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Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234 (2006) 97 – 113

Variability in the mean latitude of the Atlantic Intertropical

Convergence Zone as recorded by riverine input of sediments
to the Cariaco Basin (Venezuela)
Larry C. Peterson a,*, Gerald H. Haug b
Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL 33149, USA
Geoforschungszentrum Potsdam, Potsdam D-14473, Germany
Received 15 May 2004; accepted 20 October 2005


Changes in the strength and position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) are an important component of climate
variability in the tropical Atlantic. The Cariaco Basin, located on the northern margin of Venezuela, is sensitive to tropical Atlantic
climate change and its sediments provide a record of past ITCZ behavior. Today, the Cariaco Basin experiences two distinct
seasons that reflect the annual migration of the Atlantic ITCZ. Between January and March, when the ITCZ lies south of the
equator, northeasterly trade winds sit directly over Cariaco Basin and strong coastal upwelling and dry conditions dominate.
Beginning in June–July, as the ITCZ moves north, local rainfall reaches a maximum and the upwelling diminishes or disappears.
Here we summarize new and previously published data on the river-derived terrigenous fraction of Cariaco Basin sediments, as
well as comparisons to other paleoclimate records, which together suggest a coherent climatologic response in the tropical Atlantic
triggered by a pattern of ITCZ migration that mimics the seasonal cycle. During periods of cooler North Atlantic SSTs, on time-
scales ranging from the Little Ice Age to the Younger Dryas to the cold stadials of the last glacial, decreased detrital delivery to
Cariaco Basin from local rivers suggests a southward shift in the mean latitudinal position of the ITCZ. During warm interstadials
and periods of Holocene and deglacial warmth, northward shifts in ITCZ position and its belt of convective rainfall are inferred
from increased detrital delivery to the basin. Whether the rapid shifts in ITCZ position and precipitation recorded by Cariaco Basin
sediments and other regional records reflect a response to forcing originating in the high latitude Atlantic or to forcing potentially
sourced in the tropics is a key question yet to be fully answered.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cariaco Basin; Intertropical Convergence Zone; Past rainfall variability; Abrupt climate change; Paleoclimatology

1. Introduction winds and is associated with a well organized zonal

band of low pressure and high precipitation that occurs
The Atlantic ITCZ marks the dynamic boundary predominantly over the ocean basin and extends from
between the southeast and northeast Atlantic trade South America to the west coast of Africa. Convection
associated with the seasonal migration of the ITCZ
plays a major role in controlling the patterns of rainfall
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 305 421 4692; fax: +1 305 421
over the adjacent continents (e.g., Hastenrath and Hell-
4632. er, 1977; Poveda and Mesa, 1997) and the well-known
E-mail address: (L.C. Peterson). societal and economic impacts of precipitation changes
0031-0182/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
98 L.C. Peterson, G.H. Haug / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234 (2006) 97–113

in this region have focused attention on the ITCZ as a related to ITCZ behavior in the northern tropical At-
yardstick of Atlantic climate variability (Chiang et al., lantic is recorded in sediments of the Cariaco Basin, a
2002). Unlike the tropical Pacific where the influence modern anoxic marine basin located on the northern
of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenom- continental shelf of Venezuela (Fig. 1). The Cariaco
enon dominates, the tropical Atlantic appears to re- Basin is a well-known, east–west trending pull-apart
spond to multiple competing influences on interannual basin (Schubert, 1982) that actually consists of two
to decadal time scales. Numerous studies of instrumen- small subbasins, each reaching depths of about 1400
tal data have shown that ITCZ position over the basin m, separated by a flat central saddle that sits at a depth
is strongly associated with a leading statistical pattern of about 900 m. Along its northern margin, the basin is
of Atlantic variability, namely the cross-equatorial gra- separated from the open Caribbean by the shallow
dient in tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures Tortuga Bank, whose shallow inlet sills (b 146 m)
which itself contributes to the distribution of sea level restrict the horizontal exchange of waters. Above sill
pressure and winds (e.g., Hastenrath and Greischar, depth, the pycnocline that results from the change of
1993; Nobre and Shukla, 1996; Chiang et al., 2002). temperature and salinity serves to inhibit vertical ex-
However, the tropical Atlantic has also been shown to change as well. Because of limited deep water renewal,
be influenced by changes in tropical Pacific convection dissolved oxygen in the Cariaco Basin is not replen-
associated with ENSO and with anomalies in the ished rapidly enough to offset the demand created by
Walker circulation (Alexander and Scott, 2002; Chiang high seasonal productivity along the coast. The result is
et al., 2002). the present state of anoxia in the waters below a depth
Beyond the reach of instrumental time-series, paleo- of about 300 m (e.g., Richards, 1975; Scranton et al.,
climate records provide the only means to reconstruct 1987).
and assess trends and long time scale modes of climate In the western tropical Atlantic and Caribbean, the
variability. A history of past conditions that can be linkage between surface ocean circulation and the an-

