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Published November, 2004

Intercropping Berseem Clover with Barley and Oat Cultivars for Forage
Shirley M. Ross,* Jane R. King, John T. O’Donovan, and Dean Spaner

ABSTRACT est in extending the fall grazing period in Alberta, and

Reproduced from Agronomy Journal. Published by American Society of Agronomy. All copyrights reserved.

Intercrops of berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) and the potential of intercropping winter cereals with spring
silage cereals offer potential for high quality forage and partitioning cereals has been explored as a means to extend forage
of yield between silage harvest and fall grazing. Forage yield and production (Baron et al., 1992; Jedel and Salmon, 1995).
quality of cereal–berseem clover intercrops may differ among oat Choice of cereal species affects the performance of
(Avena sativa L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars and with intercrops grown for forage. Jedel and Helm (1993)
semidwarf or early maturing cereal cultivars. Berseem clover was found that intercropping oat with pulse crops produced
intercropped with five oat and four barley cultivars at Edmonton, greater DM yield than intercropping barley or triticale
Alberta, in 2000 and 2001 on orthic black chernozem (Typic Cryobor-
(⫻ Triticosecale rimpaui Wittm.) with pulse crops, but
oll) soil. Forage yield, composition, and quality were measured with
a two-cut harvest. Silage-stage yield (Cut 1) averaged 9.9 Mg ha⫺1 of
intercrops with barley or triticale gave a better combina-
dry matter (DM) with 18% berseem clover by dry weight. Berseem tion of quality and protein content than intercrops with
clover regrowth (Cut 2) averaged 2.8 Mg ha⫺1 DM with crude protein oat. In a study of berseem clover intercropped with one
(CP) of 215 g kg⫺1. Intercrops with oat cultivars had greater Cut 1 DM cultivar each of oat, barley, or triticale, biomass yields,
yield, and intercrops with barley had greater yields of Cut 2 DM and species composition, and forage quality were affected
total CP. The earlier maturity of barley provided for longer periods by cereal species (Ross et al., 2004). Berseem clover
of berseem clover regrowth. Intercrops with semidwarf barley had intercrops with triticale and oat had greater Cut 1 silage-
equal yields of total DM and CP and greater Cut 2 DM yield than stage yields and a greater percentage of berseem clover
those with conventional-stature barley. Intercrops with early maturing
in Cut 1 than intercrops with barley. However, in-
oat cultivars had equal total DM yield and greater yields of Cut
tercrops with barley had greater yields of Cut 2 berseem
2 DM and total CP than those with late-maturing oat cultivars. Forage
quality indicators suggested that intercrops with barley were superior clover regrowth and total CP.
to those with oat. To maximize fall forage and increase the legume Cultivars of oat and barley have been studied to deter-
component of silage harvest, early maturing and shorter-stature cul- mine the effects of companion crop growth habit on the
tivars of oat and barley are recommended for cereal–berseem clover establishment of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) (Brink and
intercrops. Marten, 1986a, 1986b; Nickel et al., 1990; Chapko et al.,
1991; Simmons et al., 1995). A few studies have assessed
oat or barley cultivar effects in intercrops with annual

A substantial amount of barley and oat production

in western Canada is used for forage. Forage pro-
duction from annual crops in Alberta is typically about
forage crops (Thompson et al., 1992; Moynihan et al.,
1996; Holland and Brummer, 1999). Holland and Brum-
mer (1999) evaluated eight cultivars of oat and seven
0.6 million hectares (1.5 million acres), with barley and cultivars of berseem clover in intercrops in Iowa, with
oat as the predominant crops for greenfeed and silage harvest at oat grain maturity and subsequent forage
(AAFRD, 2003). In 2003, approximately 10% of the regrowth. ‘Bigbee’ berseem clover performed better than
area seeded to annual grain, oilseed, and pulse crops in the other clover cultivars in intercrops. Oat cultivars
Alberta was harvested for forage. varied for oat traits, effects on clover stands and yield,
Potential benefits of intercropping berseem clover and total intercrop biomass. It was concluded that mono-
with cereal crops include increased total DM yields, culture evaluation of oat cultivars can be used to predict
improved forage quality, reduced fertilizer needs, and the traits of oat in berseem clover–oat intercrops but
increased subsequent crop yield (Reynolds et al., 1994; cannot reliably predict the effects on berseem clover
Ghaffarzadeh, 1997; Stout et al., 1997). Intercropping growth.
berseem clover with silage cereals offers potential to Semidwarf cereal cultivars may provide advantages
partition forage yield between silage harvest and fall over conventional-stature cultivars in forage intercrops.
regrowth (Ross et al., 2004). There is considerable inter- Simmons et al. (1995) recommended semidwarf culti-
vars as companion crops because of less potential for
S.M. Ross, Dep. of Renewable Resour., 751 GSB, Univ. of Alberta, lodging. Semidwarf cultivars of oat and barley were
Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2H1; J.R. King and D. Spaner, Dep. less competitive than conventional-stature cultivars as
of Agric., Food and Nutritional Sci., 4-10 Agric.-Forestry Cent., Univ. companion crops for alfalfa (Nickel et al., 1990; Sim-
of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada T6G 2P5; and J.T. O’Donovan, mons et al., 1995). Thompson et al. (1992) found that
Northern Agric. Res. Cent., Agric. and Agri-Food Canada, Beaver-
lodge, AB, Canada T0H 0C0. Received 6 Jan. 2004. *Corresponding semidwarf barley caused less suppression of annual rye-
author (

Published in Agron. J. 96:1719–1729 (2004). Abbreviations: ADF, acid detergent fiber; CP, crude protein; DM,
© American Society of Agronomy dry matter; NDF, neutral detergent fiber; PAR, photosynthetically
677 S. Segoe Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA active radiation.


grass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) than did conventional- ‘AC Lacombe’, ‘Niska’, and ‘Seebe’) were seeded at 60 viable
stature barley in barley–ryegrass intercrops. seeds m⫺2 in 2000. In 2001, the cereal seeding rate was in-
Holland and Brummer (1999) suggested that oat creased to 69 viable seeds m⫺2 to better ensure a cereal plant
heading date may be more strongly associated with com- density of approximately 60 plants m⫺2 in plots. The decision
to seed the cereals at 25% of the recommended full rate for
petitiveness than oat height in oat–berseem clover inter- cereal monocrops of 240 plants m⫺2 was based on seeding rate
crops. Based on relative grain yields, Juskiw et al. (2000c) experiments with cereal–berseem clover intercrops (Ross et
concluded that barley cultivars with early maturity were al., 2003, 2004). Cereal cultivars are described in Table 1.
less competitive than late-maturing barley cultivars in Cereals were seeded with a four-row disc drill at 23-cm row
Reproduced from Agronomy Journal. Published by American Society of Agronomy. All copyrights reserved.

