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A. Theory:
S + V + O

S + Be +Ved / 3 + ( by - O )
Tenses Active Passive
The simple present S + Vo /VS/ ES + O S + is/ am/ are +Ved /3 + (by – O)
The simple past S + Ved /2 + O S +was/ were + Ved /3 + (by – O)
The future simple S + Will V0 + O S +will + be + Ved/3 + (by – O)
The present continuous S+ is/ am/ are +V- ing + O S +is /am /are being+ Ved /3 + ( by- O)
The past continuous S +was/were+ Ving + O S +was/were being +Ved /3 +(by – O)
The present perfect S +have/ has +Ved/3 + O S+ have/ has been +Ved /3 + ( by – O)
The past perfect S+ had +Ved /3 + O S+ had been +Ved /3 +( by – O)
Modal verb S +Mv +V0 + O S +Mv + be+ Ved /3 + (by – O)
Subject ( S )  Object ( O )
I  Me
We  Us
You  You
She  Her
He  Him
It  It
They  Them
Ex : I give her some money.

-> She is given some money by me.

I. Passive voice: The simple present tense
Example: The secretary opens the mail every morning. The mail is opened every morning by the
1. People don’t use this road very often. ...........................................................................................
2. I wash the dishes in the evening. ...................................................................................................
3. He often does exercises every night. .............................................................................................
4. She usually decorates the room at weekends. ................................................................................
5. Daisy always sings country songs. ..................................................................................................
6. She often give her sister sweets. ...................................................................................................
7. Nam and Peter often water these trees. . ........................................................................................
8. They produce cars in this country. .................................................................................................
9. We don’t allow smoking in this restaurant. ...................................................................................
10. Do pupils clean the room every day? .............................................................................................
II. Passive voice: The Past simple tense
Example: To Hoai wrote the story. The story was written by To Hoai
1. The waiters cleaned the rooms last night. .....................................................................................
2. They caught the elephant again. ....................................................................................................
3. She bought the watch at the shop. ................................................................................................
4. They built the house in 1950. ........................................................................................................
5. We did the exercises last week. .....................................................................................................
6. The pupils sent the letters the day before yesterday. ....................................................................
7. He learned the lesson two week ago. ............................................................................................
8. Nguyen Du wrote Kieu story. .........................................................................................................
9. She made the cake last night. ........................................................................................................
10. Daisy washed the dishes last night. ...............................................................................................
III. Passive voice: The future simple tense
Example: The army will complete that project next year. That project will be completed by the army
next year.
1. They won’t punish him. ...................................................................................................................
2. They will ask you a lot of question at the interview. ........................................................................
3. They will give her a new one. ...........................................................................................................
4. Tom will visit his parents next month. .............................................................................................
5. Some people will interview the new president on TV. .....................................................................
6. They will finish the work next week. ................................................................................................
7. Somebody will call Mr. David tonight. .............................................................................................
8. The State will assign our students to different jobs. ........................................................................
9. When will you do the work? ............................................................................................................
10. He won’t tell me the truth about the situation. ...............................................................................
IV. Passive voice: The present continuous tense
Example: She is cleaning the house. The house is being cleaned by her.
1. My friends are eating an orange. .....................................................................................................
2. They are watching the film. .............................................................................................................
3. We are doing the exercises. .............................................................................................................
4. She is cutting the paper right now. ..................................................................................................
5. They are singing the songs in the room. ..........................................................................................
6. We are reading the book now. ........................................................................................................
7. The students are discussing the questions. ......................................................................................
8. My father is repairing my bike. ........................................................................................................
9. She is cooking the meal in the kitchen now. ...................................................................................
10. About thirty thousand people are watching this programe. ............................................................
V. Passive voice: The past continuous tense
Example: She was picking the flowers at 3:00 pm yesterday. The flowers were being picked by her at yesterday
1. He was painting the house when I came. .........................................................................................
2. The teacher was reading the book when we came. .........................................................................
3. Mary’s mother was washing the clothes. .........................................................................................
4. Her friends were drinking coffee at the cafe. ...................................................................................
5. He was boiling the eggs when I saw him. .........................................................................................
6. His brother was painting the door. ..................................................................................................
7. Thu was waiting for him at the school. ............................................................................................
8. We were doing the exercises. ..........................................................................................................
9. They were painting the gate of the school. ......................................................................................
10. They were doing the bedroom on Friday. ........................................................................................
VI. Passive voice: The present perfect tense
Example: His boss has transferred him to another department. He has been transferred to another
department by his boss.
1. They have taken her to the hospital. .............................................................................................
2. They have cancelled the meeting. .................................................................................................
3. Someone has moved my chair. ......................................................................................................
4. Someone has given him a lot of money. ........................................................................................
5. We have invited all the students in the school. ..............................................................................
6. We have told him not to be late again. He......................................................................................
7. Our teachers have explained the English grammar. ......................................................................
8. Have you finished the above sentences? .......................................................................................
9. The police have arrested the mugger. ...........................................................................................
10. The police have arrested five suspects ...........................................................................................
11.Somebody has stolen my phone cell. => .....................................................................................
12. Nobody has invited her to the party. => .....................................................................................
13. Somebody has driven them to the airport. => ............................................................................
14. Have you decorated my bedroom? => .......................................................................................
15. My parents haven’t bought a new car for me. => ........................................................................
16. The manager has given them two weeks to finish the report. => .......................................................
17. Someone has taken her briefcase away. => .......................................................................................
18. She has done the housework for her mother. => ...............................................................................
19. Bad weather has delayed Flight 202 from Paris. => ............................................................................
20. Many scholars have translated that famous novel. => .......................................................................
21. Mr George has taught physics for twenty years. => ...........................................................................
22. He hasn’t seen them since last year. => .............................................................................................
23. Have you finished all your homework yet? =>

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