Fig. 1. Bathymetry of Cariaco Basin showing locations of Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1002, piston core PL07-39PC, and sediment trap
array from which data are discussed. Local rivers that drain directly into Cariaco Basin are indicated as follows: T=Tuy River, U=Unare River,
N=Neveri River, M=Manzanares River. The hachured pattern identifies water depths less than 100-m and reveals the deeper sills at the western and
northern margins that connect Cariaco Basin to the open Caribbean Sea. During maximum glacial lowstands of sea level, areas shallower than 100
m would have been largely emergent.
L.C. Peterson, G.H. Haug / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234 (2006) 97–113 99

nual migration of the ITCZ is reasonably well under- clock that results from ITCZ movement has allowed
stood (e.g., Wüst, 1964; Hastenrath, 1978; Katz, 1987). development of annually resolved chronologies over
Surface circulation in the Caribbean Sea as a whole is intervals where laminae are distinct enough to reliably
dominated by the general east-to-west flow of the Ca- count (e.g., Hughen et al., 1998; Black et al., 1999,
ribbean Current which carries equatorial Atlantic water 2004; Haug et al., 2003), yielding nearly unparalleled
into the Gulf of Mexico and ultimately to the North temporal resolution for a marine sequence.
Atlantic as part of the ocean’s meridional overturning Numerous studies to date of Cariaco sediments have
circulation. Due to the seasonal march of the ITCZ, focused on proxies that yield information on past con-
however, the patterns of circulation, coastal upwelling, ditions of upwelling, biological productivity and marine
and precipitation that influence the southern Caribbean ecosystem structure (e.g., Peterson et al., 1991,
region are markedly altered. Between January and 2000a,b; Hughen et al., 1996b, 2000; Lin et al., 1997;
March, when the ITCZ is south of the equator, strong Haug et al., 1998; Black et al., 1999; Dean et al., 1999;
trade winds in the tropical North Atlantic induce a slow Werne et al., 2000; Lea et al., 2003; Tedesco and
Ekman drift to the west and northwest. This drift helps Thunell, 2003). Fewer have specifically targeted the
maintain the North Brazil and Guyana Current systems terrestrially derived fractions as a potential index of
that direct flow northwestward toward the Caribbean. climatic and hydrologic conditions over the adjacent
At the same time, the trade winds blowing along the South American continent (Clayton et al., 1999; Peter-
northern coast of Venezuela result in Ekman drift-in- son et al., 2000a; Yarincik et al., 2000; Haug et al.,
duced upwelling of cool nutrient-rich waters (Richards, 2001, 2003). One can argue, however, that a record of
1975; Muller-Karger and Aparicio-Castro, 1994; Astor the riverine delivery of terrigenous materials to the
et al., 2003) that sustains high biological productivity in basin is perhaps a more diagnostic history of the
the near-surface waters. Regionally, the upwelling sea- ITCZ and its past movement than proxy time-series
son over Cariaco Basin corresponds to the dry season of past upwelling since the convection and rainfall
since the ITCZ and its associated low pressure and that characterizes the ITCZ is directly linked to the
rainfall lie well south of the basin. low pressure associated with the confluence of the
Beginning about June or July, as the ITCZ moves trade wind systems. Fertility of the surface waters
north to a mean position nearly over the Venezuelan over Cariaco Basin, on the other hand, is potentially
coast, the trade winds diminish and the upwelling complicated by factors other than changes in Ekman-
weakens or stops. Sea surface temperatures typically induced upwelling intensity, including changes in the
warm to 27–28 8C and productivity falls (Muller-Kar- nutrient content of the subsurface waters, changes in the
ger and Aparicio-Castro, 1994). The dry season ends as delivery of terrestrially sourced nutrients from the rivers
northward migration of the ITCZ triggers the regional themselves, or both.
rainy season and increases the fluvial discharge from Rivers that drain directly into the Cariaco Basin
rivers that directly affect Cariaco Basin and the south- include the Tuy, Unare, Neveri, and Manzanares (Fig.
ern Caribbean (Hastenrath, 1990; Muller-Karger et al., 1). Milliman and Syvitski (1992) estimate a contribu-
1988; Nobre and Shukla, 1996). tion of 12  106 tons/year for the River Tuy, which
discharges into the western end of the Cariaco Basin,
2. Terrigenous input as a proxy for rainfall and and a combined yield of ~0.5  106 tons/year from the
Atlantic ITCZ position other three rivers. With the exception of the Manza-
nares River, which enters the basin at its eastern end
The two most direct consequences of seasonal ITCZ where the shelf is narrow and irregular, the other local
motion for Cariaco Basin and its sediments are the rivers are located today some 50 km or more from the
pronounced alternation between the upwelling that basin and discharge directly onto a broad shallow (b 50
occurs in the winter–spring and the increased river m) shelf, the Unare Platform. Sediments presently ac-
runoff that takes place in the summer–fall. This season- cumulating on this shelf have been described as fine
al contrast, coupled with the lack of bioturbation during silty-clays of terrigenous origin (Morelock et al., 1972),
anoxic phases of deposition in the basin, has produced a though few data are available regarding their specific
high deposition rate (~30 to N150 cm/kyrs) sediment mineralogy or chemical composition. Mesozoic meta-
sequence in most portions consisting of millimeter- morphic and igneous rocks form the Araya Peninsula
scale, annually paired plankton-rich biogenic laminae (to the east) and the Coastal Range at Cabo Codera (to
and terrigenous detrital-rich laminae (Peterson et al., the west), while mountains directly south of the basin
1991; Hughen et al., 1996a). The built-in seasonal (the Serrania del Interior) are folded and faulted sedi-
100 L.C. Peterson, G.H. Haug / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234 (2006) 97–113

