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Third Grade Statistics

True or false

1. In experimental design, classification variables are independent variables. . (√)

2. In an experimental design, treatment variables are response variables(×).

3. In experimental design, a characteristic of the subjects that was present prior to the experiment and is not the
result of the experimenter’s manipulations or control is called a classification variable. . (√)

4. In experimental design, a variable that the experimenter controls or modifies in the experiment is called a
treatment variable. . (√)

5. An experimental design contains only independent variables. (×)

6. Analysis of variance may be used to test the differences in the means of more than two independent
populations. . (√)

7. In analysis of variance tests a t distribution forms the basis for making the decisions. (×)

8. The statistical methods of analysis of variance assume that the populations are normally distributed. . (√)

9. The statistical methods of analysis of variance assume equal sample means. (×)

10. Determining the table value for the F distribution requires two values for degrees of freedom. . (√)

11. The Tukey-Kramer procedure is based on construction of confidence intervals for each pair of treatment
means at a time. (×)

12. The Tukey-Kramer procedure allows us to simultanesouly examine all pairs of population means after the
ANOVA test has been completed without increasing the trues α level. . (√)

13. A completely randomized design has been analyzed by using a one-way ANOVA. There are three treatment groups in
the design, and each sample size is four. The mean for group 1 is 25.00 and for group 3 it is 27.50. MSE is 3.19. Using
α=0.05 there is a significant difference between these two groups. (×)

14. In a randomized complete block design the conclusion might be that blocking is not necessary. . (√)

15. The F value for treatment will always increase if we include a blocking effect. (×)
16. Interaction effects in a factorial design can be analyzed in randomized block design. (×)

Third Grade Statistics

Multiple Choice
17. Pate's Pharmacy, Inc. operates a regional chain of 120 pharmacies. Each pharmacy's floor plan includes a
greeting card department which is relatively isolated. Sandra Royo, Marketing Manager, feels that the level of
lighting in the greeting card department may affect sales in that department. She chooses three levels of
lighting (soft, medium, and bright) and randomly assigns six pharmacies to each lighting level. Sandra's
experimental design is a ________.
a) factorial design
b) random block design
c) normalized block design
d) completely randomized design
e) fractional design

18. Pate's Pharmacy, Inc. operates a regional chain of 120 pharmacies. Each pharmacy's floor plan includes a
greeting card department which is relatively isolated. Sandra Royo, Marketing Manager, feels that the level of
lighting in the greeting card department may affect sales in that department. She chooses three levels of
lighting (soft, medium, and bright) and randomly assigns six pharmacies to each lighting level. In Sandra's
experimental design "lighting" is _______.
a) the dependent variable
b) a concomitant variable
c) a treatment variable
d) a blocking variable
e) a response variable

19. Pate's Pharmacy, Inc. operates a regional chain of 120 pharmacies. Each pharmacy's floor plan includes a
greeting card department which is relatively isolated. Sandra Royo, Marketing Manager, feels that the level of
lighting in the greeting card department may affect sales in that department. She chooses three levels of
lighting (soft, medium, and bright) and randomly assigns six pharmacies to each lighting level. In Sandra's
experimental design "sales in the greeting card department" is _______.
a) the dependent variable
b) a concomitant variable
c) a treatment variable
d) a blocking variable
e) a constant

20. Pate's Pharmacy, Inc. operates a regional chain of 120 pharmacies. Each pharmacy's floor plan includes a
greeting card department which is relatively isolated. Sandra Royo, Marketing Manager, feels that the level of
lighting in the greeting card department may affect sales in that department. She chooses three levels of
lighting (soft, medium, and bright) and randomly assigns six pharmacies to each lighting level. Sandra's null
hypothesis is _____________.
a)  1   2   3
b)  1   2   3
c)  1   2   3
d)  1   2   3
e)  1   2 ≥  3

Third Grade Statistics

21. Pate's Pharmacy, Inc. operates a regional chain of 120 pharmacies. Each pharmacy's floor plan includes a
greeting card department which is relatively isolated. Sandra Royo, Marketing Manager, feels that the level of
lighting in the greeting card department may affect sales in that department. She chooses three levels of
lighting (soft, medium, and bright) and randomly assigns six pharmacies to each lighting level. Analysis of
Sandra's data yielded the following ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS F

Treatment 49411.11 2 24705.56 10.4304

Error 35529.17 15 2368.611

Total 84940.28 17

Using  = 0.05, the appropriate decision is _____________.

