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Good morning Class.

Before we start our lesson, Please stand up and we are going to pray first.

Ms.Christine Upao please lead the prayer.

So again Good Morning, before you take your seat, please arrange your chair properly and clean your areas first.

Is there any absentee today?


Who can give a short recap of what kenshin discussed earlier?


What is Tolman’s Purposive Behaviorism


Thank you.

At this point, we are going to play a game.

Are you familiar with the game “Good Morning Mickey Mouse”?

Our game for today is similar to it. It is called “Charades”

The rules are Players are divided into two teams, an equal amount of charades card are dealt to each team,
timing and scorekeeping are essential, remember that words/phrases are acted out and also players cannot
speak, point at room objects or move their lips. Only 1 player in each team can see the charades card to be acted
out in each round and the guessing time only takes a 1 minute per charade cards. The first group who has got the
high points will be the winner.



At the end of the lesson, the students are
expected to:

a. Understand what is Gestalt Theory

b. Define what is Gestalt Law

c. Perform al if the activity


Do you get it?

First is,
Crying while sneezing
What is proximity?

So proximity is elements that are near to each other are grouped together.

The third one is

Any idea about continuity?

That is right!

In Gestalt Theory Continuity is the element that define smooth lines or even curves are also grouped together.

The last is
4. Closure
Anyone? What do you think about closure?

That is correct!

Closure is elements that fill up the missing parts are grouped together.

This elements use when the teacher is presenting information or concepts to their learners, also those strategies
given are help the learners to discover if there are elements hindering them from learning new concepts and the
teacher help them to remove those barriers so that the new knowledge can be stored and effectively use in
varied situations.

Did you get it class?

Okay, so now here is the Major principle of Gestalt theory of learning.

Can you please read it.

Anyone in class?

1.The learner should be encourage to discover the underlying nature of a topic or a problem.

So what is your insight about this principle?

Who else?

So this principle is all about the relationship among the elements.

Next is

2. Gaps, incongruities, or disturbances are an important stimulus for learning.

So this is all about

Teachers should encourage their students to discover the relationship of the elements that
make up a problem. Incongruities, gaps, or
disturbances are essential stimuli in the learning process. 

And last is

Who wants to read, anyone?

3.Instruction should be based upon the laws of organization: proximity, closure, similarity and simplicity.

So give your insight.

Very Good!

Did you get it class?

Any question?

If none, lets move on

Since you don’t have questions, you are going to have an activity. I will be grouping you into two and
you are going to Define the Gestalt Theory in your own words, and you will make a logo for
gestalt laws, on four gestalt laws you will be pick one and make a logo of it, page through a
magazine or newspaper or browse the Internet is allowed. Explain it, motivate your answer.

Is this clear?

Okay, let’s start.


So again what is Gestalt Theory?

Correct! And what is the four Gestalt Laws?

Enumerate it.

Very Good

And what is the three Gestalt principles?

That is correct.

Are there still questions?

Let’s proceed with our quiz.



Give your insights about Gestalt Theory and how it affects to our daily lives. (10pts)

 Direction: Make an advance reading about Subsumption Theory

That would be all for today, Goodbye class.

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