mentary rocks of Cretaceous and Tertiary age (Biju- the summer and fall following the rainy season.
Duval et al., 1982). These observations support the posited link between
Though the sources are more distant, the eastern Ca- seasonal variations in rainfall, river discharge, and
ribbean as a whole also receives a substantial input of bulk terrigenous delivery to Cariaco Basin.
fine-grained detritus from the Amazon-Orinoco Plume In a series of recent papers (Peterson et al., 2000a;
(Bowles and Fleischer, 1985; Parra et al., 1986). Varia- Haug et al., 2001, 2003), we have utilized measure-
tions in this sediment source are a potential indicator of ments of sedimentary Ti and Fe contents as proxies for
changes in the climatic and hydrologic regime over a the total terrigenous fraction of Cariaco Basin sedi-
much larger region of tropical South America. Howev- ments. Downcore variations in Ti and Fe have been
er, as discussed below, transport of fine-grained sedi- adopted as indices of past regional hydrologic change,
ment from these rivers to the Cariaco Basin depends with higher values interpreted to reflect increased rain-
upon the effects of ocean circulation and sea level on fall, river discharge, and terrigenous sediment delivery
the entrance of coastal currents into the shallow-silled to the basin. Support for the use of these elements as
basin, and upon the strength and position of the Guiana proxies for the terrigenous signal comes directly from
Current which imports large quantities of detrital mate- the laminated nature of the modern anoxic sediment
rial into the region. sequence. Energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) measure-
ments using a scanning electron microscope (SEM)
3. Records of riverine delivery from bulk titanium clearly show that Fe is preferentially concentrated in
and iron the dark, silt and clay-rich laminae that comprise the
rainy season portion of each paired annual couplet (see
A modern connection between ITCZ position, rain- Fig. 1 of Haug et al., 2001). While Ti abundance is
fall patterns, and the resulting detrital input to Cariaco generally too low to be measured by the same EDX
Basin from local rivers can be argued from a number of technique, downcore profiles of Ti and Fe are virtually
linked observations. Fig. 2 summarizes seasonal rainfall identical in all Cariaco sequences where paired data are
data for a number of meteorological stations in northern available, supporting a similar behavior and interpreta-
Venezuela and compares these to a record of measured tion. Studies from other locations have also used Ti and
discharge from the Orinoco River (Muller-Karger, Fe contents as proxies for terrigenous inputs to coastal
1993). Rainfall over northern South America peaks and near-margin locations (e.g., Arz et al., 1998; Lamy
during the 3-month period of June to August when et al., 2001).
the ITCZ is at its northernmost position near the Vene- Bulk Ti and Fe concentrations (Fig. 3) in sediment
zuelan coast. Orinoco River discharge exhibits a similar recovered from Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Hole
seasonal signal, with the peak measured outflow typi- 1002C were measured at a 2-mm spacing (Haug et al.,
cally occurring in August. While discharge data are 2001) using a profiling X-ray fluorescence scanner
unavailable for the smaller local rivers that drain direct- (Röhl and Abrams, 2000) located at the University of
ly onto the shelf near Cariaco Basin, the timing of Bremen. These published data, spanning the last 14,000
maximum seasonal outflow of these should follow the years, are plotted using the calendar age model dis-
Orinoco pattern since all of the drainage regions poten- cussed in Haug et al. (2001). For comparison, Ti and Fe
tially affecting the basin are dominated by the same values measured by conventional ICP methods (Piper
ITCZ/rainfall signal. and Dean, 2002) at a 5-cm sample spacing for the
A moored sediment trap array has been located in comparable time interval of piston core PL07-39 PC
the eastern subbasin of Cariaco since November are also shown (Fig. 3), as is the bterrigenous contentQ
1996 as part of the CARIACO Time-Series Program of this same core obtained by subtracting the measured
(Muller-Karger et al., 2000). Bi-weekly measure- contributions of biogenic carbonate, opal, and organic
ments from 1997 to 2000 of the sinking terrigenous carbon. All records show a nearly identical long-term
component captured in a trap at 475-m water depth pattern, with low Ti and Fe concentrations in sediments
are shown in Fig. 2C ( deposited during the Younger Dryas cold period be-
cariaco/sdmt.html) for comparison to the seasonal tween 12,600 and 11,500 years ago, highest concentra-
record of rainfall and riverine discharge. While year tions in the early to middle Holocene from about
to year variations exist, the relative contribution of 10,500 to 6000 years ago, and a subsequent, gradual
terrigenous materials to the total annual flux of decrease to the present. Though the measurement inter-
sinking particles exhibits a recognizable seasonal val differs substantially between the two cores (e.g., the
cycle, with terrigenous inputs generally enhanced in 2-mm sampling in Hole 1002C reflects a temporal
L.C. Peterson, G.H. Haug / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234 (2006) 97–113 101

Fig. 2. (A) Compilation of monthly precipitation data (mm) for World Meteorological Organization stations located in northern Venezuela and close
to Cariaco Basin. The period represented by each precipitation time-series is indicated. Maximum rainfall over northern Venezuela occurs between
June and August and reflects the seasonal movement of the Atlantic ITCZ to its northernmost position over the Venezuelan coast. (B) Annual cycle
of river discharge from the Orinoco River (from Muller-Karger, 1993). Discharge from this and other rivers draining northern South America follow
the seasonal pattern of precipitation. (C) Time-series showing the fraction of sinking terrigenous component (wt.%) captured by sediment trap at a
water depth of 475-m in the eastern Cariaco subbasin (see Fig. 1 for location). Data represent biweekly averages from 1997 to 2000 (http:// smoothed by a 3 pt-moving average. Though year-to-year variations exist, the relative contribution of
terrigenous materials to the total annual flux of sinking particles shows a recognizable seasonal signal, with terrigenous inputs generally enhanced
during and following the regional rainy season.
102 L.C. Peterson, G.H. Haug / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234 (2006) 97–113

