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Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 89 (2019) 97–108

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Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology
& Biological Psychiatry
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Detrimental effects of a high-dose alcohol intoxication on sequential T

cognitive flexibility are attenuated by practice

Nicolas Zink1, Rui Zhang1, Witold X. Chmielewski, Christian Beste, Ann-Kathrin Stock
Cognitive Neurophysiology, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine of the TU Dresden, Germany


Keywords: It is well-known that alcohol impairs behavioral control and motor response inhibition, but it has remained
Alcohol intoxication rather unclear whether it also impairs cognitive inhibition. As automatized behavior is less vulnerable towards
Backward inhibition the detrimental effects of alcohol than cognitive control processes, potential cognitive inhibition deficits might
Binge drinking however improve with training.
We investigated the effect of an acute, binge-like alcohol intoxication in a balanced within-subjects design,
asking n=32 healthy young males to perform a backward inhibition paradigm once sober and once while in-
toxicated (~1.1 ‰). To identify the underlying neurophysiological mechanisms, we analyzed stimulus- and
response selection-related processes in neurophysiological data after Residue Iteration Decomposition (RIDE).
Alcohol generally impaired behavioral task performance (accuracy and response times) during task switching.
This was associated with impaired attentional processing of the task-relevant cue (reflected by reduced P1 and
N1 amplitudes), which likely resulted in a larger need for reactive control at the later stage of response selection
and control (reflected by increased fronto-central theta power). Without prior practice (~30 minutes), the in-
toxicated participants further struggled to overcome the cognitive inhibition of a previously relevant task set
(reflected by a larger backward inhibition effect). This was linked to reduced posterior theta power, which
reflects alcohol-induced impairments in working memory capacity and task set-relevant memory retrieval. As
individuals with ~30 min task practice did not show the same alcohol-related deficit, it may be deduced that
(partial) task set automatization via stimulus-response associations may help to reduce the detrimental effects of
alcohol on cognitive inhibition during task switching.

1. Introduction (like automatic processes or implicit learning) seem to be less impaired,

if not even resistant to high-dose alcohol intoxication (Balodis et al.,
Binge drinking is a prevalent problem, especially in western coun- 2007; Beaton et al., 2018; Lister et al., 1991). In this context, the ex-
tries (Montgomery et al., 2012). Occasional binge drinkers seem to have ecutive function of inhibitory control has been demonstrated to be
a much higher risk of developing alcohol dependence or abuse com- particularly vulnerable to the effects of alcohol (Beaton et al., 2018;
pared to the non-heavy episodic drinkers (Knight et al., 2002). Regular Stock et al., 2016a, 2016b; Wolff et al., 2018b). As it may also play a
binge drinking may furthermore be associated with slight to moderate crucial role in the development and maintenance of substance abuse
long-term decreases in cognitive functioning, but studies investigating (Aragues et al., 2011; Smith et al., 2014; Stock, 2017), there are many
this aspect have so far yielded rather mixed results (Montgomery et al., studies focusing on response inhibition deficits during acute alcohol
2012). By comparison, findings on the acute detrimental effects of intoxication (e.g. Stock et al., 2014; Wolff et al., 2018b). Other forms of
binge-like high dose alcohol (i.e. ethanol) intoxications on cognition are inhibitory control, like cognitive inhibition (of inappropriate thoughts,
much more consistent, but also quite specific (Montgomery et al., 2012; action plans and task sets, which are incongruent with an individual’s
Stock and Beste, 2014): While executive functions and other top-down intentions or goals, see Diamond, 2013), could also be critical to the
cognitive control processes are usually strongly affected by an acute persistence of alcohol abuse, but have received much less attention.
alcohol intoxication, processes which do not require conscious control Deficits in this cognitive faculty may impede cognitive flexibility, i.e.

Corresponding author at: Cognitive Neurophysiology, Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine of the TU Dresden, Schubertstraße 42,
D-01309 Dresden, Germany
E-mail address: ann-kathrin.stock@uniklinikum-dresden.de (A.-K. Stock).
Both authors contributed equally.

Received 3 May 2018; Received in revised form 13 August 2018; Accepted 31 August 2018
Available online 05 September 2018
0278-5846/ © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
N. Zink et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 89 (2019) 97–108