barley mixtures. However, the use of early maturing spacing. Bigbee berseem clover was inoculated with the appro-
cereal cultivars may decrease initial forage yields of inter- priate Rhizobium trifolii and seeded at 15 kg ha⫺1. Berseem
crops (Thompson et al., 1992; Juskiw et al., 2000b). Juskiw clover was cross-seeded at a depth of approximately 1.5 to
et al. (2000b) concluded that per-plant biomass yields 2 cm with a six-row disc drill at 18-cm row spacing. Plot size
of barley, oat, and triticale were affected by genotype, was 1.8 by 6 m, with eight rows of cereal in each plot. Berseem
production practices, and time of harvest, with the latter clover sole crop plots were also grown. Plots were seeded on
18 May in 2000 and on 23 May in 2001. In 2001, plots were
having the greatest effect.
irrigated before and after seeding to counter dry soil con-
The effects of barley and oat cultivars in cereal– ditions.
berseem clover intercrops grown for forage have not The experimental design was a randomized complete block
been studied. The objectives of this study were to (i) with intercrop and sole berseem clover treatments replicated
determine the effects of barley and oat cultivars on four times. In 2000, one 0.5- by 1-m quadrat was permanently
forage yield, berseem clover component of yield, and marked in each plot. In 2001, two such 0.5-m2 quadrats were
forage quality of cereal–berseem clover intercrops grown marked in each plot. Quadrats were placed away from the
in a short-season growing environment and (ii) determine plot margins but were otherwise randomly placed in plots. The
the effects of oat and barley cultivar stature and maturity, desired cereal density of 30 plants per quadrat was achieved
including semidwarf and early maturing cultivars, on the through placement of the quadrat and thinning of the cereal
plants. Plots were hand-weeded, with particular attention to
performance of cereal–berseem clover intercrops.
quadrat areas. On 6 July 2001, light interception was deter-
mined using a 1-m-long line quantum sensor connected to a
MATERIALS AND METHODS model LI-188B LI-COR quantum meter (LI-COR, Lincoln,
Intercrops of berseem clover with oat and barley were NE). At approximately solar noon, the probe was used to
grown at Edmonton (53⬚ 25⬘ N, 113⬚ 33⬘ W), Alberta, Canada, measure the amount of incident photosynthetically active radi-
on a Malmo silty clay loam [orthic Black Chernozem (Typic ation (PAR), first at the top of the cereal canopy (full sunlight),
Cryoboroll)] in 2000 and 2001. Experiments followed tilled then underneath the cereal canopy at the level of the top of
fallow, and fields were disked and harrowed before seeding. the berseem clover, and at soil level. Light levels within the
Soil pH was 6.6 to 7.0, with soil levels of 48 to 56 mg nitrate canopy were expressed as a percentage of full sunlight. Cut
kg⫺1, 14 to 37 mg P kg⫺1, 200 to 270 mg K kg⫺1, and 14 to 1 harvest was at the silage-stage of cereals (milk to soft dough
37 mg sulfate kg⫺1, at a depth of 0 to 30 cm. To meet soil stage) on dates listed in Table 1. Further information on silage
nutrient recommendations for legume–cereal forage, triple production practices in Alberta and the timing of cereal har-
superphosphate 0–45–0 at approximately 28 kg ha⫺1 of P2O5 vest can be found in Juskiw et al. (2000a). Cereal canopy
was added in 2000. Initial soil N levels were more than ade- height was determined by random measurement from ground
quate for cereal silage production, but no N fertilizer would level in each plot at the time of harvest. Biomass in quadrats
have been added had soil N been inadequate because adding was cut by hand at approximately 6 cm above soil level, with
N would promote cereal domination of the clover. separation of the berseem clover and cereal biomass. The
Five oat cultivars (‘AC Juniper’, ‘Jasper’, ‘AC Mustang’, number of cereal tillers in each quadrat was determined by
‘Waldern’, and ‘Murphy’) and four barley cultivars (‘Kasota’, counting tiller bases after harvest. Immediately after sampling,
Table 1. Description of oat and barley cultivars and dates for Cut 1 silage-stage harvest, with number of days after planting† in
parentheses, for cereal–berseem clover intercrops and berseem clover sole crops at Edmonton, AB, in 2000 and 2001.
Cut 1 harvest
Treatment Description of cereal cultivar 2000 2001
date (days after planting)
Barley intercrops
Kasota early maturing, semidwarf, feed, six-row 2 Aug. (76) 27 July (65)
Niska midmaturing, semidwarf, feed, six-row 3 Aug. (77) 2 Aug. (71)
AC Lacombe midmaturing, conventional height, feed, six-row 3 Aug. (77) 1 Aug. (70)
Seebe late-maturing, conventional height, feed, two-row 3 Aug. (77) 3 Aug. (72)
Oat intercrops
AC Juniper early maturing, short, general purpose 8 Aug. (82) 6 Aug. (75)
Jasper early maturing, general purpose 8 Aug. (82) 7 Aug. (76)
AC Mustang midmaturing, good yield silage/feed 11 Aug. (85) 8 Aug. (77)
Murphy late-maturing, high yield silage/feed 14 Aug. (88) 10 Aug. (79)
Waldern late-maturing, high yield silage/feed 14 Aug. (88) 10 Aug. (79)
Berseem clover sole crops
Early cut (BE1)‡ – 27 July (65)
Midcut (BE2)‡ 4 Aug. (78) 3 Aug. (72)
Late cut (BE3)‡ 14 Aug. (88) 10 Aug. (79)
† Plots were seeded on 18 May in 2000 and on 23 May in 2001.
‡ Harvest of BE1 and BE2 coincided with barley intercrop harvest, and BE3 coincided with harvest of late-maturing oat intercrops.

treatment plots were cut using a small sickle mower and then were relatively high, averaging 14.4 Mg ha⫺1 in 2000
hand-raked to remove growth. The harvest procedure was re- and 11.6 Mg ha⫺1 in 2001 (Table 3). Greater total yields
peated for Cut 2 at the end of the growing season on 6 October in 2000 than in 2001 were largely due to greater yields
in both years. Samples were dried for 72 h at 52⬚C and then of Cut 1 berseem clover. Intercrop Cut 1 DM yield of
weighed. Species composition and DM yields were determined
from the samples harvested from quadrats. Samples of Cut 1
berseem clover averaged 3.1 Mg ha⫺1 in 2000 and 0.8 Mg
oat, barley, and berseem clover and a subset of samples of ha⫺1 in 2001, with mean percentage of berseem clover
Cut 1 intercrop mixtures and Cut 2 berseem clover were ana- in Cut 1 by dry weight of 27% in 2000 and 9% in 2001.
lyzed for forage quality indicators. Nitrogen was determined Cereals caused substantial suppression of the berseem
Reproduced from Agronomy Journal. Published by American Society of Agronomy. All copyrights reserved.

