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Journal of Dentistry 131 (2023) 104466

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In vitro study on the accuracy of sleeveless guided endodontics and

treatment of a complex upper lateral incisor
A. Torres a, b, M. Dierickx b, W. Coucke d, MS. Pedano b, P. Lambrechts b, R. Jacobs a, c, *
OMFS-IMPATH Research Group, Department of Imaging and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Department of Oral Health Sciences, Endodontology, University Hospitals Leuven, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Department of Dental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden
Certified Freelance Statistician, Heverlee, Belgium


Keywords: Purpose: The present study aims to assess the accuracy of sleeveless guided endodontics for root canal treatment
3-Dimensional printing of severe pulp canal obliteration (PCO) in 3D printed jaws. Additionally, the treatment of a complex lateral
Accuracy incisor is presented to illustrate the use of sleeveless guides in a clinical situation.
Cone beam computed tomography
Methods: Two cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) volumes of an upper and lower jaw were selected to
Dental pulp calcification
Guided endodontics
design 3D printed models with PCO. Virtual planning of the access cavities was performed from right to left
second premolar. Then, the models were mounted into a phantom head to simulate an actual patient. Two
operators with different levels of experience in endodontics performed guided access cavities. The handpiece was
guided by guiding rails placed against each other on the sides of the tooth. A post-operative CBCT scan was taken
for analysis.
Results: Eighty-eight guided access cavities (44 per operator) were drilled on eight 3D printed models. The mean
length of the access cavities was 15.3 mm, with a mean coronal and apical deviation of 0.5 mm and 0.7 mm
respectively. The mean angular deviation was 1.5 . No statistically significant difference was found between

operators for the three measured parameters.

Conclusions: This study demonstrates, within its limitations, that sleveless guides represent an accurate method
for guided endodontic treatment. No statistically significant difference between operators was found when using
the guide.
Clinical significance: This method offers a valuable alternative to conventional endodontic guides with similar
accuracy results.

1. Introduction of a guide can be advantageous in teeth where endodontic treatment can

be challenging, and it can reduce the chance of iatrogenic damage [1,
Guided endodontics offers an alternative to conventional access 12-15]. Additionally, it may save chair time [9,14,16] and provide
cavity preparation for teeth with pulp canal obliteration (PCO) and minimally invasive access to the canal, avoiding unnecessary removal of
apical pathosis or irreversible pulpitis [1]. PCO is usually associated dentin, which can compromise the tooth [16].
with luxation injuries after dental trauma [2–4]. It may also occur as a The most common guided endodontics technique involves the use of
pulpal response to carious lesions [5], coronal restorations [6], after a metal sleeve bonded to a tooth-supported guide which leads the bur
vital pulp therapy procedures [7], as apposition of secondary dentine during drilling. However, some of the drawbacks of this technique are
over time in elderly patients [8,9], or as an adverse effect to orthodontic the blockage of direct vision during treatment, and limited water cool­
forces [10,11]. ing, as there is no space to cool the drill properly. Moreover, vertical
This technique uses tooth supported guides or templates analogous space can be an issue when treating posterior teeth or patients with
to guided implantology for the location of calcified canals [12]. The use limited mouth opening, as enough space is needed to place the guide and

* Corresponding author at: OMFS-IMPATH Research Group, Department of Imaging and Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, St. Raphael Hospital, University of
Leuven, Kapucijnenvoer 7, Leuven 3000, Belgium.
E-mail addresses: (A. Torres), (M. Dierickx), (W. Coucke), simon.pedano@ (MS. Pedano), (P. Lambrechts),, (R. Jacobs).
Received 18 November 2022; Received in revised form 31 January 2023; Accepted 16 February 2023
Available online 18 February 2023
0300-5712/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
A. Torres et al. Journal of Dentistry 131 (2023) 104466

