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Yardstick International College

School of Post Graduate Studies
Leadership Program
ategic Leadership and Innovation Group
Book review on Building a Leadership Team

Submitted to: - Dr. Abera


Group - 5 Members: ID.No

1. Hiwot Getahun______________________________ MAL(1)039/14B
2 Luel H/Michael______________________________ MAL(1) 016/14B
3 Samuel Belay_______________________________ MAL(1) 013/14B
4 Wasshun Alemayehu_________________________ MAL(2) 003/14B

April 2023
Table of Contents page No
Building a Leadership Team Book................................................................................................................................2
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team on Amazon..............................................................................................................3
Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek..................................................................................................................................3
The importance of building a leadership team...............................................................................................................5
Leadership team to analysis building include................................................................................................................7
Tips for building a team.................................................................................................................................................9
Book Summary..............................................................................................................................................................9
The Coaching Habit - Book summary.........................................................................................................................11
LEGENDARY SECRETS OF TEAM LEADERSHIP...............................................................................................11
THE AUTHOR JOHN WOODEN..............................................................................................................................12
The goals you want your team to achieve....................................................................................................................13
Successful team leaders speak well and listen better...................................................................................................16
WOODEN ON LEADERSHIP BOOK SUMMARY..................................................................................................17

Concept Building a Leadership Team

Team building is the constant strive to enhance the relationships between employees and
help them collaborate in the most effective way possible. And team leaders play a key role in
this. Essentially, leaders are responsible for taking individual employees and bringing them
together as a cohesive team.
The Leader in You explores how the world leaders managed to achieve performance in their
lives by creating meaningful connections and reaching a higher level of productivity through
a positive, proactive mindset.

Building a Leadership Team Book

Team building books are guides that outline essential steps of building strong and productive
teams. Accomplished industry leaders write these books to help employees and managers form
successful teams. These books usually contain team building tips, team building elements and
team building trends, and contribute to the development of team building skills. From
conversations to creativity to trust, these books cover all the most important team building
topics. 1. The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork: Embrace them and empower Your Team by
John C Maxwell .The 17 Indisputable Laws of Team Work Team building demands much more than
gathering a group and assigning a project Good team management requires important skills, preparation,
and careful consideration. John C. Maxwell breaks down all the basics of forming great teams in
one of the most thorough books about team building, The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork.
The author describes why teamwork is critical and what managers can do to get the most out of
teams, while sharing insights like “the goal is more important than the role,” and “all players
have a place where they add the most value.”“For the person trying to do everything alone, the
game really is over. If you want to do something big, you must link up with others. One is too
small a number to achieve greatness.
That’s The Law of Significance “Learn more about The 17 Indisputable Laws of Teamwork
on Amazon2. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni the
Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni Even in the best
situations, leading a team is a challenge. In times of trouble, skillful and empathetic leaders steer
teams toward success.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team outlines obstacles modern teams face. The book tackles
topics such as:
 Absence of trust
 Fear of conflict
 Lack of commitment
 Avoidance of accountability
 Inattention to results
By exploring the roots of these problems and sharing specific examples, the book suggests
strategies and solutions to help leaders avoid these common pitfalls.
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team on Amazon
 Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph
Grenny, et al.
 Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High
 Communication is key for teams, remote teams especially. Sometimes, we need to initiate
difficult conversations with coworkers. Crucial Conversations covers how to keep calm and
communicate clearly in tense situations.
 Crucial Conversations teaches skills like controlling emotions, persuading instead of
bullying, and creating safe spaces for employees to be honest. Unlike other team building
books which focus on team formation, Crucial Conversations minimizes workplace conflict
by teaching teammates to avoid unnecessary confrontation and ease unavoidable upset.
“This is the first principle of dialogue Start with Heart. That is, your own heart. If you can’t
get yourself right, you’ll have a hard time getting dialogue right.”
Learn more about Crucial Conversations on Amazon
Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek
 Teams Leaders build that trust work as a unit Teams that do not trust function as
individuals. Trusting teams are happier, more motivated, and more successful.
 In Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek emphasizes the importance of trust and stresses that
teams must trust leaders.