by the Kjeldahl mixed Cu/Ti catalyst method and multiplied clover in intercrops. Compared with yields in berseem
by 6.25 for CP (AOAC, 1990). Acid detergent fiber (ADF) clover sole crops, berseem clover DM yields in inter-
was determined according to Goering and Van Soest (1970) crops were reduced on average by about 60 and 85%
and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) according to Undersander in Cut 1 and about 30 and 60% in Cut 2, in 2000 and
et al. (1993). 2001, respectively. Total intercrop DM yields equaled
Data were subjected to analyses of variance (ANOVA) or exceeded those reported for cereal–pulse intercrops
using the General Linear Model (GLM) procedure of SAS
in central Alberta of 8.2 to 12.3 Mg ha⫺1 (Berkenkamp
with all effects considered fixed, except replication, which was
considered random (SAS Inst., 2000). Year effect was tested and Meeres, 1987) and 9 to 11 Mg ha⫺1 (Jedel and Helm,
against the year ⫻ block error term. The total sum of squares 1993) for oat or barley intercropped with pea (Pisum
of each model effect was thereafter partitioned into percent- sativum L.) or fababean (Vicia faba L.) and 8.9 Mg
ages of the total sum of squares for an estimation of relative ha⫺1 for barley–pea intercrops (Izaurralde et al., 1993).
importance of each effect to the total experimental variation. Although the cereal seeding rates used in this study
Data from each year are presented separately because year ⫻ were 25% of the full seeding rate, yields compared fa-
treatment interactions were significant for the majority of vorably with total DM yields of about 12 Mg ha⫺1 for
variables. A priori contrasts were used to compare least square cereal–berseem clover intercrops with oat or barley at
means of barley with oat treatments, early maturing with late- full rates of 240 plants m⫺2 (Ross et al., 2004).
maturing oat treatments, semidwarf with conventional-stature
barley treatments, and berseem clover sole crops with in-
tercrop treatments. A significance level of P ⱕ 0.05 was used Barley and Oat Comparisons
for all statistical tests. Pearson correlation coefficients were
calculated on treatment means by the CORR procedure of Oat–berseem clover intercrops had greater yield of
SAS to determine the relationship between berseem clover Cut 1 DM than barley–berseem clover intercrops
DM yield and harvest date, cereal canopy height, cereal DM (Table 3). Barley–berseem clover intercrops had greater
yield, or cereal tiller density (SAS Inst., 2000). yields of Cut 2 DM and total CP and greater percentage
of berseem clover in total yield. In associated research
with Waldern oat and AC Lacombe barley at a range
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of seeding rates in cereal–berseem clover intercrops, oat
The treatment effects of oat and barley cultivars in intercrops had greater Cut 1 DM yields in 3 of 4 yr, and
intercrops were significant for all variables of cereal barley intercrops had greater Cut 2 DM yield in 2 of
characteristics, yields, species composition, and forage 3 yr, greater total CP yield in 3 of 4 yr, and greater
quality indicators (Table 2). The effects of year ⫻ treat- percentage of berseem clover in total yield in 2 of 4 yr
ment interactions represented over 10% of the total (Ross et al., 2004).
sum of squares for Cut 1 cereal DM yield, percentage Other intercrop studies in Alberta have reported
of berseem clover in Cut 1, total DM yield, total CP greater forage yields for oat intercrops than barley inter-
yield, percentage of berseem clover in total yield, and crops (Berkenkamp and Meeres, 1987; Jedel and Helm,
forage quality indicators (CP, ADF, and NDF) of Cut 1. 1993; Jedel and Salmon, 1994). The 21 to 25% greater
There were some differences in moisture availability Cut 1 DM yield for oat–berseem clover intercrops than
and crop emergence between years. Rainfall for May for barley–berseem clover intercrops was largely due to
to September was near the 30-yr average (326 mm) the cereal component (Table 3). Barley cultivars reached
in 2000 (330 mm) but was lower than normal in 2001 soft dough stage earlier than oat cultivars, with silage-
(267 mm). Seasonal 5-mo mean temperatures for May stage harvest (Cut 1) of barley intercrops averaging 7
to September were near the 30-yr average of 14.5⬚C in to 8 d earlier than oat intercrops (Table 1). Mean canopy
both years. In 2000, timely rainfall and early emergence height of oat cultivars at Cut 1 was 50 to 56 cm higher
of berseem clover, relative to cereal emergence, may than that of barley cultivars (Table 4). Mean tiller weight
have provided more favorable conditions for berseem of barley cultivars at Cut 1 was only 40 to 47% of that of
clover establishment and decreased the early competi- oat cultivars, but mean tiller production (tillers plant⫺1)
tive effects of cereals. In 2001, irrigation of the plots of oat cultivars was 55 to 58% of that of barley cultivars.
promoted rapid emergence of the cereals, but soil crust- Greater Cut 2 berseem clover DM yield for barley–
ing appeared to cause some inhibition of berseem clover berseem clover intercrops than for oat–berseem clover
emergence. Fukai and Trenbath (1993) suggested that intercrops may be partly explained by earlier maturity
the relative performance of crops in intercrops can be of barley and longer periods of regrowth (Tables 1 and
greatly affected by small changes in the growth envi- 3). Total DM yields from two cuts of oat intercrops
ronment. were greater than barley intercrops in 2000, largely due
Total DM yields of cereal–berseem clover intercrops to greater Cut 1 cereal DM yield (Table 3). In 2001,
Reproduced from Agronomy Journal. Published by American Society of Agronomy. All copyrights reserved.


Table 2. Percentage of total sum of squares (TSS) from the analysis of variance for canopy height, tillers per plant, and tiller weight of cereals; dry matter (DM) yields of cereal,
berseem clover (BE), intercrop, and crude protein (CP); percentage BE; and CP, acid detergent fiber (ADF), and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) concentrations for oat or barley
cultivars intercropped with berseem clover and berseem clover sole crops sampled at the silage stage of cereals (Cut 1) and at the end of the growing season (Cut 2) at Edmonton,
AB, in 2000 and 2001.

Cut 1 cereal characteristics Cut 1 yield Cut 1 and Cut 2 yield

Cut 2 yield
Canopy Tillers Tiller Cereal Intercrop Percentage Total Percentage
df height per plant weight DM df BE DM DM df BE† df BE DM df DM CP df BE
TSS, % TSS, % TSS, % TSS, % TSS, % TSS, %
Year (y) 1 5*** 9* 11*** 10 1 20*** 42*** 1 59*** 1 6 1 32** 11* 1 21**
Error a 6 1*** 6*** 1 11*** 6 1 3** 6 5** 6 3** 6 9* 8** 6 7***
Treatment (t) 8 93*** 72*** 77*** 49*** 11 71*** 46*** 8 11*** 11 77*** 11 13* 37*** 8 43***
y⫻t 8 0* 6*** 5*** 11** 10 2 2 8 14*** 10 9*** 10 14** 18*** 8 17***
Error b 48 1 7 6 20 57 6 8 48 11 57 6 57 32 24 48 12
TSS, numeric 61 713 536 103 200 537 692 9 257 414 329 11.9 9 772
CV, % 3 13 16 11 25 10 25 19 10 10 14
Concentrations of forage quality indicators
Cut 1 cereals Cut 1 intercrops and components Cut 2 berseem clover
TSS, % TSS, % TSS, %
y 1 1 5** 6 1 8 22 5* 1 58 13* 5
Error a 2 11** 0 3 3 11 6* 9 2 1 1 7
t 8 69*** 50*** 23* 8 61*** 38*** 67*** 4 35* 74** 70*
y⫻t 8 10 29* 57*** 7 14** 27*** 15*** 1 3 2 5
Error b 16 10 16 11 14 6 7 3 5 4 9 12
TSS, numeric 11 260 47 988 68 925 38 154 81 552 188 117 6 495 12 481 17 817

