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Modals verbs

Can Should/ought to
(Ability, request, possibility) (Advice)
Can you help me? You should/ought to go on a date with
Negative: Can’t (stronge disbelief) Jan. She´s really nice.
That sounds very strange. It can’t be true.

Be able to
I may/might invite Don to my party
(Ability, possibility) Question (polite request, permission):
It will be able to detect lies May I use your phone?

Must May

(Obligation, strong belief)

(Polite request, permission)
You must make a good impression
May I use your phone?
Negative: Mustn´t (prohibition)
You mustn´t tell lies

Have to/need to Could

(Necessity/ obligation) (Past ability, possibility, polite request)
You hace to/need to tell him the truth I´m sorry I couldn´t help you
Negative: Don´t have/ needn´t (lack of necessity) It could be true
You don´t have to/ needn´t cook dinner Could you send me your picture?

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