possibly detect very small amounts of residual organic material. Not-
because their complex tridimensional structures reduce the withstanding, the relationship between nanoparticle size
likelihood of calcium-oxygen interaction. On the other hand, and surface area cannot be totally disregarded, as the syn-
the high retention rates presented by DEGDMA (30–34 wt thesis using 2:1 EGDMA resulted in nanoparticles 39%
%) even at 1:1 ratio can be ascribed to its intermediate smaller and with 54% higher surface area compared to NF.
chain spacer length and the presence of a central oxygen In general, particle size distribution showed values simi-
atom. lar to those reported in previous studies.16,17 Lower
Functionalization increased particle surface area only for medians (between 20 and 50%) was observed for particles
those synthesized at 2:1 monomer-to-ammonium dihydro- functionalized with monomers with EG  2. The only excep-
gen phosphate ratio. Possibly, the high monomer content tion were the particles synthesized with TETDMA (1:1),
partially inhibited particle growth and/or increased the which showed 32% smaller particles than non-
space among them, preventing their direct contact and plate functionalized DCPD even though its organic content was
stacking. In fact, density values and TEM images suggest only 0.8 wt %. At this point, it is important to highlight the
that the nanoparticles agglomerates of functionalized DCPD fact that syntheses did not produce only nanoparticles, and
are less packed compared to NF agglomerates (Figure 6). particle size distribution describes both nanoparticles
The low surface areas of TEGDMA- and TETDMA- agglomerates and micron-sized particles. Dimethacrylates
functionalized particles synthesized at 1:1 ratio may be the are apolar molecules and, therefore, they do not contribute

TABLE III. Averages and SD for Ca21 and HPO22 4 concentrations (in ppm) released by resin-based materials containing 30 vol
% of DCPD as a function of functionalization and immersion period. Ratios following monomer names refer to the “monomer:
ammonium phosphate” ratio used in the synthesis. No statistically significant differences were detected among groups for
calcium (Ca21) release (p > 0.05). For hydrogen phosphate (HPO22
4 ), similar lower-case letters indicate absence of statistically
significant differences within the same column, and upper-case letters, within the same row (Kruskal–Wallis/Dunn’s test,
p < 0.05)

Immersion (days)
7 14 21 28
Ca Non-functionalized 8.5 (1.1) 10.0 (4.7) 11.2 (2.9) 14.3 (3.7)
DEGDMA 1:1 10.9 (3.8) 12.9 (5.8) 17.5 (2.2) 11.4 (2.1)
DEGDMA 2:1 11.2 (2.1) 12.4 (5.1) 10.8 (3.6) 11.3 (2.3)
TEGDMA 2:1 9.7 (2.7) 9.9 (2.9) 12.5 (4.1) 13.7 (3.0)
TETDMA 2:1 11.4 (4.0) 7.0 (1.8) 8.2 (2.7) 9.1 (4.0)
4 Non-functionalized 3.9 (1.1) Aa 1.0 (0.2) Bab 1.0 (0.2) Bab 0.9 (0.2) Ba
DEGDMA 1:1 5.0 (1.3) Aa 1.3 (0.4) ABa 1.3 (0.3) ABa 0.9 (0.3) Ba
DEGDMA 2:1 5.2 (0.5) Aa 1.2 (0.3) Ba 0.9 (0.2) Bab 0.8 (0.1) Ba
TEGDMA 2:1 5.3 (1.5) Aa 1.6 (0.4) ABa 1.6 (0.3) ABa 1.0 (0.3) Ba
TETDMA 2:1 1.7 (0.2) Aa 0.6 (0.1) Bb 0.6 (0.1) Bb 0.5 (0.1) Ba



FIGURE 6. Schematic representations of a non-functionalized DCPD agglomerate and a DEGDMA-functionalized DCPD agglomerate. The lower
density and higher surface area of the nanoparticles suggest a less packed structure for the latter.

to reduce agglomeration or prevent particle growth, as DCPD content. In other words, particle volume (Vp) can be
organic species containing ionizable groups such as carbox- expressed as follows:
ylic acids, for instance.23
Vp 5VDCPD 1 Vmonomer 5ðm=qÞDCPD 1ðm=qÞmonomer
Resin-based materials containing DCPD particles
The relatively low DC values recorded were due to the tech- where m is the mass fraction and q is the density (in g/
cm3). Based on monomer mass fractions and density val-
nique used to obtain the spectra. Because the IR beam
ues, it is possible to calculate the effective DCPD content
interacts with the sample at the interface between the ATR
in the particles. Utilizing the density values of 1.082
crystal and the composite, the resulting spectrum is slightly
(DEGDMA), 1.092 (TEGDMA) and 1.082 (TETDMA, all val-
different than those obtained in transmission methods, for
ues obtained from Sigma-Aldrich) and solving the equation
instance. Nevertheless, DC values remain valid for compari-
for a particle mass of 1 g, the effective DCPD contents by
son purposes.24 Resin materials containing DCPD showed
volume in the particles are 46% (DEGDMA 1:1), 51%
similar DC to the unfilled resin. Therefore, differences in
(DEGDMA 2:1), 55% (TEGDMA 2:1) and 75% (TETDMA
mechanical properties and ion release among materials can
2:1). Thus, it would be licit to question if differences in
be ascribed solely to the characteristics of the particles
fracture strength are reflecting the differences in effective
combined with the resin. Calcium phosphates are not rein-
DCPD content. However, SEM images show that particles
forcing fillers and the decrease in strength verified when
micromorphology is similar, regardless of their monomer
DCPD particles were added to the BisGMA-TEGDMA resin content. Also, it was verified in previous studies that speci-
was expected.6 The DCPD-filled materials tested in the pre- men fracture surfaces display similar features, regardless
sent study were not modelled after heavily filled, reinforced of particle functionalization.16 Therefore, one must con-
restorative composites. Rather, they were prepared as a sider that though their effective DCPD content may differ,
vehicle to highlight the possible gain in mechanical proper- they must be considered (and they behave as) individual
ties in comparison to the use of non-functionalized DCPD particles.
particles. In fact, the use of DEGDMA-functionalized par- Notwithstanding, flexural modulus results suggest that
ticles (2:1) led to a 39% increase in strength compared to functionalization does impart different mechanical behaviors
the material with NF. The increase in strength is the result to DCPD particles and agglomerates. In agreement with pre-
of the co-polymerization of monomers in the particle with vious studies, the addition of calcium phosphate particles to
those from the resin matrix. Besides the possibility of ion- the unfilled resin led to significant increases in modulus, as
dipole interaction between calcium ions and the oxygen in this property relies on the physical impingement of particles
the ether groups (which are considered stronger than on one another, regardless of their chemical interaction with
dipole-dipole forces, e.g., hydrogen bonding), functionaliza- the resin matrix.6,9,17,25 However, materials containing func-
tion also reduces the interfacial tension between DCPD and tionalized DCPD particles presented 19–26% lower flexural
the dimethacrylates in the matrix, improving the wetting of modulus in comparison to the material with NF, suggesting
the particle surface and, therefore, promoting a better that highly functionalized DCPD behave as low-modulus fill-
mechanical interlocking between both phases. ers. Considering that elastic modulus is one of the determi-
Though a high monomer content seemed to be the pri- nants of composite polymerization stress,26 the reduction in
mary factor for increasing fracture strength, it is important flexural modulus imparted by these particles may bring the
to bring attention to the fact that the higher the organic additional benefit of reducing stress magnitude in restor-
content of the particle/agglomerate, the lower is its actual ative composites.

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