 Leaders build trust among teams by putting employees first and sacrificing comfort during
crises. As one of the more leader-centric books on collaboration, Leaders Eat Last shows
how leaders become respected members of teams instead of mere order-givers.
 Notable Quote: “Leaps of greatness require the combined problem-solving ability of people
who trust each other.”
 Attitude is contagious. Good or bad energy can quickly spread between team members, so
leaders must work to develop positive team environments.
 The Energy Bus is one of the more useful books on building team culture because the book
shows how to stay positive and encourage others to do the same. While we cannot control
external events, we can control our own outlooks. Optimistic viewpoints lead to friendlier
workplaces and achieve better results. Author Ken Blanchard teaches leaders how to foster
cool heads and sunny dispositions among teams by modeling the behavior.
 “To run a successful organization,” I say, “you must learn to manage people’s energy,
including your own.”
 Conscious Coaching: The Art and Science of Building Buy-In by Brett Bartholomew
Conscious Coaching: The Art and Science of Building Buy-In
Motivation takes skill. Anyone can bark orders, but only the wisest leaders truly inspire. By
understanding team members and adopting an approach that aligns with team members’ goals,
leaders achieve greatness. In Conscious Coaching, Brett Bartholomew shares psychological
tricks to mentally train teams. Many team building books are sports-based, this one included.
Conscious Coaching focuses on athletes, but contains lessons that can easily be applied to the
Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World by Stanley McChrystal,
Tantum Collins, et al Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World
Sometimes, the “way it has always been done” no longer works. Effective management evolves
with the times. Adaptable leaders build flexible teams. Companies thrive when dynamic teams
embrace change.
Retired Army General Stanley McChrystal joined forces with fellow authors to pen Team of
Teams. Drawing on lessons from the service, he wrote a guide to forming bonds and creating
efficient teams that can perform well even under duress.
Learn more about Team of Teams on Amazon
The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything by Stephen M.R. Covey

The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything Every relationship starts and ends
with trust.
If team members do not trust each other, teams will be less joyful, more stressed, and will waste
more time second-guessing and double-checking each other’s work.
Stephen Covey, author of the legendary The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, describes why
trust is so critical and how you can earn it in The Speed of Trust. The author has written several
team bonding books that teach how to let your guard down and have more confidence in your
 “In a high-trust relationship, you can say the wrong thing, and people will still get your
meaning. In a low-trust relationship, you can be very measured, even precise, and they’ll still
misinterpret you.”
 Author Ed Catmull is one of the founders of Pixar Animation Studios. In Creativity Inc, he
educates readers on tips and techniques to create and influence creative teams.
 Some of his insights include: “Everybody should be able to talk to anybody,” and “It’s not
the manager’s job to prevent risks. It’s the manager’s job to make it safe for others to take
 “Give a good idea to a mediocre team, and they will screw it up. But give a mediocre idea to
a great team, and they will either fix it or come up with something better.”
The some good books about team building
The best books about team building identify common team problems and suggest ways to avoid
or fix these pitfalls. Some good books about team building include The 17 Indisputable Laws of
Teamwork: Embrace them and Empower Your Team by John C. Maxwell, The Five
Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni, and Leaders Eat Last by
Simon Sinek.
The books about team building
The team building because these works identify all the elements of great teams and offer advice
on how to form a team that will work effectively with your management style.
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 Author avatar
 Author: Angela Robinson
 Marketing Coordinator at