a) reject the null hypothesis  1   2  3
b) reject the null hypothesis  1   2   3
c) do not reject the null hypothesis  1   2   3
d) do not reject the null hypothesis  1   2   3
e) inconclusive

22. Pate's Pharmacy, Inc. operates a regional chain of 120 pharmacies. Each pharmacy's floor plan includes a
greeting card department which is relatively isolated. Sandra Royo, Marketing Manager, feels that the level of
lighting in the greeting card department may affect sales in that department. She chooses three levels of
lighting (soft, medium, and bright) and randomly assigns six pharmacies to each lighting level. Analysis of
Sandra's data yielded the following ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS F

Treatment 3608.333 2 1804.167

Error 13591.67 15 906.1111

Total 17200 17

Using  = 0.05, the critical F value is _____________.

a) 13.68
b) 19.43
c) 3.59
d) 19.45
e) 3.68

Third Grade Statistics

23. Pate's Pharmacy, Inc. operates a regional chain of 120 pharmacies. Each pharmacy's floor plan includes a
greeting card department which is relatively isolated. Sandra Royo, Marketing Manager, feels that the level of
lighting in the greeting card department may affect sales in that department. She chooses three levels of lighting
(soft, medium, and bright) and randomly assigns six pharmacies to each lighting level. Analysis of Sandra's
data yielded the following ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS F

Treatment 3608.333 2 1804.167

Error 13591.67 15 906.1111

Total 17200 17

Using  = 0.05, the observed F value is _____________.

a) 0.5022
b) 0.1333
c) 1.9911
d) 7.5000
e) 1.000

24. Pate's Pharmacy, Inc. operates a regional chain of 120 pharmacies. Each pharmacy's floor plan includes a
greeting card department which is relatively isolated. Sandra Royo, Marketing Manager, feels that the level of
lighting in the greeting card department may affect sales in that department. She chooses three levels of
lighting (soft, medium, and bright) and randomly assigns six pharmacies to each lighting level. Analysis of
Sandra's data yielded the following ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS F

Treatment 3608.333 2 1804.167

Error 13591.67 15 906.1111

Total 17200 17

Using  = 0.05, the appropriate decision is _____________.

a) do not reject the null hypothesis  1   2   3
b) do not reject the null hypothesis  1  2   3
c) reject the null hypothesis  1   2   3
d) reject the null hypothesis  1   2   3
e) inclusive

Third Grade Statistics

28. BigShots, Inc. is a specialty e-tailer that operates 87 catalog Web sites on the Internet. Kevin Conn, Sales
Director, feels that the style (color scheme, graphics, fonts, etc.) of a Web site may affect its sales. He chooses
three levels of design style (neon, old world and sophisticated) and randomly assigns six catalog Web sites to
each design style. Kevin's null hypothesis is _____________.
a)  1   2   3
b)  1   2   3
c)  1   2  3
d)  1   2   3
e)  1   2 ≥  3
29. BigShots, Inc. is a specialty e-tailer that operates 87 catalog Web sites on the Internet. Kevin Conn, Sales
Director, feels that the style (color scheme, graphics, fonts, etc.) of a Web site may affect its sales. He chooses
three levels of design style (neon, old world and sophisticated) and randomly assigns six catalog Web sites to
each design style. Analysis of Kevin's data yielded the following ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS F

Between Groups 68102.33 2 34051.17 17.50543

Within Groups 29177.67 15 1945.178

Total 97280 17

Using  = 0.05, the appropriate decision is _____________.

a) inconclusive
b) reject the null hypothesis  1   2   3
c) reject the null hypothesis  1  2   3
d) do not reject the null hypothesis  1   2   3
e) do not reject the null hypothesis  1   2   3
30. BigShots, Inc. is a specialty e-tailer that operates 87 catalog Web sites on the Internet. Kevin Conn, Sales
Director, feels that the style (color scheme, graphics, fonts, etc.) of a Web site may affect its sales. He chooses
three levels of design style (neon, old world and sophisticated) and randomly assigns six catalog Web sites to
each design style. Analysis of Kevin's data yielded the following ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS
Between Groups 68102.33 2 34051.17

Within Groups 29177.67 15 1945.178

Total 97280 17

Using  = 0.05, the critical F value is _____________.

a) 3.57
b) 19.43
c) 3.68
d) 19.45
e) 2.85

Third Grade Statistics

31. BigShots, Inc. is a specialty e-tailer that operates 87 catalog Web sites on the Internet. Kevin Conn, Sales
Director, feels that the style (color scheme, graphics, fonts, etc.) of a Web site may affect its sales. He chooses
three levels of design style (neon, old world and sophisticated) and randomly assigns six catalog Web sites to
each design style. Analysis of Kevin's data yielded the following ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS
Between Groups 68102.33 2 34051.17

