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There are several reasons why I have chosen to pursue auto mechanic

training. It is a career path that will suit me well and I can enjoy for years. It is a
great career that will allow me to support myself and others.

One of the reasons I want to go into the automotive field is as long as I can
remember I have always enjoyed fixing things. I like to see how things work
taking items apart and putting them back together. I would help my dad work on
our lawn mower replacing the starter, changing oil, sharpening blades, and fixing
wiring. Helping my dad with projects like our mower enticed me to want to learn
more about mechanics and how things work.

I am also interested in the automotive field because I have a love for

motorsports. I have fond memories of watching the Indianapolis 500, many
Formula 1 races, Endurance races, and NASCAR races with my dad and
brothers. Each one of us has a favorite driver for each type of motorsports. I
enjoy the roar of the engines and how the cars operate. It is fascinating how the
smallest detail makes all the difference in each form of motorsports.

One of the reasons why I am attending Lincoln Tech is because I feel that
it will help me achieve my goals in the automotive field and give me the
experiences I need to be successful in the automotive field. In today's world you
need to learn, understand, and employ a skill so you can support yourself.
Lincoln Tech will assist me in learning, understanding, and employing skills
required to be an auto mechanic in our society.

Another major reason I decided to attend Lincoln Tech is the job

opportunities that are possible with completing training at Lincoln Tech. Being a
graduate of Lincoln Tech will give me a greater opportunity of finding a reliable
and financially stable job. My parents have instilled in my siblings and I the
importance of working and being able to support yourself and whoever God
sends your way.

Training from Lincoln Tech will also allow me an excellent possibility to

pursue my life long dream job of working in the motorsports field. The training I
receive while at Lincoln Tech will give me the most up to date auto mechanic
skills needed to enter the motorsports field. I am going to diligently and
energetically work hard in my classes at Lincoln Tech so I can achieve my goal
and work in motorsports.

Thank you so much for your consideration and opportunity for this
Benjamin Christman

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