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AARC Clinical Practice Guideline

Suctioning of the Patient in the Home

HCS 1.0 PROCEDURE advisable include those

Suctioning of the patient (with or without an artifi- requiring only nasal or oropha-
cial airway) cared for in the home. This includes ryngeal suctioning;9
nasal, oropharyngeal, and endotracheal suctioning. without an endotracheal airway,
whose vital capacity and muscle
HCS 2.0 DESCRIPTION strength are adequate to produce an ef-
Suctioning is a component of bronchial hygiene fective cough;
that involves the mechanical aspiration of secre- whose ventilatory drive has

tions from the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and tra- been demonstrated to stem from hy-
chea. The airway may be in its natural state or artifi- poxia;10
cial (as with a tracheostomy) or surgically altered with a demonstrated tolerance
(as with a laryngectomy). The patient may or may for the procedure with no adverse reac-
not be receiving mechanical ventilation. The proce- tions.
dure includes patient preparation, the actual suc- 2.1.4 Preoxygenation and/or hyperinfla-
tioning event, and follow-up care and observation tion may be indicated in:
of the patient. pediatric patients with de-
2.1 Patient preparation. creased respiratory reserve;
2.1.1 Whenever possible, the patient patients who have been docu-

should be encouraged to clear the airway mented to experience oxygen desatura-

by directed cough or other airway clear- tion during the suctioning event as evi-
ance techniques.1-5 denced by pulse oximetry;
2.1.2 Whenever possible, the patient patients who exhibit cardiac
should be taught to perform this proce- dysrhythmias during the suctioning
dure for himself.4-7 event;

2.1.3 Preoxygenation or hyperinflation patients who are receiving con-

prior to the suctioning event may not be tinuous supplemental oxygen.
routinely indicated for all patients cared 2.1.5 When preoxygenation and/or hyper-
for in the home. Whenever possible the inflation are indicated, it is recommended
patient’s response to suctioning during his that this be done manually using a resusci-
stay in the acute care or long-term care fa- tation bag with supplemental oxygen, as
cility should be made a part of the dis- appropriate. All caregivers should receive
charge summary, and the health care pro- thorough instruction in the use of resusci-
fessional establishing the patient in the tation bags and manual hyperventilation
home should request this information. techniques; improper or imprecise use of
resuscitation bags for hyperinflation can
Experience with neuromuscular patients cause lung injury and respiratory alkalo-
suggests that hyperinflation when the sis. If hyperoxygenation or hyperventila-
vital capacity of such patients is < 1.5L tion are not required, tidal volume may be
makes tracheal suctioning unnecessary.5,8 conserved by passing the suction catheter
Other patients for whom preoxygenation through the port cap on the swivel adapter
or hyperinflation may not be necessary or of the ventilator circuit.



2.1.6 Normal saline solution should not be 2.3 Follow-up care: Following the suc-
instilled routinely but only when specifi- tioning event
cally medically indicated11-15 (for example, 2.3.1 the patient should be monitored
to stimulate cough14,15). for adverse reactions;9,16
2.2 The suctioning event: Actual introduction 2.3.2 the patient in whom pre-procedure
of the suction device (catheter or oral suction hyperoxygenation and/or hyperinflation
tip) into the naso- or oropharynx, or into the tra- was indicated should be treated by the
chea via the laryngostoma or artificial airway same method(s) post-procedure.16,21
should be in accordance with existing Clinical
Practice Guidelines.9,16 HCS 3.0 SETTING
2.2.1 It is common and accepted practice This guideline applies only to the home care set-
to use ‘clean’ rather than sterile technique ting. Alternate care sites such as subacute, reha-
during suctioning in the home environ- bilitation, or skilled nursing facilities should use
ment, although scientific evidence to sup- Guidelines for suctioning in the acute care
port or discount either technique in home setting.9,16
care is lacking.17
2.2.2 Clean (non-sterile) gloves should be HCS 4.0 INDICATIONS