CV, % 6 7 4 8 6 5 5 3 3
* Significant at the 0.05 probability level.
** Significant at the 0.01 probability level.
*** Significant at the 0.001 probability level.
† Percentage of berseem clover in intercrop by dry weight.
Reproduced from Agronomy Journal. Published by American Society of Agronomy. All copyrights reserved.

Table 3. Cut 1, Cut 2, and total dry matter (DM) yields; percentage of berseem clover (BE) by dry weight; crude protein yields for cereal–berseem clover intercrops and berseem
clover sole crops; and grouped means for barley, oat, early maturing oat, late-maturing oat, semidwarf barley, and conventional-height barley cultivar intercrops at Edmonton,
AB, in 2000 and 2001.
Cut 1 Cut 2 Cut 1 and Cut 2
Cereal DM BE DM Intercrop DM Percentage BE BE DM Cereal DM Total DM Percentage BE Crude protein
Treatment 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001
Mg ha⫺1 % Mg ha⫺1 % Mg ha⫺1
Barley intercrops
Kasota 6.6 5.6 3.3 0.6 9.9 6.2 33 9 4.1 5.7 0.7 14.0 12.6 53 50 2.25 1.96
Niska 5.8 6.9 4.0 0.3 9.7 7.3 40 5 3.9 2.4 1.5 13.6 11.2 57 25 2.43 1.75
AC Lacombe 8.3 7.9 2.5 0.4 10.8 8.3 23 5 3.1 3.0 0.8 14.0 12.2 39 28 2.16 1.86
Seebe 7.5 7.3 2.7 0.5 10.2 7.8 26 7 3.7 2.5 0.7 13.8 11.0 46 27 2.34 1.70
Oat intercrops
AC Juniper 8.5 7.1 3.2 1.2 11.7 8.3 27 15 2.7 3.0 0.5 14.4 11.8 41 36 2.08 1.83
Jasper 9.3 7.7 3.6 1.2 12.9 8.8 28 13 2.6 2.5 0.2 15.5 11.5 40 32 2.25 1.67
AC Mustang 9.4 8.1 3.8 1.1 13.2 9.2 29 12 2.3 2.2 0.3 15.5 11.7 40 28 2.17 1.72
Murphy 10.4 8.2 2.0 0.7 12.4 8.9 16 8 1.4 1.5 0.1 13.9 10.5 25 20 1.79 1.43
Waldern 11.0 8.3 2.3 1.1 13.3 9.5 17 12 1.8 2.2 0.1 15.1 11.7 27 28 2.01 1.64
Berseem clover sole crops
Early cut (BE1)† – – – 2.9 – 2.9 – – – 10.4 – – 13.3 – – – 2.60
Midcut (BE2)† – – 6.8 4.8 6.8 4.8 – – 4.5 7.1 – 11.3 11.9 – – 2.09 2.42
Late cut (BE3)† – – 9.5 7.1 9.5 7.1 – – 3.0 5.5 – 12.5 12.6 – – 1.98 2.26
LSD‡ 1.7 0.8 1.2 0.9 1.6 1.1 9 2 0.9 1.0 0.5 2.0 1.7 9 5 0.33 0.26
Barley intercrops 7.0 7.0 3.1 0.4 10.2 7.4 31 6 3.7 3.4 0.9 13.9 11.7 49 32 2.30 1.82
Oat intercrops 9.7 7.9 3.0 1.1 12.7 9.0 24 12 2.2 2.3 0.2 14.9 11.5 35 29 2.06 1.66
Early maturing oat 8.9 7.4 3.4 1.2 12.3 8.6 28 14 2.6 2.7 0.3 14.9 11.7 41 34 2.16 1.75
intercrops (EO)§
Late-maturing oat 10.7 8.3 2.2 0.9 12.9 9.2 17 10 1.6 1.8 0.1 14.5 11.1 26 24 1.90 1.53
intercrops (LO)¶
Semidwarf barley 6.2 6.3 3.6 0.5 9.8 6.7 37 7 4.0 4.1 1.1 13.8 11.9 55 37 2.34 1.85
intercrops (S)#
Conventional barley 7.9 7.6 2.6 0.4 10.5 8.1 25 6 3.4 2.7 0.7 13.9 11.6 43 27 2.25 1.78
intercrops (C)††
BE sole crops – – 8.2 4.9 8.2 4.9 – – 3.8 7.7 – 11.9 12.6 – – 2.03 2.43
Intercrops 8.5 7.5 3.1 0.8 11.6 8.3 27 9 2.8 2.8 0.5 14.4 11.6 41 30 1.56 1.60
Barley vs. oat *** *** ns‡‡ *** *** *** ** *** *** *** *** * ns *** ** ** *

EO vs. LO ** ** ** *** ns ns ** *** *** ** ns ns ns *** *** * *

Early vs. late-maturing ns *** ns ns ns *** ns ** ns *** ns ns * ns *** ns *
S vs. C ** *** * ns ns *** *** * ** *** ns ns ns *** *** ns ns
BE sole crops vs. – – *** *** *** *** – – *** *** – *** * – – ns ***
* Significant at the 0.05 probability level.
** Significant at the 0.01 probability level.
*** Significant at the 0.001 probability level.
† Harvest of BE1 and BE2 coincided with barley intercrop harvest, and BE3 coincided with harvest of late-maturing oat intercrops.
‡ Least significant difference at P ⱕ 0.05.
§ EO ⫽ AC Juniper and Jasper oat.
¶ LO ⫽ Murphy and Waldern oat.
# S ⫽ Kasota and Niska barley.
†† C ⫽ AC Lacombe and Seebe barley.
‡‡ ns, not significant.
§§ Early maturing barley ⫽ Kasota; late-maturing barley ⫽ Seebe.

Table 4. Canopy height, tillers per plant, and tiller weight for barley and oat cultivars at silage stage of cereals (Cut 1) and grouped
means for barley, oat, early maturing oat, late-maturing oat, semidwarf barley, and conventional-height barley cultivars at Edmonton,
AB, in 2000 and 2001.
Canopy height Tillers per plant Tiller weight
Genotype 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001
cm no. plant⫺1 g tiller⫺1
Kasota 85 65 8 9 1.3 1.0
Niska 85 70 7 12 1.3 1.0
Reproduced from Agronomy Journal. Published by American Society of Agronomy. All copyrights reserved.