efficient switching to new appropriate patterns of thought or behavior who were intoxicated during their first appointment.
in adaption to changes in environmental conditions, action outcomes, To be able to identify the cognitive sub-processes underlying the
or goals (Everitt and Robbins, 2005; Stalnaker et al., 2009). Impair- expected behavioral effects, we recorded an EEG during task perfor-
ments in cognitive inhibition and the resulting changes in cognitive mance.
flexibility might also aggravate alcohol abuse or addiction. Yet, the In order to deal with the alcohol-induced increase in response
effects alcohol on cognitive inhibition/inhibitory control during task variability and to further be better able to dissociate stimulus- and re-
switching have remained largely unknown. sponse-selection associated processes in the neurophysiological data,
We therefore set out to experimentally investigate the effects of an we ran a residue iteration decomposition (RIDE) (Ouyang et al., 2011,
acute, binge-like alcohol intoxication on cognitive inhibition during 2015a; Verleger et al., 2014) before quantifying all neurophysiological
task switching using a backward inhibition (BI) paradigm. In order to measures (for details, please refer to the methods section). In short,
efficiently switch between different tasks, it is usually not sufficient to RIDE decomposes EEG data into several component clusters (Mückschel
merely activate the appropriate task set, as the task set of the previous et al., 2017; Ouyang et al., 2011): The S-cluster reflects stimulus-related
(i.e. now irrelevant) task needs to be inhibited in order to avoid or at processes like perception and attention, while the C-cluster depicts in-
least minimize the conflict between the currently active and the pre- termediate processes between stimulus and response like response se-
viously relevant task set (Dajani and Uddin, 2015; Mayr and Keele, lection and the R-cluster depicts response-related processes including
2000). The BI effect is measured by assessing the time cost of over- motor preparation and execution (Ouyang et al., 2011). Previous stu-
coming the inhibition of a recently abandoned task set that has just dies had shown that the size of the BI effect seems to strongly depend on
become relevant again (Mayr and Keele, 2000). For this, BI paradigms early attentional stimulus processing and attentional selection processes
compare the behavioral performance in task sequences in which a given (Wolff et al., 2018a; Zhang et al., 2016b, 2017), as reflected by the
task is repeated from n - 2 trials (BI condition), to when that particular visual P1 and N1 event-related potentials (ERPs) (Luck et al., 2000). As
task has no n – 2 trial sequence history and thus re-occurred only after several other studies with comparable intoxication levels (but other
at least two different trials in between (BASE condition). As the BI effect experimental paradigms) have shown that alcohol may decrease at-
reflects the cost to overcome the previous inhibition of a task set, a tentional processing as reflected by smaller amplitudes in one or both
larger BI effect is commonly thought to indicate a larger (cognitive) ERPs (Stock et al., 2017a; Wolff et al., 2018b) and impair the top-down
inhibition of the previous task. With respect to alcohol, it could how- allocation of attention (Stock et al., 2017b), we expected alcohol-re-
ever also reflect larger difficulties in overcoming the inhibition of a lated changes in the size of the BI effect to be reflected by decreases in
previous task. Given that the BI effect has been reported to strongly the P1 and/or N1 amplitude in the S-cluster. In contrast to this, (the size
depend on attentional selection mechanisms (Sinai et al., 2007; Zhang of) the BI effect has usually not been found to be associated with
et al., 2017, 2016a, 2016b), which can be impaired by an acute alcohol modulations of the fronto-central N2, which is thought to reflect con-
intoxication (Stock et al., 2017a), it may be more difficult to reactivate flict monitoring and cognitive effort (Larson et al., 2014), or the par-
the recently suppressed task rules and to overcome the BI when in- ietal P3 found in this paradigm, which is commonly believed to reflect
toxicated. We therefore expected that alcohol increases the BI effect, as the process of linking stimuli to appropriate responses/response selec-
compared to the sober state. tion (Polich, 2007; Verleger et al., 2005). Due to the lack of BI effects on
To investigate this, we employed a balanced intra-individual study those response selection-associated components (Zhang et al., 2016c),
design, where each participant performed the BI task once while in- we did not expect these C-cluster ERPs to reflect alcohol-associated or
toxicated and once in a sober state. This means that half of the parti- any other changes of BI size. As detrimental effect of an acute alcohol
cipants were intoxicated during their first appointment and sober intoxication on various cognitive control functions, including motor
during their second appointment, while the other half of the partici- response inhibition, have however repeatedly been associated with
pants were sober during their first appointment and intoxicated during decreases in N2 and P3 ERPs (e.g. Rohrbaugh et al., 1987; Stock et al.,
their second appointment. Importantly, balancing the order of ap- 2017a, 2016b, 2014), we nevertheless decided to also quantify and
pointments in this manner does not only reduce variability between the analyze the N2 and P3 ERPs in the C-cluster in order to provide a more
two investigated states, but also allows to test for potential training complete picture.
effects: Executive functions, including cognitive flexibility, have re- Another neurophysiological measure, which has repeatedly been
peatedly been shown to improve with training on the task and it has linked to cognitive control and shown to reflect modulations of (re-
been suggested that within-task practice may even help to alleviate sponse) inhibition, are theta frequency band oscillations (Beste et al.,
performance impairments and raise behavioral performance to an 2011; Cavanagh and Frank, 2014; Dippel et al., 2016; Mückschel et al.,
“unimpaired” level in some groups that normally display executive 2017). Both stimulus- and response-related aspects of inhibitory control
deficits (Sabah et al., 2018). One of the main reasons why training can be found in theta frequency oscillations (Beste et al., 2011; Dippel
might help to conceal executive performance deficits on the behavioral et al., 2016; Mückschel et al., 2017): Response-related theta frequency
level is that it establishes rather automated stimulus-response (S-R) oscillations are mainly observed over frontal areas (Beste et al., 2011;
mappings, which reduces the strain on limited cognitive control capa- Cavanagh and Frank, 2014; Dippel et al., 2016; Mückschel et al., 2017),
cities. In the context of our study, it is furthermore important to note closely associated with the N2 and N450 ERPs (Larson et al., 2014), and
that the degree of (task) automaticity may modulate the effects of binge thought to reflect rather “reactive” aspects of cognitive control such as
drinking (Stock et al., 2016a), as automated processes and implicit conflict detection and monitoring or cognitive effort (Botvinick et al.,
learning seem to remain relatively intact even during high-dose in- 2001; Cavanagh and Frank, 2014; Cooper et al., 2017). Stimulus-related
toxications (Balodis et al., 2007; Beaton et al., 2018; Lister et al., 1991; theta is however more often observed over posterior regions
Stock et al., 2016a). Training and the resulting automaticity may hence (Freunberger et al., 2007; Gladwin and de Jong, 2005; Sauseng et al.,
diminish or at least reduce the detrimental effects of high-dose ethanol 2006) and thought to reflect more “proactive” aspects of cognitive
intoxication on executive functions, including BI. We hence hypothe- control (Cooper et al., 2017). Posterior theta has been found at parietal
sized that extended practice (as defined by already having performed and/or occipital electrodes during task switching (Freunberger et al.,
the task for ~30 minutes) increases the automatization of response 2007; Gladwin and de Jong, 2005) and is supposed to reflect top-down
selection and may therefore reduce the strain on working memory ca- regulation processes in recalling the task set memory, as its power is
pacity and other cognitive control functions of intoxicated participants. enhanced when the previous irrelevant visual task must be reactivated
We therefore expected to find smaller intoxication effects (i.e. a smaller (Freunberger et al., 2007; Gladwin and de Jong, 2005). Likewise, pos-
increase in BI effect size) in those who were intoxicated during the terior theta has been reported to increase when cognitive content needs
second of their two identical study appointments, as compared to those to be suppressed (Depue et al., 2013). Further matching this, (Cooper

N. Zink et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 89 (2019) 97–108

et al., 2017) reported “anticipatory” parietal theta to emerge prior to 2.2. Experimental design and alcohol administration
frontal theta during a cue period and to be linked to goal-updating.
They also reported that both enhanced power and phase of parietal The study design and alcohol administration procedure were iden-
theta were associated with better behavioral task switching perfor- tical to the protocol used in previous studies of our group (Stock et al.,
mance and predictive of cognitive control efficiency. Based on this 2017b): We employed a within-subject design where each subject was
finding, (Cooper et al., 2017) suggested that proactive control processes tested two times (once sober and once intoxicated). The order of ap-
reflected by parietal theta may also contribute to cognitive control ef- pointments was balanced between subjects. There was a delay of at
ficiency. On this ground, we expected the effects of alcohol intoxication least 48 hours but no more than 7 days between the sober and the
on the BI effect to be reflected by posterior stimulus-related theta intoxicated appointment. All participants were asked to refrain from the
quantified in the S-cluster. Given that alcohol intoxication impairs top- use of caffeine, nicotine, guanine and all other stimulant or sedative
down control processes (Day et al., 2015; Garbusow et al., 2014; Stock substances within the last 4 hours before the start of each experimental
et al., 2016a, 2017b), an acute intoxication should decrease posterior session and to stop eating at least 3 hours prior to the intoxication
theta power, particularly when the inhibition of a recently performed session.
task needs to be conquered (i.e. in the BI condition). Considering that A version of the equation by Widmark (1932) and Watson et al.
automaticity is supposed to reduce the strain on the residual top-down (1980) was used to calculate an individual amount of vodka (40 percent
cognitive control capacities of intoxicated participants, it might allow alcohol by volume) for each participant. The individual amount was
for better recall of task memory/task rules, as reflected by larger pos- targeting a maximal possible breath/blood alcohol concentration (BAC)
terior theta power (Gladwin and de Jong, 2005). We hence expected of 1.5‰ (mg/g) and an approximate mean peak BAC of 1.2 ‰. When
larger theta power in the well-practiced participants who were able to assuming an absorption deficit of 20% on an empty stomach, this means
use rather automatized S-R associations when intoxicated (during their that a BAC of up to 1.2‰ can be reached without exceeding a maximal
second appointment) than participants who did not have comparable possible BAC of 1.5 ‰. The tool that was used for the calculation of
automatisms when intoxicated (during their first appointment). Given individual beverage amounts is provided in the supplementary mate-
that the BI effect emerges from early attentional processes, frontal re- rial. The individually determined amount of vodka was then diluted
sponse-related theta in the C-cluster, which indicates the reactive need with an equal proportion of orange juice at room temperature. Irre-
for response control (Cavanagh and Frank, 2014; Cooper et al., 2017), spective of their individual amount, participants were asked to consume
may reflect a general effect of alcohol intoxication rather than specific their drink within 30 minutes. During consumption and a subsequent
effect of alcohol intoxication on BI effect. 30-minutes waiting period, subjects watched three Big Bang Theory
Taken together, we hypothesized that the detrimental effects of an episodes. These had been chosen for their lack of extensive discourses
acute, binge-like alcohol intoxication on inhibition are not limited to on drinking and helped to prevent negative mood swings (e.g. Friedman
the domain of motor response inhibition, but may also be found in the et al., 2007). Prior to working on the task described in this publication,
domain of the cognitive backward inhibition. But opposing what has the participants spent 30 minutes performing a modified Simon task the
been observed for motor response inhibition, we expected to find al- results of which are currently still unpublished. Hence, they started
cohol-induced increases in the size of the BI effect to be reflected by working on the paradigm reported in this study 60 minutes after the
cognitive processes associated with early attentional stimulus proces- end of their consumption. Breath alcohol levels were measured im-
sing reflected by the visual P1/N1 ERPs and not by later, response- mediately before and after task performance using the “Alcotest 3000”
selection associated processes reflected by the N2 and P3 ERPs. breath analyzer following the instructions of the manufacturer (Drä-
Likewise, we expected to find alcohol-induced increases in the size of gerwerk, Lübeck, Germany). As shown in previous publications (Stock
the BI effect to be reflected by decreases in proactive control and top- et al., 2014b; Stock and Beste, 2014), analyzing breath alcohol levels
down attentional processes including task set reactivation, as reflected this way essentially yields the same results as the analysis of venous
by posterior theta, and not by reactive conflict monitoring processes blood using a capillary gas chromatography-headspace technique. The
reflected by frontal theta. Lastly, we expected that the detrimental ef- urine of all participants was tested for illicit drugs (amphetamines,
fects of alcohol on BI should be attenuated by prior task practice/per- methamphetamine, morphine and THC) on both appointments using
formance, which allows to establish (partly) automatized stimulus-re- “nal von minden Drug-Screen” tests (nal von minden GmbH, Regens-
sponse mappings that should be less vulnerable towards alcohol than burg, Germany). The detection of any substance at any appointment
top-down control. would have led to the exclusion from the sample.