bur on top of the tooth [13,17]. performed guided access cavities on 2 sets of models (upper and lower).
Recently, a sleeveless 3D printed guide was used to treat an upper Operator 1 is an experienced Endodontic specialist with more than 5
premolar [18]. Instead of using a metal sleeve to guide the bur, the years of experience, and Operator 2 is a second-year resident from the
handpiece is guided by guiding rails placed against each other on the department of Endodontics at the (blinded manuscript). A leg system
sides of the tooth. As a result, (1) vertical space is reduced, which (2) (2INGIS) was firmly attached to the handpiece head (W&H WS-75 L
improves accessibility in posterior teeth, (3) there is direct visibility of handpiece, W&H, Bürmoos, Austria). These legs fit on the 3D printed
the tooth during treatment, and (4) better water cooling [18]. Addi­ guide’s rails and guided the handpiece during treatment. The handpiece
tionally, since no sleeve is used, the (5) total cost of the guide is reduced. was used with a flat end cylinder diamond bur of 1 mm diameter
There is (6) no need for a dedicated bur; therefore, the procedure can be mounted on an FG to RA converter mandrel adapter to simulate its
fully guided with the use of diamond burs to drill first on enamel and clinical use during the drilling of enamel in the first 2 mm depth. Then, a
later longer carbide burs to further drill on dentine. 1 mm diameter carbide bur (working length: 21 mm, total length: 35
Although promising, no data is currently available concerning its mm, REF O.27.28.B044.051, Steco System-Technik GmbH, Hamburg,
accuracy. Therefore, this study aims to assess the accuracy of sleeveless Germany) was used at a maximum of 10.000 rpm with a pumping
guided endodontics for guided root canal treatment of severe PCO in 3D movement. The bur was replaced every 5 cavities (Fig. 3).
printed jaws. Additionally, a sleeveless guided endodontic treatment of a
complex lateral incisor is presented to illustrate the use of the guide in a 2.4. Accuracy analysis
clinical situation.
After treatment, a post-operative high resolution CBCT scan was
2. Material and methods taken for each model using the NewTom VGi evo (Cefla) operating at the
same parameters mentioned before. Pre- and post-operative CBCT vol­
This manuscript was written according to Preferred Reporting Items umes were imported into Mimics Medical software 24.0 (materialize). A
for Laboratory studies in Endodontology (PRILE) 2021 guidelines threshold segmentation was performed for both models, and they were
(Fig. 1) [19]. then exported as an STL file into 3-Matic Medical software 16.0 (mate­
rialize), where the post-operative model was registered to the pre-
2.1. 3D model design operative model (Fig. 4A).
After registration, both models were duplicated, and the post-
For the design of the 3D models, two CBCT volumes were selected, operative model was subtracted from the pre-operative model. As a
one upper and one lower jaw, from the database of the Oral Imaging result, all access cavities were obtained (Fig. 4B and C). The software
Center of the Department of Oral Health Science at the University then fitted a line on the central axis of each access cavity. The deviation
Hospital of the (blinded manuscript). Patients were referred for CBCT at the coronal entry point (C), apical point (A), and angular deviation
scanning for clinical indications not related to the study. Teeth from the (D) were measured in comparison to the virtual planning. Two planes
central incisor up to the second premolar, in both jaws, were segmented were created to measure C and A: a plane perpendicular to the planning
with an artificial intelligence driven automated tooth segmentation tool at the coronal access point and a second plane also perpendicular to the
