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Presented by Group 2
Process of Circulation
- Blood comes into the right atrium from
the body, moves into the right ventricle and
is pushed into the pulmonary arteries in the
lungs. After picking up oxygen, the blood
travels back to the heart through the
pulmonary veins into the left atrium, to the
left ventricle and out to the body's tissues
through the aorta.
-refers to the regulation of the blood circulation to
meet the demands of the different organ and tissue
systems. It is a self-regulating process by which a living
organism can maintain internal stability while adjusting
to changing external conditions.

Fluid Regulation and Execretion in

Lower Forms of Animals
• Contractile Vacoules • Protonephridia
- serve primarily to maintain water
- regulates the intracellular water equilibrium because the organism's
balance by storing and excreting thickness is relatively small, wastes
extra water, which enables cells to can directly diffuse from cells to the
survive in hypotonic conditions like outside. Their main phyla of
those found in pond water. occurrence are Platyhelminthes,
Nemertea, Rotifera, and Chordata
Fluid Regulation and Execretion in
Lower Forms of Animals
• Nephridia • Malphigian Tubules
- A pair of invertebrate kidneys that
- The main osmoregulatory and
function similarly to vertebrate kidneys,
excretory organs of insects and are
the excretory organ of many
considered analogous to the
invertebrates is made up of a tubule
nephridia or kidneys, the
with one end going into the body cavity
corresponding organs of annelids
and the other opening into a pore at the
and the vertebrates.
body surface.

- Nephridia are in charge of preserving

osmoregulation in earthworms.
Fluid Regulation and Execretion
among Vertebrates
• Osmoregulation • Osmoconformer
- are marine organisms that
-The process of maintaining salt and
maintain an internal environment
water balance (osmotic balance) across
which is isotonic to their external
membranes within the body. The fluids
inside and surrounding cells are
composed of water, electrolytes, and
This means that the osmotic
nonelectrolytes. An electrolyte is a
pressure of the organism's cells is
compound that dissociates into ions
equal to the osmotic pressure of
when dissolved in water.
their surrounding environment.
Fluid Regulation and Execretion
among Vertebrates
• Nephron Tubules

-The last part of a long, twisting tube that

collects urine from the nephrons (cellular
structures in the kidney that filter blood and
form urine) and moves it into the renal pelvis
and ureters. Also called collecting duct.
Fluid Regulation and Execretion in
• Guttation • Transpiration
-The procedure by which liquid
- The mechanism through which certain water moves through a plant and
vascular plants, including grass, release evaporates from aerial components
water droplets. Guttation is frequently including leaves, stems, and flowers.
confused with dew droplets that form on Although water is essential to
a plant's surface after condensation plants, only a small portion of the
from the atmosphere. water absorbed by the roots is
utilized for growth and metabolism.

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