2.3. Task
2. Experimental procedures
In order to investigate effects of alcohol intoxication on cognitive
2.1. Participants (i.e. non-motor) aspects of inhibition and the underlying neurophysio-
logical mechanisms, we used a backward inhibition paradigm as pro-
N=32 young, male and right handed subjects (age 19 to 33, mean posed by Mayr and Keele (2000) and adapted by Koch et al. (2004)
age 25.37 ± 2.79), who reported no physical, neurological or mental (compare also (Zhang et al., 2016a, 2016c). During the experiment,
illness, were included in the study. Subjects were recruited via online participants were seated in front of a 17 inch CRT computer monitor at
adverts and flyers at the local university. Applicants were only included a viewing distance of 57 cm. White cue and target stimuli were pre-
in our sample if they reported a stable pattern of moderate, non-risky sented on black background at the center of the screen. Participants had
alcohol consumption habits as indicated by AUDIT scores between 1 to respond on a regular USB keyboard by pressing either the left or right
and 15 points (mean 6.76; SD 2.53) (Babor et al., 2001), and reported Ctrl buttons using their left and right index fingers, respectively. “Pre-
drinking eight or more standard units of alcohol on a single occasion/ sentation” software (version 14.9. by Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc.)
evening no more than once a month and no less than once a year. was used for stimulus presentation, response recording, and EEG trig-
Women were not included in this study due to the potential risk of gers.
undetected pregnancy and to avoid any confounding effects related to The task is illustrated in Fig. 1. Each trial started with a 100 ms
hormonal changes/the menstrual cycle. All participants gave written presentation of one of three cues that indicated the task rule in effect: A
informed consent and were treated in accordance with the declaration square cue was used to indicate the odd/even rule (“task A”), a dia-
of Helsinki. The study was approved by the Ethics commission of the mond cue was used to indicate the smaller/larger than five rule (“task
Medical Faculty of the TU Dresden (ID number: EK293082014). B”), and a triangle cue was used to indicate the double-press rule (“task

N. Zink et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 89 (2019) 97–108

BDA; DAB; ADB; BAD; ABD) were presented equally often ( ± 1 triplet
for two triplet conditions in each block). Triplets where the last of the
three trials had the same cue as the n-2 trial were categorized as
backward inhibition (BI) triplets while triplets without that n-2 cue
repetition were categorized as baseline (BASE) triplets. “ABA” and
“BAB” were used as BI triplets, while “DBA” and “DAB” were used as
BASE triplets, as previous studies using the same paradigm indicated
that those four trials best depict the BI effect (Koch et al., 2004; Zhang
et al., 2016b).
Participants were asked to respond as quickly and accurately as
possible and they were asked not to keep track of previous trials. To
make sure that the participants understood the instructions and kept
the rules in mind, each participant started with a practice block con-
sisting of 12 trials. The RT and errors for each condition were collected
for behavioral analyses. In this context, please note that responses were
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the backward inhibition paradigm. Each trial only rated as correct when the correct buttons were pressed within 100
began with the central presentation of a task cue for 100 ms. A square cue and 2500 ms after target onset.
indicated the odd/even task (left button press for odd numbers, right button
press for even numbers). A diamond cue (see bottom left) indicated the smaller/ 2.4. On the issue of component overlap
larger rule (left for smaller than five, right for larger than five). A triangle cue
(see bottom left) indicated the double press rule (simultaneous button press As already noted in (Zhang et al., 2016a), the overlap of ERP
within the first 1000 ms after target onset). The target stimulus (any digit from
components evoked by temporally close stimuli needs to be carefully
1 to 9, except for 5) was presented within the cue frame until a response was
considered as it may hamper the comparison of different task condi-
made. Only in double press trials, a speedup sign (“Schneller!”, translating to
“Faster!”) appeared above the cue frame in case no response was given within tions (e.g. Keil et al., 2014). Many ERP studies investigate condition
the 1000 ms after target onset. During the inter-trial interval of 2000 ms, there differences of experimental paradigms and an overlap of ERPs in dif-
was a 500 ms feedback for incorrect trials (“Falsch!”, translating to “Wrong!”), ferently composed or evoked conditions may flaw the experimental
but no feedback/only a fixation cross was presented in correct trials. design in such a case. The reason for this is that it is often hardly
possible to assess the origin of the observed condition differences in this
context. Yet, this does not apply to the analyses of the BI effect. While
D”). After a stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) of 100 ms, the target
the SOA between cue and target onset is very short and might therefore
stimulus was presented in the center of the cue frame. The target sti-
cause some overlap of ERPs that reflect early attentional visual pro-
mulus set consisted of a single digit from 1 to 9 except for 5. Cue and
target stimulus were presented together until a response was made. cessing, component overlap does not cause any problems in the inter-
pretation of the analyzed ERPs: When analyzing the BI effect in the last
After the response, a fixation cross was presented at the center of the
screen for 1500 ms until the cue of the next trial was presented. During trial of a triplet, we do not directly compare different conditions or
trials because there are no differences in the condition of the last trial of
the odd/even and smaller/larger trials, participants had to perform a
parity (“Is the number presented odd or even?”) or a magnitude jud- the triplets used to compare the BASE and BI conditions. The BI con-
dition comprises the two triplets ABA and BAB, so that ERPs obtained
gement (“Is the number presented smaller or larger than 5?”), where
either the left key (number is odd/smaller than 5) or the right key from both A and B trials will be averaged to form the BI condition. The
BASE condition comprises the two triplets DBA and DAB, ERPs obtained
(number is even/larger than 5) had to be pressed within 2000 ms after
the target stimulus onset. In the double-press task, participants were from both A and B trials will again be averaged to form the BASE
condition. Therefore, comparing the BI and BASE conditions means
asked to press both left and right key simultaneously within 1000 ms
after stimulus onset. A speed-up sign (German Word “Schneller!”, comparing an average of A and B trials to an average of A and B trials.
The differences between BI and BASE trials are evoked by the effect of
translating to “Faster!”) was presented, if participants did not respond
within the respective time windows. When the participants responded the n-2 and n-1 trials the analyzed nth trial. Given that the RSI lasted
1500 ms, there can however be no overlap between the ERPs evoked by
after the speed-up sign appeared, they also received a feedback with the
German words “zu langsam!” (translating to “too slow!”) at the center the n-1 or n-2 trial and the trial we quantified for analyses. (Zhang
et al., 2016a) Hence, it is entirely impossible that any of the reported
of the screen. Both too slow responses and non-simultaneous key
presses in task D (when the two key presses were separated by more effects caused by either BI condition or appointment are caused by an
overlap of ERP components.
than 50 ms) were coded as errors. An error feedback (German word
“falsch!” translating to “wrong!”) was presented for 500 ms when
2.5. EEG recording and preprocessing
participants did not give the right response in any of the cue conditions.
The experiment consisted of 768 trials divided into 8 equally sized
EEG recordings were made using 60 sintered Ag/AgCl ring elec-
blocks. After each block, participants received feedback about their
mean response time (RT) during the last block (Fig. 1). Altogether, the trodes located at standard equidistant scalp positions with a sampling
rate of 500 Hz. Electrode Fpz was used as reference and the ground
participants took between 32 and 40 minutes to complete the task.
Task/cue sequence and stimulus sequence were randomized within electrode was located at θ = 58, ф = 78 (customized BrainCap Fast‘n
Easy sub-inion model EEG caps). During recording, all electrode im-
each block, except for n-1 repetitions. This means that neither cues nor
stimuli could be repeated in any two consecutive trials. Furthermore, no pedances were kept below 5 kΩ. After recording with Brain Vision
Recorder (Brain Products Inc.), the data was average-referenced, down-
stimulus was directly repeated upon reoccurrence of a given cue (i.e. if
the square cue was presented with stimulus “7”, that particular stimulus sampled to 256 Hz and a band-pass filter (IIR filter from 0.5 Hz to 20 Hz
could not be presented in the next trial that started with a square cue). at a slope of 48 db/oct each) was applied. Subsequently, a raw data
inspection was conducted to manually remove pauses and rare tech-
Each possible cue and stimulus combination was presented equally
often. Within each block, each trial (except for the first two trials, of nical artifacts. An independent component analysis (ICA; Infomax al-
gorithm) was applied to remove periodically recurring artifacts such as
course) built a triplet with the last two preceding trials. All twelve
possible triplet-combinations (ABA; ADA; BAB; BDB; DAD; DBD; DBA; pulse artifacts and EOG artifacts like horizontal and vertical eye
movements. Trials were segmented for all experimental conditions and

