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Teams Rooms on Android Teams Rooms on Windows

Dual screen Yes, Pro license Yes, Pro license

Some systems only support
one screen

Audio on HDMI ingest Yes Yes


Multi Camera No Yes, Pro license

Manual switch between
Native Multi Platform Support Yes No

Custom theme No Yes

Through xml file
Custom theme
Room Signage Yes No

Join by meeting id Yes Yes

Extend a current room reservation Yes No
MS Whiteboard, during meetings Yes Yes
MS Whiteboard start - ad hoc out of Yes No
meeting 101948

Proximity Join Yes Yes

Teams Cast Yes Yes

Cortana Voice Skills No Yes

Content Camera Not yet Yes, Pro license

Rollout start May 2023

Build in BYOD mode Yes No

Additional hardware
Direct Guest Join (Zoom / Webex) Yes Yes

Direct Guest Join (Blue Jeans) No Not yet

Rollout start May 2023
Remote sign in Yes No
In Teams Admin Center

Front row Layout Yes, Pro license Yes, Pro license


Gallery + Chat Yes Yes

Smart Camera Control (Near End) Not yet No
Rollout start May 2023, Pro Some vendors have their
license own solution

Room Capacity Notifications Yes No

In- and outbound SIP/H323 video calls No No
In Roadmap, Pro license In Roadmap, Pro license

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