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Globalization is an important asset of the world, effects increasing by day by on economic,

social, political, cultural, environmental and technological dimensions so on. The scope of
globalization is so huge, it may be difficult to mention the whole scope deeply in a short
essay. Therefore it is better to mention the general structure of globalization. According to
this perspective, globalization will be explained step by step. Through the general structure of
globalization will be presented with three short parts which are the definitions of
globalization, the process and the areas of globalization, the advantages and disadvantages of
globalization. Lastly, the impact of COVID-19 on globalization will be mentioned in the last

When the literature is examined, it is seen that scholars have developed different
determinationS to explain globalization. Each definition reflects various approaches to
globalization. According to Roland Robertson’s definition, globalization is "the understanding
of the world and the increased perception of the world as a whole" (Robertson, 1983). The
definition emphasizes that the borders of countries have been disappearing and the perception
of the world is growing.

As far as McGrew is concerned, globalization is “higher intensity in economic cultural and

political connection on a global scale, breaking down the differences between domestic and
external distinctions” (McGrew, 2008). It is seen that McGrew highlighted the globalization
creates a huge cultural asset and the societies becoming proximal to each other from a cultural
perspective more and more.

The importance of globalization has been growing speedily. Therefore, international

institutions including IMF (International Monetary Fund) also try to make certain definitions
of globalization. According to IMF, globalization is “trade and transactions, capital
movements and investment, migration and movement of people and the spreading of
knowledge” (IMF, 2000).

Overall the definitions of globalization indicate that the asset of globalization is the
cornerstone to provide development nowadays. The changing world and the increasingly
competitive environment are emerging the importance of understanding globalization. The
definitions may provide initial knowledge for globalization but it is not enough to understand
it. If it is wanted to understand globalization, the process and the areas of globalization, and
advantages and disadvantages of globalization should be mentioned. Therefore, the process
and the areas of globalization will be examined in the following part. When examining the
significant process and the areas, which have shaped globalization, can be listed as economic,
political, social, cultural, and technological factors.

Economic globalization impacts the environment and sustainable development in a variety of

ways and through a multitude of channels. Therefore economic perspective of globalization is
so important asset of sustainability (Panayotou, 2000). Through the global economic
perspective spread around the world, the commerce networks have been getting wider by day
bay. For instance, it was difficult to order something a decade ago from Poland to Chine, it is
so easier and faster to order it nowadays. So economic globalization emerges new trade
competitions among world countries. Generally, it may be stated that economic globalization
contributes to economic growth and thereby affects the world power balances among

On the other hand, an important of globalization is also politics. There are many global factors
that have transformed fundamental politics into global politics with globalization in the world.
It could be said that the world political system was based on the interaction of equal states
before globalization. However, certain developments, which have occurred in the world since
the 1940s, transformed the structure of the political system (Heywood, 2014). Politics which
is a rule maker and managing mechanism of globalization shapes the globalization path that
why it is a fundamental asset of it. For example, the European Union has been changed
balances among world countries. The union gives some priorities to members, makes some
rules to trade among member countries. These priorities provide advantages to members for
globalization competition. Overall it is seen that politics directly affect globalization.

When it is mentioned about globalization, it should not forget to be considered the necessity
of social factors. Technological innovations are increasing day by day fastly. Many
worldwide social networks (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, etc.) and voluntary
organizations have emerged. Thanks to that, social interaction among distant societies has
intensified. As a result of these innovations, people have been aware of different lifestyles and
cultures around the world.
It may be stated that migration is a good example of social factors. In the 19th century,
approximately 80 million people crossed the oceans in order to get a new homeland. This is a
result of globalization. Because they were aware of better welfare in different countries so
they wanted to reach better welfare for their future (Castles, 2004).

By the way, cultural factors are other significant reasons behind the globalization. There are
so many cultural elements which are values, ideas, styles, etc. in the world. With the
globalization the cultures change and affect each others. It is seen that there is an interacting
relation between globalization and cultures. Different cultures have shaped globalization in
certain ways. As well, globalization has emerged global cultures. Global cultures have also
formed hybrid cultural forms when they met local cultures after that they have caused cultural
heterogeneity meantime.