AC Lacombe 100 85 7 9 1.9 1.6

Seebe 105 95 10 12 1.3 1.0
AC Juniper 130 115 6 8 2.5 1.6
Jasper 140 130 6 7 2.7 1.7
AC Mustang 145 140 3 4 4.6 3.4
Murphy 160 150 5 5 3.6 2.6
Waldern 145 130 4 5 4.7 2.8
LSD† 7 4 0.8 1.7 0.7 0.3
Barley cultivars 93 77 8.2 10.6 1.5 1.1
Oat cultivars 143 133 4.7 5.8 3.6 2.4
Early maturing oat cultivars (EO)‡ 135 124 5.8 7.4 2.6 1.7
Late-maturing oat cultivars (LO)§ 150 139 4.4 5.1 4.1 2.7
Semidwarf barleys (S)¶ 83 66 7.7 10.9 1.3 1.0
Conventional barleys (C)# 104 89 8.6 10.2 1.6 1.3
Barley vs. oat cultivars *** *** *** *** *** ***
EO vs. LO *** *** *** *** *** ***
Early vs. late-maturing barley†† *** *** *** ** ns‡‡ ns
S vs. C *** *** ** ns ns **
** Significant at the 0.01 probability level.
*** Significant at the 0.001 probability level.
† Least significant difference at P ⱕ 0.05.
‡ EO ⫽ AC Juniper and Jasper oat.
§ LO ⫽ Murphy and Waldern oat.
¶ S ⫽ Kasota and Niska barley.
# C ⫽ AC Lacombe and Seebe barley.
†† Early maturing barley ⫽ Kasota; late-maturing barley ⫽ Seebe.
‡‡ ns, not significant.

total DM yields did not differ between oat and barley occurred in experiments with Waldern oat at a range
intercrops as greater Cut 1 yields for oat intercrops were of seeding rates intercropped with berseem clover (Ross
countered by greater Cut 2 yields for barley intercrops. et al., 2003). In the present study, cereal tillering (tillers
The greater percentage of berseem clover in total yields plant⫺1) was only a factor in berseem clover suppression
of barley–berseem clover intercrops averaged 41% com- among barley cultivars in 2001, with a moderate negative
pared with an average of 32% berseem clover in oat– correlation between Cut 1 berseem clover DM yield
berseem clover intercrops. Greater total CP yields for and barley tiller production (r ⫽ ⫺0.44).
barley intercrops than for oat intercrops was probably Some studies comparing the effects of oat and barley
due to a combination of greater CP concentration in in crop mixtures have concluded that barley caused
barley cultivars than in oat cultivars and greater yield greater suppression of a companion crop than did oat
contribution from high quality berseem clover regrowth when grown with alfalfa (Brink and Marten, 1986b;
in barley intercrops (Tables 3 and 5). Nickel et al., 1990) or with other small-grain cereals
Cereal biomass was a consistent factor in suppression (Juskiw et al., 2000c). Our results in 2001 suggested
of berseem clover by barley and oat cultivars. Within greater suppression of berseem clover by barley than
barley intercrops, there were negative correlations be- by oat cultivars. Cut 1 DM yield of berseem clover in
tween Cut 1 berseem clover DM yield and barley DM barley intercrops was 58% less than that in oat inter-
yield (r ⫽ ⫺0.75 in 2000; r ⫽ ⫺0.63 in 2001). Within oat crops, and the percentage of berseem clover in barley
intercrops, there were somewhat weaker correlations intercrops was less than in oat intercrops (Table 3).
between Cut 1 berseem clover DM yield and oat DM Brink and Marten (1986b) reported that alfalfa seedling
yield (r ⫽ ⫺0.51 in 2000; r ⫽ ⫺0.34 in 2001). Cut 2 DM yield (g m⫺2) was less with barley than with oat
berseem clover DM yield was negatively correlated with cultivars. They found that barley cultivars frequently
Cut 1 cereal DM yield among barley cultivars in both had greater leaf area than did oat cultivars and thus had
years (r ⫽ ⫺0.59 in 2000; r ⫽ ⫺0.37 in 2001) and among greater potential for competition for light with under-
oat cultivars in 2000 (r ⫽ ⫺0.51). Holland and Brummer sown alfalfa. Simmons et al. (1995) reported that PAR
(1999) found that oat straw yield was negatively corre- available at the top of alfalfa averaged 51% of full sun
lated with berseem clover yield. Negative linear rela- with oat companion crops and 41% of full sun with
tionships between Cut 1 berseem clover DM yield and barley companion crops at 40 to 48 d after crop emer-
either oat DM yield or oat tiller density (tillers m⫺2) gence. Our light readings taken at 44 d after planting in

Table 5. Cereal plant crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) concentrations at Cut 1 for
barley and oat cultivars and grouped means for barley, oat, early maturing oat, late-maturing oat, semidwarf barley, and conventional-
height barley cultivars at Edmonton, AB, in 2000 and 2001.
Cut 1 cereals
Genotype 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001
g kg⫺1
Reproduced from Agronomy Journal. Published by American Society of Agronomy. All copyrights reserved.

Kasota 130 135 325 275 575 495

Niska 170 145 285 305 515 540
AC Lacombe 130 140 335 295 585 495
Seebe 150 145 310 365 525 590
AC Juniper 110 125 305 340 500 540
Jasper 115 120 340 350 550 550
AC Mustang 110 125 370 385 600 590
Murphy 110 120 315 385 475 615
Waldern 110 115 335 380 520 600
LSD† 20 17 ns‡ 48 27 76
Barley cultivars 144 140 314 309 550 530
Oat cultivars 112 120 334 367 529 579
Early maturing oat cultivars (EO)§ 114 123 324 343 524 545
Late-maturing oat cultivars (LO)¶ 111 116 324 383 498 608
Semidwarf barleys (S)# 147 140 306 291 545 516
Conventional barleys (C)†† 141 141 322 328 555 544
Barley vs. oat cultivars *** *** ns *** ** *
EO vs. LO ns ns ns * * *
Early vs. late-maturing barley‡‡ * ns ns ** ** *
S vs. C ns ns ns * ns ns
* Significant at the 0.05 probability level.
** Significant at the 0.01 probability level.
*** Significant at the 0.001 probability level.
† Least significant difference at P ⱕ 0.05.
‡ ns, not significant.
§ EO ⫽ AC Juniper and Jasper oat.
¶ LO ⫽ Murphy and Waldern oat.
# S ⫽ Kasota and Niska barley.
†† C ⫽ AC Lacombe and Seebe barley.
‡‡ Early maturing barley ⫽ Kasota; late-maturing barley ⫽ Seebe.

