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INTRO: Geoforms are one of the most important parts of Colombia, ¿why?
because it is important to recognize the place where one is located outside of
cities or common places where one can be, we can put examples of geoforms
such as: plains, plains, mountains, mountain ranges, paramos and others. The
things that we can find biodiversity and those types of animals that are not found
in other parts of the world such as: white-headed monkey, spectacled bear and
the golden frog. What is an ecosystem? An ecosystem is a set of fauna and flora
that coexist. Colombia is a diverse country in my opinion it is important to know
it for its unique geoforms and ecosystems.
Thits is my first argument and iswith the question why is important to know the
diferente geoform in Colombia? Is important because the flora and fauna make
different sef my contry the weather is different in each region the cali is hot by
weather, most species are harm because human hom the plains, montain range,
montain and hills thits are habitd form fauna and flora.
Thits is my second argument the geoforms for Colombia, a example the region
andina have 3 reliefs what ase eastern montain range, centro and western it has
most montain range and tune plains have a from the most big vegetation and
peaple , not have an extende fauna but know the peaple are most by region
andina also the region andina have vegetation very liked of peaple, the peaple are
deestroying the forest because the reproduction from materials for sale or use
constrruction, of it is necessary to replace the trees.
CONCLUSION: With these arguments we can conclude that it is important to know the
geoforms of our country because Colombia is a country rich in diversity such as its
mountain ranges, plains, mountains and hills and it is important to take care of them with

ways that can be done at home such as recycling your bottles, bags and others also help
an organization that aims to take care of the nature of this beautiful country.

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