N. Zink et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 89 (2019) 97–108

ranged from -2000 ms before to 2000 ms after the onset of the cue. Of For the current study, the time window for the S-cluster was set to
note, the length of the segments was chosen to allow for time-frequency −200 to 600 ms around stimulus onset. The initial time window for the
decomposition/wavelet analyses. All segments underwent an automatic estimation of the C-cluster was set to 0–900 ms after stimulus onset. The
artifact rejection (rejection criteria allowed for a maximal value dif- time window for the R-cluster was set around the response trigger
ference of 200 μV in a 200 ms interval and excluded activity below (−300 to 300 ms). As we were mainly interested in the S- and C-cluster,
0.5μV in a 100 ms interval). A current source density (CSD) transfor- the R-cluster was not further analyzed. Just like for traditional ERP
mation was run to obtain a reference-free evaluation of the electro- analyses, we applied a data-driven approach based on the scalp topo-
physiological data (Perrin et al., 1989; Tenke and Kayser, 2012). The graphies and latencies of the ERP components of interest to quantify
CSD transformation additionally serves as a spatial filter which helps to stimulus-related and response selection-related processes in the S-
identify electrodes that best reflect activity related to cognitive pro- cluster and C-cluster, respectively: In the S-cluster, the cue-elicited
cesses because it accentuates the scalp topography (Nunez and Pilgreen, RIDE-P1 and RIDE-N1 amplitudes were quantified at electrodes P7 and
1991; Tenke and Kayser, 2012). Subsequently, a baseline correction P8 by extracting the average voltage in the time window ranging from
was applied to the interval from -300 ms to 0 ms before cue onset. 85 to 100 ms (cue-P1) and from 145 to 170 ms (cue-N1). The target-
For the quantification of non-decomposed ERP components, we elicited RIDE-P1 and RIDE-N1 amplitudes were also quantified in the S-
extracted the mean amplitude of brief time intervals centered around cluster at electrodes P7 and P8 by extracting the average voltage in the
the respective peaks. The choice of electrodes was based on the scalp time window ranging from 255 to 290 ms (target-P1 at electrode P7),
topography of the different ERP components. The cue P1 and cue N1 280-300 ms (target-P1 at electrode P8) and from 340 to 355 ms (target-
ERP amplitudes were quantified at electrodes P7 and P8 by extracting N1 at electrodes P7 and P8). In the C-cluster, the target-elicited RIDE-
the average voltage in the time window ranging from 85-100 ms (cue N2 and RIDE-P3 amplitudes were quantified at electrode Cz (target-N2)
P1) and 145-170 ms (cue N1). The cue N2 ERP amplitudes were and Pz (target-P3) by extracting the average voltage in the time win-
quantified at electrode Cz by extracting the average voltage in the time dows ranging from 385 to 460 ms (target-N2) and from 560 to 630 ms
window ranging from 245-270 ms. The target P1 and target N1 ERP (target-P3). The choice of time windows and electrodes quantified for
amplitudes were quantified at electrodes P7 and P8 by extracting the the RIDE decomposition was also validated using the statistical ap-
average voltage in the time window ranging from 280-300 ms (target proach outlined in (Mückschel et al., 2014).
P1) and 340-355 ms (target N1). The target N2 and target P3 ERP
amplitudes were quantified at electrode Cz (target N2) and Pz (target 2.7. Time frequency transformation
P3) by extracting the average voltage in the time window ranging from
415-440 ms (target N2) and 560-630 ms (target P3). As we however The time–frequency (TF) analysis was conducted on the RIDE-de-
expected the non-decomposed ERPs to be affected by the increase in RT composed single trial S- and C- cluster data by means of a continuous
variation under the influence of alcohol, the results of those analyses wavelet transformation (CWT) employing Morlet wavelets (ⱳ) in the
are reported in the supplementary material. time domain to different frequencies (ƒ):
ⱳ (t , ƒ) = A exp(−t 2/2σ 2t ) exp(2iπƒt )
2.6. Residue Iteration Decomposition (RIDE)
where t=time, A=(σt π )-1/2, σt=wavelet duration, and i = −1 .
To account for the alcohol-induced increase response time varia- For analysis and TF-plots, a ratio of ƒ0/ σƒ=5.5 was used, where σƒ is the
bility and to dissociate stimulus-related and response selection-related width of the Gaussian shape in the frequency domain and ƒ0 is the
processes in the EEG signal, we performed a RIDE decomposition of the central frequency. The analysis was conducted in the frequency range
EEG signal in accordance with established procedures and previous from 0.5 to 20 Hz, and a central frequency at 0.5 Hz intervals was
studies (Friedrich et al., 2018; Ouyang et al., 2011; Verleger et al., employed. For different ƒ0, time and frequency resolutions (or wavelet
2014; Wolff et al., 2017) using the RIDE toolbox (available on http:// duration and spectral bandwidth; Tallon-Baudry et al., 1997) can be
cns.hkbu.edu.hk/RIDE.htm) for MATLAB (MATLAB 12.0; Mathworks calculated as 2σt and 2σƒ respectively. σt and σƒ are related by the
Inc.). equation σt=1/(2πσƒ). For example, for ƒ0 = 1 Hz, 2σt = 1770 ms and
In the following, the RIDE method is briefly described (as already 2σƒ = 0.36 Hz; for ƒ0 = 3 Hz, 2σt = 580 ms and 2σƒ = 1.09 Hz; for ƒ0 =
done in (Bluschke et al., 2017) and (Friedrich et al., 2018): RIDE de- 5 Hz, 2σt = 350 ms and 2σƒ = 1.82 Hz. The identification of relevant
composes ERP components by applying L1-norm minimization (i.e., electrodes and time windows for theta band activity quantification was
obtaining median waveforms), which minimizes the residual error due based on TF plots and scalp topographies. The evoked power in the
to temporal variability in single trials (Ouyang et al., 2015a). RIDE theta frequency band in the S-cluster was quantified at 5.5 Hz for
decomposition is based on latency variability and is separately applied electrode P7 within the time window of 180-240 ms after cue onset. As
to each electrode, regardless of scalp distributions or waveforms the visual inspection of the TF plot at electrode P7 also showed dif-
(Ouyang et al., 2015b). The previously applied CSD transformation ferences in the alpha band, we additionally ran an add-on quantifica-
does therefore not affect the results. RIDE decomposes the ERP signal tion of the alpha frequency band at 9 Hz in the time window from 160
into clusters that are either correlated to the stimulus onset (S-cluster) to 200 ms. In the C-cluster, it was quantified at 6 Hz at electrode Fz
or to the response time (R-cluster), as well as a central C-cluster with within the time window of 800-900 ms after cue presentation. The theta
variable latency, which is initially estimated and then iteratively im- power in the S- and C-cluster was analyzed by normalizing wavelet
proved. RIDE uses a self-optimized iteration scheme for latency esti- power to the baseline from -750 to -450 ms prior to cue onset.
mation through which the latency estimation of the C-cluster is im-
proved. The initial latency of the C-cluster is estimated using a time 2.8. Statistical analyses
window function. In an iterative procedure, the S-cluster is removed
and the latency of the C-cluster is re-estimated based on a template- Separate repeated-measures ANOVAs were used to analyze the ob-
matching approach until convergence of the initial latency estimation tained data. For the behavioral data, we separately analyzed accuracy
and the S- and C-cluster. Additionally, the latest RIDE algorithm uses a (i.e. the percentage of triplets with correct responses between 100 and
time window confinement for each cluster. Each time window is as- 2500 ms RT in all three trials) and the RTs of the last trials in each
sumed to cover the range within which each component is supposed to entirely correct triplet. In this context, it should be noted that due to the
occur and the specific values should be adjusted to fit the data on ap- prerequisite of three consecutive correct trials, the chance level is at p
plication (Ouyang et al., 2015a). -For further details on the method, = .53 = 12.5 %, not 50 %. Given the aforementioned exclusion criteria
please see Ouyang et al. (2011, 2015a). (i.e., requiring three consecutive correct trials for RT analysis), the