2001, with cereals in stages of stem elongation, indicated concluded that oat caused greater suppression of pea,
that more PAR was available to berseem clover in the fababean, or sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) than did
intercrops with oat cultivars (47%) than with barley barley in intercrops. Further study of the relative com-
cultivars (33%) (Table 6). The greater tiller density of petitive abilities of oat and barley cultivars in intercrops
barley, and likely greater leaf area in early stages of is warranted.
growth, may explain greater shading by barley. Compe-
tition for light could greatly decrease berseem clover Cereal Stature Effects
yield because the relative growth rates of clover plants
decrease rapidly in response to shading (Kendall and The mean canopy height of conventional-stature bar-
Stringer, 1985). ley cultivars (AC Lacombe, Seebe) was 21 to 23 cm
A significant year ⫻ treatment interaction for per- greater than semidwarf barley cultivars (Kasota, Niska)
centage of berseem clover in Cut 1 can partly be ex- (Table 4). Cut 1 DM yields of the cereal component of
plained by differing effects of oat and barley between intercrops were greater for conventional-stature barley
years. In 2000, the percentage of berseem clover in Cut 1 cultivars than for semidwarf cultivars (Table 3). In 2001,
of barley intercrops was greater than that in oat inter- Cut 1 intercrop yields for conventional-stature barley
crops, a reversal of the results in 2001 (Table 3). The intercrops were greater than those of semidwarf barley
results in 2000 countered trends observed in associated intercrops, with 22% greater cereal DM yield. In 2000,
cereal–berseem clover experiments of greater Cut 1 per- conventional-stature intercrops and semidwarf intercrops
centage of berseem clover with Waldern oat than with had equal Cut 1 DM yields as the 28% greater cereal
AC Lacombe barley in 3 of 4 yr (Ross et al., 2004). DM yield for conventional-stature intercrops was bal-
Greater percentage of berseem clover in barley inter- anced by the 40% greater berseem clover DM yield for
crops in 2000 may have been related to conditions that semidwarf intercrops.
generally increased berseem clover growth in 2000. Al- Holland and Brummer (1999) reported that oat height
though much of the literature suggests that barley is at grain maturity did not correlate with total berseem
more competitive than oat, contrary conclusions have clover DM yield in oat–berseem clover intercrops. Our
been reported. Based on the percentage composition findings were more consistent with studies indicating
of forage dry weight, Berkenkamp and Meeres (1987) that shorter-stature barley or oat cultivars are less sup-

Table 6. Relative levels of photosynthetically active radiation Cut 2 berseem clover DM yields were greater for
(PAR) at the top of the berseem clover (BE) and at soil level semidwarf barley intercrops than for conventional-stat-
within berseem clover–cereal intercrops at 44 d after planting
in 2001, with cereals in stages of stem elongation, at Edmon- ure barley intercrops (Table 3). Greater Cut 2 yield for
ton, AB. semidwarf intercrops may have related to less initial
PAR at PAR at
suppression of berseem clover by semidwarf cultivars.
Treatment top of BE soil level Also, earlier Cut 1 harvest of semidwarf intercrops al-
full-sun PAR, %
lowed for more days of regrowth in some cases (Table 1).
Barley intercrops Moynihan et al. (1996) concluded that biomass yields
Reproduced from Agronomy Journal. Published by American Society of Agronomy. All copyrights reserved.

Kasota 44 14 for intercrops of barley and annual medic species (Med-

Niska 32 8 icago spp.) were similar with semidwarf or conventional-
AC Lacombe 31 6
Seebe 27 7 stature barley. In our study, there were no differences
Oat intercrops in total DM or CP yields between semidwarf barley
AC Juniper 54 19
Jasper 48 16 intercrops and conventional-stature barley intercrops
AC Mustang 39 16 (Table 3). Advantages in Cut 1 cereal DM yield with
Murphy 49 19 conventional-stature cultivars were balanced by advan-
Waldern 46 12
LSD† 17 ns‡ tages in Cut 2 berseem clover DM yield with semidwarf
MEANS cultivar intercrops.
Barley intercrops 33 9
Oat intercrops 47 16
Early maturing oat intercrops (EO)§ 51 18 Early versus Late-Maturing Cultivars
Late-maturing oat intercrops (LO)¶ 48 16
Semidwarf barley intercrops (S)# 38 11 The Cut 1 harvest was 3 to 6 d earlier for early matur-
Conventional barley intercrops (C)†† 29 7
CONTRASTS ing oat cultivars (AC Juniper and Jasper) than late-
Barley vs. oat intercrops ** ** maturing oat cultivars (Murphy and Waldern) and was
EO vs. LO ns ns 1 to 7 d earlier for the early maturing barley cultivar
Early vs. late-maturing barley‡‡ §§ ns
S vs. C ns ns (Kasota) than the late-maturing barley cultivar (Seebe)
(Table 1). The canopy height at Cut 1 of late-maturing
* Significant at the 0.05 probability level.
** Significant at the 0.01 probability level. genotypes was greater than early maturing genotypes
† Least significant difference at P ⱕ 0.05. (Table 4). The tiller characteristics associated with late
‡ ns, not significant. maturity differed between oat and barley. The late-
§ EO ⫽ AC Juniper and Jasper oat.
¶ LO ⫽ Murphy and Waldern oat. maturing oat cultivars had fewer but heavier tillers than
# S ⫽ Kasota and Niska barley. early maturing oat cultivars. The late-maturing barley
†† C ⫽ AC Lacombe and Seebe barley. had more tillers than the early maturing barley but did
‡‡ Early maturing barley ⫽ Kasota; late-maturing barley ⫽ Seebe.
not differ in tiller weight.
The cereal DM yield of Cut 1 was greater for late-
pressive as companion crops than taller cultivars (Nickel
maturing oat intercrops in both years and was greater
et al., 1990; Thompson et al., 1992). In barley–berseem
for the late-maturing barley in 2001 (Table 3). Greater
clover intercrops, mean percentage of berseem clover
Cut 1 cereal yield would be expected for late-maturing
in Cut 1 was greater with semidwarf cultivars in both cultivars. Juskiw et al. (2000b) observed that per-plant
years, Cut 1 berseem clover DM yield was greater with biomass yields of barley, oat, and triticale harvested at
semidwarf cultivars in 2000, and barley canopy height the same growth stage increased with increasing matu-
was negatively correlated with Cut 1 berseem clover rity date. In 2000, when the harvest dates for the early
DM yield (r ⫽ ⫺0.54) in 2000 (Table 3). In oat–berseem maturing and late-maturing barley intercrops differed
clover intercrops, oat canopy height was negatively cor- by only 1 d, there were no differences in Cut 1, Cut 2,
related with Cut 1 berseem clover DM yield (r ⫽ ⫺0.60) or total yields for these intercrops. In 2000, Cut 1 DM
in 2001. The shorter-stature cultivars may have caused yields did not differ between early and late-maturing
less shading of the berseem than the taller cultivars. oat intercrops as greater Cut 1 cereal DM yield for
Simmons et al. (1995) reported that the amount of PAR late-maturing intercrops was balanced by greater Cut 1
available to alfalfa was greater with semidwarf barley berseem clover DM yield for early maturing intercrops.
cultivars (averaging 46% of full sun) than with conven- In 2001, late-maturing cereal intercrops had greater Cut 1
tional-stature barley cultivars (averaging 35% of full DM yield than the early maturing cereal intercrops. Simi-
sun). Although our limited assessment of light intercep- larly, Thompson et al. (1992) reported that late-maturing
tion in 2001 did not indicate significant contrast between barley cultivars intercropped with ryegrass had greater
semidwarf and conventional-stature barley intercrops, first-cut intercrop yields than a medium-maturing barley
greater levels (P ⱕ 0.06) of PAR were available at the intercrop.
top of berseem clover with Kasota than with Seebe There were indications of less berseem clover sup-
barley (Table 6). Kasota barley represented a combina- pression by early maturing cereal cultivars. Cut 1 ber-
tion of semidwarf stature and early maturity, and Seebe seem clover DM yields and percentages of berseem
represented a combination of conventional stature and clover in Cut 1 were greater for early maturing oat
late maturity. Juskiw et al. (2000c) found that Kasota intercrops in both years (Table 3). Cut 1 berseem clover
was less competitive than Seebe or AC Lacombe in DM yield was negatively correlated with days of growth
barley mixtures and suggested that differences may have of oat cultivars (r ⫽ ⫺0.60 in 2000; r ⫽ ⫺0.44 in 2001).
been due to stature or earliness. In 2001, the early maturing barley intercrop had a greater

