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The Magic Barber by John Milne

A Before Reading

1 What does a barber do?

(a) A barber makes hats. YES/NO
(b) A barber cuts hair. YES/NO
(c) A barber sells clothes. YES/NO

2 What does magic mean? Ask your teacher.

B While Reading

3 Start reading. Read to the end of page 3. Tick (✓) the correct answers.
The people in Crossways are:

(a) happy (d) sleepy ✓

(b) noisy (e) quiet ✓
(c) Unhappy

4 Write two adjectives under each hat.

......................FLAT..................... .................SQUARE........................
.....................BLACK.................. .................BLACK...........................

................TALL......................... ...................R
.......................... .....................BLACK.......................


■Worksheet ■
5 Read to page 12. Who are: They? He?
Write: ‘The small boy’
or ‘The Magic Barber’
or ‘The people in Crossways’.

(a) He is beating a drum. The small boy

(b) They don’t want to wear hats any more. The people in Crossways
(c) He fills a bag with hats. The small boy
(d) He waves a pair of scissors in the air. The Magic Barber
(e) They shout and cheer. The people in Crossways

C After Reading

6 Look at page 15.

(a) A man is sitting on the cart. Do you know him? It's the magic barber
(b) A small boy is walking in front of the cart. Do you know him? It’s the small boy

7 (a) Is the man a magic barber? YES/NO

(b) Write a new title for the book.
Use a dictionary to help you. You can use your own language.
Ask your teacher to tell you the English words.

The Hat


■Worksheet ■
First Published 1992 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 1989
Published by MacmillanHeinemann English Language Teaching
• Square: Cuadrado
• Loud noise: Ruido fuerte
• Beating: Golpeando
• Drum: Tmabor
• Shout: Grito
• Cheer: Alegría
• Wind: Viento
• Lifts up: Levanta
• Bald: Calvo
• Loudly: Ruidosamente

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