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Flux Blaster Protection Style Guide


- Intro
- Whats protection style flux
- Guide content
- Basic combo guide
- How do i play flux blaster
- Protection skill tree
- Recommended skill
- Explanation about the use of each skill
- intermediate Combo guide
- Ancient cage Main - healer Tips
- End of Guide.

The Flux Blaster uses a wide variety of ammunition and accessories, and can be configured
to burst fire for more explosive output.

By any measure, the Flux Blaster has changed the way Vyderans hunt. It can be configured
with a wide variety of ammunition and accessories to fit different hunting situations. It is also
the most convenient long-range hunting weapon in Vyderan.

Vyderan artisans have learned to modify the Flux Blaster to use piercing bullets, shotshells,
cluster bombs, and grenades.You can also become a reliable support in your team by using
special sticky ammunition to heal your teammates or assist your teammates' attacks.

Source : The Flux Blaster Bot.

If you have feedback or comments on this guide, please

contact: Sableng#3842 on Discord. By no means will
contact result in changes to the guide.
What is protection style Flux ?

[ Adhesive Missile ]

[ Hunt Assistance ]

Capable of carrying both [ Dynamic Ammo ] and [ Adhesive Ammo ] to hunt Beasts
and provide support to teammates.
[ Dynamic Ammo ] : Has different effects . based on the target hit . Deals damage to
Beasts and restores HP to teammates .
[ Adhesive Ammo ] : Can only be fired at teammates and attached to them for 15s .
Firing a [ Dynamic Ammo ] at a teammate with an [ Adhesive Ammo ] attached
greatly restores their HP .
You can attach up to 3 [ Adhesive Ammo ] at once , and 1 ammo is generated every
Guide content
This guide will contain a comprehensive guide on Flux Blaster control, commentary on Flux
Protection styles and combinations, recommendations on progression Flux, and a final note
on matchups against most monsters in the game.

Flux blaster basic combo

● Tap [ A ] or Hold [ A ] to Fire at target to deal damage or Aim it at Teammate to heal

them using dynamic ammo and gain Heat meter

● Hold [ B ] to use adhesive Ammo New menu will appear : (2) - (3) - (4), where is
number (1) ? Cause number (1) is you in case you are the Party leader, it will change
depends on teammate party position,
give damage on all nearby target or Buffing the teammate depends on what skill we
will take

● Tap [ C ] when Heat Meter is full to deploy [ Healing Core ] or unleash 3 [ Energy
grenades ] it depends on skill we take
- When we use [ Healing Core ]
Tap [ C ] to deploy it
Tap [ C ] again to make it explode and do Massive healing up to 60%

- When we use [ Energy grenades ]

Tap [ C ] to enter Grenades mode and Tap [ A ] to shoot it

● Tap [ D ] for Dash ( Sheathed weapon )

Tap [ D ] For Dodge ( Unsheathed weapon )

How do i play Flux blaster ?

● You can hold [ A ] to shooting continuously on target or teammate, but first fill your
Heat Meter as fast as possible.

● Pay attention on your teammate health and yourself, make sure you not to far with
them and not to close

● Hold [ B ] to Attached the [ Adhesive ammo ] on your damage dealer to give them
buff and attach it to deal damage on nearby teammate we attached it

● Tap [ C ] to Deploy [ Healing Core ] when our teammate health drop on 50% tap [ C ]
again to explode the [Healing core ] and gain massive healing for teammate
● Or Tap [ C ] to Enter [ Energy Grenades ] and Tap [ A ] to shot it on nearby nearby
teammate for Damage buff, every teammate that stand on The [ Energy Grenades ]
zone will gain Damage buff you can Shoot it 3 time

● If our party still on good condition Playing [ Adhesive Ammo ] will enjoyable and also
we can buff them every time or we change to the second weapon to deal damage or
give them another buff
( Depends on what is your 2nd weapon )


Flux blaster Protection Skill Tree

A. Protection skill tree

● [ Dynamic Impact ]
After firing a total of 5 [ Dynamic Ammo ] , the next [ Dynamic Ammo ] fired will be greatly
enhanced . Deals massive DMG to the target . This attack has a high Stagger Rate

● [ Power Fission ]
You can hold only 1 [ Adhesive Ammo ] now . When you land a hit with an [ Adhesive Ammo
] , deal massive DMG to all nearby Beasts .

● [ Strong Healing Core ]

Adds a Heat Meter to The flux blaster .
When your Heat meter is full , tap [ C ] to unleash [ Healing Core ] .

