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Evaluation of Resident (Dr. Whitehead) - Therapeutics Case Studies

April 17, 2023 11:43 AM MDT

Q5 - Please list one thing Dr. Whitehead did well.

Please list one thing Dr. Whitehead did well.

was very gentle with the way she provided feedback which was very nice

She did everything great, no complaints

Dr. Whitehead was always great at answering my questions. I really appreciated that she prompted me with questions to guide me to the answer so
I could figure it out on my own but with her help. She was always very patient with me which I appreciated so much.

She did a great job encouraging us to find information for ourselves and supported us while doing so. I always felt comfortable giving my best guess
without being worried about making a mistake.

She is very understanding and explains things well at our level

Explained things very well for everyone and made sure to break things down when people were confused

Dr. Whitehead did a great job of coming around and answering any questions that we had. She was very encouraging and had the perfect balance
between acknowledging our strengths while also providing positive feedback.

liked how she made things easier to understand and explained things well

Listened carefully and provided helpful feedback in a respectful way!

She provided extra resources and knowledge for us based on the areas that we were struggling in

Put in extra effort to make PowerPoints and helpful tools when we weren't able to understand things very well.

She did a great job of explaining things in a manner that made sense and asking questions to guide students in the right direction.

She is always very thorough explaining algorithms and how to properly use different agents in specific scenarios

Made sure to clarify important information

Helping me to get to the correct answer without directly telling me.

Q6 - Please list one thing she could do to improve.

Please list one thing she could do to improve.

more discussion and ways to engage everyone in conversation - kahoots worked great so i would love more of that sort of thing

I have no ideas for ways she could improve.

Dr. Whitehead was great and I don't have any feedback for improvement

I would suggest that sometimes that her explanations could be a little confusing, so keeping explanations concise would be my only suggestion.


nothing that comes to mind :)

One thing she could improve on would be having our group care plans graded earlier so that we can get feedback before our following case.

don't really have anything to say

Provide more suggestions in the middle of cases, nudge groups in the right direction

Sometimes I wish things were clearer. There were sometimes smaller minute details that we had to clarify with resources outside of class

Nothing! I thought you were great in case and extremely helpful. the sessi0ns really helped me understand the topics better.



getting everyone to engage in class discussion

Q4 - Please enter any additional comments here.

Please enter any additional comments here.

thank you for a great semester

I appreciated the time spent making the ACS study worksheet!

She's very cool and awesome.

it was great to learn from you!

Great job overall!

N/A She was great!

End of Report

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