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Final Project Requirements/Final Project Example

Final Idea Due

• Final Project DRAFT Duefor evaluation and comment from professor


COMM 2330

Company Profile Final Project (Fall 2019)


Upon successful completion of COMM 2330, students will be able to:

• Explain PR as an ethical practice, a planned process, a managerial concept and behavioral science

Outline the history of public relations

Recognize key professionals in shaping public relations

• Apply public relations models and communication theories

• Identify key publics involved in public relations

• Explain key issues in handling different key publics

• Evaluate PR writing, integrated marketing communications, and crisis management tactics

• Assess diverse situations and apply appropriate PR strategies and tactics to address them

Project Guidelines

1) Select an organization with their website, (e.g., Disney, Tesla, Space-X, Uber, Wendy’s, 20thCentury Fox, Ben & Jerry’s, or Taco
Bell).You may make your own selection after consultation with your instructor.

2)Research the company’s website and include the following details as you construct your report: development history (how the
company came to be); specialization (target audience); hierarchy (who answers to whom, with what job responsibilities) and type of
organizational paradigm; external environment (where physically located and what media outlets usually used); company culture
(internal audience channels); and posted company goals.

3)From the company’s website, review the past three months of press releases that clearly identify the target publics. Include links to
and excerpts from releases that reveal strategies for reaching those targets.

4)Detail the current public relations activities of the organization as noted from its own website. For extra credit, provide evidence of
news media picking up content from a particular press release. For example: during flu season, note when a pharmaceutical company
gets one of its spokespeople in front of a camera discussing best practices for avoiding the flu or reducing symptoms.

5)Create a sample press packet for the organization including the student-constructed company profile, an original press release and
outline of a proposed community activity designed to reach a target audience previously identified. Grab graphics from the company
website to illustrate company activities.

6)Post all project materials and the press packet on the course Blackboard site using PowerPoint, Prezi, or other visual aid software.
Grammar, spelling and punctuation counts

Final Project(total weight 30% of final grade)

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