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5th Grade English Language Arts Syllabus

Teacher: Judith Mason

Email Address:
Phone: 706-772-6240

Course Description: In this course, fifth graders will deepen their understanding of concepts
about text and comprehension strategies. They will have many opportunities to apply what
they have learned through integration of language arts with other subjects. Students will use
writing as a tool for learning, and they will write for a variety of purposes and audiences. They
will write in a variety of genres. They will apply what they have learned about author’s craft to
their own pieces. Fifth graders will increase their vocabulary by being involved in classroom
discussion and word study. They will participate in oral discourse about a variety of topics,
concepts, and texts.

Instructional Philosophy: I believe all students can learn and deserve a quality education
in a safe, supportive and caring learning environment with high expectations for academic

Learning Outcomes: Student will be able to use formal English in their writing and speaking
and will be able to make informed, skillful choices among the many ways to express themselves
through language.

Classroom Instruction: Instruction focuses on building knowledge through content rich

nonfiction, reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from the text, both literary and
informational; and regular practice with complex text and academic language.

Course Goals/Unit of Study:

Reading (Literary, Informational, Foundation)

 Quote accurately when explaining and drawing inferences

 Determine main idea and how ideas are supported by key details
 Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama
 Explain relationships or interactions between individuals, events or concepts
 Describe how a narrator’s point of view influences how events are described
 Compare and contrast overall structure of events, ideas, and concepts
 Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic
 Integrate information from several texts
 Read and comprehend grade level literature informational texts, dramas, and poetry

 Explain the function of conjunctions (to connect), prepositions (to indicate a

relationship), and interjections (to show emotion)
 Use perfect verb tenses (eg., I had walked, I have walked)
 Interpret similes (eg., Isabel is pretty as a picture) and metaphors, (We had a ball at the
 Use common Greek and Latin affixes (prefixes and suffixes) ad roots as clues to meaning
of a word
 Compare/contrast dialects (accents, slang) and registers (style of language) used in
stories, dramas, and poems
 Acquire and use grade appropriate general, academic and domain specific vocabulary
(eg., community, population, census)

 Write narratives to develop real and imagined events; include dialogue, character
actions, sensory details (eg., sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste), conclusion
 Strengthen writing by planning, revising, editing
 Write opinion pieces that include organizational structure of logically ordered reasons,
linking words and concluding statements
 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce writing
 Write informative/expository texts that include facts, definitions, details, formatting,
linking words, precise language, and concluding statements
 Summarize and paraphrase information from print and digital sources, and provide a list
of sources
Speaking and Listening
 Speak clearly at an understandable pace
 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks using formal English when appropriate
to the task and situation
 Produce and respond to specific questions by making comments
 Summarize points made by a speaker and explain how each claim is supported by
 Review key ideas expressed (by others) and explain own ideas in light of the discussion
 Report on a topic and present an opinion, sequencing ideas logically and using
appropriate facts to support main ideas and themes

Course Assessment Plan: All assignments are due on the due date. Points will be deducted
from assignments turned in late. Students will be assessed using the following:
1. Classwork
2. Quizzes
3. Projects
4. End of the Unit Tests
5. Pre/Post Tests
6. I-Ready Assessments

Grading Policy/Weights
1. Lesson/Class Work = 25%
2. Quizzes/Projects/Reports = 35%
3. Tests = 40%

Homework Policy
Students will be assigned homework on a daily basis except Friday. (This does not include
projects and special assignments.) All homework assignments are to be completed and turned
in on the due date. Homework will be evaluated and recorded as part of the Conduct grade.

School Grading Scale (Per Board Policy)

A = 90-100 / High Achievement
B = 80-89 / Above Average Achievement
C = 75-79 / Average Achievement
D = 70-74 / Below Average Achievement
F = 69 or Below/ Has not met expected Achievement Expectations

Classroom Expectations
In order for students to learn in a safe environment conducive to optimum teaching and
learning, the following is expected. Students will…
Respect Self
1. Listen and follow directions the first time they are given.
2. Come to class prepared and on time.
3. Complete all assignments.
4. Use language appropriate for school.
Respect Others
5. Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself.
6. Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak or leave your seat.
Respect Property
7. Handle all school and classroom equipment with care.

Positive behavior incentives include, but are not limited to:

*Praise *Token system *Positive phone calls home *Special privileges
*Lunch Bunch *Positive notes * School wide event *Preferred Activity Time

Student misbehavior will be followed by consequences and remedial measures, which will
include the following:

*Verbal Warning *Loss of privileges *Sent to buddy room *Seat change

*Reflective essay *Parent contact *Behavior contract *Guidance referral
*Think time sheet *In school suspension *Office referral
Materials/Supplies Needed: See attached supply list or click on the supply list tab on my
webpage and download the entire list

Parent-Teacher Communication
Most communication from school will be via the “Student Planner”, phone calls home and text
messages using the Remind App. Parents/Guardians are required to review and sign your
child’s planner each evening. Five (5) points will be deducted from for planner for each day the
planner is not signed. Planners are not to be signed in advance.

Extra Help/Tutoring
Tutoring will be offered. The dates and times will be announced at a later date.

I can be contacted…
School Phone: 706-772-6240 (between the hours of 7:00am-7:45am and 4pm-5:00pm)
Text Message: Remind
If you would like to set up a conference, please feel free to call me and we can set this up at a
time that works with your schedule.

I hope this syllabus gives you a glimpse into the happenings in our 5th grade English Language
Arts classroom this year. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to
contact me.

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