Fig. 3. Records of bulk % Fe (A) and % Ti (B) from ODP Hole 1002C sediments measured at 2-mm intervals by X-ray fluorescence scanner (data
from Haug et al., 2001). These are compared to similar records of % Fe (C) and % Ti (D) measured at 5-cm intervals from core PL07-39PC by ICP
methods (Piper and Dean, 2002). Bulk Fe and Ti can be interpreted as proxies for terrigenous input to Cariaco Basin. (E) Percentage of terrigenous
content of core PL07-39PC, calculated as the residual after subtracting the measured contributions of biogenic carbonate, opal and organic carbon to
the sediments. Major climatic events are indicated. Panel across the top indicates the presence of laminated sediments, which accumulated
continuously in Cariaco Basin throughout the time interval shown here.

spacing of ~4–5 years while the 5-cm spacing in PL07- ed dry conditions is a southward shift in the mean
39 PC approximates a sample interval of ~120-years), latitude of the Atlantic ITCZ. Such a shift would
the overall similarity of the trends at these two different move the embedded belt of maximum rainfall south
basin locations (Fig. 1) supports the robustness of the and away from the drainage basins that directly con-
geochemical proxies. Furthermore, the remarkable co- tribute terrigenous matter to Cariaco Basin (e.g., Peter-
herence between the Ti and Fe records, especially in the son et al., 2000a; Haug et al., 2001). In contrast, the
densely sampled Hole 1002C, indicates that neither are high Ti and Fe concentrations that characterize sedi-
diagenetically controlled since Ti, unlike Fe, is insen- ments deposited during the Holocene bthermal max-
sitive to environmental redox variations (Yarincik et al., imumQ (Fig. 3) can be interpreted as evidence for
2000). increased rainfall over northern South America, reflect-
The detailed Ti and Fe records from Hole 1002C ing a more northerly mean annual position for the ITCZ
imply regionally dry conditions and reduced riverine relative to the Younger Dryas. This early Holocene
input during the Younger Dryas cold period. The most period of higher regional precipitation was followed
straightforward explanation for this inference of extend- by a steady decline in rainfall to the present, implying
L.C. Peterson, G.H. Haug / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234 (2006) 97–113 103

another southward shift of the ITCZ. Finally, a distinct pollen records show a general pattern of drying during
change in the amplitude of the Ti and Fe signals occurs the Younger Dryas, increased precipitation during the
after about 4000 years ago, with the most pronounced early Holocene, and gradual drying towards the present
and extended minimum corresponding to the timing of (e.g., Colombia—van der Hammen and Hoogheimstra,
the Little Ice Age (Haug et al., 2001). 1995 [see comparison in Fig. 4]; Costa Rica—Hoo-
While there can be little argument that the Ti and ghiemstra et al., 1992; Islebe et al., 1995; Guate-
Fe found in Cariaco Basin sediments is of detrital mala—Leyden et al., 1994; Leyden, 1995). Rapid
origin, the real question instead should be whether transitions from cold and dry to warm and wet condi-
these metal abundances are indeed directly related to tions at the Younger Dryas termination, followed by
rainfall amount and river volume. Though attempts to gradual Holocene drying, are also seen in lake records
assess this are currently underway as part of ongoing from Panama (Piperno et al., 1990; Bush et al., 1992)
sediment trap studies, it should be noted that human and adjacent Venezuela (Bradbury et al., 1981; Binford,
disturbances in the local drainage basins over the last 1982; Curtis et al., 1999). One of the highest resolution
century and longer (e.g., agricultural clearing of land, pollen records, the Laguna Fuquene record of van der
local engineering for water conservation and flood Hammen and Hoogheimstra (1995) from just north of
control) are likely to have modified sediment input/ Bogota, Colombia, even shows a suggestion of Holo-
rainfall relationships in such a way that a modern cene drying (Fig. 4) during the abrupt Ti and Fe minima
calibration may not necessarily be applicable to the recorded between about 4000 and 2000 years ago in the
longer paleo-records we present here. Hence, we rely Cariaco record, though the pollen data have limited age
more for the moment on comparisons with comple- control and cannot be used for precise temporal com-
mentary data from other well-dated regional records in parisons. Other regional records, such as ostracod d 18O
order to bolster our interpretations. and pollen records from Haiti (Hodell et al., 1991;
Fortunately, support for the general scenario of Higuera-Gundy et al., 1999) and a new d 13C record
paleohydrological change (Fig. 3) comes from several from a northern Venezuelan stalagmite (Gomez et al.,
independent paleoclimate records in northern South 2003), imply similar patterns of precipitation change.
America and Central America. A number of regional Finally, the recent sea surface salinity reconstruction of

Fig. 4. Percentage of Ti proxy for terrigenous input to ODP Hole 1002C compared to the pollen record of Laguna (Lake) Fuquene from near
Bogota, Colombia (reproduced from van der Hammen and Hoogheimstra, 1995). The position of radiocarbon dates in the Fuquene II core are
indicated and help identify the Younger Dryas cold event (YD), the Bølling/Allerod warm interval (B/A, and the last glacial (GL). The percentage of
Ti and pollen records show good general agreement in their respective interpretations of changing precipitation patterns (wet/dry) over this time
104 L.C. Peterson, G.H. Haug / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234 (2006) 97–113