If it is mentioned about the factors of globalization, it should be said that technology affects it
deeply. Through technological innovations, globalization has been growing rapidly.
Especially communication and transportation innovations made globalization faster. For
instance, if you want to reach someone in America from Russia, it is just approximately 12
hours by plane or it is immediately by phone call. So it is clear that technology makes the
globalization process faster.

However, every coin has two sides, and globalization has its own advantages and
disadvantages. It will be explained shortly in the next part. When literature analyzed, it is seen
that there are different perspectives on this subject. Fundamental advantages can be listed
from different perspectives shortly (Đorđević, and Lađevac 2016; Manolică and Roman
2012). From an economic perspective, the chance of free trade in goods and services
worldwide, reduction in production costs, and better competitiveness and product quality.
From a cultural perspective, the chance to exchange cultures. From a social perspective,
international sharing of knowledge.

On the other hand, fundamental disadvantages also can be listed from different perspectives
shortly. From an economic perspective, depletion of natural resources and raw materials in
production processes, rising of unemployment in developed countries because multinational
companies are opening headquarters in developing countries where labor and raw materials
are cheaper. From a cultural perspective, the disappearance of certain cultures and traditions.
From a social perspective, increasing social inequality. It should be stated that the list of
advantages or disadvantages of globalization may be listed longer but the shortlists can be
represented general points.

Lastly, the COVID-19 pandemic affects the world directly and deeply, is also affected
globalization directly. With the emerging COVID-19 pandemic, the fundamental items of
globalization have been reshaped by the changing environment. For instance, lockdowns,
prohibitions of flying changed habits of trade. People used onlıne shopping methods more and
more. Due to restrictions, so many companies changed their classic working system to a
remote working system. Overall the importance of technological tools has started to feels
strongly by society. Shortly, the impact of COVID-19 on globalization includes all processes
of globalization which are economic, political, social, cultural, and technological factors.
Generally, the environment of the world changed so globalization also affected directly.

As a result, globalization is part of our world, its effects increase day by day rapidly. The
process and areas of globalization include economic, political, social, cultural, and
technological factors. These factors affect each other in such an endless circle. When the
globalization process starts, the whole part of the puzzle moves together. Generally, when we
watch TV series, listen to music, and have dinner, we feel the effect of globalization in our
life. We watch international TV series, listen to foreign music and eat foods from different
country cuisine. It is seen that globalization is managing trade methods and shape them.
Because the lifestyle of people directly affected by globalization so trade makers and
customers directly be affected by it.

Consequently, it is clear that globalization has advantages and disadvantages. So the

managing globalization is extremely important. If you can manage global change with true
arguments, it means that you may switch disadvantages to advantages. If politicians analyze
situations truly and apply true politics regarding globalization, globalization is a big value for
the world. Everything depends on true analyses and applications, not only politics but also
social, cultural, economic, and technological applications should be appropriate with needs.

In summary, globalization is a long process and it may affect so many areas and may be
affected by so many areas. Therefore, it can be stated that globalization is a multicultural
asset. If it manages well, pays off with good outputs for societies, otherwise, it just makes
everything more various and complicated.

Castles, Stephen. (2004). Why migration policies fail. Ethnic and Racial Studies Vol. 27 No. 2
March 2004.

Đorđević, B., & Lađevac, I. (Eds.). (2016). Globalized World: Advantage or Disadvantage.
Global Resource Management, Doshisha University.

Heywood, A. (2014). Global politics. Macmillan International Higher Education.

International Monetary Fund. (2000). Globalization: Threats or Opportunity. 12th April

2000: IMF Publications.

Manolică, A., & Roman, T. (2012). Globalization–advantages and disadvantages from the
perspective of the manufacturer. Editorial Board.

McGrew, Anothony. (2008). Globalization and Global Politics. In The Globalization of

World Politics, edited by John Baylis, Steve Smith and Patricia Owens. New York: Oxford
University Press.

Panayotou, T. (2000). Globalization and environment. CID Working Paper Series.

Robertson, Roland (1983). Religion, Global Complexity and the Human Condition” in
Absolute Values and the Creation of the New World. Volume 1. New York; International
Cultural Foundation

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