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Physical Education Midterms

Physical Education

FITT Principle Causes of Sports Injuries

FITT Principle (Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Individuals who engage in various types of
Type) gradually increasing the intensity and physical activities have a higher risk of getting
duration of a workout injured compared to those who practice a
sedentary lifestyle.
Frequency the numbers of sessions in a week
Tensile forces are those that act away from the
Intensity difficulty level of the exercise or work center, causing a pull or stretch
demand, the most important factor in improving
fitness level Compressive forces impact the center causing it
to bend or fold, can cause a fracture
Time duration or distance covered in an exercise
session Shear forces are opposing forces toward
different ends of the structure causing it to twist
Type mode of exercise or activity

Structure Function Acute Injury

Parts of an Exercise Program
Ligaments Stabilize Sprain
● Warm-Up joints
Prepares the body for strenuous Tendons Attaches Strain
activity, gradually increasing muscles to
intensity bones
● Exercise Load
Muscles Creates Strain
● Cool Down
Recovery starts at the cool down
Bones Anchor for Fracture
Dynamic Stretch flexibility exercises that muscles
emphasize on the active range of motion Joints Fulcrum for Dislocation
Static Stretch exercises that hold the joint in a
stationary position for a period of time


Stress is a reaction of the body and mind to

unkind or challenging life incidents

Mark Erwin P. Pesino - 11 STEM B

Physical Education Midterms

Common Sports Injuries Bursitis a bursa is a sac-like musculoskeletal

structure that provides support and cushioning to
Acute Injuries have signs and symptoms that the join
manifest immediately after force application, ex.
Shin splints Sports Injury Prevention
1. Adopt a comprehensive training program
Chronic Injuries develop long-term repetitive 2. Use protective equipment and practice
motion in sports, overuse injuries, ex. tennis correct technique
elbow 3. Incorporate recovery strategies in the
training program
Sprain an overstretched ligament 4. Follow rules and decorum during
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) a connective
tissue that helps stabilize the Sports Injury Minimization
1. Proper attire
Strain an excessive stretching that causes tears 2. Proper technique
in the muscle-tendon unit, a twist pull or tear of 3. Gym etiquette
muscle or tended 4. Proper environmental conditions
5. Adequate recovery
Fractures breaks in continuity of the bone,
tingling or numbness is not a common symptom First Aid for Acute Injuries

Dislocation bones pushed out from their joint Duties of a First Aider:
capsule, common symptom: inability to move the 1. Assessing the situation and ensuring
joint personal safety
2. Providing basic life support
Concussions life-threatening injuries because 3. Calling for emergency medical assistance
they disrupt the normal function of the brain,
seek medical attention immediately Immobilization a process of restricting
movement of an injured limb to prevent further
Stress Fractures commonly occur among runners aggravation
who train for long periods of time without
adequate rest periods Rigid splint made of tough materials

Tendinopathy/Tendinitis due to muscle Soft splints newspapers, pillows, and air splints
imbalance between muscle pairs
Anatomical splint an immobilization technique
Osteoarthritis wear and tear of a joint that wherein the object that restricts movement is
results to its deterioration another body part of the injured athlete

Mark Erwin P. Pesino - 11 STEM B

Physical Education Midterms

Cervical arm sling can be used to immobilize a Priority for wounds is control bleeding the
dislocated shoulder and other injuries of the arm second aspect is infection prevention
and forearm
The elbow is bent at 90 degrees Sport-specific safety exercise includes
equipment and technique
CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation)
incorporates chest compressions and rescue Pre-participation screening test identify
breaths to facilitate blood flow to the brain diseases to prevent aggravation during physical
If a person has a spinal injury, immobilize the
injured person’s head and neck Social Benefits of Physical Activity
1. Increased sense of belonging and social
PRICE Principle support
2. Improved communication and teamwork
Inflammation is the first step of the healing skills
process which increased blood flow to the 3. Opportunities to meet new people and
injured area make friends

Protect as aggravation will increase Mental Health Benefits of Physical Activity

inflammation 1. Reduced risk of depression and anxiety
2. Improved self-esteem and body image
Rest recommended to give the body part enough 3. Better sleep quality
time to heal
Physical activity can reduce the risk of the
Ice or cryotherapy has a pain relieving effect following chronic diseases
1. Heart disease
Compression reduces swelling using elastic 2. Diabetes
bandage, using spiral and the spica or figure of 3. Cancer
Reason for performing safety exercises
Elevation swelling is reduced higher than the 1. Reduce the risk of injury
level of the heart 2. Enhance sports performance
3. To comply with sports regulations
Management of Chronic Injuries
Physical activity improves brain function by
Blood volume average for a person is five liters, increasing blood flow and oxygen to the brain
a person who loses more than 20% would be and reducing inflammation and oxidative stress
vulnerable in the brain

Heat Stroke is the most severe form of heat


Mark Erwin P. Pesino - 11 STEM B

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