[20]. A threshold segmentation was performed to segment the bone in planning passing through the apical point of the access cavity. Finally,
both jaws using Mimics Medical software 24.0 (materialize, Leuven, points were projected in the direction of the planning axis up to the
Belgium). Finally, the 3D models of teeth and bone tissue were imported planes, and distances in relation to the planning were measured (Fig. 4D,
into 3-matic Medical software 16.0 (materialize) where the final model E and F). The length of each access cavity was also recorded. This
was designed with a base able to fit on a dental phantom. This protocol method was previously described and validated by Torres et al. [21].
was validated in a study on dynamic navigation [21].
Canals were created starting at 15 mm depth from the incisal edge or 2.5. Clinical case report
occlusal surface to simulate severe PCO. All teeth had 1 canal, except for
teeth 14 and 24, which had 2 roots and 2 canals. In total, 12 and 10 A 72-year-old male patient, ASA I, was referred to the Endodontic
canals were created for the upper and lower jaw respectively. All models Department at the University Hospitals of (blinded manuscript), with an
were 3D printed in white resin material (VeroWhite; Stratasys, Eden asymptomatic apical radiolucency on tooth number 12. The apical
Prairie, MN, USA) using the Objet Connex 350 3D printer (Stratasys). lesion was detected after the radiological checkup after cementation of
the crowns. Clinically, the patient had no complains and there was no
2.2. Virtual planning sinus tract. The patient was partially edentulous with metal porcelain
crowns on all upper teeth (tooth number 16, 14, 13, 12, 11) and 2 im­
A pre-operative high resolution CBCT scan using the NewTom VGi plants with ball attachments on region 23 and 26 for the retention of a
evo (Cefla, Imola, Italy) with a voxel size of 0.125 mm was taken for removable denture (Fig. 5.A and B). The periapical radiograph revealed
each model together with an intraoral surface scan (Trios; 3shape, an apical radiolucency on tooth 12 with an obliterated root canal. Tooth
Copenhagen, Denmark). Both files, DICOM images from the CBCT and 12 was diagnosed with pulp necrosis and asymptomatic apical
the STL file from the intraoral surface scan, were imported and regis­ periodontitis.
tered using SMOP software (version 2.20.0, Swissmeda AG, Baar, Due to the degree of PCO on a thin root and presence of a crown with
Switzerland). The treatment was planned on the same software by a precision attachment for a removable denture, guided endodontic
creating a path for the bur maintaining straight-line access up to the root treatment was scheduled. Guided endodontic treatment was approved
canal (Fig. 2). Finally, 3D guides were designed using a double rail by the ethical committee of the university hospitals (S64630) and
system placed on the sides of the tooth to guide the handpiece head informed consent was obtained. Ideally, a small access cavity had to be
(2INGIS, Brussels, Belgium). The guides were printed in Try-in material drilled trough the metal porcelain crown and located between the incisal
(3D Systems, Rock Hill, South Carolina, United States) using the Next­ border and the precision attachment on the palatal side. However, the
Dent 5100 3D printer (3D Systems). presence of metal in the mouth presented a challenge for the registration
of a digital impression to the CBCT for guided endodontic treatment
2.3. Access cavity drilling planning.
Therefore, a Lego brick (Lego Brick 2 × 3, ID: 4,211,386/3002, Lego,
All models were mounted into a phantom head to simulate a real Billund, Denmark) was fixed to a plastic impression tray, and an
patient. Two operators with different levels of experience in endodontics intraoral impression was taken using the modified tray with Impregum