 Team building content expert. Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and
worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.
The importance of building a leadership team
They are important skills to have because a good leader is able to bring out the best abilities in
his/her team members and motivate them to work together in achieving a shared goal. A good
leader is also organized and keeps the team on track and focused to avoid delays.
Many organizations today hire diverse teams and rely on the team members’ collaboration to
reach business objectives. It’s critical that managers reduce conflict among team members and
ensure their teams are working to their full potential. Team building activities are a great way to
bring team members together and educate them on the different personalities, strengths and
weaknesses of their coworkers. Effective team building strategies can help employees work
cohesively and play toward each individual member’s strengths. There are four types of team
building techniques leaders can choose from that help their teams achieve various goals.
Personality-Based Team Building Techniques
 One way to learn more about coworkers is to start with a personality test. The Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator (MBTI) is a respected psychometric exam that classifies people into one of
sixteen different personalities, each with its own strengths and weaknesses.
 Learning that some employees are more introverted than others may lead managers to assign
them specific creative tasks, while extroverted employees may benefit more from tasks that
involve engaging with people and presenting new ideas Each personality type has a role to
play in an organization.
 Team building strategies that incorporate each team member’s personality type, with an
understanding of how each individual interacts with others, can help businesses better
appreciate what everyone has to offer.
Activity-Based Team Building Techniques
In an activity-based approach to team building, team members participate in a series of
challenging tasks designed to take them out of their comfort zones. In many cases, these tasks
are completed outdoors and can include ropes courses, boot camps, rafting or survival events.
While it may seem irrelevant to take teams out of the office, in truth, it can be highly rewarding
for teams that need to learn to work together and trust each other. Activity-based approaches can
work particularly well with younger employees who may be eager to try their hand at something

Skills-Based Team Building Techniques
For managers concerned that activity-based team building may not be developing specific job
skills, a skills-based approach may be beneficial. Here, team members participate in workshops
to develop important job skills, such as how to negotiate effectively and give helpful feedback.
The types of skills honed in a skills-based workshop can immediately be relevant to the job and
can be highly useful for boosting team performance.
Problem-Solving-Based Team Building Techniques
 Sometimes, it is best for teams to look specifically at their internal dynamics and discover
problems within the workplace, such as process strategy, poor morale or a lack of
 The problem-solving-based team building technique is designed to do exactly that. This
approach often takes place in a retreat setting and involves an external consultant. The team
leader navigates teams through a series of exercises that help them narrow in on issues and
work to resolve them.
 By directly addressing problems the group is having, this approach can be an excellent way
to help teams relax and improve interpersonal bonding.
The Importance of Team Building
These four types of team building techniques are only a taste of the different approaches
organizational leaders can take to encourage workplace cohesion. Some managers may also
choose to experiment with group-building activities for virtual teams. Here, social networking
tools can help fill the gap and help bring distant employees together.
Whatever the approach that works most effectively for your organization, team building
exercises are good ways to ensure that teams are working to their full potential. When team
members understand the differences in communication styles, thinking approaches and other
strengths and weaknesses of their coworkers, they are more likely to respect the value each team
member brings to the business.
Leadership is a crucial management function that helps organizations directs their resources to
improve efficiency, communicate their mission and vision to stakeholders and motivate their
employees to optimize their potential. Building an effective leadership team is important for
organizations in just about every industry, and having the right leadership skills can help an
organization better achieve its goals and realize its mission. Learning how to build a leadership

team is important if you want to increase productivity and motivate employees to optimize their
Leadership team to analysis building include

 An organization's leadership team typically includes its senior management or the

