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prep isn't over till you able to solve all practice examples, pyq and assignment

questions by just looking at them, when you remember all formulae with derivation,
physical significance and relevance with units and variations.

you need to know meaning of all terms used in syllabus.

nothing should be left for last one day especially not remembering theory as it is
just for revising and questions solving that you have understood and done before.

you don't need to write everything but just improtant terms and formulae while
studying and then recalling will do the job.

there is no tomorrow, no next moment, do everything when you think of it and get it
done so properly (with notes if needed) that you don't have to do it again and can
recall it properly.

you can't expect to learn everything all at once, you might need to refer different
sources or ask professors about it.

learning something before done in class is much better than doing it later.

taking ss from youtube videos only works if you recall from them and not use them
as notes.

looking at topics in books before seeing their videos online is better

doing questions immediately after doing its concept helps increase retension.

if you not able to do a question, try pseudo answer after seeing solution
while studying don't be happy over small achievements and take breaks, do one long
study then take non dopamine breaks.

underlining should not be done about what is important but about what makes the
thing important.

class notes should only be referred for revising and only book for initial step
then youtube for interpretation then notes.

the previous night of exam should be reserved for sleeping only.

you should actually believe in learning the concept rather than doing it for
studies so you don't procastinate concepts and questions.

structuring where you write different things is also important.

syllabus read karke youtube videos and book padhna is utmost important.

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