Schmidt et al. (2004) using coupled foraminiferal Mg/ 4000 and 2400 years ago, a trend again anti-correlated
Ca and d 18O in Colombia Basin cores identified off- with the Cariaco record. To the east of Lake Titicaca,
shore salinity changes consistent with the inferred riv- pollen records from the southern margin of Amazonia
erine discharge scenario. show that the humid evergreen forests of eastern Boli-
How does the Cariaco Basin record compare to via have been expanding southward over the past 3000
climate records to the south that provide a Southern years (Mayle et al., 2000), a finding similarly linked by
Hemisphere complement to our Northern Hemisphere those authors to the increased southward seasonal pen-
perspective? Indeed, our premise that ITCZ migration is etration of the ITCZ.
the dominant driver behind the Cariaco metal records
predicts an out-of-phase response for inland localities 4. Cariaco comparisons on other time-scales
south of the equator affected by the South American
monsoon (Zhou and Lau, 1998). Today, when the ITCZ 4.1. The Little Ice Age
is at its most southerly location, a strong center of
convection develops over the Amazon Basin, drawing The most significant climate event evident in mea-
in moist air from the warm Atlantic and leading to sured ice core parameters in tropical South America
increased regional precipitation. Hence, when the over the last millennium is the Little Ice Age (LIA;
northern tropical portions of South America, including Thompson and Mosley-Thompson, 1989). A compari-
Cariaco Basin, are seasonally dry, the southern tropical son of the Ti record from Cariaco Basin with the d 18O
regions of South America are wet, and vice versa. of ice from the high-elevation Quelccaya ice core of
For at least the time-scales represented in Figs. 3 and Peru (Thompson et al., 1986; Thompson and Mosley-
4, there is general support for the prediction of an Thompson, 1989) shows a striking resemblance over
opposite phasing of precipitation. Sediment records the last 1100 years for the two regions (Fig. 5). The age
from Lake Titicaca and Salar de Uyuni on the Bolivian models here are independent so one can expect offsets
Altiplano, for example, show evidence of a wet Youn- that fall within the combined errors of the ice core age
ger Dryas and a dry early–middle Holocene, a pattern model (based on counting of annual d 18O and micro-
opposite to that inferred for northern tropical South particle variations to about 500 years BP and of dust
America and interpreted by Baker et al. (2001a,b) as layers visible in the field before that) and the 14C
a response to changing equatorial sea surface tempera- calibrated age model used for the Cariaco data. In the
tures and their effect on water vapor transport via the Cariaco Basin region, drier conditions are indicated for
South American monsoon. This was followed by a the LIA by generally decreased Ti contents, with the
steady increase in precipitation and lake level between record of this interval punctuated by at least three

Fig. 5. Comparison between the d 18O record of ice from the Quelccaya ice cap in Peru (Thompson and Mosley-Thompson, 1989) and the Ti content
of sediments from ODP Hole 1002C, Cariaco Basin, for the last 1100 years. The interval of the Little Ice Age is indicated.
L.C. Peterson, G.H. Haug / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234 (2006) 97–113 105

notable inferred precipitation minima. In the ice of Titicaca and Quelccaya (~15–178 S). In Lake Malawi
Quelccaya, the LIA is marked by generally lighter (Fig. 6), increases in both the percent and mass accu-
d 18O values, with a fine structure that bears remarkable mulation rate of biogenic silica are observed in varved
resemblance to the Ti variations. While there is ongoing sediments deposited during the LIA. Despite their in-
debate as to whether high-elevation d 18O records in the dependent chronologies, covariation between the Lake
vicinity of Quelccaya reflect mostly changes in air Malawi silica and Cariaco Ti records is apparent. Not-
temperature (e.g., Thompson et al., 1995) or the local ing that the Malawi sediment record suggests a strong
humidity/run-off balance (e.g., Pierrehumbert, 1999; tie to cold conditions in the Northern Hemisphere,
Baker et al., 2001b), the close correlation shown in Johnson et al. (2002) hypothesized that relatively cold
Fig. 5 clearly indicates a tight linkage between the periods at higher latitudes resulted in dry and windy
two regions. More negative d 18O values at Quelccaya conditions over the northern Malawi basin as a conse-
have been interpreted to represent cooler temperatures quence of southward excursions of the ITCZ over this
or wetter mean conditions. The latter explanation would part of the African continent.
be consistent with the previously noted out-of-phase One of the most sensitive records of late Holocene
pattern north and south of the equator; i.e., the region climate change comes from glacio-chemical time-series
bordering Cariaco Basin was dry during the LIA so generated from the Greenland Ice Sheet Project (GISP)
locations farther south, such as Quelccaya, might be II ice core (O’Brien et al., 1995). For example, sea salt
expected to have been wet. Such an interpretation is and terrestrial dust concentrations generally increased
consistent with recent inferences obtained from Lake but varied dramatically during the LIA (Fig. 7). This
Titicaca sediments (Baker et al., 2003) and with earlier increase, as well as similar increases earlier in the
lake level estimates for Titicaca presented by Abbott et Holocene, has been interpreted to indicate intensified
al. (1997). meridional air flow (dincreased storminessT) during
Across the Atlantic, the LIA is recorded in sediments periods when air temperatures in the mid to high north-
from Lake Malawi in East Africa (Johnson et al., 2001, ern latitudes were relatively cold. When compared to
2002), at a latitude (108S) comparable to that of Lake the Cariaco Basin metal record, a reasonably good

Fig. 6. Comparison of the percent of biogenic silica record from Lake Malawi, East Africa (Johnson et al., 2001, 2002) with percentage of Ti from
Cariaco Basin sediments for the last 800 years. Note the inverted axis for biogenic silica content. A clear Little Ice Age signal is found in both
106 L.C. Peterson, G.H. Haug / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234 (2006) 97–113

Fig. 7. Comparison of measured potassium (K) ion concentrations in ice of the Greenland GISP II ice core (data from O’Brien et al., 1995) with
percentage of Ti content of Cariaco Basin sediments. Ion concentrations in Greenland ice reflect increases in sea salt and terrestrial dust during cold
periods of enhanced storm activity in the North Atlantic.

