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Cob bagac Pad BYR Pr dab hagaca ma cdgad. eae wu AMOD RIN - ThE CROWNES HILL Designed for Rangers of the North, Wardens, and Messengers RUMOUR A Ranger, Cirian, set out to investigate Amon Rin just south of the Ettendates. He has not returned. His aging parents are looking for word of his fate. If he is dead, as they fear, they ask that his remains be given a proper burial if possible. They also hope that his sword can be returned home. The blade is Niimenérean and made of ‘mottled silver and black metals, The pommel was shaped Tike one of the flowers of Nimloth, the White Tree. OLD LORE The fog shrouded lands south of the Ettenmoors are not wholey deserted. Thieves, brigands, and trolls abound but also a hardy people who refuse to be driven from their ‘ancestral homeland. A few setlements are stil tobe found ‘and may provide shelter or news of Cirian’ fate. BACKGROUNS Rangers are familiar with being looked at with uncertainty by the people they sectetly protect. While tavelling north the Ranger Cirian was refused entry into the fortified town of Ephel Hala and was left to spend many lonely days scouting the pathless marshes near the Ettendales. After establishing a camp on Amon Rin, he was attacked and injured by a pair of trolls, He slowly made his way back to Ephel Hala where he was again refused entry. Turned out into the wild, he lost hi belief in his task of guarding an ungrateful people. Cirian was then captured by a band of outlaws. Instead of being killed he was able to prove his worth and has risen to lead the group that have ‘come to be known as the Wolves of Winter. They have a number of hideouts in the the most thickly ‘wooded parts of the forests. These camps are built high in the trees. From these locations, the Wolves can strike out quickly and then fade back into the woods, Cirian has taken on the name Egla, the Forsaken. He does not participate and discourages ‘ore-work’. However, he often turns a blind eye to the actions done by some of his company of outlaws. None of of the Wolves of Winter know anything of their new leader's past, although a of few of them have suspicions of his connection to the Rangers. & & & & & LOCATIONS ‘Travelling this close to the dangerous lands between the Misty Mountains and the long spur of the Ettenmoors, itis surprising to find a road, even one as broken and rarely used as this one. The land here becomes a harsh mix of untended moorland and treacherous marshes, all envelloped in a cold fog that descends from the mountains to the north. Many eerie standing stones loom silently in the ‘gloom, calling to mind the many tales of trolls that wander here, serving no master but their own hunger. Many outlaws are also known to haunt these forsaken lands, lying in wait to ambush lost and ‘weary travellers. JOURNEY EVENTS ‘While travelling through the lands around the Hoarwell, the Company should be set upon by a small group of the Wolves of Winter. These outlaws demand a payment of either gold or food in order to pass by unharmed. Ifa fight breaks out and the Wolves start losing, they will attempt to escape back into the wilderness. There should also be plenty of evidence that there are trolls in this area such as ruined caravans, large footprints in the mud, or even the remains ofa troll turned to stone. AMON RIN To the north of the Hoarwell there is only one notable hill for many miles. It is crowned with tall standing stones, placed there by unknown hands. ‘The hill usually stands higher than the encircling fog giving those who stand on its summit a strange view of the land. CIRIAN’S CAMP: The remains of a camp are easy to find although there is nothing left of value. Evidence of the trolls that attacked Cirian are clear to see. As well, a severed troll hand can be found, now whithered and partially eaten by wild animals. Players who make a HUNTING roll ean find the tracks of a group of men (members of the Wolves of Winter) that head southeast from the hill Following these will eventually lead to a hideout. & & & & EPHEL HALA Ata sharp oxbow in the Hoarwell stands Ephel Hala. ‘The fortified town is populated by a few hundred ‘grim men, women, and children and surrounded by a wooden palisade. These proud people have lived a hard life in these dangerous lands and they are wary of strangers for fear that outsiders may be bandits or draw the attention of the trolls that prowl in the fog. ‘THE GREAT HALL: The most prominent building, in Ephel Hala is a large, timber greathall. It is from here that the town is governed by a fierce and lordly ‘woman named Hala. ‘THE TROLL BRIDGE Aruinous stone bridge is one of the only