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Name: Stephanie Dorsey

Grade: K/1/2

Emporia State University

Professional Development School
Lesson Plan Template [Modified for EE 314 – Direct Instruction Method]

Part A: Standards, Objectives, and Assessment Alignment

KSDE Social Studies Standard Standard 5: Relationships among people, places, ideas, and environments
are dynamic.

KSDE Benchmark: Skill Practiced 5.1 The student will recognize and evaluate dynamic relationships that
impact lives in communities, states, and nations.

Kindergarten, Geography, Geographic Competencies: draws a map and

gives directions of classroom and school. (p. 29)

Scope & Sequence: Knowledge or Content Taught 1st Grade, Geography: Map. (p.38)

Individual Assessment of Student Learning Objectives

Knowledge/Content Objective Skill (Aligns with Benchmark) Objective

ABCD Objective The student will be able to (WBAT) identify The student WBAT draw a map of their
the elements of a map. classroom.

What Bloom’s level is the LOTS HOTS

objective (LOTS or HOTS)?

How will the objective be The students will take a matching quiz at the Students will be expected to include the title,
assessed? end of the lesson with five terms and author, publication date, compass rose, and
definitions. legend/key on their classroom maps.

What is the mastery level 5/5; 100% of the elements of a map matched 4/5 elements included (80%)
for the assessment? correctly.

How will you score the Via answer key Via checklist

Part B: Student Needs and Differentiation Alignment

Description of Students. Identify behaviors and needs of students with the following accommodations. (2-3 sentences each)

Visual Seth has a visual impairment that prevents him from seeing more than 5 feet.

Auditory Luke has an auditory impairment that causes him to have mild hearing in his left ear which makes it hard
for him to understand some speech sounds.

How will the teacher make the learning objective accessible for students (i.e., ELL, IEP, below-level) and/or provide enrichment?

Who? How will I differentiate? Consider differentiating content, process, and product.

Visual I can print off a copy of my powerpoint and visuals for Seth to see at his desk while I am giving instruction or
lecturing. I can also help Seth by sitting him closer up to the board.
Auditory I can help Luke by looking directly at him when I speak so that he knows I am talking to him. I can also help Luke
by speaking loudly when I am at the front of the classroom.

Part C: Resources and Materials

Include a link to your visual anchor. Make sure it is public. This will be scored separately.

Visual Anchor:

If using Lickteig’s graphic organizer:

Treasure map maker,

Part D: Instructional Model (Direct Instruction, short)

Objectives and How will you share the purpose of the lesson with students?
Purpose I have the objective and benchmark written on the first slide of my visual anchor.
How is it relevant or relatable to their lives?
-Knowing how to label, draw, and read a map is important because whenever you want to go somewhere new,
you will need to use a map to get there. So we need to know how to read and follow a map to get to places.

Input For each term, script the following information to share with your students during direct instruction.
(Content Delivery)
Term 1: TITLE Definition: A title is a heading, it tells you the NAME of the map.

Describe (2+ sentences):

The title tells you what you are looking at and what the map is about. The title also tells
you the theme of the map.
Term 2: AUTHOR Definition: An author tells you WHO made the map.

Describe (2+ sentences):

The author is the one who created and drew the map. The author of a map is the one who
got the information to put on the map.
Term 3: PUBLICATION Definition: It tells you WHEN the map was made.

Describe (2+ sentences):

The publication date is the month, day, or year the map was finished. The publication date
lets you know how old the map is.
Term 4: COMPASS ROSE Definition: It shows the DIRECTION on a map.
Describe (2+ sentences):
The compass rose can be anywhere on the map. The compass rose shows North, South,
East, and West on a map.
Term 5: LEGEND // KEY Definition: It tells you what the SYMBOLS on the map mean.

Describe (2+ sentences):

The key is a box on a map that tells you what the lines and shapes on a map mean. The key
is needed for the map to make sense.
Modeled Practice How will you model the graphic organizer for students?
-I will model the graphic organizer for students by having them write in the vocabulary words as I go through my
visual anchor with them.
Mapping Briefly describe the mapping activity. What are students mapping? What are students doing? What elements of
(Skill Activity) the map are they required to have? What landmarks will you require them to include?
-Students are going to be creating a map of their classroom on the back of our vocabulary terms page. Their
classroom maps are required to have a title, an author, a publication date, a compass rose, and a legend/key
explaining what the symbols on their map mean.
-As for landmarks, students have to include the door, the teacher's desk, the whiteboard/smartboard, the
desks/tables, and the carpet area.

Check for How will you assess if students mastered the content (vocabulary terms)? What is the mastery level
Understanding (measureable)?
- I will assess if students mastered the content by whether or not they can match all 5 elements of the map
correctly to their definition on a check-in quiz.
-Students will use my blank map, and show me where each of the elements go.

How will you assess if students mastered the skill (mapping)? What is the mastery level (measureable)?
-I will know if students mastered the skill if they correctly included the 5 elements and landmarks on their
classroom maps.
-Elements: title, author, publication, compass rose, legend/key
-Landmarks : door, teachers desk, whiteboard/smartboard, desks/tables, carpet area

Part E: Attachments
Create a graphic organizer for students to complete during direct instruction. Include a blank and completed copy of the graphic
organizer. Remember that students will be making a map (as the skill activity) on the back of the graphic organizer, so leave it blank.

If you would like, you may use a graphic organizer I created for this lesson (remember to include a finished copy in your lesson plan):

Blank Graphic Organizer:

Finished Copy of Graphic Organizer:

Classroom Map Checklist/Rubric:

Finished Copy of Classroom Map:

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