Lesson 3

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1. TOPIC: WHOLE NUMBERS: Multiplication (Lesson 3)


By the end of the lesson learners should know and be able to use a range of techniques to
perform and check written and mental calculations with whole numbers including doubling and

DBE textbook, DBE workbook 1(TG and LB), any other

1 RESOURCES: textbook

 Even and odd numbers

2 PRIOR  Multiplication and Division as inverses of each other
KNOWLEDGE:  Doubling and halving as opposites

3 REVIEW AND CORRECTION OF HOMEWORK (suggested time: 10 minutes)

Homework provides an opportunity for teachers to track learners’ progress in the mastery of
mathematics concepts and to identify the problematic areas which require immediate attention.
Therefore it is recommended that you place more focus on addressing errors from learner
responses that may later become misconceptions.

4 INTRODUCTION (Suggested time: 10 Minutes)

Revise the concepts using Mental maths type questions to include the following:
Mental Maths
a. ‘Mary has R27 in her purse, but Matome has double/twice/two times that amount. How
much money does Matome have?
b. Auntie brought 6 tinkies from the shop and she divides it in half between her son and me.
How many tinkies will each of us have?
c. True/ False: 1. Halve of any even number is also even.
2. Double any even number will be even.
3. Double any odd number will be odd.
4. Double any odd number is even.
5. Double any even number is odd.
6. Half of any odd number is also odd.
7. Half of any even number is odd.
8. Half of any odd number is even.
1 LESSON PRESENTATION/DEVELOPMENT (Suggested time: 20 minutes)
Teaching activities
Activity 1
Multiply the following by doubling and halving:
Example 1: 36 𝑥 27
Before starting with the process, we must ensure that at least one of the numbers is
even. 36 is an even number and hence we can apply our method
Halving Doubling
36 27
18 54
9 108
9 x 108=972
Every time when doubling one number, we must halve the corresponding number.
Example 2: 80 x 34
34 and 60 are both even numbers, which makes it easy to use the method, and we
can actually decide to double/halve any of the two numbers
Halving Doubling
80 34
40 68
20 136
10 272
5 544
5 x 544=2720
Example 3: 35 x 39
In this example we cannot use doubling and halving since both numbers are even,
and we cannot find a whole number when halving any of them, but since our focus
is on getting whole numbers as solution, we can only use other multiplication
Example 4: 34 x 19
In this example we have an even number and an odd number, but cannot use the
method since it gets complicated to the point that we will still struggle to get the
answer, since it cannot break into a 1-digit number or a multiple of 10.

Halving Doubling
34 19
17 38

So, we now find 34 x 19 = 17 x 38, where none of them has been simplified.
Teaching tip:
Teachers need to select examples carefully for the method to work

5 CLASSWORK (Suggested time: 15 minutes)

Calculate the following (by doubling and halving):

a. 20 x 27
b. 48 x 37
c. 14 x 62
d. 80 x 76
6 CONSOLIDATION/CONCLUSION & HOMEWORK (Suggested time: 5 minutes)

a) Emphasise that:
 the method works if one of the numbers is even, since we will
have a problem of finding half of two odd numbers, since we are
only working with whole numbers.
 while halving one side, we double the number in the other
 clarity concerning words such as halving and doubling is
b) The primary purpose of Homework is to give each learner an opportunity to
demonstrate mastery of mathematics skills taught in class. Therefore
Homework should be purposeful and the principle of ‘Less is more’ is
recommended, i.e. give learners few high quality activities that address variety
of skills than many activities that do not enhance learners’ conceptual
understanding .Carefully select appropriate activities from the DBE textbooks,
DBE workbook and/or any other textbook for learners’ homework. The
selected activities should address different cognitive levels.

Recommended Homework:

Calculate the following by doubling and halving:

1. 35 × 32

2. 42 ×56

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