safe places to cross the icy waters of the Hoarwell. Safe, that ‘was, until recently when a stone-troll robber ‘expanded a cave under the bridge and is now using. i as its lair. Because of the nearly constant, thick fog that covers the Ettenmoors, the troll can often hunt during the day. Even ifthe fog obscures the sun enough for the troll tobe out during the day, the creature loses one point of Hate for every round itis out ofits cave during the day. Inside the troll’ eave is one lesser hoard’s worth of treasure. ‘THE WOLVES’ HIDEOUT In a thickly wooded section of the forest, not far from the road is one of the hideouts of the Wolves of inter. Platforms, that call to imitation of Elven talain, have been built high in the trees. This makes them challenging to see from the ‘ground as well as to limit evidence of the outlaws on the ground. There are a dozen outlaws here if they are all present. Often, several of them are away. looking for ruins or travellers to rob. A guard is “always posted to act as a lookout. Several boats are kept hidden along the shore close by. da crude Egla (Cirian) (nce a Ranger ofthe Noth now ot to anger aed living 2s a outlaw south ofthe Etenmoors Wary, Resentful OOO LD ‘omar paOFICIENCES:Longsword 3 (5/16 oF 18 Pierce) Bow 3 (3/14 Pierce) FELL ABILTES: Flerce-Spend 1 Resolve point to gain (1d) ‘on an attack and make the roll Favoured + Snake-tke Speed - When targeted by an attack, spend 1 Resolvetomaketthe attacker ILfavoured. TORAGNIR- THE TROLL BANE Cirian’s sword is a weapon of great worth. Forged by the Niimenoreans for slaying the great trolls of Sauron. It is imbued with two Quali Curse has fallen on it due to its misuse by Cirian, jes but also a ‘The sword is a Bane Weapon against Trolls and possesses the Superior Grievous and Foe-Slaying Qualities. Alas, Cirian has turned away from the work for which this blade was intended and the sword resents it. There is now a curse upon the weapon: Anyone who uses the sword cannot regain Hope until the curse is lifted by bringing the sword back to Cirian’s family. If the sword is returned to Citian’s parents, they may allow a player who has shown great valour to keep the sword for a time. “We have no more heirs,” they say. “It is better that the blade be used to hold the shadow back for alittle while longer for the memory of our son.” _2. 2 2 2. SCHEMES ANS TROUBLE (COUNCIL WITH LADY HALA The people of Ephel Hala are a good but wary people. They have lived too long near the shadows of the nearby mountains. The Lady Hala is a fierce leader and she aims to protect her people to the exclusion of all else. She does not allow just anyone behind the protective wall of Ephel Hala, especially if that group is heavily armed. However, she will hold a council with the players while standing on ‘the palisade wall while the players wait below in the fog. Ifthe council ends in failure, the company is turned away. Ifit isa suecess, the players find the people of Ephel Hala to be cold, but hospitable enough, especially if they bring tales from the south. ‘There may not be much in the way of riches in Ephel Hala, however, one point of treasure can be gained for the head of each outlaw or two points for killing a troll or Egla, the leader of the Wolves of Winter. If the people of Ephel Hala are asked about Cirian, they can recall someone matching his description who was turned away some months ago. They also remember that he returned and was wounded, but that he was turned away again for fear of drawing his persuers to the town. Cob bagac Pad Bayne ees Pr dab hagaca mad cya Pach _ > BRINGING CIRIAN HOME ‘The lost Ranger is bitter due to his treatment by the people of Ephel Hala, He has also seen the power of the Enemy in the fortresses of Mount Gram. Cirian has lost hope that there can be vietory against such forces. Cirian might be metin a group of Wolves ambushing the players or at one of his hideouts. When Cirian is first encountered, any player who isa Ranger may recognise him personally, or any player would recognise his sword from the description given by his parents. Players may gain a couneil with him to uy to convince him to leave the Wolves of Winter and return to the Rangers. Cirian is conflicted about rejoining the Rangers. ‘Therefore, any Rangers who personally know Cirian gain 1d during Council rolls however, any Ranger who doesn't know him loses 1d. Ifa council ends in disaster, C chance to join the Wolves or die. Ifthe council ends in a success with woe, he will not return but does surrender his sword to be brought home to parents, mn offers the players = 4 oo = coe } ‘ ; a = 1 oe

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