A. Torres et al. Journal of Dentistry 131 (2023) 104466

Fig. 1. PRILE Flowchart. Adapted from Nagendrababu et al. 2021.

A. Torres et al. Journal of Dentistry 131 (2023) 104466

Fig. 2. Virtual planning. Images from SMOP software (version 2.20.0). A: Registration of the pre-operative CBCT of the 3D model (gray) with the STL file from the
intraoral scan (green). Note the planning of the access cavity path (orange cylinders). B: Coronal view of tooth 21 (upper left central incisor). Green contour line:
registered intraoral scan. Orange contour line: 3D model of segmented teeth (registered to the CBCT to visualize the root). Purple contour line: path for the bur
maintaining straight-line access up to the root canal. C: Axial view of the planning and contour lines. D: Sagittal view of tooth 21.

Penta soft (3 M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) (Fig. 5.C and D). Directly after percha and an epoxy sealer (TopSeal sealer, Dentsply De Trey, Kon­
hardening of the impression material, a CBCT was taken with the tray stanz, Germany). The access cavity was then filled with composite, oc­
inside of the mouth, using the NewTom VGi evo (Cefla) operating at 110 clusion was controlled, and the restoration was polished. A periapical
kVp, 3.0 mA with a FOV of 10 × 10 cm and voxel size 0.125 mm. radiograph was taken after treatment and the patient was scheduled for
The impression tray was later scanned with a high-resolution optical recall.
scanner (Activity 885, SmartOptics, Bochum, Germany). The DICOM A follow-up periapical radiograph 1 year after treatment revealed a
images from the CBCT, and the STL file from the digitalized impression completely healed apical area (Fig. 6).
were exported into Smop (Swissmeda AG). First, the quality of the CBCT
was controlled by the correct registration of a standard 3D model of the 2.6. Statistical analysis
Lego brick to the one on the CBCT. After checking and validating the
data, the STL file from the digitalized impression was registered to the Descriptive statistics for each parameter were performed. Differences
CBCT by registration of the Lego bricks, obtaining as a result the regis­ between operators were assessed for every parameter (Coronal, Apical
tration of the teeth surface (Fig. 5.E, F, G and H). Then, a path for the bur and Angle) by a linear mixed model with model as a random factor and
was created maintaining straight-line access up to the root canal (Fig. 5. operator as a fixed factor. In the first instance, a residual analysis was
H), and finally a 3D sleeveless guide was designed, and 3D printed in performed by means of a normal quantile plot and a residual dot plot. If
Try-in material (3D Systems) using the NextDent 5100 3D printer (3D data were not normally distributed, a square root or log transformation
Systems). was applied, and the normal quantile plot of the residual values was
A leg system (2INGIS) was firmly attached to the handpiece head checked again. P ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
(W&H WS-75 L handpiece). The 3D printed guide was placed on the
upper teeth, and treatment was initiated with a transmetal bur (Dentsply 3. Results
Sirona, Ballaigues, Switzerland) placed on an FG to RA converter
mandrel adapter. After initial access through the metal was achieved, a A total of 88 guided access cavities, 44 per operator, were drilled on
1 mm diameter carbide bur, with 21 mm working length and 35 mm eight 3D printed models. Each operator had four 3D models divided into
total length (REF O.27.28.B044.051, Steco) was used to drill the rest of 2 sets comprising an upper and a lower jaw. The mean length of the
the access cavity. When the target point was reached, the tooth was access cavities was 15.33 mm (min 10.76 mm – max 18.44 mm). The
immediately isolated and examined under the dental microscope. mean deviation values at the coronal entry point, apical point, and
After glide path was achieved with a size 15 K-File (Dentsply Sirona) angular deviation, of both operators combined and apart are shown in
instrumentation of the canal was performed with Waveone Gold files Table 1.
(Dentsply Sirona). Waveone Gold Medium (size 35, 0.06 taper) was A statistical analysis was performed to assess significant differences
selected as final file, apical patency was controlled during the whole between the deviation values of both operators for every measured
procedure with the help of a size 10 K-File (Dentsply Sirona). During parameter. P ≤ 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The
treatment, the root canal was rinsed with 20 ml of 5% NaOCl in com­ following p-values were obtained: Coronal entry point: p = 0.08, Apical
bination with sonic activation using EDDY (VDW, Munich, Germany), point: p = 0.99, and Angular deviation: p = 0.56.
then a final irrigation protocol was applied using EDDY and 17% EDTA,
and a final rinse with 5% NaOCl. The root was dried using paper points
and filled using a vertical condensation technique with warm gutta-

A. Torres et al. Journal of Dentistry 131 (2023) 104466

Fig. 3. In-vitro experiment. A: 3D

model replicas. B: Left; 1 mm diameter
carbide bur (REF O.27.28.B044.051,
Steco). Right; flat end cylinder diamond
bur of 1 mm diameter mounted on an
FG to RA converter mandrel adapter. C:
leg system (2INGIS) attached to the
handpiece head (W&H) with diamond
bur used to drill on the first 2 mm to
simulate the access through enamel. D:
same set-up with the carbide bur
mounted on the handpiece (REF
O.27.28.B044.051, Steco). E: Phantom
mounted with 3D printed models to
simulate a real patient. F: 3D printed
guide placed on the upper jaw with rails
for tooth 13, 11, 22 and 24 palatal. G:
Guided access drilling of tooth 13 with
carbide bur (Steco).

