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Name: Stephanie Dorsey

Grade Level: 4th Grade

Emporia State University

Professional Development School
Lesson Plan Template [Modified for EE 314 – 5E Instructional Method]

Part A: Standards, Objectives, and Assessment Alignment

Objective Select a social studies content idea for 4th Grade, History: Civic and Cultural Leaders
inquiry from the KSDE Social Studies (Martin Luther King Jr, pg. 69)
Standards. Include Grade, Discipline, idea
(e.g. 4th, History: emigration). Write an By the end of the lesson, the student will be able to
ABCD content learning objective. describe a civic leader (Martin Luther King Jr.)

Select a skill standard from the C3 D3.1.3-5. Gather relevant information from multiple
Framework. Include the abbreviation and sources while using the origin, structure, and
standard. context to guide the selection.

Do NOT choose a standard from By the end of the lesson, the student will be able to
Dimension 2 (p. 29-51). gather relevant information from multiple sources to
make a one-pager about Martin Luther King Jr.
Write an ABCD skill learning objective.

When and how are students practicing the Students will be practicing the C3 skill during the
C3 skill during the lesson? Be specific. lesson by using relevant information from multiple
resources to create an ‘all about me’ poster.

Individual Assessment of Student Learning Objectives (Add additional columns, if needed.)

Knowledge/Content (Soc. Studies) Objective Skill (C3 Framework) Objective

How will the objective be I will assess the objective by having the students I will assess the objective by having students
assessed? create a one-pager describing Martin Luther create an ‘all about me’ poster about Martin
King Jr. Luther King Jr. using the resources.

What is the mastery level 6/6 4/5

for the assessment? Students will have 2 terms to describe Martin Students will have written at least 4 facts about
Luther King Jr., 2 sentences, and 2 drawings. Martin Luther King Jr

How will you score the Via Checklist Via Checklist


Part B: Student Needs and Differentiation Alignment

Description of Students. Identify behaviors and needs of the identified students, specifically related to skill needs. (2-3 sentences each)

Above-Level Danny has an excellent memory for facts and vocabulary words. Danny picks up vocabulary terms quickly. Danny
also tends to lose track of steps which makes him confused.

Below-Level Mia excels in organization but she is a student who struggles in writing. Mia is currently writing at a third grade
level. Mia also has difficulty making connections to the real world and retaining information from prior lessons.

How will the teacher make the learning objective accessible for students (i.e., ELL, IEP, below-level) and/or provide enrichment?
Who? How will I differentiate? Consider differentiating content, process, and product.

Above-Level For Danny, I can provide a folder specifically for social studies so he can keep his assignments for each subject
separated to avoid confusion. I can also give Danny a checklist for what needs to be on the one-pager and how
many facts need to be on the ‘all about me’ poster.

Below-Level For Mia, I can provide time at the beginning of the lesson to have a group or partner discussion to review what
we learned the day prior in Social Studies. I can also help Mia by giving her sentence starters and an example for
her ‘all about me’ poster.

Part C: Resources and Materials

Resources (Referenced in APA format):

● Top 10 facts about Martin Luther King Jr.. Fun Kids - the UK's children's radio station. (n.d.). Retrieved April 25, 2023, from

● Martin Luther King, Jr.. Ducksters. (n.d.). Retrieved April 25, 2023, from


● Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved April 25, 2023, from

Visual Anchor:


Materials – what do students need for the lesson?:

● White paper (2)
● Markers

Part D: Instruction – 5E Instructional Model

For each phase of the 5E model, fully respond to the question prompts. Replace the red text with your personal

Engage What media (photo, artwork, picture, map, I will have students look at a picture of Martin
political cartoon, book, song, video, graph, Luther King Jr. standing over a large crowd waving
table, etc.) will you use to engage learners after his “I Have a Dream” speech.
and activate prior knowledge? Describe the
media. Include a URL. n_washington_martin_luther_king_ll_130819_16x9

Why this media? I chose this media because although it is in black

and white, you can clearly see his face and features
in the photo and you can also see that he is
wearing a suit and it has a pin on it. I also like that
you can see him waving, and standing over a very
large crowd. In the crowd you can see people
holding posters/signs and you can see that the
crowd goes as far back as can be seen.