used when endotracheal suctioning is per- The primary indication for suctioning the pa-
formed. Gloves reduce the risk of intro- tient cared for at home is the patient’s inability
duction of inoculant to the patient’s air- to adequately clear the airway by cough. The
way,15 the risk of cutaneous infection in need for airway clearance is evidenced by:
the caregiver, and transmission of organ- 4.1 more frequent or congested-sounding
isms to others.18,19 Gloves may not be nec- cough;
essary when oropharyngeal suctioning is 4.2 coarse rhonchi and expiratory wheez-
performed. ing audible to the patient and/or caregiver
2.2.3 At the conclusion of the suctioning with or without auscultation;
event, the catheter or tonsil tip should be 4.3 visible secretions;

flushed by suctioning recently boiled or 4.4 increased peak pressures during vol-
distilled water to rinse away mucus, fol- ume-cycled mechanical ventilation;
lowed by the suctioning of air through the 4.5 decreased tidal volumes during pres-
device to dry the internal surface and, sure-cycled ventilation;
thus, discourage microbial growth. The 4.6 indication by the patient that suction-
outer surface of the device may be wiped ing is necessary;

with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. The 4.7 suspected aspiration of gastric or

suction catheter or tonsil tip should be al- upper airway secretions;
lowed to air dry and then be stored in a 4.8 otherwise unexplained increase in
clean, dry area. shortness of breath, respiratory rate, or
2.2.4 Suction catheters treated in the man- heart rate;
ner described may be reused. We recom- 4.9 decreases in vital capacity and/or oxy-
mend that the catheters be discarded after gen saturation (as indicated by pulse
24 hours although no evidence for or oximetry), thought to be related to mucus
against this can be found. Tonsil tips may plugging.22
be cleaned, boiled, and reused indefinite-
ly. If it is feasible to clean the suction de- HCS 5.0 CONTRAINDICATIONS
vice and subject it to high level disinfec- When suctioning is indicated, no absolute con-
tion, it may be reused until its integrity is traindications exist and failure to suction can
lost. 2 0 The importance of mechanical prove to be more detrimental than potential ad-
cleaning cannot be overemphasized (ie, verse reactions. Routine or ‘scheduled’ suction-
removal of mucus and other organic mate- ing, with no indication of need is not recom-
rial). mended.



HCS 6.0 HAZARDS/COMPLICATIONS other caregivers. The suctioning procedure

Because the suctioning event is inherently the can be considered successful and the need for
same in the home as in the critical care setting, suctioning affirmed by one or more of the
the possible hazards and complications are the following:
same. Dislodgement and introduction into the 9.1 removal of secretions;
lower airway of bacteria colonizing the tracheal 9.2 improvement in breath sounds;
tube has been demonstrated. Further, the bacte- 9.3 decreased peak inspiratory pressure
rial count introduced may be increased when during volume-cycled mechanical venti-
saline is instilled.12,13 The home care patient is lation;
not monitored by any except the most basic 9.4 increased tidal volume delivery during
methods, and the patient must be closely ob- pressure-cycled mechanical ventilation;
served for all of the following: 9.5 clearing of cough;
6.1 oxygen desaturation as indicated by 9.6 improvement in oxyhemoglobin satu-
pulse oximetry if such monitoring has ration as reflected by pulse oximetry;
been prescribed; 9.7 subjective improvement as reported
6.2 trauma to the oral, tracheal, or by patient;
bronchial mucosa; 9.8 a decrease in respiratory and heart rate

6.3 cardiac arrest; and decreased shortness of breath.
6.4 respiratory arrest;
6.5 cardiac dysrhythmias; HCS 10.0 RESOURCES
6.6 pulmonary atelectasis; 10.1 Equipment: Equipment and sup-
6.7 bronchospasm or bronchoconstriction; plies to used for suctioning the home care
6.8 airway infection; patient may include:
6.9 bleeding or hemorrhage from the air- 10.1.1 electrically powered aspirator
way; with a calibrated, adjustable regulator
6.10 hypertension; and collection bottle with overflow
6.11 hypotension. protection. A battery-powered aspira-

tor may be needed for the patient who

HCS 7.0 LIMITATIONS OF PROCEDURE leaves the home or lives in an environ-
Endotracheal suctioning is not a benign proce- ment subject to frequent power fail-
dure, and the caregiver should remain sensitive ures;
to possible hazards and complications, taking 10.1.2 suction catheters, sized appro-
all necessary precautions to ensure patient safe- priately. Open suction systems are used

