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What mistakes can you make in your profession and how can you avoid them?

Working in the product design field can be very satisfying but also tough. This career
requires a lot of work and attention and mistakes can make a significant difference. When
working in this profession, you have to take full responsibility for your actions and deal with the
possible consequences.
Being a designer is a fun and promising career but there is always a chance that a mistake
can appear at any time. In this profession, your job is to create different projects, objects that
will be bought and used by a big number of people.
A lot of things could go wrong if you are not careful enough. One of the examples could be
that your product might malfunction when handled, which could be dangerous to your
customer. This could not only harm the person using it, but also you. Such mistakes could put
an end to your career as quick as it started. A way to avoid this is by conducting many tests
before releasing a product to make sure that everything is working properly.
Another example could be having dissatisfied customers. Not listening to the person, you
are working for will not allow you to take their idea from an imagination to a fully functional
and satisfying finished product. This fact could have a serious impact on your image as a
designer, making you unfit to work in this industry. A way to solve this is to make sure that you
always discuss every detail, no matter how insignificant you think it is. Having satisfied
customers will always assure you a great career.
There are other mistakes you risk making, such as underestimating your value as a product
designer. Thinking badly of your work could have many consequence that will bring you down
as time goes by. A way to avoid having such a bad impression about yourself is to find a
different way of approaching the way you view your creations. Also, listening to the feedback
you get could show you that you are not as bad as you thought.
In conclusion, having a successful career in product design means paying attention not only
to even the smallest details, but to your clientele as well because your hard work will always
pay off.

Neagu Alexandra
Grupa 11D Design de Produs

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