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Hunting Sword Furious - Weapon Guide

By Aide#0492

Before I start, this guide is intended for Fast Kill. and all about charged moves and
charged moves and charged moves again.
1) Advantage of Hunting Sword Furious
1. Production of large damage in a short time
2. No need to accumulate weapon energy
3. Fast Kill

2) Disadvantage
1. Hard Control
2. Hard Positioning
3. High Risk
4. Easy to die because of HP drain every second
5. Only suitable for short time battles like Tempest Hunt

3) Weapon Mode
Hunting Sword Furious has 2 modes. Normal mode as usual, and sword mode on.
This mode is called Blood Blade.
a. Normal Mode
When in normal mode, you will get Ardor accumulated by 2 points every second
(up to 100 Ardor). and get accumulated bloodlust 2 points every second (up to 100
Bloodlust). but you can't do anything. I mean no damage when in normal mode.
yep furious normal mode is nothing.
(I will explain after this about Ardor and Bloodlust)

b. Blood Blade Mode

Blood Blade is when your sword burns like a fire. to activate it simply by pressing
the B button. Blood Blade is the essence of Hunting Sword Furious.
in this mode, you will consume 3 Ardor every second. even if you don't do
anything. and if your Ardor runs out, your HP will be consumed by 4% every
second until only about 1% HP remains. Press the B button again to exit Blood
Blade mode and return to normal mode.

4) Hunting Sword Furius Energy

There are 2 types of weapon energy for Furius Hunting Sword. Ardor and Bloodlust.
a. Ardor (Energy on B button)
As explained above. Ardor will replenish itself by 2 points every second when you
are in normal mode and will decrease by 3 points every second when in Blood
Blade mode. And when the ardor runs out, it will consume your HP by 4% every
b. Bloodlust (Energy on C button)
There are 3 ways to fill bloodlust energy.
● Bloodlust will charge itself by 2 points every second. Either in normal mode or in
Blood Blade mode.
● You will get Bloodlust if you deal damage to the beast.
● Bloodlust will fill up quickly if you fight with a team/party
When Bloodlust is fully charged, you can launch a special attack by pressing the C
button. This move is called "Frenzy Bite" and will consume all Bloodlust. Frenzy
Bite will regenerate your HP and Ardor when it hits the target.

5) Core Weapon Skill

a. Give you and your teammates buff ATK by 8% while Blood Blade is active
b. Increase ATK by 15% while Blood Blade is active
c. Weakness Damage 23%
d. Trauma Rate 20%

6) Weapon Skill Tree

a. Skill 1 Energy Slash
This skill allows you to use a charged move (Hold A) from normal mode directly to
Blood Blade mode. Able to reach if the target is too far away. and grants you a
10% ATK buff for 10 seconds when you hit the target.

b. Skill 2 Fierce Slash

This skill is the core of this guide. because it deals a lot of damage. but has a big
risk. This skill is very difficult, because you have to charge at least 2x to trigger this
skill without doing other movements (charged continuously). if you make any other
moves, you have to repeat the charge 2 times to trigger again. and this skill is very
expensive, because it consumes 10 Ardor every Hit.

c. Skill 3 Blade Blast

This skill is Frenzy Bite and who will save you from dying. Because it restores
your HP and Ardor. other than that it deals quite a lot of damage.
When Bloodlust is fully charged, Press Button C 2 times than A button for a full
Blade Blast combo.

7) Gameplay Combo
a. At the beginning of the battle, Hold A to charge Energy Slash and immediately
enter Blood Blade mode. Make sure you reach the target and hit it. Otherwise,
you will lose the 10% ATK buff from the Energy Slash skill.
b. Hold A again to trigger Fierce Slash
c. Continuous Charge and Charge again
d. When Bloodlust is full, unleash Frenzy Bite Blade Blast.
e. Repeat

That's my Furious Hunting Sword guide. Hope it helps Sword users.


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