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Infinitive or gerund?

I – The gerund

A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding "-ing." The gerund form of the verb "read" is
"reading." You can use a gerund as the subject, the complement, or the object of a sentence.

- You can use a gerund as the subject, the complement, or the object of a sentence.
E.g. Reading helps you learn English. SUBJECT OF SENTENCE
Her favorite hobby is reading. COMPLEMENT OF SENTENCE
I enjoy reading. OBJECT OF SENTENCE
Gerunds can be made negative by adding "not."
E.g He enjoys not working./ The best thing for your health is not smoking
1- These verbs are usually followed by a gerund:
Stop fancy admit consider miss practice avoid risk
Finish mind imagine deny involve Delay suggest regret

E.g. . -Stop talking! - I don't fancy/ I can't imagine George driving a car.

2- These verbs are also followed by gerunds:

Give up put off keep /on go on carry on

E.g. Why don't you give up smoking?

She kept on interrupting me while i was talking.

3- With some verbs, you can use either a gerund or an infinitive:

Like love can't bear begin start intend remember try need …etc

E.g. I like cooking (enjoy) / I can't bear being alone. Or I can't bear to be alone.
It started raining. Or It started to rain.
I remember to lock the door. (I remember to lock it then I lock it).
I remember locking the door. (I locked it and now I remember this).
Please try to be quiet. The baby is sleeping. (Make an effort)
I tried taking an aspirin to stop my headache. (I took it to see if it can stop it).
I need to take more exercise (It is necessary)
This jacket is dirty. It needs cleaning. (Passive Voice).

4- get/be used to +v+ing

E.g. I get to driving on the left. / -I am used to living alone.

But I used to get up late, but now I am an early riser.

5- These expressions are followed by a gerund:

It's no use /good… /There is no point in…….. / have difficulty ………. /It's worth...
A waste of money/time……. / Go+verb+ing.

E.g. I usually go fishing on Sundays. / This book is worth reading.

It's no use/good trying to persuade me. It won't succeed.

6- In the case of verbs followed by prepositions, they usually take –ing:

Succeed in / insist on / think of / dream of / congratulate sb on / thank sb for
Warn sb against ….etc

E.g. –We talked about going to America. / - He apologized for being late.
- She warned me against smoking. / - they thanked him for his services.

7- Verbs that come after adjectives followed by prepositions take –ing:
Interested in / good at / fed up with / bored with / surprised by /fond of / keen on excited about / enthusiastic about …etc

E.g - James is good at playing the piano./ -Leila is fond of collecting antique objects.
- Tom left without finishing his work.

II- The infinitive:

Infinitives are the "to" form of the verb. The infinitive form of "learn" is "to learn." You can also use
an infinitive as the subject, the complement, or the object of a sentence.

1- These verbs are usually followed by infinitive:

Agree offer decide appear forget refuse manage arrange pretend seem
Learn promise plan attempt dare threaten fail hope afford tend

E.g - The bank agreed to lend him money. / We decided not to go out because of the
weather. / -I wouldn't dare ask him or -I wouldn't dare to ask him.

2- After these verbs, we can use a question word ( where- who- how …etc )

E.g -We asked how to get to the station. / -Can you show me where to find the bank?

3- Verb + object + infinitive:

Tell order remind want ask expect warn force …etc

E.g. – I asked Tom to help./ -We expected him to be late. / -he would like me to come.

4- These verbs can take either infinitive or gerund:

Recommend encourage allow advise

E.g. –He doesn't allow smoking Or He doesn't allow anyone to smoke in the house.
- I wouldn't recommend staying at that hotel. Or -I wouldn't recommend you
to stay at that hotel.

5- These verbs ar followed by infinitives without "to":

Let make Recommend
E.g. – Hot weather makes me feel uncomfortable. /
-she wouldn't let me read the letter.
Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:

1. Dan enjoys (read)………………. science fiction.

2. Cheryl suggested (see) …………………..a movie after work.
3. I miss (work) ………………to work in the travel industry. Maybe I can get my old job back.
4. Where did you learn (speak)………………. Spanish? Was it in Spain or in Latin America?
5. Have you got used to (work) ……………..long hours?
6. He asked (talk) ……………….to the store manager.
7. You've never mentioned (live) ……………….in Japan before. How long did you live there?
8. If he keeps (come) ………………… work late, he's going to get fired!
9. Debbie plans (study) …………………..abroad next year.
10. I agreed (help) ………………….Jack wash his car.
11. The child denied (steal) …………………………the piece of candy.
12. We fully intend (pay) ………………….you for all the work you have done for us.
13. You seem t (be)……………………… a little distracted. Is everything alright?

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