Within Groups 29177.67 15 1945.178

Total 97280 17

Using  = 0.05, the observed F value is _____________.

a) 0.5022
b) 0.1333
c) 1.9911
d) 17.5100
e) 22.4567

32. BigShots, Inc. is a specialty e-tailer that operates 87 catalog Web sites on the Internet. Kevin Conn, Sales
Director, feels that the style (color scheme, graphics, fonts, etc.) of a Web site may affect its sales. He chooses
three levels of design style (neon, old world and sophisticated) and randomly assigns six catalog Web sites to
each design style. Analysis of Kevin's data yielded the following ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS
Between Groups 384.3333 2 192.1667

Within Groups 1359.667 15 90.64444

Total 1744 17

Using  = 0.05, the appropriate decision is _____________.

a) do not reject the null hypothesis  1  2 3
b) do not reject the null hypothesis  1   2  3
c) reject the null hypothesis  1   2   3
d) reject the null hypothesis  1   2   3
e) do nothing

Third Grade Statistics

37. Cindy Ho, VP of Finance at Discrete Components, Inc. (DCI), theorizes that the discount level offered to
credit customers affects the average collection period on credit sales. Accordingly, she has designed an
experiment to test her theory using four sales discount rates (0%, 2%, 4%, and 6%) by randomly assigning five
customers to each sales discount rate. An analysis of Cindy's data produced the following ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS F

Treatment 1844.2 3 614.7333 7.568277

Error 1299.6 16 81.225

Total 3143.8 19

Using  = 0.01, the appropriate decision is _________.

a) reject the null hypothesis 
b) reject the null hypothesis 1  2  3  4
c) do not reject the null hypothesis 
d) do not reject the null hypothesis 1  2  3 4  5
e) do nothing

38. Cindy Ho, VP of Finance at Discrete Components, Inc. (DCI), theorizes that the discount level offered to
credit customers affects the average collection period on credit sales. Accordingly, she has designed an
experiment to test her theory using four sales discount rates (0%, 2%, 4%, and 6%) by randomly assigning five
customers to each sales discount rate. An analysis of Cindy's data produced the following ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS
Treatment 5.35 3 1.783333

Error 177.2 16 11.075

Total 182.55 19

Using  = 0.01, the critical F value is _________.

a) 5.33
b) 6.21
c) 0.16
d) 5.29
e) 6.89

Third Grade Statistics

39. Cindy Ho, VP of Finance at Discrete Components, Inc. (DCI), theorizes that the discount level offered to
credit customers affects the average collection period on credit sales. Accordingly, she has designed an
experiment to test her theory using four sales discount rates (0%, 2%, 4%, and 6%) by randomly assigning five
customers to each sales discount rate. An analysis of Cindy's data produced the following ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS
Treatment 5.35 3 1.783333

Error 177.2 16 11.075

Total 182.55 19

Using  = 0.01, the observed F value is _________.

a) 6.2102
b) 0.1610
c) 0.1875
d) 5.3333
e) 4.9873

40. Cindy Ho, VP of Finance at Discrete Components, Inc. (DCI), theorizes that the discount level offered to
credit customers affects the average collection period on credit sales. Accordingly, she has designed an
experiment to test her theory using four sales discount rates (0%, 2%, 4%, and 6%) by randomly assigning five
customers to each sales discount rate. An analysis of Cindy's data produced the following ANOVA table.

Source of Variation SS df MS
Treatment 5.35 3 1.783333

Error 177.2 16 11.075

Total 182.55 19

Using  = 0.01, the appropriate decision is _________.

a) reject the null hypothesis 
b) reject the null hypothesis 1  2  3  4
c) do not reject the null hypothesis 
d) do not reject the null hypothesis 1  2  3 4
e) do nothing

41. Suppose a researcher sets up a design in which there are five different treatments and a total of 32
measurements in the study. For alpha = .01, the critical table F value is ____.
a) 3.75
b) 3.78
c) 4.07
d) 4.11
e) 4.91

Third Grade Statistics

42. Data from a completely randomized design are shown in the following table.
Treatment Level

1 2 3

27 26 27

26 22 29

23 21 27

24 23 26

For a one-way ANOVA, the Total Sum of Squares (SST) is ________.

a) 36.17
b) 28.75
c) 64.92
d) 18.03
e) 28.04

43. Data from a completely randomized design are shown in the following table.
Treatment Level

1 2 3

27 26 27

26 22 29

23 21 27

24 23 26

For a one-way ANOVA, the Between Sum of Squares (SSC is ________.