N. Zink et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 89 (2019) 97–108

mean number of the remaining trials for each triplet lay between 60 and larger BI effect (i.e. the condition differences assessed as BI-BASE) in
65 trials for each condition of the sober appointment (ABA: 62.9 ± 3.8; their intoxication session (51.5 ms ± 9.4) than in their sober session
DBA: 62.4 ± 3.9; ADA: 61.5 ± 4.2; BDA: 63.6 ± 4.2; DBD: 62.8 ± 3.9; (20.9 ms ± 9.7) (t(21) = 3.03; p = .006). In participants who were
BAD: 63.7 ± 4.5; ABD: 62.3 ± 4.1; ADB: 63.3 ± 4.2; BAB: 61.7 ± 4.3; intoxicated during their second appointment/sober on the first we
BDB: 61.7 ± 4.4; DAB: 63.8 ± 4.4; DAD: 61.4 ± 4.3) and the in- neither found the interaction of “experimental condition x intoxication
toxicated appointment (ABA: 63.5 ± 5.3; DBA: 61.7 ± 5.2; ADA: status” (F(1,17) = 3.91; p = .065; ηp2 = .187), nor a main effect of
61.7 ± 4.8; BDA: 62.5 ± 5.1; DBD: 63.1 ± 5.3; BAD: 61.6 ± 4.2; ABD: “intoxication status” (F(1,17) = 0.249; p = .624; ηp2= .014). Further
61.1 ± 5.1; ADB: 62.8 ± 5.1; BAB: 63.1 ± 4.1; BDB: 61.8 ± 4.8; DAB: analyzing the interaction of “intoxication status x drinking sequence x
61.2 ± 4.2; DAD: 63.0 ± 4.4). experimental condition” also revealed an interaction of “drinking se-
For the neurophysiological data, we quantified and analyzed both quence x experimental condition” during intoxication (F(1,38) = 4.13;
ERPs and theta oscillations in the S- and C-clusters. The amplitudes of p = .049; ηp2 = .098). Here, the BI effect (condition difference BI-
the cue- and target-elicited P1 and N1 ERPs, as well as the amplitudes of BASE) was larger when the intoxication session was the first appoint-
the N2 and parietal P3 were analyzed both in regular EEG segments and ment/performed before the sober session (51.5 ms ± 9.4) than when it
in RIDE-decomposed segments. Furthermore, we quantified the evoked was the second session/performed after the sober appointment (25.4
power of the theta frequency band in the RIDE S- and C-clusters. ms ± 9.4) (t(38) = 2.03; p = .049). No such interaction of “drinking
In all analyses, we used “intoxication status” (sober vs. intoxicated) sequence x experimental condition” could be found for the sober state
and “experimental condition” (BI vs. BASE triplet) as within-subject (F(1,38) = 2.67; p = .110; ηp2 = .066). No other main effects or in-
factors. “Drinking sequence” (intoxicated on the first appointment vs. teractions were significant (all F ≤ .99; p ≥ .326)
intoxicated on the second appointment) was used as a between-subjects Taken together, high-dose alcohol intoxication reduced the general
factor. Whenever applicable, we also used “electrode” as an additional response accuracy and slowed down the responses. Yet, the factor
within-subject factor in the neurophysiological analyses. drinking sequence also had a marked effect: Intoxication-related RT
All reported values underwent Greenhouse-Geisser correction and deficits/an increase in the size of the BI effect could only be observed in
post-hoc tests were Bonferroni-corrected, whenever necessary. For all participants who were intoxicated the first time they performed the
descriptive statistics, the standard error of the mean (SEM) is given as a task. Participants who had been given the opportunity to perform and
measure of variability. therefore practice the task before (due to being sober during the first of
two otherwise identical appointments), did not show any slowing of
3. Results responses or an increased BI effect. This strongly suggests that prior
practice partly protected our subjects from the detrimental effects of a
3.1. Intoxication results high-dose ethanol intoxication on task performance. One of the po-
tential explanations for this effect could be a stronger automatization of
Right before performing the experimental paradigm, the partici- stimulus-response mapping processes after ~30 min of training, as in-
pants presented with a mean BAC of 1.07 ‰ ± .03. After completing creased automatization likely reduces cognitive control requirements.
the paradigm, the participants presented with a mean BAC of 1.01
‰ ± .03. 3.3. Neurophysiological data