match between cold, dstormyT times over Greenland stadial periods were characterized by reduced riverine
and dry periods over northern South America is ob- input to Cariaco Basin, presumably as a result of a more
served. This relationship between cold temperatures at southerly mean position of the ITCZ and its convective
high northern latitudes and dry conditions recorded by rainfall. The opposite hydrologic pattern has again been
Cariaco sediments has already been seen to hold true observed in the complementary Salar de Uyuni sediment
for the Younger Dryas, and applies as well to sediments record on the Bolivian Altiplano (Baker et al., 2001b),
deposited during cold stadial phases of the last glacial with wet conditions found to be generally coincident
as reviewed in the following section. with inferred dry conditions near Cariaco Basin and cold
stadial events at high northern latitudes. Speleothems
4.2. Terrigenous input during Dansgaard–Oeschger collected from south of the present day rainforest in
cycles of the last glacial Brazil also show clear evidence of pluvial phases during
Greenland stadials (Wang et al., 2004), a pattern inter-
Within marine isotope stage (MIS) 3, variations in preted by the authors to reflect abrupt southward shifts
bulk Fe and Ti have previously been shown to have a in ITCZ position that led to periods of speleothem
close relation to the well-known, millennial-scale Dans- growth. Commenting on the Wang et al. (2004) results,
gaard–Oeschger (D/O) cycles recorded in Greenland ice Chiang and Koutavas (2004) noted that the out-of-phase
cores (Peterson et al., 2000a). For the period of 26,000 growth behavior of the Brazilian cave deposits when
to 40,000 years ago, high Ti values are associated with compared to the Cariaco Basin metal record provides
dark, laminated sediments deposited in Cariaco Basin confirmation that shifting of the Atlantic ITCZ may
during the warm interstadials recorded in GISP II, while have played an important role in linking the high lati-
lower values of Ti are consistently found in sediments tudes to the tropics.
that accumulated during the intervening cold stadial New insights derived from the isotopic study of cave
times (Fig. 8). Variations in Fe content show an identical stalagmites have shed light on paleohydrological
pattern (not shown). The large fluctuations in the con- changes elsewhere in the tropics. In southern Oman,
centration of these metals have been interpreted to indi- oxygen isotope variations in a well-dated stalagmite
cate rapid changes in the hydrologic cycle over northern show clear evidence of a wet early Holocene followed
South America during MIS 3, with high Ti and Fe by a gradual decrease in monsoonal precipitation that
during periods of warm interstadial climate the result mimics the Cariaco drying trend in the Holocene (Fleit-
of higher rainfall and increased run-off from the water- mann et al., 2003). In subtropical China, oxygen iso-
sheds of rivers that affect the basin. Conversely, cold tope records from stalagmites of Hulu and Dongge
L.C. Peterson, G.H. Haug / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234 (2006) 97–113 107

Fig. 8. Ti concentrations (%) in Cariaco Basin sediments deposited in ODP Hole 1002C during marine isotope stage 3 compared to measured d 18O
from ice of the Greenland GISP II ice core (data from Stuiver and Grootes, 2000). The distribution of laminated sediment intervals that reflect
deposition under anoxic conditions is shown across the top of the figure. Warm interstadials (numbered) in the GISP II record are marked by higher
Ti concentrations, indicating greater rainfall and terrigenous input to Cariaco Basin.

Caves show a remarkable resemblance to the Greenland same site from the last glacial (Fig. 8) reveals that
ice core records and have been interpreted as evidence glacial Ti input to this location, and presumably terrig-
for increased monsoonal precipitation during warm enous delivery, was roughly double that of the Holo-
interstadials (Wang et al., 2001; Yuan et al., 2004). cene. However, abundant evidence exists for an overall
Stalagmites from Socotra Island near the Gulf of increase in glacial aridity over large portions of north-
Aden mouth (Burns et al., 2003) show similar linkages ern South America (e.g., van der Hammen, 1974;
between tropical precipitation and high latitude North Schubert, 1988; Markgraf et al., 2000). This apparent
Atlantic temperatures, with higher rainfall again in- discrepancy can be easily understood in terms of the
ferred during the short warm interludes of the last role that sea level must play in modulating the terrig-
glacial. Taken together, a picture of generally wetter enous supply to Cariaco Basin (Clayton et al., 1999;
conditions in the northern tropics around the globe Peterson et al., 2000b). As noted earlier, potential
during interstadials relative to stadials is beginning to sources of terrigenous sediment entering the basin
emerge from data sets of this type. Such observations today include the local rivers along the adjacent coast
have important implications for the role that the tropics as well as the larger, but more distant, upstream rivers,
may play in generating or amplifying millennial-scale the Orinoco and Amazon. An additional eolian compo-
climate variability via the greenhouse gas contributions nent is certainly present as well, though its contribution
of water vapor and potentially methane (e.g., Brook et has been estimated to be no more than a few percent of
al., 1999). the total terrigenous budget (Yarincik et al., 2000).
During glacial sea level lowstands, the Gulf of Paria
4.3. Effects of sea level on terrigenous input to Cariaco near Trinidad was completely closed and the whole of
basin the Orinoco shelf, as well as the shelf between Marga-
rita Island and the Venezuelan coast, were largely
Comparison of the Ti content of Holocene sediments emergent. Lowered sea level would thus have greatly
from ODP Hole 1002C (Fig. 3) with Ti levels at the reduced or eliminated potential sediment sources de-
108 L.C. Peterson, G.H. Haug / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234 (2006) 97–113