percentage of berseem clover in Cut 1 than did the late- early maturing oat intercrops than for late-maturing oat
maturing barley intercrop. intercrops in both years (Table 3). In 2001, total DM
Holland and Brummer (1999) did not measure oat and CP yields were greater for the early maturing barley
tillering, but they suggested that the greater competi- intercrop than the late-maturing barley intercrop due
tiveness of late-maturing oat cultivars might be associ- to greater berseem clover yield. Cereals with a combina-
ated with greater tillering in the vegetative phase. Some tion of late-maturity and taller stature may be a poor
of our results for barley cultivars support this hypothesis. choice for cereal–berseem clover forage intercrops. The
The late-maturing barley had greater tiller production, tallest late-maturing oat, Murphy, had the lowest yields
and barley tillering was negatively correlated with Cut 1 of Cut 2 DM, total DM, and total CP amongst the oat
Reproduced from Agronomy Journal. Published by American Society of Agronomy. All copyrights reserved.

berseem clover DM yield in one year. However, oat intercrops. Juskiw et al. (2000c) cautioned that inclusion
tiller production did not correlate with Cut 1 berseem of a highly competitive cultivar or species in a mixture
clover DM yield, and late-maturing oat cultivars had may not lead to any overall yield advantage. Cereals
fewer tillers per plant than did early maturing oat culti- with both early maturity and shorter stature may be the
vars. Thus, tiller production was not consistently associ- best choice for cereal–berseem clover intercrops.
ated with late maturity or with berseem clover suppres-
sion. Jedel et al. (1998) concluded that competitive ability Forage Quality
of barley cultivars in intraspecific barley mixtures was
not associated with tillering. Greater competitiveness Based on forage quality indicators for the cereal com-
of late-maturing cereal cultivars may be associated with ponents of intercrops, the forage quality of barley culti-
greater partitioning of biomass into leaves. Juskiw et al. vars was superior to that of oat cultivars (Table 5). Barley
(2000b) found that early maturing barley cultivars had cultivars had greater CP and less or equal ADF com-
lower proportions of biomass as leaf and stem, and pared with oat cultivars at Cut 1. There were no consis-
higher proportions as spike, compared with late-matur- tent quality advantages related to cereal cultivar matu-
ing cereal cultivars at stages between heading and rity or stature. Differences in forage quality between the
soft dough. early and late-maturing cultivars varied between years.
Cut 2 berseem clover DM yields were greater for There were few differences in quality between semi-
early maturing oat intercrops than for late-maturing oat dwarf and conventional-stature barley cultivars. Forage
intercrops (Table 3). In 2001, the early maturing barley quality advantages of cereal cultivars may be more re-
intercrop also had greater Cut 2 clover yield than did lated to individual cultivars than to a particular growth
the late-maturing barley intercrop. Greater Cut 2 yield habit. For example, the semidwarf Niska barley had
may be partly explained by less initial suppression and higher CP and lower NDF than the semidwarf Kasota
by more days of regrowth. Cut 2 berseem clover yield and the conventional-stature AC Lacombe barley in
was negatively correlated with the date of Cut 1 among 2000.
oat cultivars in both years (r ⫽ ⫺0.73 in 2000; r ⫽ ⫺0.54 The forage quality of berseem clover at Cut 1 was
in 2001) and among barley cultivars in 2001 (r ⫽ ⫺0.85). better than the mean quality of oat and barley cultivars,
Total DM and CP yields of early maturing cereal with equal or greater CP and lower NDF (Tables 5 and
intercrops were equal or greater than those of late- 7). Berseem clover sole crops harvested at the same time
maturing intercrops. Total CP yields were greater for as Cut 1 of barley intercrops (BE1 and BE2) had greater

Table 7. Herbage crude protein (CP), acid detergent fiber (ADF), and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) concentrations for intercrops of
berseem clover (BE) with Niska barley or Waldern oat and berseem clover sole crops for Cut 1 and Cut 2 at Edmonton, AB, in 2000
and 2001.
Cut 1 intercrops Cut 2 berseem clover
CP ADF NDF Days regrowth CP ADF NDF
Sample 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001
g kg⫺1 d g kg⫺1
Niska barley intercrop
Barley 170 145 285 305 515 540 – – – – – – – –
BE 140 190 390 280 470 390 64 66 225 175 265 215 370 300
Barley–BE mixture 165 145 340 285 490 485 – – – – – – – –
Waldern oat intercrop
Oat 110 115 335 380 520 600 – – – – – – – –
BE 170 170 380 335 465 435 53 57 240 215 205 175 300 275
Oat–BE mixture 125 120 365 380 535 580 – – – – – – – –
Berseem clover sole crops
Early cut (BE1)† – 225 – 230 – 325 – 71 – 190 – 230 – 350
Midcut (BE2)† 160 220 365 275 460 350 63 64 – 195 – 240 – 350
Late cut (BE3)† 130 155 385 315 470 405 53 57 – 210 – 200 – 310
LSD‡ 22 36 43 51 ns§ 51 ns 14 ns ns 13 ns
Mean of BE samples 150 192 379 286 465 381 – – 232 196 236 212 335 317
Mixtures vs. cereals ns ns * ns ns ns – – – – – – – –
* Significant at the 0.05 probability level.
† Harvest of BE1 and BE2 coincided with harvest of barley intercrops, and BE3 coincided with harvest of Waldern oat intercrops.
‡ Least significant difference at P ⱕ 0.05.
§ ns, not significant.