individuals at the highest level of management. These managers often have titles like chief
executive officer, president, vice president, chief technology officer, chief financial officer
and chief information officer. They engage in a variety of daily tasks that involve managing
the organization and overseeing its resources and employees. They help determine the
organization's strategic mission, vision and goals and provide leadership to its employees.
 In publicly traded companies, the leadership team is also responsible for fulfilling the
interests of shareholders, who own equity in the company. Leadership teams frequently meet
to discuss organizational strategy, make decisions and solve problems. They might also meet
with managers from different departments to receive updates about their progress in
implementing important initiatives and to make sure they're meeting their goals.
Components of Effective Executive Leadership Teams
 How to build a leadership team
 Building a leadership team often requires a lot of focus and planning. To build a team of
successful leaders, here are six steps you can take:
 Determine what you want leaders to prioritize the first step to building an effective
leadership team requires determining what you want your leadership team to prioritize. It's
important that your team is in agreement when it comes to organizational strategy.
 Good leaders are often willing to consider the company's goals and what they can do to
achieve them.
 Creating a list of things that you want leaders to prioritize can help you determine which
individuals to choose when creating your team. It can also help you find leaders who have
direct expertise and experience in prioritizing different business functions and leading others.
Consider the personal qualities you desire
Considering the personal qualities you desire in a leadership team may help you better
understand what to look for when selecting individual leaders.
It's important that your leadership team has certain qualities required to develop strategic plans
and manage a variety of individuals. These qualities may include creativity, assertiveness and
analytical thinking. Effective leaders also tend to have an aptitude for solving problems and
conceptualizing solutions. They also possess the emotional intelligence necessary to understand
how the decisions they make might affect others.
Collaboration is also important when considering the personal qualities that make an individual
an effective leader. Highly collaborative leaders are able to share accountability, make decisions
more quickly and enhance trust between employees. Being able to articulate the personal
qualities you desire in a leadership team can make it easier for prospective members to
understand your expectations and can allow you to find the right types of leaders.
Enhanced trust: Leadership teams often help enhance trust between employees and managers by
providing them with the guidance necessary to fulfill their roles. This trust can improve
productivity and lead to increased efficiency.
Improved conflict resolution: Cohesive leadership teams are able to resolve conflicts quickly and
minimize the potential for future disagreements. This can help organizations achieve their goals
more easily and can also lead to improved professional relationships.
Informed decision-making: A leadership team is able to address business-related issues from
multiple different perspectives. This can make it easier to make more informed decisions, which
can be important for handling sensitive issues properly.
Tips for building a team
Providing your leadership team with professional development opportunities can help you
empower them to realize their full potential and improve their performance. It can also help
reduce disagreements between leaders and help your team become more prepared for challenges
that might arise. Consider giving your team the opportunity to participate in training programs,
attend conferences, earn new certifications or learn new skills.
Communicate what you want in a team
Communicating what you're looking for in a leadership team is important because it lets
prospective members know the skills or experience level that you're looking for and how you
want members to interact with each other. Communication is also important for executing
strategies and initiatives properly. Mention both your short- and long-term goals for your team.
You can also discuss your expectations and standards with each leader on the team.
Book Summary
In an increasingly complex world, no leader no matter how capable can single-handedly fulfill
all the demands expected of him/her. To thrive, organizations need leadership teams to work
together across functional and geographical borders, and to satisfy the needs of both internal and

external stakeholders. In this Leadership Team Coaching summary, we get an overview of the
detailed, systems-level approach to team development and coaching by Peter Hawkins.
Executive team coaching is a relatively new field compared to individual coaching. In this book,
Peter Hawkins provides a comprehensive review of the research, history and approaches behind
team coaching. He explains the elements of high-performing teams, and presents a holistic
approach to team coaching. He also shares how to coach different types of teams and how to
select/develop coaches.
This is useful for leaders, HR/coaching practitioners, or anyone who wishes to understand
coaching practices and techniques for enhancing team performance.
 Its interactions are open and generative (not agenda-bound).
 It focuses not just on tasks, but also processes and learning.
 All members share leadership roles, with both individual and mutual accountability.
Leadership Team Coaching summary to learn more about
(i) the characteristics of high-performing teams, and
(ii) the additional challenges for coaching leadership teams. Basically, leadership is
relational by nature, so leadership development should address not just the leaders’
individual abilities, but also their relationships, real-world challenges, and the context
in which they operate.
 Team facilitation is about improving specific processes, e.g. having an external party help
with conflict resolution or facilitate a strategy session. A team process consultant may also
work alongside a team to diagnose gaps and areas for improvement.
 Team performance coaching addresses both processes and results/outcomes.
 Leadership team coaching is not just for senior teams. It can elevate any team’s collective
ability to influence its stakeholders.
 Transformational leadership team coaching goes a level further to raise the team’s ability to
transform its business.
 Systemic team coaching adopts an even more holistic approach, to address a team’s ripple
effects across a complex system, e.g. how it affects its stakeholder’s stakeholders, or it
customer’s customers.
 Based on years of research and experience at Bath Consultancy Group, Hawkins believes
that systemic team coaching is the best approach for developing high-performing
transformational leadership teams. He defines it as “a process by which a team coach works