a) 36.17
b) 28.75
c) 64.92
d) 18.03
e) 28.04
44. Data from a completely randomized design are shown in the following table.
Treatment Level

1 2 3

27 26 27

26 22 29

23 21 27

24 23 26

Third Grade Statistics

For a one-way ANOVA, the Error Sum of Squares (SSE) is ________.

a) 36.17
b) 28.75
c) 64.92
d) 18.03
e) 28.04

45. Data from a completely randomized design are shown in the following table.
Treatment Level

1 2 3

27 26 27

26 22 29

23 21 27

24 23 26

For a one-way ANOVA using  = 0.05, the critical F value is ________.

a) 3.86
b) 3.59
c) 19.38
d) 4.26
e) 6.8

46. Data from a completely randomized design are shown in the following table.
Treatment Level

1 2 3

27 26 27

26 22 29

23 21 27

24 23 26

For a one-way ANOVA using  = 0.05, the observed F value is ________.

a) 5.66
b) 3.19
c) 18.08
d) 4.34
e) 8.98

Third Grade Statistics

47. Data from a completely randomized design are shown in the following table.
Treatment Level

1 2 3

27 26 27

26 22 29

23 21 27

24 23 26

For a one-way ANOVA using  = 0.05, the appropriate decision is ________.

a) do not reject the null hypothesis 1  2  3
b) do not reject the null hypothesis 1  2  3
c) reject the null hypothesis 
d) reject the null hypothesis 1  2  3
e) do not reject the null hypothesis 1  2  3

48. For the following ANOVA table, the dfTreatment value is ___________.

Source of Variation SS df MS
Treatment 150

Error 40 20

Total 23

a) 3
b) 43
c) 1.15
d) 460
e) 150

49. For the following ANOVA table, the MS Treatment value is ___________.

Source of Variation SS df MS
Treatment 150

Error 40 20

Total 23

a) 150
b) 50
c) 450
d) 3.49
e) 40

Third Grade Statistics

50. For the following ANOVA table, the MS Error value is ___________.

Source of Variation SS df MS
Treatment 150

Error 40 20

Total 23

a) 20
b) 60
c) 800
d) 2
e) 200

51. For the following ANOVA table, the observed F value is ___________.

Source of Variation SS df MS
Treatment 150

Error 40 20

Total 23

a) 0.5625
b) 50
c) 25
d) 0.02
e) 0.09

52. For the following ANOVA table, the dfError value is ___________.

Source of Variation SS df MS
Treatment 4

Error 360

Total 440 16

a) 4
b) 20
c) 12
d) 64
e) 16

Third Grade Statistics

53. For the following ANOVA table, the MS Treatment value is ___________.

Source of Variation SS df MS
Treatment 4

Error 360

Total 440 16

a) 20
b) 200
c) 76
d) 84
e) 360

54. For the following ANOVA table, the MS Error value is ___________.

Source of Variation SS df MS
Treatment 4

Error 360

Total 440 16

a) 4,320
b) 372
c) 348
d) 30
e) 4

55. For the following ANOVA table, the observed F value is ___________.

Source of Variation SS df MS F

Treatment 4

Error 360

Total 440 16

a) 0.67
b) 1.50
c) 6.00
d) 5.00
e) 4.00

Third Grade Statistics

56. For the following ANOVA table, the critical value of the studentized range distribution using  = 0.05 is

Source of Variation SS df MS
Treatment 36.17 2 18.08 5.66

Error 28.75 9 3.19

Total 64.92 11

a) 1.86
b) 3.94
c) 9.17
d) 1.645
e) 1.79

57. For the following ANOVA table, the HSD value using  = 0.05 is ______

Source of Variation SS df MS
Treatment 36.17 2 18.08 5.66

Error 28.75 9 3.19

Total 64.92 11

a) 1.86
b) 3.94
c) 3.19
d) 1.645
e) 3.52

64. Cindy Ho, VP of Finance at Discrete Components, Inc. (DCI), theorizes that the discount level offered to
credit customers affects the average collection period on credit sales. Accordingly, she has designed an
experiment to test her theory using four sales discount rates (0%, 2%, 4%, and 6%). First, she classified DCI's
credit customers into three categories by total assets (small, medium, and large). Then, she randomly assigned
four customers from each category to a sales discount rate. Cindy's null hypothesis is ________.
a)  1   2   3   4
b)  1   2   3   4
c) 
d)  1   2   3   4
e)  1   2 ≥  3   4


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