rived from the Orinoco or Amazon Rivers (e.g., Clay- history of the far North Atlantic, or instead may result
ton et al., 1999; Yarincik et al., 2000), while at the same from forcing having a tropical origin. Discrimination
time decreasing the width of the broad shelf south of between these mechanisms has important implications
Cariaco Basin from ~50 km to only a few kilometers at for the understanding of abrupt climate change (e.g.,
most. Given the expected proximity of the local rivers Broecker, 2003).
to the edge of the basin at these times, it is perhaps not Studies of modern instrumental time-series have
surprising to observe a relative doubling of the overall shown that interannual to decadal variations in the
volume of terrigenous sediment input during the last position of the ITCZ in the Atlantic are strongly influ-
glacial despite evidence for increased regional aridity. enced by the cross-equatorial sea surface temperature
Furthermore, the shifting of river mouths to near the (SST) gradient (Hastenrath and Greischar, 1993: Nobre
edge of the basin may have led to a locally amplified and Shukla, 1996). When North Atlantic SSTs cool
sensitivity to D/O-scale terrigenous fluctuations driven relative to those of the South Atlantic, the changes in
by rainfall-related changes in river discharge. meridional SST gradient and surface pressure over the
An obvious lesson from the above discussion is that North Atlantic result in a southward shift in the position
the effects of sea level, shelf width, and river proximity of the ITCZ. In Cariaco Basin, sediment data summa-
all add a level of complication to the simple interpre- rized here clearly demonstrate that dry conditions with-
tation of Ti or Fe contents as a hydrologic proxy. For in the basin’s drainage area closely coincide with
much of the Holocene record illustrated in Fig. 3, sea periods of cold temperatures over Greenland and the
level is not likely to have varied enough to have influ- high-latitude North Atlantic over longer time-scales
enced the concentrations of these metals; sea level has ranging from that of the LIA to the Younger Dryas to
been near present levels since at least 6000 years ago the stadial periods of the last glacial. This pattern
and was only about 15 m lower 9000 years ago (Fair- resembles the modern mode of interannual to decadal
banks, 1989; Bard et al., 1996). Indeed, there is ample meridional variation.
support from other lines of cited evidence for the At present, the favored paradigm for explaining the
patterns of precipitation change inferred from the Ti large and abrupt climate shifts first observed in Green-
and Fe data. Similarly, sea level is not likely to have land ice core records (Dansgaard et al., 1993) centers on
varied significantly during the time period shown in freshwater input to the high latitude North Atlantic and
Fig. 8. However, the large-scale changes in sea level its effect on heat transport into the region via the
associated with major glacial–interglacial transitions thermohaline overturning of the Atlantic (e.g., Bond
clearly play a role in modulating terrigenous supply et al., 1993; Rahmstorf, 1995; Alley et al., 1999;
to Cariaco Basin and must be accounted for in inter- Broecker, 2003). Modeling studies which examined
preting such records. Recent success in the develop- the effects of a freshwater-induced collapse of the
ment of terrestrial leaf-wax proxies in Cariaco Atlantic’s thermohaline circulation (Schiller et al.,
sediments as a tool for reconstructing paleo-vegetation 1997; Vellinga and Wood, 2002) indeed predict a pro-
changes (Hughen et al., 2004) and ongoing pollen nounced southward shift of the ITCZ and consequent
studies should provide additional much-needed infor- drying of the northern coast of South America contem-
mation on water balances in the local drainage areas poraneous with the cooling of the North Atlantic as a
themselves. result of thermohaline reorganization. More recently, a
modeling study by Chiang et al. (2003) highlighted the
5. High-latitude versus tropical forcing mechanisms sensitivity of Atlantic ITCZ position during the last
glacial to changes in both land ice and sea ice extent
In tropical South America, the evidence for broadly (with the latter potentially controlled by variations in
synchronous, but out of phase changes in the Cariaco ocean meridional heat transport). Taken together, these
Basin terrigenous record and precipitation/lake level modeling efforts are consistent with the hypothesis that
records from the Altiplano region of Bolivia/Peru and thermohaline variations, and their effect on heat trans-
Amazon basin appear best explained by changes in the port, hemispheric SST patterns, and ITCZ position, can
mean position of the ITCZ and/or the intensity of the be invoked to explain the strong covariation observed
American monsoon. An important question that arises between Greenland and Cariaco Basin proxy records
from this opposing pattern of precipitation between the (e.g., Hughen et al., 1996a; Black et al., 1999; Peterson
northern and southern tropics is whether these changes et al., 2000a). In this scenario, though driven by vari-
are in response to high latitude forcing perhaps origi- ability originating in the high-latitude North Atlantic,
nating with the Laurentide ice sheet or the temperature changes in the distribution of ITCZ-related rainfall
L.C. Peterson, G.H. Haug / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234 (2006) 97–113 109