10 | P a g e
with a whole team, both when they are together and when they are apart, in order to help
them improve both their collective performance and how they work together, and also how
they develop their collective leadership to more effectively engage with all their key
stakeholder groups to jointly transform the wider business.”
Implementing Systemic Team Coaching
The Essential Disciplines For Team Performance
Hawkins consolidates the elements of a great team into 5 disciplines. These include 4 internal
and external domains, as well as a 5th discipline that links the 4 domains.
The Coaching Habit - Book summary
Book Summary the Coaching Habit: Say Less; Ask More & Change The Way You Lead
Forever Audio Summary Book Summary Business Coaching Human Resource Info graphic
Summary Leadership Team Development Management Peter Hawkins Professional
Development Categories.
Character and leadership go hand-in-hand in sports and the business world. Effective leaders
cultivate qualities like poise, confidence, humility and values, as well as traits like being a
teacher rather than a boss, learning from mistakes and knowing how to help others play their
strengths to achieve top performance. The Pyramid of Success is a tool that anyone can use to
become the best version of themselves through discipline, hard work and teamwork. Anyone can
become an effective leader.
 Wooden’s unique perspective towards competition helped the players understand that there
are no guarantees of winning, but they could be guaranteed the opponents would be fierce
competitors. Be prepared to meet them and the score would take care of itself. It is why
Wooden believed that industriousness and enthusiasm are the driving force of the other value
blocks in the Pyramid. They are the cornerstones creating the strong foundation, along with
friendship, loyalty and cooperation. The book offers examples of the most effective leaders
who have these qualities, like Jack Welch, once CEO of General Electric.
 Wooden advise leaders to do things like hire people who have the right values and a fire-in-
the-belly enthusiasm, make greatness an attainable goal for all team members and do not
look at the scoreboard. People should just give their best effort, because while looking at the
scoreboard, an opponent will be stealing the ball. This is a lesson that is reaffirmed in the
book Small Giants.

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 emphasizes the importance of learning and practicing the basics or fundamentals, using time
to its best advantage through careful organizing and ensuring each team member gets
specific direction on what he or she must do to perform at peak level.
Wooden’s formula for success is 10 = C (conditioning) + F (fundamentals) + U (unity) with 10
being the number of basketball national championships the UCLA men’s team won.
John Robert Wooden was known by many as the greatest NCAA basketball head coach of all
time, but throughout his career he was simply “coach.” Born in 1910 in Martinsville, Indiana,
Wooden was raised on a farm in Centerton where he developed two qualities that defined him
the rest of his life: a strong work ethic and a love of basketball from playing with his three
brothers. In high school, he met his future wife Nellie Riley and joined the Martinsville High
School basketball team where he became a star player. The team became the 1927 Indiana State
champions. While attending Purdue University, Wooden earned three All-America selections as
a basketball guard, won the College Basketball Player of the Year Award and saw the team
voted as the 1932 national champions. He was later inducted into the Naismith Memorial
Basketball Hall of Fame as a player in 1961.Wooden graduated with a degree in English,
married Nellie Riley and became an English teacher and athletic teams’ coach at Dayton High
School in Kentucky. In 1934, Wooden moved back to Indiana to teach English and coach tennis,
baseball and basketball teams at South Bend Central High School. It is during this stint that he
first developed the principles discussed in his book Pyramid of Success which is a teaching
model for helping students and athletic teams reach their potential.
Wooden served as a Navy Lieutenant during World War II, and then served as an athletic
director and baseball and basketball coach at Indiana State Teachers College in 1946. The
basketball teams won two straight Indiana Collegiate Conference titles. In 1948, Wooden began
a long career as the basketball coach for the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