CP and less or equal ADF and NDF compared with were 17% less than intercrops in 2000 and 9% greater
those harvested at the same time as late-maturing oat than intercrops in 2001. However, findings in other ex-
intercrops (BE3) (Table 7). Berseem clover regrowth periments suggest that cereal–berseem clover intercrops
in Cut 2 had high nutritional quality with mean CP of provide greater yield stability than berseem clover sole
215 g kg⫺1. In 2001, the CP of Cut 2 berseem clover crops (Ross et al., 2004).
declined with increasing days of regrowth.
A subset of cereal–berseem clover mixtures had dif-
ferences in forage quality that reflected the differences CONCLUSIONS
between oat and barley cultivars. Niska barley–berseem
Reproduced from Agronomy Journal. Published by American Society of Agronomy. All copyrights reserved.

Cereal–berseem clover intercrops offered potential

clover intercrops had greater CP and less or equal ADF to partition forage yield between silage harvest and fall
and NDF compared with Waldern oat–berseem clover regrowth. Berseem clover regrowth in intercrops pro-
intercrops (Table 7). Brink and Marten (1986a) con- vided an average of 2.8 Mg ha⫺1 DM of high quality
cluded that barley–alfalfa mixtures usually provided su- forage. This late-season growth could provide extra for-
perior quality forage at five-leaf, flag-leaf, or dough age at a time when forage quality and quantity is often
stage than did oat–alfalfa mixtures. Jedel and Helm limited. The N yield of the berseem clover regrowth bio-
(1993) reported greater forage CP values for barley– mass would be about 90 kg N ha⫺1. Although the addi-
pulse intercrops than for oat–pulse intercrops. Con- tional berseem clover growth could reduce soil water
versely, Chapko et al. (1991) reported greater CP for reserves, it could provide soil and environmental bene-
oat–pea mixtures than for barley–pea mixtures, with fits of increased soil N, greater soil cover and weed
harvest at emergence of spikelets from the boot.
suppression, reduced potential for soil erosion and N
Results for intercrops with Niska barley and Waldern
losses, and improved soil quality.
oat indicated that adding berseem clover to cereals gen-
Juskiw et al. (2000c) cautioned against using plant
erally had little effect on forage quality at silage stage
height, biomass production, or a formula of traits to
(Table 7). The limited impact of berseem clover on inter-
crop quality was likely due to a combination of small predict cereal cultivar competitive ability in mixtures.
percentage of berseem clover in some mixtures and It would not be appropriate to draw general conclusions
relatively high CP levels for cereals. Mean CP levels of about oat and barley cultivars in mixtures from this
oat cultivars and barley cultivars were greater than in study, but some comments can be made about the effects
some studies of silage cereals in central Alberta: 70 to of cereal growth habit on berseem clover in intercrops at
100 g kg⫺1 CP for oat and barley (Juskiw et al., 2000a) our particular site. Within cereal species, an association
and 90 to 125 g kg⫺1 CP for barley (Jedel and Salmon, between increases in initial cereal DM yield and greater
1995). The high CP values for cereals were likely related suppression of berseem clover was evident for Cut 1
to high initial soil N levels at Edmonton. Carr et al. and Cut 2 DM yields of berseem clover. This association
(1998) found that adding pea to oat or barley did not was consistent with other experiments we conducted
increase forage CP in high-soil-N environments but did over several years with berseem clover intercrops on
increase CP in low-soil-N environments. highly productive soils. An association between earlier
The contribution of berseem clover to decreased NDF Cut 1 and substantial increase in Cut 2 yield was also
values for cereal–berseem clover silage may improve consistent with findings in other experiments. Although
forage quality and increase intake. The NDF levels of it might be specific to our short growing season, a few
oat and barley cultivars at Cut 1 were ⱖ550 g kg⫺1 days difference in the silage-stage harvest had potential
(Table 5) in half the cases. Baron et al. (1992) cited Van for considerable impact on berseem regrowth yield. Our
Soest (1965) in stating that NDF levels ⱖ 550 g kg⫺1 finding that tiller production by cereals was not consis-
could severely reduce voluntary intake of forage. In tently associated with late maturity or with suppression
related experiments at Edmonton, berseem clover com- of berseem clover may be of interest to crop breeders.
ponents of about 20% in intercrops with oat, barley, or Further research is needed on differences in competitive
triticale reduced NDF by 25 to 45 g kg⫺1 compared with ability between oat and barley cultivars and between
cereals alone at silage stage (Ross et al., 2004). early maturing and late-maturing cultivars.
Our findings suggest that deficits in initial cereal for-
Berseem Clover Sole Crops versus Intercrops age yields that may occur with early maturing or shorter-
stature cereal cultivars in intercrops may be balanced
Berseem clover sole crops had lower Cut 1 yields by gains in season-long berseem clover yields. It was true
and greater Cut 2 yields compared with intercrop yields of our experiment that greater total yields sometimes
(Table 3). These results were consistent with findings occurred with oat or barley cultivars that caused less
in related experiments with cereal–berseem clover inter- suppression of berseem clover. Advantages in total in-
crops (Ross et al., 2004). The lower midseason forage tercrop yield observed with less competitive cereal culti-
yields of berseem clover sole crops would make them vars, and with reduced seeding rates of cereals, are con-
less attractive for silage production than the intercrops. trary to conventional crop production approaches. In
Sole crops of berseem clover might be preferable to monocrop cereal production, yield advantage is often
producers wanting greater yield of high quality late- associated with greater seeding rates and more competi-
season forage. Total seasonal yields of berseem clover tive cultivars. The findings in this study illustrate that
sole crops compared well with those of intercrops. Mean the theory and approaches in intercrop production will
total DM yields from two cuts of berseem sole crops differ from those used in monocrop production. To max-

imize fall forage and increase the legume component cropping systems in cryolboreal subhumid central Alberta. J. Agric.
Sci. (Cambridge) 120:33–41.
of silage harvest, early maturing and shorter-stature cul-
Jedel, P.E., and J.H. Helm. 1993. Forage potential of pulse–cereal
tivars of oat and barley are recommended for cereal– mixtures in central Alberta. Can. J. Plant Sci. 73:437–444.
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stress tolerance of barley mixtures in central Alberta. Can. J. Plant
Sci. 78:429–436.
Jedel, P.E., and D.F. Salmon. 1994. Forage potential of Wapiti triticale
The technical assistance of C. Martin, G. Rawluk, J. Deeks, mixtures in central Alberta. Can. J. Plant Sci. 74:515–519.
R. Davy, G. Su, and J. Zhao is gratefully acknowledged. Our Jedel, P.E., and D.F. Salmon. 1995. Forage potential of spring and
Reproduced from Agronomy Journal. Published by American Society of Agronomy. All copyrights reserved.

thanks to P. Juskiw and the late S. Kibite for advice on barley winter cereal mixtures in a short-season growing area. Agron. J.
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