3.2. Behavioral data To dissociate stimulus-related processes und response selection

processes with the help of the S- and C-clusters, RIDE was applied.
Behavioral effects related to the intoxication status are illustrated in Please refer to the supplementary information for the results of regular
Fig. 2. For the accuracy in percent, the mixed effects ANOVA revealed a (i.e. non-decomposed) ERPs.
main effect of “intoxication status” (F(1,38) = 26.82; p < .001; ηp2=
.414) showing that participants had a lower accuracy (i.e. made more 3.3.1. Event-related potentials
errors) during their acute ethanol intoxication (65.8 % ± 2.5) than All attentional ERPs derived from the S-cluster are illustrated in
while sober (76.1 % ± 2.1). Furthermore, a main effect of “experi- Fig. 3. For the cue-elicited P1 quantified in the S-cluster at electrodes P7
mental condition” (F(1,38) = 15.47; p < .001; ηp2 = .289) showed that and P8, a main effect of “intoxication status” (F(1,33) = 11.77; p =
participants responded less accurately in the BI condition (69.2 .002; ηp2 = .263) showed that P1 amplitude was significantly smaller
% ± 2.2) than in the BASE condition (72.7 % ± 2.0). No other main during the intoxication (15.1 μV/m2 ± 1.6) than during the sober ap-
effects or interactions were significant (all F ≤ 1.48; p ≥ .232). pointment (20.3 μV/m2 ± 1.9). A main effect of “experimental condi-
For the hit RTs, the mixed effects ANOVA revealed a main effect of tion” (F(1,33) = 5.09; p = .031; ηp2 = .117) showed decreased cue P1
“intoxication status” (F(1,38) = 55.05; p < .001; ηp2 = .592) showing amplitudes in the BI condition (16.9 μV/m2 ± 1.6) compared to the
that participants responded more slowly when they were intoxicated BASE condition (18.4 μV/m2 ± 1.5). A main effect of “electrode” (F
(804.2 ms ± 24.0) than when they were sober (666.5 ms ± 18.4). A (1,33) = 5.80; p = .022; ηp2 = .150) revealed larger amplitudes at
main effect of “experimental condition” (F(1,38) = 39.98; p < .001; ηp2 electrode P8 (20.0 μV/m2 ± 2.2) than at P7 (15.3 μV/m2 ± 1.4μV/m2).
= .513) showed that RTs were larger in the BI condition (752.9 A main effect of “drinking sequence” (F(1,33) = 5.85; p = .021; ηp2 =
ms ± 20.1), as compared to the BASE condition (717.8 ms ± 18.7). .150) was also detected, showing that P1 amplitudes were on average
Moreover, a main effect of “drinking sequence” (F(1,38) = 11.89; p = smaller in participants who were intoxicated during their first ap-
.001; ηp2 = .238) revealed that participants who were sober during pointment (13.9 μV/m2 ± 2.1) than in those who were intoxicated
their first appointment had on average faster responses (669.0 during their second appointment (21.5 μV/m2 ± 2.3). An interaction of
ms ± 28.6) than those who were intoxicated during their first ap- “electrode x drinking sequence” (F(1,33) = 4.87; p = .034; ηp2 = .129)
pointment (801.7 ms ± 25.8). Importantly, we also found an interac- revealed that the aforementioned effect of drinking sequence was only
tion of “intoxication status x drinking sequence” (F(1,38) = 64.52; found at electrode P8 (t(33) = -2.70; p = .011; intoxicated in first
p < .001; ηp2 = .629), as well as an interaction of “intoxication status x session: 14.1 μV/m2 ± 2.0; sober in first session: 26.0 μV/m2 ± 4.2) but
drinking sequence x experimental condition” (F(1,38) = 12.20; p = not at electrode P7 (t(33) = -1.16; p = .253). No other main effects or
.001; ηp2 = .243). Post-hoc analyses showed that participants who were interactions were significant (all F ≤ 1.00; p ≥ .326).
intoxicated during the first of their two appointments displayed a sig- For the cue-elicited N1 quantified in the S-cluster at electrodes P7
nificant interaction of “experimental condition x intoxication status” (F and P8, a main effect of “intoxication status” (F(1,33) = 23.52;
(1,21) = 9.15; p = .006; ηp2 = .304). Specifically, this group had a p < .001; ηp2 = .416) revealed that the N1 amplitude was smaller

N. Zink et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 89 (2019) 97–108

Fig. 2. Illustration of the behavioral performance data. Absolute values are depicted in the left graphs, the backward inhibition effect/condition difference is depicted
in the right graphs. In each graph, a dotted line separates the two groups: The two appointments/states of the sober first group are always depicted on the left, while
the two appointments/states of intoxicated first group are always depicted on thr right of each graph. A) In the accuracy measure depicted in the top row, we found
significantly higher accuracy values for participants when they were sober (compared to intoxicated) and in BASE trials (compared to BI trials). B) In the hit RTs
depicted in the bottom row, we found significantly slower responses for participants who were intoxicated (compared to sober), who were intoxicated on their first
appointment (compared to those who were sober on their first appointment) and in BI trials (compared to BASE trials). We further found that the BI effect (i.e. the
condition difference BI – BASE) was larger when intoxicated than when sober, but only in the group that was intoxicated during the first of their two appointments
(marked with an asterisk). The group that was intoxicated on the second appointment did not show this alcohol-dependent effect (n.s.). In line with this, we found
that the BI effect was larger in the first INTOX group than in the first SOBER group, but only during the intoxicated appointment (also marked with an asterisk). The
size of the BI effect did not differ between groups during the sober appointment (not marked). The error bars denote the standard error of the mean (SEM).

during intoxication (-5.0 μV/m2 ± 2.6) than during the sober state
(-16.2 μV/m2 ± 3.3μV/m2). Interestingly, an interaction of “intoxica-
tion status x experimental condition” (F(1,33) = 8.80; p = .006; ηp2 =
.211) was found. Post hoc tests showed that during the intoxicated
appointment, the N1 amplitude was larger in the BI condition (-5.8 μV/
m2 ± 2.6) than in the BASE condition (-4.3 μV/m2 ± 2.6) (t(34) =
-2.38; p = .023). This condition difference was not found in the sober
appointment (t(34) = 1.59; p = .121). No other main effects or in-
teractions were significant (all F ≤ 2.25; p ≥ .143).
For the target-elicited P1 quantified in the S-cluster at electrodes P7
and P8, an interaction of “experimental condition x drinking sequence”
(F(1,33) = 4.15; p = .050; ηp2 = .112) was found. Post-hoc tests re-
vealed that the BI effect (BI-BASE) was on average larger in participants
who were intoxicated during their first appointment (-2.3 μV/
m2 ± 1.2) than in those who were intoxicated during their second ap-
pointment (1.1 μV/m2 ± 1.1) (t(33) = -2.04; p = .050). No other main
effects or interactions were significant (all F ≤ 2.11; p ≥ .156).
For the target-elicited N1 quantified in the S-cluster at electrodes P7
and P8, no significant effects were detected (all F ≤ 2.33; p ≥ .136).
Fig. 3. Illustration of the cue- and target-associated P1 and N1 ERPs in the RIDE For the N2 and the P3 quantified in the C-cluster at electrodes Cz
S-cluster at electrodes P7 and P8 (averaged). Time point zero denotes the onset and Pz, respectively, no main effects or interactions were significant
of the cue stimulus. The target stimulus was added to the visual array at 100 ms. (N2: all F ≤ 3.88; p ≥ .057; P3: all F ≤ 3.43; p ≥ .073). The ERPs are
ERPs assessed while intoxicated are denoted in red line color, ERPs assessed illustrated in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5.
while sober are denoted in green line color. The BASE condition is denoted in a
lighter color than the BI condition. The four quantified ERP peaks are denoted 3.3.2. Time-frequency decomposition
by arrows. Topographic plots of each ERP within the time interval used for ERP
The evoked power of the theta frequency band was quantified in the
quantification are provided right next to the ERP labels. Alcohol effects could
S-cluster at 5.5 Hz for electrode P7. In the C-cluster, it was quantified at
only be observed for the cue-associated P1 and N1 amplitudes, which were
smaller when intoxicated than when sober. The amplitudes of the target-asso-
6 Hz at electrode Fz. The choice of frequencies and electrodes was
ciated P1 and N1 did not show this effect. For a more detailed description of based on TF plots and scalp topographies.
non-intoxication-related significant effects differences, please refer to the re- Concerning the power of theta oscillations (5.5 Hz) at electrode P7,
sults section. the ANOVA revealed a main effect of “intoxication status” (F(1,33) =
11.32; p = .002; ηp2= .255), showing that theta power was larger

