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Colegio Salesiano “Instituto Marciano Tinajero y Estrada”

English Academy

Level B1+
Semester 4th
Teacher Dayra Gabriela Martínez Ortiz
Project’s name Draw my life

Tell me in a video about the things that have happened so far in your
life, when you were born, which preschool you went to, when you met
your first best friend or when you had your first kiss, when you won that
competition or when you broke that bone.

Stage 2 - Script
Script. Write a script based on what is going to be included in the video .
The script doesn’t have to be definite; this means that during stage 2
and 3 you can add more things and also remove some of them. The
purpose of this stage is that you structure your ideas to record the
video. Make sure your script lasts from 3 to 5 minutes (when it’s read
Printed script in a word document that lasts from 3 to 5 minutes.
Font: Arial 12 Line spacing: 1.5
Front page: Name, semester, English level, teacher’s name, project
stage number.
March 22nd in the class.
Colegio Salesiano “Instituto Marciano Tinajero y Estrada”
English Academy

Stage 3 - Video
Narrating the video with your own voice, you’ll share with the teacher
the most important things that have happened in your life (you can
read the script you made in the last stage). Don’t forget to illustrate
what you’re saying by drawing them. Also, you can include some
pictures if you want.
Link of the video narrated by you that lasts from 3 to 5 minutes (mp4
You’ll upload the video to YouTube or Google Drive, then, in a Word
document you’ll send the teacher your link.
Front page (included in the video and Word document): Name,
semester, English level, teacher’s name, project stage number.
May 3rd at 23:59 through Padlet (don’t forget to write your name when
you post it).
Also, on May 3rd in the class, you must deliver your “evaluation rubric”
to your teacher (the exact same you delivered in the 2nd term).
Colegio Salesiano “Instituto Marciano Tinajero y Estrada”
English Academy

Evaluation rubric

Name: _____________________________________________________________

CHECKPOINT All content is relevant to the task.
#2 Text is generally well organized and
coherent, using a variety of linking words
and cohesive devices.
Uses a range of simple and some
complex grammatical forms with a good
degree of control.
There are no mistakes.

CRITERIA – VIDEO 1 2 3 4 5
CHECKPOINT Video includes your voice and drawings
#3 from your life.
Video lasts between 3 – 5 min.
Pronunciation is adequate.
Video shows preparation and
Uses a range of simple and some
complex grammatical forms with a good
degree of control.

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