Explore What questions do you expect students to 1. “Who is that?”

formulate after engaging with the media? 2. “Why is he standing in front of a big group of
What hypotheses do you expect they have people?”
for their questions? Give two examples of 3. “Where did this happen/where are they?”
questions and hypotheses. Hypothesis: I expect students to hypothesize that it
is a picture of someone important since he is
wearing a pin.
I also expect students to hypothesize that it is not
recent since it is in black and white and that he
gave a speech since he is standing over a large

List three resources (websites, books,

resources, etc.) you will provide to students 1. Top 10 facts about Martin Luther King Jr.. Fun Kids -
to explore their questions. the UK's children's radio station. (n.d.). Retrieved
April 25, 2023, from
For each, describe how it aligns with the
inquiry. 10-facts-about-martin-luther-king-jr/. This aligns with
the inquiry because the website explains who Martin
Luther King Jr was and gives examples of what
Martin Luther King Jr. did in his life.

2. Martin Luther King, Jr.. Ducksters. (n.d.). Retrieved

April 25, 2023, from
r_king_jr.php. This website aligns with the inquiry in
that it provides general information about Martin
Luther King Jr. and how he was involved in civil rights,
his “I have a dream” speech, where he grew up, and
interesting facts.

3. Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). Encyclopædia

Britannica. Retrieved April 25, 2023, from
r-King-Jr/353339. This aligns with their inquiry in that
it gives an introduction about Martin Luther King Jr,
talks about his early life, the civil rights movement,
and his final years.

Explain What content will you teach? List three 1.

content items to address and emphasize artin-Luther/dp/075665615X#:~:text=Free%
during the Explain phase. 20at%20Last!%20is%20a,the%20color%20
of%20their%20skin. I will read the first 8
For each, include two or three main points to pages aloud to students to introduce Martin
highlight during instruction. Luther King Jr., where he lived, and what it
was like at the time. (Biography)
Main points: Martin was born in Atlanta,
Georgia on January 15, 1929. The laws kept
black and white people apart. Martin was
inspired by Gandhi's nonviolent methods, he
wanted gentleness and peace.

2. Using my visual anchor, I will teach how

Martin Luther King Jr got involved in civil
Main points: Martin was a civil rights activist
in the 1950s and 1960s. Martin led
non-violent protests to fight for the rights of
all people, including African Americans. He
hoped America and the world could form a
society where race did not impact a person's
civil rights.

3. Using my visual anchor, I will teach about

Martin Luther King Jr's famous speech.

Main points: Martin gave his “I have a dream

speech at the ‘March on Washington’ in
1963. Over 250,000 people attended the
march. The march was aimed to end
segregation in public schools, gain
protection from police abuse, and pass laws
to end discrimination in employment.

Make a visual anchor for instruction and The visual anchor aligns with the media in that I
include it in Part E. How does each content provide background information about who Martin
item align with the media? Luther King Jr was, how he got involved in civil
rights, and what his ‘I have a dream speech’ was
aimed at.

Visual Anchor:

Elaborate What are students creating that Students will be creating a one-pager about Martin
demonstrates learning about the content and Luther King Jr including vocabulary terms to
answering questions? Describe the activity. describe him, sentences to describe him and
drawings to describe him.
Students will also be creating an ‘all about me’
poster about Martin Luther king Jr with facts about
him and what he did.

What skill(s) are students practicing? Students will be practicing the skill to gather
relevant information from multiple sources.

Evaluate What content and skill(s) are you assessing? I am assessing the students ability to describe a
How will you evaluate each? Describe. civic leader. I will evaluate this by what information
is included in their one-pager.
I am also assessing the students ability to gather
relevant information from multiple sources to guide
their ‘all about me’ posters.

Create and attach a rubric, key, checklist, or scoring guide for assessing the Elaborate activity
in Part E.
Part E: Attachments

Include any activities; provide both a blank and a finished copy.

Blank copy for both activities is just white printer paper.

All about me:

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