N. Zink et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 89 (2019) 97–108

theta assessed at electrode P7 was significantly negatively correlated in

the intoxicated appointment (r = -0.534; p < .001), but not in the
sober appointment (r = -0.034; p = .834). Further matching the be-
havioral data, which had only demonstrated a significant effect of in-
toxication in the subgroup who were intoxicated during their first ap-
pointment, we further found that the intoxication-related BI effects in
RTs and parietal theta were only significantly correlated in this group (r
= -0.492; p = .020), but not in the group that was intoxicated during
their second appointment (r = -0.425: p = 0.78).
As the TF plots shown in Fig. 6 also appeared to show differences in
the alpha frequency band, we ran an add-on analysis of alpha oscilla-
tions (9.0 Hz) at electrode P7. Like for the theta frequency, the ANOVA
revealed a main effect of “intoxication status” (F(1,33) = 8.593; p =
.006; ηp2= .207), showing that alpha power was larger during the sober
Fig. 4. Illustration of the N2 ERP in the RIDE C-cluster at electrode Cz. Time appointment (126.8 μV2 ± 20.8) than during the intoxication ap-
point zero denotes the onset of the cue stimulus. The target stimulus was added pointment (84.6 μV2 ± 15.0). Despite the descriptive differences in
to the visual array at 100 ms. ERPs assessed while intoxicated are denoted in
Fig. 6, we found no other significant main or interaction effects (all F ≤
red line color, ERPs assessed while sober are denoted in green line color. The
3.22; p ≥ .082).
BASE condition is denoted in a lighter color than the BI condition. Topographic
plots of the N2 within the time interval used for ERP quantification are pro-
Concerning the power of theta oscillations (6 Hz) at electrode Fz, a
vided for the intoxicated and sober state. No statistically significant effects were main effect of “intoxication status” (F(1,33) = 6.42; p = .016; ηp2 =
found. .163) revealed that theta power was larger during acute ethanol in-
toxication (48.7 μV2 ± 17.3) than during the sober appointment (9.7
μV2 ± 4.0). This is illustrated in Fig. 7. No other significant effects were
detected (all F ≤ 3.97; p ≥ .055).

4. Discussion

In the current study, we investigated the effects of an acute, binge-

like high-dose alcohol intoxication on cognitive (i.e. non-motor) aspects
of inhibition during cognitive flexibility. To do so, we assessed the BI
effect in a task switching paradigm in a counterbalanced within-subject
design, where each participant was tested once sober and once in-
toxicated. We furthermore assessed whether the induction or increase
of automaticity via prior practice (i.e. having performed the ~30 min
task once before) can attenuate or maybe even prevent the potential
detrimental effects of binge drinking. For this, we compared effects of
Fig. 5. Illustration of the P3 ERP in the RIDE C-cluster at electrode Pz. Time alcohol intoxication on the size of the BI effect between participants
point zero denotes the onset of the cue stimulus. The target stimulus was added who were able to use well-practiced and thus rather automatized S-R
to the visual array at 100 ms. ERPs assessed while intoxicated are denoted in associations when intoxicated (during their second appointment) and
red line color, ERPs assessed while sober are denoted in green line color. The participants who did not have comparable automatisms when in-
BASE condition is denoted in a lighter color than the BI condition. Topographic toxicated (due to performing the task while intoxicated during their
plots of the P3 within the time interval used for ERP quantification are provided first appointment).
for the intoxicated and sober state. No statistically significant effects were
As expected, we found that that alcohol intoxication led to generally
impaired task performance in our BI task, as reflected by decreased
response accuracy and increased RTs. This is well in line with many
during the sober appointment (124.9 μV2 ± 17.0) than during the in- studies showing executive deficits during binge-like alcohol intoxica-
toxication appointment (70.4 μV2 ± 9.2). Moreover, a main effect of tion (e.g. Field et al., 2010; Stock, 2017; Stock et al., 2016b, 2014;
“drinking sequence” was detected (F(1,33) = 10.24; p = .003; ηp2 = Wolff et al., 2018b). As all participants conducted their practice block
.237), showing that participants who were sober during their first ap- of the BI task while sober (also in the intoxication session), the reduced
pointment had on average larger theta power (132.9 μV2 ± 16.3) than behavioral performance in the intoxication session is unlikely to be a
those who were intoxicated during their first appointment (62.3 result of potential task comprehension problems. Most importantly,
μV2 ± 14.9). Most importantly, an interaction of “intoxication status x however, the size of the BI effect (BI-BASE) on RTs was larger during
drinking sequence x experimental condition” (F(1,33) = 5.81; p = the intoxicated state than during the sober state, but only when parti-
.022; ηp2 = .150) was detected. Post hoc analyses showed an interac- cipants could not rely on automated stimulus-response mapping pro-
tion of “drinking sequence x experimental condition” for the intoxica- cesses (i.e. when they were intoxicated during their first of two ap-
tion appointment (F(1,33) = 10.05; p = .003; ηp2 = .234), but not for pointments). This allows for the conclusion that participants, for whom
the sober appointment (F(1,33) =.04; p = .839; ηp2 = .001): Only rather automated S-R mappings were not available due to not having
during acute ethanol intoxication, theta power in the BI condition was performed the task once before, seem to have experienced difficulties in
significantly larger in the participants who were intoxicated in their reactivating the currently suppressed task rules when intoxicated. In
second appointment (102.2 μV2 ± 19.2) than in those who were in- contrast to this, participants who had the opportunity to once perform
toxicated in their first appointment (39.0 μV2 ± 8.3) (t(33) = 3.20; p the task for ~30 min in a sober state before performing it intoxicated,
= .003). This effect could not be found in BASE condition (t(33) = did not show a significant increase in BI size during intoxication. In-
1.78; p = .084). No other significant main effects or interactions were stead, the size of their BI effect was comparable across the sober and
found (all F ≤ 2.76; p ≥ .106). The posterior theta power is illustrated intoxicated states. This apparent lack of detrimental intoxication effects
in Fig. 6. Interestingly, add-on correlation analyses showed that in the after ~30 minutes of sober task performance could be explained by the
entire sample, the BI effect size (BI minus BASE) of hit RTs and parietal fact that this training promotes rather automated strategies/S-R

N. Zink et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 89 (2019) 97–108

Fig. 6. Illustration of the time-frequency decom-

position (total evoked power) of the RIDE S-cluster at
electrode P7. Time point zero denotes the onset of
the cue stimulus on the x-axis in ms. The y-axis de-
notes the frequency band in Hz. The target stimulus
was added to the visual array at 100 ms. We quan-
tified parietal theta power at 5.5 Hz within the time
window of 180-240 ms after cue onset and found
that while intoxicated (top row), the group that was
intoxicated during their second appointment (right
column) showed significantly more theta power in
the BI condition than the group that was intoxicated
during their first appointment (left column). This
group difference was not found during the sober
appointment (bottom row), or in the BASE condition
(please see supplementary material for corre-
sponding plots). On the right side of the graph, to-
pographic maps are depicted for the quantified par-
ietal theta power. As the visual inspection of the TF
plot also seemed to show differences in the alpha
band upon visual inspection, we additionally ran an
add-on quantification of the alpha frequency band at
9 Hz in the time window from 160 to 200 ms. The
analyses revealed an alcohol-induced reduction in
alpha power, but no other effects.

mappings, which generally seem to be much less vulnerable towards state before attempting to do so while intoxicated. Further supporting
the detrimental effects of alcohol than conscious top-down control (Day this assumption, it has been demonstrated that high-dose ethanol in-
et al., 2015; Garbusow et al., 2014; Stock et al., 2016a, 2017b). It toxication affects task switching performance only when there is a
therefore seems likely that participants in the “sober first” group could strain on working memory that effectively reduces the working memory
maintain good behavioral performance (i.e. a comparatively small BI capacities available for task switching (Wolff et al., 2018b).
effects) during intoxication because they could rely on rather auto- To identify cognitive-neurophysiological sub-processes underlying
mated S-R mappings during the second appointment and thus com- the alcohol-induced modulation of the BI effect, we analyzed both ERPs
pensate the alcohol-induced impairments of attention and top-down and theta band oscillations in RIDE-decomposed data. The decom-
cognitive control. Relying on automated information like highly trained position of the ERP segments into an S- and a C-cluster allows to better
S-R mappings may furthermore reduce the strain on the working dissociate stimulus-related processes, which we expected to display
memory capacity of participants, which could have helped to coun- task- and alcohol-related modulations, from central response selection
teract the alcohol-induced BI increase and might explain the unaffected processes, which we expected to be rather unaffected by either alcohol,
performances of participants who performed the entire task in a sober or task conditions. In addition to this, RIDE helps to deal with the

Fig. 7. Illustration of the time-frequency decom-

position (total evoked power) of the RIDE C-cluster
at electrode Fz. Time point zero denotes the onset of
the cue stimulus on the x-axis in ms. The y-axis de-
notes the frequency band in Hz. The target stimulus
was added to the visual array at 100 ms. We quan-
tified fronto-central theta power at 6 Hz within the
time window of 800-900 ms after cue onset and
found that alcohol significantly increased fronto-
central theta power, but no other significant effects.