relative to methane-producing wetlands throughout the used these results to suggest that precessionally forced
tropics might then serve to amplify and transmit abrupt insolation changes, in addition to directly forcing the
climate changes beyond the immediate North Atlantic southward migration of the ITCZ, also increased the
region (e.g., Lea et al., 2003). prevalence of El Niño through the Holocene, further
An alternative view of abrupt climate change focus- amplifying the southward shift in the ITCZ while add-
es on the tropical ocean-atmosphere system and the ing a higher frequency component to its latitudinal
premise that tropical climate changes may play a key variations.
role in driving global climate change over a spectrum of Further tests of the potential linkage between tropi-
time-scales. Recent papers by Cane and Clement (1999) cal Pacific conditions and our Cariaco Basin record can
and Clement et al. (2001) invoke the far-reaching be expected to come from similar comparisons with
impacts of ENSO as an example of how the effects of other high-resolution paleoclimate records in areas of
tropical change can be transmitted near-globally. Dur- known high sensitivity to changing ENSO conditions.
ing warm El Niño events, the upwelling of cold sub- Though time-series of comparable length and resolution
surface waters in the eastern equatorial Pacific is greatly are at present few in number, one such record is the
reduced and the temperature structure of the region Tasmanian tree ring record of Cook et al. (2000) which
becomes more symmetric about the equator. As a result, provides a warm season temperature history since 1600
warm El Niño events are characterized by a mean BC. During modern El Niño events, South Australia
southward shift of the ITCZ in the Pacific basin and Tasmania are known to become colder and drier
(Fedorov and Philander, 2000). This has global effects (Trenberth et al., 1998). Hence, we might expect to see
on temperature and precipitation patterns in the tropics a positive correlation between cooler growing season
and extratropics (Cane and Clement, 1999), including a temperatures in Tasmania and drier conditions (i.e., low
strong teleconnection to dry conditions in northern Ti values) over northern South America. Fig. 9 shows
South America (Hastenrath and Greischar, 1993; this comparison with no age model adjustments for the
Poveda and Mesa, 1997; Trenberth et al., 1998). interval between 3600 and 2800 years ago where both
Haug et al. (2001) argued that the general southward records show a high amplitude signal. The visual match
shift of the ITCZ implied by decreasing Cariaco Ti and is generally quite good on even subcentennial time-
Fe inputs after the early Holocene (Fig. 3) may have scales with decreased Ti values in Cariaco sediments
resulted from changes in the seasonality of insolation corresponding to cooler Tasmanian temperatures, as an
associated with the ~21,000 year precessional compo- ENSO-based hypothesis would predict.
nent of Milankovitch forcing. Based on a modeling Finally, recent work has suggested that the tropical
study, Clement et al. (2000) have argued that this Pacific during the last glacial exhibited a persistent El
same precessional control would have suppressed El Niño-like salinity pattern during the cool, millennial-
Niño during the early Holocene and increased the scale stadials and a La Niña-like salinity pattern dur-
prevalence of El Niño events in the late Holocene. ing the warm interstadials (Stott et al., 2002; Kouta-
Indeed, the observed increase in the amplitude of Ti vas et al., 2002). As pointed out by Stott et al. (2002),
fluctuations after ~4000 years ago (Fig. 3) and the the observed correlation between El Niño-like (La
inferred tendency towards more pronounced precipita- Niña-like) conditions in the tropical Pacific and dry
tion minima, including one characterizing the Little Ice (wet) conditions bordering Cariaco Basin is again
Age, is consistent with the teleconnections that might consistent with what is known from modern ENSO
be expected from enhanced ENSO activity. Indepen- teleconnections.
dent evidence for an increase in El Niño-like conditions While many of the comparisons we have discussed
in the late Holocene comes from a variety of both are intriguing, nothing presented here is conclusive
paleoclimatic and geoarchaeological studies (see Cane with respect to the relative role that high versus low
et al., 2000, for a recent review; Tudhope et al., 2001). latitude climate forcing plays in shaping the Cariaco
For example, in their study of storm deposits in an Basin record of paleohydrologic change. In fact, there
alpine lake in Ecuador, Rodbell et al. (1999) found is solid ground, from both observations and models, on
that modern ENSO periodicities were established only which to base each hypothesis. It is likely that high
after about 5000 years ago, with the highest spectral latitude forcing and forcing from the tropical Pacific
density at El Niño frequencies occurring between are both important, with the degree to which each
~3500 and 2600 years ago and during the last 660 contributes perhaps time-scale dependent. Increased
years, observations that match the Cariaco record understanding of potential forcing mechanisms will
(Fig. 3) remarkably well. In Haug et al. (2001), we undoubtedly come from a combination of modeling
110 L.C. Peterson, G.H. Haug / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 234 (2006) 97–113

Fig. 9. Comparison of Cariaco Basin Ti concentrations (%) from ODP Hole 1002C with warm season temperatures from Tasmania as inferred from
a tree ring record spanning the last 3600 years (Cook et al., 2000). Both regions show similar variability that can be interpreted to reflect linkages to
ENSO based on modern teleconnection patterns.

and the development of new paleoclimate records that high latitude sediment records indicate tight teleconnec-
can be used to further evaluate the spatial patterns of tions throughout the hemisphere. However, despite the
past hydrologic change in the tropics. For the moment, suggestive correlations, it is not possible with presently
however, it seems safe to conclude that the Atlantic available data to determine whether the observed shifts
ITCZ has experienced significant changes in position in ITCZ position reflect a response to forcing originat-
over the latest Quaternary and that this movement has ing in the high latitude Atlantic or to forcing potentially
played an important role in shaping paleoclimatic driven by ENSO-type variability emanating from the
records from tropical South America. tropical Pacific.

6. Conclusions Acknowledgements

The Cariaco Basin preserves a unique and important This work was supported by grants from the US
record of past climate conditions in the western tropical National Science Foundation (OCE-9709807, OCE-
Atlantic. Variable detrital input from local rivers, as 0136499) and the Deutsches Forschungsgemeinschaft.
measured by the bulk Ti and Fe contents of the sedi- We thank P. Baker and M. Schmidt for their thoughtful
ments, can be interpreted to reflect changes in regional reviews, A. Clement for helpful suggestions, and H.
precipitation triggered by shifts in the mean latitudinal Spero for editorial handling. R. Thunell and F. Muller-
position of the Atlantic ITCZ. During periods of cooler Karger are thanked for making sediment trap data
North Atlantic SSTs, on time-scales ranging from the available from the CARIACO time-series station. Con-
Little Ice Age to the Younger Dryas to the cold stadials tribution from the Rosenstiel School of Marine and
of the last glacial, decreased detrital delivery to Cariaco Atmospheric Science, University of Miami.
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mean latitudinal position of the ITCZ. Conversely, References
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