His efforts to instill discipline in the Bruin players paid off as they won three Pacific Coast
Conference titles within the first eight seasons. He led the UCLA basketball team to a perfect
30-0 record in 1963-1964. The team became National Champions that year, while Wooden was
named Coach of the year. The next year, the team became National Champions once again.
Team building is the constant strive to enhance the relationships between employees and help
them collaborate in the most effective way possible. And team leaders play a key role in this.

12 | P a g e
Essentially, leaders are responsible for taking individual employees and bringing them together
as a cohesive team.
The leadership team is responsible for guiding the programwide process and making decisions
on how to support implementation of the EC-PBIS practices throughout the whole program. The
team is composed of program administrators, teachers and a coach. Save Copy Leadership Team
means the following senior executive management of Fort Erie: Chief Administrative Officer,
Chief Financial Officer or Treasurer, Director of Legal Services or City Solicitor, Human
Resources Director and General Manager of Transit, or such other individuals as Fort Erie
advises in writing Collaboration is also important when considering the personal qualities that
make an individual an effective leader. Highly collaborative leaders are able to share
accountability, make decisions more quickly and enhance trust between employees. Being able
to articulate the personal qualities you desire in a leadership team can make it easier for
prospective members to understand your expectations and can allow you to find the right types
of leaders.
The goals you want your team to achieve
With your preferred qualities, it's important to consider the specific goals you want your
leadership team to achieve. These may differ depending on your organization, the industry that
you're in and the current market conditions. Related: Tips on Setting Goals
Begin selecting team members
After defining what you want in your leadership team, you can begin choosing members for it.
Consider selecting leaders who have broad, diverse skill sets and different strengths that you can
utilize when executing goals. Some organizations create new leadership teams by examining the
highest performing individuals within the company, while others choose leaders who have
demonstrated leadership skills and experience from working in organizations in a similar
industry. Regardless of how you select team members, it's important that you have procedures in
place to ensure that they have the competencies required to provide effective leadership.
Communicate the organization's mission and vision
It's important for newly formed leadership teams to understand the mission and vision that
they're fulfilling. With a collective vision, leaders can work together to encourage individuals at
all levels of the organization to solve challenges and to help stakeholders understand the
organization's core values and purpose. Relay information about your organization's mission and
vision to your leadership to help them understand how to best manage operations.

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Develop guidelines and systems for measuring goals
Having guidelines and structures in place can help leadership teams become more productive,
efficient and organized. It's important to create a set of guidelines to eliminate potential
confusion among leaders and to ensure more sustainable growth. This often includes
determining how the team is to make decisions, deciding who is to fulfill which role, outlining
organizational policies and procedures, creating internal systems to implement initiatives and
establishing practices for conducting meetings.
 It's also important to create systems to measure goals and track the leadership team's
progress in achieving them. Increased employee engagement: Leadership teams help engage
and motivate employees to achieve business objectives.

 More engaged employees are often more self-sufficient and accountable for their work.
 Enhanced trust: Leadership teams often help enhance trust between employees and managers
by providing them with the guidance necessary to fulfill their roles. This trust can improve
productivity and lead to increased efficiency.
 Improved conflict resolution: Cohesive leadership teams are able to resolve conflicts quickly
and minimize the potential for future disagreements. This can help organizations achieve
their goals more easily and can also lead to improved professional relationships.
Informed decision-making
 A leadership team is able to address business-related issues from multiple different
Providing your leadership team with professional development opportunities can help you
empower them to realize their full potential and improve their performance. It can also help
reduce disagreements between leaders and help your team become more prepared for challenges
that might arise. Consider giving your team the opportunity to participate in training programs,
attend conferences, earn new certifications or learn new skills.
The principal role of a leader is to enable and empower a team to achieve both collective and
individual goals. It can involve delegation, instruction and training, but at the heart of it all is a
desire to serve. Effective leaders align with Servant Leadership principles that focus on
developing teams. These principles span from in-depth personal development programs to the
simplicity of understanding how your team members like to be rewarded. Servant Leadership is
less about handing over authority and more about empowering others to succeed.

