Article Review Assignment

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Omar Christie
ID :20211094  Date: April 17, 2023

Table of Contents
Question 1...................................................................................................................................................2
Question 2...................................................................................................................................................3
Question 3...................................................................................................................................................4
Question 4...................................................................................................................................................5

Question 1

A. The research uses a quantitative research approach (Potgieter & Coetzee, 2013, p. 01).

B. The research stated that a quantitative approach was used in its research design outline

(Potgieter & Coetzee, 2013, p. 05). This approach has been around since 1250 A.D.

where data was quantified to create meaning and new knowledge (Williams, 2007, p. 66).

This form of approach is predominantly associated with numerical base research. This

approach tests objectives theories by examining predefine variables relationships

(Creswell & Creswell, 2018, p. 04).


Question 2

The research uses a descriptive research design. This does not involve the manipulation of

certain variables like experimental research. It is used to understand a phenomenon, situation, or

population (Mbuva, n.d.).


Question 3

A survey method was used to conduct this quantitative research as stated in the research

approach (Potgieter & Coetzee, 2013, p. 05). A survey is used to question a selected sample of

people to obtain data ("What is a data collection survey? " n.d.). The tool used was a

questionnaire, specifically the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This is a type of questionnaire that

is used to measure personality (Cherry, 2022).


Question 4

A cover letter was included on each questionnaire that invited the participants to

voluntarily participate in the research. This is informed consent and usually includes the relevant

information about the study that will help the participant make their mind up about participating

("Ethical considerations in research: Examples | StudySmarter," n.d.).

Another ethical consideration was confidentiality. This ensures that the participants have

confidence that their details are kept anonymous and private both during and after the research.

The fact that the questionnaire was collected as soon as the participants completes the

questionnaires help to ensure their information is both protected and handled carefully

(Bhandari, 2022).

The cover letter that explains the research to the participants also helps them to

understand what the research is about. This help to avoid deception which many researchers

choose to do because they fear participants won’t act naturally if they have all the information

about a study or know that they are being studied. This help to avoid scandals after research is

posted and even legal actions if participants think they were deceived ("Ethical considerations in

research: Examples | StudySmarter," n.d.).

The researchers obtained ethical clearance from the university by following the correct

chain of command and procedures. This ensures that the research meets the ethical threshold and

offers an official method to request to pull one’s information from the research if needed or

lodge a complaint.

The researcher also seems to make an effect to reference other people's work properly to

avoid plagiarism. This protects the integrity of the study and ensures that the study is not brought

into disrepute, which could affect the participants (Bhandari, 2022).



Bhandari, P. (2022, May 7). Ethical considerations in research | Types & examples. Scribbr.

Cherry, K. (2022, July 28). How the Myers-Briggs type indicator works. Verywell Mind.

Ethical considerations in research: Examples | StudySmarter. (n.d.). StudySmarter UK.


Mbuva, G. (n.d.). Accounting nest | RESEARCH-quantitative descriptive research: Definition,

types, methodology, methods, characteristics, and examples. Accounting Nest.

Potgieter, I., & Coetzee, M. (2013). Employability attributes and personality preferences of

postgraduate business management students. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 39(1).

Twycross, A. (2004). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods

approachesResearch design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches

Creswell John W sage 320 £29 0761924426 0761924426. Nurse Researcher, 12(1), 82-


What is a data collection survey? (n.d.). Excellence Through Quality | ASQ.

Williams, C. (2007). Research methods. Journal of Business & Economic Research, 5(3).

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