N. Zink et al. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry 89 (2019) 97–108

alcohol-increased variability in hit RTs. automaticity is supposed to reduce the strain on the residual top-down
In line with previous neurophysiological studies on the BI effect cognitive control capacities of intoxicated participants, it might allow
(Zhang et al., 2017, 2016a, 2016b), we found condition differences (BI for better recall of task memory/task rules, as reflected by larger pos-
vs. BASE) in the P1 and N1 ERPs of the S-Cluster, but not in the N2 or terior theta power (Gladwin and de Jong, 2005). Those findings are
parietal P3 quantified in the C-cluster. This further underlines the as- furthermore in line with the assumption that properties of parietal theta
sumption that the BI effect is driven by early attentional stimulus oscillations ~200 ms after stimulus presentation reflect top-down reg-
processing and attentional selection (Luck et al., 2000; Zhang et al., ulation processes (Freunberger et al., 2007). Based thereon, we assume
2016c). Also matching our hypotheses that alcohol effects should be that the larger theta power of the well-practiced subjects indicates that
limited to the early attentional processing stages, we found that alcohol they were able to invest more cognitive resources in overcoming the
decreased attentional processing of the task set-relevant visual cue, as inhibition of previous tasks, while intoxicated. This may have fa-
reflected by smaller cue-P1 and cue-N1 amplitudes, which reflect de- cilitated the recall of previously inhibited task rules and advance the
creased perceptual gating (Herrmann and Knight, 2001; Luck et al., preparation for the encoding of an upcoming target stimulus in BI
2000) and impaired attentional selection mechanisms (Herrmann and condition in intoxication session. This interpretation is corroborated by
Knight, 2001; Luck et al., 2000), respectively. This finding is in line previous studies which showed that left parietal theta during pre-
with other studies showing that alcohol may decrease attentional pro- paratory periods prior to actual task-relevant stimulus processing is
cessing as reflected by smaller amplitudes in one or both ERPs (Stock important for the encoding of a stimulus (Federmeier and Kutas, 2002;
et al., 2017a; Wolff et al., 2018b) and furthermore impair the top-down Tesche and Karhu, 2000), particularly when participants engage in
allocation of attention (Stock et al., 2017b), as reflected by the P1 and controlled task processing modes (Phillips et al., 2014).
N1 ERPs (Luck et al., 2000). It may therefore be assumed that decreased Lastly, there are a few limitations to discuss: Due to concerns of the
attentional processing of the cue should have contributed to the overall local ethics commission, we could not include female participants in the
performance impairment observed during intoxication. This impair- study. While we failed to find reports on sex effects on backward in-
ment in the early perceptual processing of the very stimulus which hibition, further studies will be needed to assess whether the cognitive
indicated the task set in effect, could have contributed to the larger effects of an acute binge-like intoxication are comparable across young
need for reactive control at the later stage of response selection and men and women. It would furthermore have been beneficial to include
control, as reflected by the larger mid-frontal theta power (Cavanagh control groups of individuals, who either perform the task twice while
and Frank, 2014) found at 6 Hz in the C-Cluster. In accordance with sober (i.e. sober – sober), or intoxicated (intox – intox) in order to
previous studies, the decreased P1 amplitude and increased frontal further explore the nature and size of the observed learning/auto-
theta power in the intoxicated state may reflect impaired early per- matization effect. Also, our paradigm did not have enough trials to
ceptual processes and increased demand for late response control (Stock reliably analyze differences in the kind and effect of errors that parti-
et al., 2016b, 2017b). cipants committed (i.e. the comparison of III, IIC, ICI, CII, CCI, CIC, ICC
Yet still, neither the assessed ERPs, nor the alcohol-induced increase triplets, where C = correct response and I = incorrect response) for the
in mid-frontal theta power or the parietal alpha power could explain the two experimental conditions and intoxication states.
practice effects found in the behavioral data. The posterior theta power
quantified in the S-cluster was the only neurophysiological correlate
5. Conclusions
which matched the finding that participants who lacked training (as
they did not perform the task in the sober state before) and displayed a
Alcohol generally impaired behavioral task performance in our task-
larger behavioral BI effect when intoxicated. As already noted in the
switching paradigm. This was most likely due to impaired attentional
introduction, the theta power quantified over posterior electrodes re-
processing of the task-relevant cue and resulted in a larger need for
flects stimulus-related, proactive aspects of cognitive control (Cooper
reactive control at the later stage of response selection and control in
et al., 2017; Freunberger et al., 2007; Gladwin and de Jong, 2005;
our switching task. However, we observed that prior task practice (i.e.
Sauseng et al., 2006), which is known to be related to task switching
first performing the task while sober) attenuated the detrimental effects
(Freunberger et al., 2007; Gladwin and de Jong, 2005) and to reflect
of alcohol on cognitive inhibition during task switching: Without those
top-down regulation processes in recalling the task set memory
~30 minutes of prior sober practice, alcohol significantly impaired
(Freunberger et al., 2007; Gladwin and de Jong, 2005).
cognitive flexibility, and the intoxicated participants struggled to
Opposite to the theta power effects observed at mid-frontal sites,
overcome the cognitive inhibition of a previously relevant task set, as
alcohol generally decreased posterior theta power. Given that parietal
reflected by a larger BI effect. This phenomenon was linked to reduced
theta is typically enhanced when a previously irrelevant visual task
posterior theta power, which likely reflects alcohol-induced impair-
must be reactivated (Freunberger et al., 2007; Gladwin and de Jong,
ments in working memory capacity and task set-relevant memory re-
2005) and likely improves task switching performance via anticipatory
trieval. As individuals with prior practice (i.e. who had first performed
task-goal updating (Cooper et al., 2017), it may be deduced that smaller
the task sober) did not show the same alcohol-related deficit, it may be
posterior theta reflects alcohol-induced impairments in working
deduced that (partial) task set automatization via S-R associations may
memory capacity and task set-relevant memory retrieval (Freunberger
help to reduce the detrimental effects of alcohol on cognitive inhibition
et al., 2007). This also is in line with previous findings showing that
during task switching. The most likely mechanism underlying this effect
alcohol intoxication impairs top-down control processes (Day et al.,
is a shift from top-down attentional processing to more automatized S-R
2015; Garbusow et al., 2014; Stock et al., 2016a, 2017b). Further
mappings, which that are known to be much less affected by alcohol
matching this, we found that the behavioral and theta-based BI effects
than controlled processes. This likely left the well-trained individuals
were only correlated during the intoxicated appointment, but not
with more residual cognitive control resources for overcoming the in-
during the sober appointment. This effect was significant in the group
hibition of previous tasks.
that was intoxicated during their first appointment, but only showed a
trend in the group that was intoxicated during the second appointment.
Against this background, the fact that we observed relatively larger Author contributions
posterior theta power in participants with more practice/automatized
S-R mappings during the intoxicated appointment in the more chal- AS, NZ and CB were responsible for the study concept and design.
lenging BI condition, suggests that the higher degree of automatization AS, NZ, and WC collected the data. AS, NZ and RZ analyzed the data.
might have left the more experienced group with more (residual) top- All authors contributed to the manuscript and approved the final ver-
down resources to invest in task set reactivation: Considering that sion for publication.

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