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Name- Sanjay Charlemagne

Topic- Institution Concerned With

Agriculture Development In The Caribbean

Class- 3-3
Local institutions

1. MA means the ministry of agriculture Ma headquarters are located in

Castries, St.lucia. Some functions of this institution are to determine the
Agriculture policy, provide support services to farmers and are innovative
and provide support for innovation.

Regional institution
C.D.B means The Caribbean Development Bank.CDB headquarters
are located in St.Michael, Barbados. Some functions of this institution
are to assist its borrowing member countries to optimize the use of
their resources, develop their economies, and expand production and
trade mobilizers financial resources from both within and outside the
region for development and support and simulates the development
of capital markets in the Region.

CARICOM means the Caribbean Community and Common Market.

CARICOM headquarters are located in georgetown, Guyana. Some
functions of this institution are to create full employment of labour and
other factors of production, to improve standards of living and work
and the organization for increased production and productivity.

CARDI means The Caribbean Agricultural Research and

Development Institute. CARDI headquarters are located in Trinidad
and Tobago. Some functions of this institution are to provide an
appropriate research and development service to the agricultural
sector of Member states, to pursue for specific periods long- term
research in pertinent areas and to provide for the research and
development needs of the agriculture of the Regions as identified in
national plans and policies.

International institutions
1. I.I.C.A means The Inter -American Institute for Cooperation of agriculture.
IICA headquarters are located in Turrialba, Costa Rica. Some functions of
this institution are to encourage, promote and support the efforts of
member states to achieve their sustainable agricultural and rural welfare
2. F.A.O means The Food and Agriculture Organization. FAO headquarters are
located in Rome, Italy. Some functions of this organization are to make
agriculture more productive and sustainable, to help eliminate hunger, food
insecurity and malnutrition and to protect livestock from disasters.
3. I.D.B means the letter - American Development Bank. IDB
headquarters are located in Washington, D.C United States. Some
functions of these institutions are to help improve health and
education, advance infrastructure and to provide financial and
technical support for countries working to reduce poverty and.
4. I.F.A.D means International Fund for Agriculture development. IFAD
headquarters are located in Rome, Italy. Some functions of this
institution are to enable poor rural women and men to improve their
food security and nutrition, raise their incomes and strengthen their
resilience and provide expertise in the agricultural sector and support

5. W.F.P means World Food program. WFP headquarters is located in

Rome,Italy. Some functions of this organization are to save lives and
change lives, deliver food assistance in emergencies and work with
communities to improve nutrition and build resilience.
6. C.T.A means The technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural
cooperation. CTA headquarters are located in Wageningen, the
Netherlands. Some functions of this institution are to strengthen
policy and institutional capacity development and information and
communication management capacities of ACP agricultural and rural
development organizations.

The term Bioterrorism.

Bioterrorism is the intentional use of microorganisms to bring about ill
effects or death to humans, livestock, or crops.

What is meant by GAPS and HACCAP?

1. GAPS also known as The Good Agricultural practices is a

voluntary certification program which verifies, through an
independent third party audit, that sound food safety practices
are being used on a farm or produce handling facility.

2. HACCAP also known as The Hazard Analysis and Critical

Control Points, in the world uses a system of preventive
measures, which helps to ensure food safety and food during all
activities related to production, treatment, storage, handling or
transportation and sale to the end consumers.

3. UWI means The University of the West Indies. UWI headquarters are
located in Kingston, Jamaica. Some functions of the this institution are to
advance education and create knowledge through excellence in teaching
research, innovation, public service, intellectual leadership and outreach in
order to support the inclusive ( Social, economics, political, cultural,
environmental) development of the Caribbean region and beyond

4. G.S.A means Guyana School of Agriculture. G.S.A has two

headquarters, located in Mon Repos, Demerara and the other in cotton
Field Essequibo Coast, Guyana. Some functions of this institution are to
offer theoretical and practical training in Agriculture, to develop, manage
and operate farms and undertakings of an Agricultural nature and to
promote and support agricultural development through education.

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