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Dr Andrea North-Samardzic is the Course Director of Deakin University’s Master of
Leadership. While she recommends the qualities of Servant Leadership, Dr North-Samardzic
warns against locking yourself into any one style of leadership.
Being able to be flexible and adaptive is increasingly needed rather than simply putting a badge
on yourself because sometimes you need to be a manager more than a leader.
“A good leader is a person who knows when to turn it on and when to turn it off,” declares Dr
Integrity and honesty are critical characteristics of a good leader, and both appear to be critically
lacking. In a US survey, half of all employees reported that their bosses are liars who take credit
for anything good that happens. These leaders didn’t give credit where it was due, failed in
keeping promises, and blamed others as a way to cover up their mistakes. As a result, workers
weren’t satisfied with their jobs, were less likely to take on additional tasks and more likely to
Dr Andrea North-Samardzic points out that, in addition to their team, successful leaders also
hold themselves accountable as a key leadership quality. “For effective leadership, you have to
engage in self-reflection. If you can self-diagnose what your weaknesses are, what your
challenges are before someone else tells you then you're in an amazing position.”
According to Dr North-Samardzic, the need for self-reflection in Australian corporate leadership
has been revealed during the parliamentary review of the four major banks.
Good leaders make a decisive commitment to a vision
A commitment to a vision drives all great leaders. It’s more than a goal, and it’s different from a
corporate mission statement. Positive change often comes from a leader articulating a vision of
abundance – with an upbeat future, successful outcomes and a legacy that people care about. But
before leaders can inspire others with their vision, they must develop it, define it and be
committed to it. It becomes the touchstone against which all decisions and actions are defined.
Know thy self and believe in thy self
 As one of the first behavioral scientists, Erich Fromm declared in 1939, “Hatred against
oneself is inseparable from hatred against others.” Daniel Goleman backed this up in 1998
with his research into emotional intelligence which found that our knowledge about
ourselves is essential to improving our management skills. Only when we accept the
strengths and weaknesses in ourselves can we genuinely accept the same in our team. The
challenge is to be brave enough to embark on a journey of self-knowledge.

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 Self-Confidence is a personality trait that is essential in leadership, and it comes from many
sources. Education, previous experience and position authority can all lead to increased self-
confidence. They can also lead to excessive self-confidence which may result in arrogant,
autocratic and intolerant leadership. Confidence built through skill development helps to
avoid these issues. When combined with self-knowledge, skill development can address gaps
in knowledge to increase self-confidence in a measured way that results in more effective
Successful team leaders speak well and listen better
Warren Buffet regularly tells MBA students that their degree will give them an edge, but it’s
public speaking skills that will put them ahead of their competitors. To be an effective leader,
you must be articulate speaker ability which few are born with, but everybody can learn. Always
prepare what you are going to say, whether your audience is 1000, or just one. It also helps to be
a keen listener. Great leaders can make you feel like the most important person in the room
because they are present in the moment and they go beyond listening to really hear you.