A. Torres et al. Journal of Dentistry 131 (2023) 104466

Fig. 4. Accuracy analysis. Images from 3-Matic Medical software 16.0 (materialize) A: Registration of pre-operative model (white) with post-operative model
(green). Note the planning of the access cavity path (blue cylinders). B: The post-operative model was subtracted from the pre-operative model (result shown in
green). The 3D model of the segmented teeth is shown in white for illustration purposes. C: All access cavities (green) after cleaning. D: Frontal view of the access
cavities (green) and planning (blue) with segmented teeth (white). E: schematic representation of the accuracy measurements at the coronal entry point (C), apical
point (A), and angular deviation (D). Measurements C and A are measured perpendicular to the planning at the coronal access point and apical point of the access
cavity respectively. F: Example of the accuracy measurements of an upper premolar. The buccal cavity has a length of 15.98 mm, and deviation measurements of C:
0.39 mm, A: 0.32 mm, and D: 0.98 . The palatal cavity has a length of 16.02 mm, and deviation measurements of C: 0.56 mm, A: 0.40 mm, and D: 0.56 .
◦ ◦

A. Torres et al. Journal of Dentistry 131 (2023) 104466

(caption on next page)

A. Torres et al. Journal of Dentistry 131 (2023) 104466

Fig. 5. Virtual planning of clinical case. A: Clinical view of the upper jaw with removable prosthesis placed in the mouth supported by precision attachments on
the right side and 2 implants with ball attachments on the left side. B: View of the upper jaw without prosthesis. C: Lego brick bonded to a plastic impression tray. D:
Intraoral impression taken with Impregum Penta soft (3 M ESPE). E: Digitalization of the intraoral impression after scanning with a high-resolution optical scanner
(Activity 885, SmartOptics). F: View from below of the digitalized impression tray with Lego brick. G: View of the cast model (yellow) registered to intraoral
impression (green). H: Sagittal view of tooth 12 with the registered contours of the impression tray and Lego brick (orange) and the intraoral impression (green). A
path for the bur was created maintaining straight-line access up to the root canal (purple).

Fig. 6. Clinical case. Clinical images during treatment; A: 3D sleeveless guide placed in the mouth supported by teeth on the right side and implants on the left side.
B: View of tooth 12 with guiding rails on the sides of the tooth. C: Access cavity trough metal porcelain crown of tooth 12 after drilling with a transmetal bur. D:
Guided access cavity drilling with carbide bur (Steco). A silicone stop ring (black) was placed on the bur up to the depth length of the target point. E: View during
endodontic instrumentation with Waveone Gold Primary file (Dentsply). F: view from a dental microscope after filling of canal with gutta-percha. G: Pre-operative
periapical radiograph before treatment revealing an apical radiolucency on tooth 12 with an obliterated root canal. Tooth 12 was diagnosed with pulp necrosis and
asymptomatic apical periodontitis. H: Post-operative periapical radiograph after treatment, and I: follow-up periapical radiograph 1 year after treatment revealing a
completely healed apical area.

A. Torres et al. Journal of Dentistry 131 (2023) 104466

Table 1 do not seem to differ substantially from those of conventional guides. It

Mean deviation values of sleeveless guided endodontics with their minimum and is also important to consider the depth of the drilled cavities. The mean
maximum values between brackets. length of the access cavities was 15.33 mm, which was, on average,
Coronal Apical Angle higher than those of previous studies. This can explain the slightly
Both Operators 0.50 mm 0.68 mm 1.54
◦ higher deviation values obtained apically. The average angular devia­
(0.22 – 0.79) (0.10 – 1.88) (0.18 – 5.87) tion was below the range reported by other authors [13,14,28].
The treatment of a complex lateral incisor was presented to illustrate
Operator 1 0.47 mm 0.66 mm 1.47 the use of the guide in a clinical situation. Ideally, a small access cavity,