Deploys a Healing Core that continuously restores 3 % HP to you and nearby teammates
every second . Tap [ C ] again to destroy the core and restore 60 % HP to all nearby

B. Protection Skill tree

● [ Resurgence Link ]
When [ Adhesive Ammo ] hits the target , restores 8 % HP and gains 20 Heat ( when Heat
meter is available ) .

● [ Adhesive synergy ]
When you attach an [ Adhesive Ammo ] to a teammate , increase their DMG by 10 % for 15s

● [ Hyperactive Flow ]
Adds a Heat Meter to The flux blaster .
When your Heat meter is full , tap [ C ] to load the Flux Blaster with 3 Energy Grenades and
tap [ A ] to fire them .

Energy Grenades explode when they hit a target , to create a power zone that lasts 20s .
Increases your teammates ' and your DMG by 15 % when standing within the power zone .


Recommended skill that we take

● [ Resurgence Link ]
When [ Adhesive Ammo ] hits the target , restores 8 % HP and gains 20 Heat ( when Heat
meter is available ) .

● [ Adhesive synergy ]
When you attach an [ Adhesive Ammo ] to a teammate , increase their DMG by 10 % for 15s

● [ Strong Healing Core ]

Adds a Heat Meter to The flux blaster .
When your Heat meter is full , tap [ C ] to unleash [ Healing Core ] .

Deploys a Healing Core that continuously restores 3 % HP to you and nearby teammates
every second . Tap [ C ] again to destroy the core and restore 60 % HP to all nearby

Explanation about the use of each skill

● [ Resurgence Link ]
it will give our team overtime heal,
Example :
We fighting a Venom ravanger and 1 of our teammate get Poison, countering the poison that
deal over time with Heal over time even he still moving around to deal damage

● [ Adhesive synergy ]
we already have healing so we can support them with damage Buff as and we can make [
Resurgence Link ] heal improved when we hit Teammate who get attached by [Adhesive

● [ Strong Healing Core ]

Massive healing ever on this game, Deploy it near beast and just leave it so our teammate
will heal 3% hp every second, when their health dropped around 50%, Explode the healing
core and everyone under healing core Range will be healed up to 60% health

Intermediate combo guide

● Each star of hunting hit the target until your Heat meter is full, and Buff our
teammate using [ Adhesive ammo ]
And don't make enemy target us so we can focus on Buff team, Healing and filling up
Heat meter

● When our Heat meter is full, Deploy the Healing core everywhere you want, then
change to second weapon run near our teammate and change to Flux again the [
Healing core ] will deploy automatically when we change as long we deploy it first,
and fill up your Heat meter again

● Always pay attention on your party member health, and don't exploded the [ Healing
core ] to quickly or to late, watch our teammate location, sometime our teammate that
need heal run away from healing core range to Use potion

● Make sure you position is not to far or to close with the beast, so you can Escape
easily or Get close to you teammate to deploy [ Healing Core ] and watch how our
teammate health and his position

● Why do I tell you to fill up the Heat Meter again after deploying [ Healing core ] in
point 2 ? Its for healing core backup
when our [ Healing core ] miss we can deploy it again and Try to heal again, or we
can heal them 2x right ? Healing bath lmao kkkkk


● When we deploy [ Healing core ] and change to second weapon run to near
teammate, before we change again to flux to deploying [ Healing core ] Make sure
you unsheathed first the weapon then Change it again to flux it will give you Long
back Jump to make distance with Target

● After deploying [ Healing Core ] Change to second weapon Run toward your
teammate then change again flux and Tap [ C ] explode the healing core and heal

● What make us Better in this Field is experience, keep practice and improved your
ability, "when you dont walk right now, tomorrow you need to run"

Ancient cage Main - healer Tips

On ancient cage we need to survive as long as we can till the end and healing our teammate
to make them Save some potion for 2nd Phase

Beast on Ancient cage have Strong Aoe move, we can ignore it when we in the barrier, but
when we can't find the barrier that Support Team give to use it only depends on yourself

Use Force hammer with Fearless Style as Second main weapon, Hold [ B ] to get damage
reduction up to 50% so you will survive and save 1 potion for 2nd phase of Mae-Shin to keep
up heal for our teammate

Before Mae-Shin go to phase 2, Mae-Shin will summon 4 shadow make that to Fill up your
Heat meter to be get ready for 2nd phase


Thank you for read until the end

When you have some suggestion or change on this guide Feel free to contact me on Discord
and I will consider some of your suggestions on this guide to change or improved

Thanks for reading!

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