Seeking and listening to feedback from the team is a powerful way to cultivate self-esteem in
yourself and the team. Some experts see self-esteem as an individual’s self-rating of their social
inclusion. By listening you can cultivate self-esteem in your team, leading to greater resilience in
your team members.
Achieve goals in good time
 Effective leaders are goal-driven with strong time management abilities. They usually weave
the two together into one harmonious process that is a marvel to observe. Never do they
pause to think through the meanings of each letter in a SMART goal, because every goal
they set is specific, measurable, agreed, realistic and time-framed. If you’re regularly
surprised by reminders from your calendar, it might be time to review your relationship to
time management.
 In management, it can be a constant challenge to keep the big picture in mind while focusing
on priorities. The tools that we use to help us focus can sometimes be the greatest distraction.
Many get so caught up in the measures of Balanced Score Cards and other goal setting
systems that they lose sight of their destination. Leaders must be disciplined about focus and
priorities to enable their teams, and themselves to achieve their goals Successful leaders
master stress management
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For managers concerned that activity-based team building may not be developing specific job
skills, a skills-based approach may be beneficial. Here, team members participate in workshops
to develop important job skills, such as how to negotiate effectively and give helpful feedback.
The types of skills honed in a skills-based workshop can immediately be relevant to the job and
can be highly useful for boosting team performance. Team leaders can improve management
skills by reading advice from accomplished professionals. All of the books about team building
on this list are also available as audio-books, so you can benefit from the knowledge during
commutes and airport layovers too. For further reading, check out our lists of employee
engagement books, books on company culture and diversity & inclusion books. We also have a
list of team building quotes and a post on the psychology of team building. Team building
books are guides that break down the often overwhelming process of team building into basic
concepts and strategies. Authors use personal successes and failures to better educate readers
These four types of team building techniques are only a taste of the different approaches
organizational leaders can take to encourage workplace cohesion. Some managers may also
choose to experiment with group-building activities for virtual teams. Here, social networking
tools can help fill the gap and help bring distant employees together.


There are really not a lot of books on leadership written by people as successful as John Wooden
that reflect humility. One of the first things you may notice is that this book is different. It begins
with the humble premise that most people have unfulfilled potential, and what is really
important is just trying to be the best you can become. It does not necessarily mean you have to
become a leader, and you certainly should not worry about being better than someone else. You
cannot control others, so control yourself, and “run the race” the right way with the right
planning, preparation, practice and performance. John Wooden believes great competitors find
the ultimate reward in the competitive process itself and not in grandiose trophies and awards or
even fame. In other words, self-satisfaction comes from knowing you made the best effort
possible. Another book about unlocking potential and becoming your best is Winners: And
How They Succeed. John Robert Wooden was known by many as the greatest NCAA basketball
head coach of all time, but throughout his career he was simply “coach.” Born in 1910 in
Martinsville, Indiana, Wooden was raised on a farm in Centerton where he developed two

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qualities that defined him the rest of his life: a strong work ethic and a love of basketball from
playing with his three brothers. In high school, he met his future wife Nellie Riley and joined the
Martinsville High School basketball team where he became a star player. Building a leadership
team often requires a lot of focus and planning. To build a team of successful leaders, here are
six steps you can take:
Leadership is a crucial management function that helps organizations directs their resources to
improve efficiency, communicate their mission and vision to stakeholders and motivate their
employees to optimize their potential. Building an effective leadership team is important for
organizations in just about every industry, and having the right leadership skills can help an
organization better achieve its goals and realize its mission. Learning how to build a leadership
team is important if you want to increase productivity and motivate employees to optimize their
performance.An organization's leadership team typically includes its senior management or the
individuals at the highest level of management. These managers often have titles like chief
executive officer, president, vice president, chief technology officer, chief financial officer and
chief information officer. They engage in a variety of daily tasks that involve managing the
organization and overseeing its resources and employees. They help determine the organization's
strategic mission, vision and goals and provide leadership to its employees.Considering the
personal qualities you desire in a leadership team may help you better understand what to look
for when selecting individual leaders. It's important that your leadership team has certain
qualities required to develop strategic plans and manage a variety of individuals. These qualities
may include creativity, assertiveness and analytical thinking. Effective leaders also tend to have
an aptitude for solving problems and conceptualizing solutions. They also possess the emotional
intelligence necessary to understand how the decisions they make might affect others.

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John C. Maxwell breaks books, Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek
Stephen M.R. Covey, High by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, et al.
Uday kumar halder leadership development and team building
Dr Andrea North-Samardzic is the Course Director of Deakin University’s Master of
Leadership. While she recommends the qualities of Servant Leadership, Dr North-Samardzic

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