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Getting a job: To earn a lot of money or to enjoy it?

Is it better to earn a lot of money or to enjoy your job? In my viewpoint, enjoying your job is
much better as you will not get bored and to not quit. In this essay I will explain why I agree
with this statement

In the first place, if you enjoy your job, the time that you are working does not have to be a
matter. People who like their job, tend to be more optimistic, learn faster, are motivated and
focus more on its tasks.

Secondly, the type of work of a job that is more enjoyable will be better than the type of work
that a well paid job might have. So the tasks of the job will be more easy and you will not have
to effort so much. For instance, working in a restaurant as a weitress.

Thirdly, money is a way to reach hapiness, but it may not be enough These ones, are
seen in a appropiate workplace. Searching for a job based on your interests is a
tendency, nowadays.
On the whole, having an enjoyable job is far better than a job where you can earn a lot
of mone. As you will be motivated to focus on tour tasks and you will not have to effort
that much

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