(Experienced Endodontist) (0.22 – 0.73) (0.18 – 1.81) (0.18 – 5.87)

located between the incisal border and the precision attachment on the
Operator 2 0.54 mm 0.70 mm 1.61
◦ palatal side, had to be drilled through the metal porcelain crown to
(Second year resident) (0.34 – 0.79) (0.10 – 1.88) (0.21 – 4.79) locate the canal presenting PCO. This motivated the use of a sleeveless
guide because of the possibility of drilling guided through a metal por­
celain crown using different types of burs. During planning, the presence
of metal artefacts on the CBCT presented a challenge for the registration
4. Discussion
to the intraoral impression. For this reason, a Lego brick was used as a
reference. It is a cost-effective method for the registration of the data. It
A sleeveless guide uses two cylinders, which are placed against each
is radio opaque, and has an accuracy of up to 5 μm, as claimed by the
other on the sides of the tooth, to guide the handpiece instead of the bur.
manufacturer. Additionally, the correct registration of a standard 3D
A two-legged adapter is firmly attached to the handpiece head which
model of the Lego brick to the one on the CBCT allows for quality control
glides through the rails during treatment. Once inserted, the bur can
of motion artefacts before planning.
only move in the direction of the drilling axis, while the adapter legs can
rotate to find the best position for the handpiece [18,22]. This results in
5. Conclusions
a low-cost guide, as there is no additional cost for a sleeve and a specially
dedicated bur. The adapter must be acquired once and can be reused.
In conclusion, notwithstanding its limitations, the present study has
The open design allows for (1) better visibility of the tooth, (2) direct
demonstrated that sleeveless guided endodontics is an accurate method
control of the optimal fit of the guide in the mouth, and (3) water cooling
for guided access treatment of teeth presenting PCO and can offer a
during treatment. However, no previous study has investigated the in­
valuable alternative to conventional endodontic guides. No statistically
fluence of conventional and sleeveless guides on water cooling. Addi­
significant difference between operators was found when using the
tionally, less vertical space is needed, as there is no sleeve and guide on
guide. However, clinical training is recommended to learn working with
top of the tooth, which allows for guided treatment on posterior teeth or
the system and avoid errors during treatment.
in cases when there is limited mouth opening [18,23,24]. One drawback
is that it needs multiple anchor points to ensure its stability. Working
with full mouth rubber dam isolation from the beginning of the treat­
ment is an alternative option, but this could be uncomfortable for some
This research did not receive any funding.
patients [18].
The study aimed to assess the accuracy of sleeveless guided end­
CRediT authorship contribution statement
odontics for guided root canal treatment of severe PCO in 3D printed
jaws. In total, 88 guided access cavities were drilled with an average
A. Torres: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Re­
coronal and apical deviation of 0.5 mm and 0.7 mm respectively. The
sources, Data curation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review &
average angular deviation was 1.5 .

editing, Visualization, Project administration. M. Dierickx: Conceptu­

Although the more experience operator obtained slightly better ac­
alization, Methodology, Investigation, Data curation, Writing – review &
curacy values, no statistically significant difference between operators
editing. W. Coucke: Formal analysis. MS. Pedano: Writing – review &
was found for the three measured parameters. This confirms that the use
editing, Supervision. P. Lambrechts: Writing – review & editing, Su­
of a guide is not influenced by the operator’s experience, as demon­
pervision. R. Jacobs: Writing – review & editing, Supervision, Project
strated in other studies [14,16]. Nonetheless, a p-value close to 0.05 was
obtained when comparing the coronal entry point between operators.
Therefore, special attention should be paid when starting the treatment.
The correct fitting of the guide must be inspected together with a fluent
movement of the handpiece when placed inside the guiding rails. A
The authors deny any conflicts of interest related to this study and
couple of pumping movements can be practiced with the handpiece in
would like to thank Philippe De Moyer for its support during the study.
place before the operator starts drilling to determine the correct axis
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