ty. Secretions in the peripheral airways cannot most frequently. (The use of closed
be removed by suctioning. Optimal humidifica- systems has not been demonstrated to
tion of inspired gases and appropriate systemic be medically indicated in the patient
hydration is important to the maintenance of who is not immunosuppressed18);
airway integrity. 10.1.3 tap water that has been boiled,
stored in a closed, clean container, and
HCS 8.0 ASSESSMENT OF NEED used within 24 hours of boiling to flush
The patient should be periodically assessed by the catheter. (Water directly from the
the caregiver to determine the need for suction- tap should not be used because of the
ing when the need does not obviously present possibility of contamination.18)
itself. For patients on long-term mechanical 10.1.4 clean or sterile gloves as indicat-
ventilation, this assessment should be included ed; barrier protection when active in-
in the patient/ventilator system check.23 fection is present or suspected;
10.1.5 manual resuscitator when hyper-
HCS 9.0 ASSESSMENT OF OUTCOME inflation is medically indicated;
Results and observations related to suction- 10.1.6 oxygen source when preoxy-
ing should be recorded to inform and alert genation is medically indicated;



10.1.7 sterile normal saline for instilla- ed ability to effectively wash hands
tion when medically indicated; and clean, disinfect, and properly
10.1.8 oral suction device (eg, tonsil store equipment and supplies.
10.1. 9 sterile distilled and/or recently HCS 11.0 MONITORING
boiled water and cleaning solution. The patient should be monitored to ascertain ef-
10.2 Personnel: As stated previously, the fectiveness of the procedure and to detect any
patient should be trained in self-care adverse reaction. Variables to be monitored in-
whenever possible. In the event that the clude:
patient is unable to perform the proce- 11.1 breath sounds,
dure, the bedside caregivers (family mem- 11.2 skin color—including the presence
bers, personal care attendants, other des- or absence of cyanosis,
ignated care givers) should be thoroughly 11.3 respiratory rate and characteristics,
trained and demonstrate their ability to 11.4 heart rate,
perform the procedure and clean and care 11.5 sputum characteristics (color, vol-
for equipment.24 ume, consistency, odor)
10.2.1 Only credentialed or licensed 11.6 blood pressure,

professional staff with documented 11.7 ventilator variables (including tidal
specialized training and experience in volume, peak inspiratory pressure, respi-
airway management procedures and ratory rate, expiratory pressure),
patient assessment should be specified 11.8 oxygen saturation by pulse oximetry
as trainers (eg, licensed and creden- when medically indicated.
tialed respiratory care practitioners and
registered nurses). These trainers HCS 12.0 FREQUENCY
should also observe, on a regular basis, The suctioning procedure should be undertaken
performance of the procedure by the only when indications are clearly present (Sec-
patient and caregivers to determine the tions 4, 5, & 8).

need for reinforcement and remedia-

10.2.2 All caregivers should demon- All caregivers should practice infection control
strate a good understanding of the pro- procedures appropriate to the home environ-
cedure and the ability to perform the ment.25 To the extent feasible, patients should
procedure competently, including: be protected from visitors and caregivers with
R knowledge of proper use active viral and bacterial infections that are air-
and assembly of all necessary equip- borne or spread by direct contact.
ment and supplies; ability to recognize that Immunizations recommended by the Centers
suctioning is indicated; for Disease Control and Prevention should be ability to assess effective- current in both caregivers and patient. When
ness of the procedure; HIV and/or hepatitis or other bloodborne infec- ability to monitor vital tion are known to be present or when the pa-
signs, assess the patient’s condition, tient’s status is unknown and when infection
and appropriately respond to com- with organisms spread by droplet infection is
plications or adverse reactions; known or suspected, specific precautions ability to perform the pro- should be instituted.25
cedure with the least amount of risk
of introducing inoculant into the pa- With all patients the steps undertaken are
tient’s airway; 13.1 proper handwashing before and after knowledge of infection performing the procedure;
control procedures and demonstrat- 13.2 clean or sterile suctioning technique



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