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Name: Jhenly Angel Bogay BSTM206 PurCom.

Reaction Paper of
Joe Rogan with Jordan Peterson.
Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson Is talking for about 70plus invented Gender
pronouns, like z,x and none of this people that don't necessarily think they are a
he or she. Those people who wouldn't know is loosing a self-esteem. This people
believing that they are in the wrong body that they should have been born in this
world and because of their appearance or their decision to be different. They are
see an animal because of their gender the people who they are talking is the
people who transgender, gay, lesbian and people who part of LGBTQ+ other
people saying that they are not belong in this society. They are treating them as
an animal. Jordan Peterson said their are part of narcissism. It's partly a
consequence of the rear new Rise. According to Marxist Doctrine. It's part of
post-modernism and it's more than anything because of this that's a philosophical
community. Believing that he entire point of human categorization is power and
dialogue. And between people power is a dialogue that there's no real reality
outside of interpretation. There is no biology as an ideology, for people who
choose what the gender is.

The problem is with all this is that it's not just a matter of choosing to be defined
by who you are but it compelling others to define you in that way. Jordan say an
Individuals should be defined in term of the group Identity. The chaotic state that
we're in is originally started fighting against unfair discrimination because of that
lots of discrimination is fair that's Jordan said. Big problem of income inequality is
you never hear effort in inequities. Jordan said hard work is a reason why people
is acullate more value, property and for money, for him it's an aggressive,
because it will implies to the people who are poor don't work hard. Its very
different to the people who can have anything in this world which is different that
not  having money and to be alcoholism drug addiction mental illness, physical
illness intellectual and also lack of work. All of this things can environmental
factor. Joe Rogan may agree to his saying but he said also we wouldn't control
the Idea of other people base on what they see. Also he said we have not open
market ideology when it comes to discussing these.

Jordan Peterson said that Jonathan Haidt is a psychologist at New York

University School. He said he is done really good of documenting the dearth of
Ideological view points. Jordan say we have not the right to judge someone by
their gender or Identity. Its like what are female Ideas we can't have it  both ways
but you get that the Idea of diversity, you have a diversity class of people. Jordan
Peterson expressing thought of everyone that having an Interact each other.
Example of Jordan is their discussion, they are trying to articulate their Notions of
reality and you listen and sometimes Joe rogan have some comments and I'll be
listen and maybe I have came in there which is  we're participating in the process
of articulating each other's. In short for Jordan Peterson said is they are having
an open conversations giving an opinion, comments having each other's a
feedback joe was the receiver and jordan was the sender they have an
communicating with meaningful conversation.
Joe Rogan said that the acceptance of people right like transgender people who
are gay people who are marginalized mean western capitalist, society that is one
of the very few cultures openly abhors racism. Jordan Peterson agree on what
Joe Rogan said for people who experiencing racism. Jordan Peterson said that
the idea of God is a very complicated Idea but it could you say if you thinking
about it. When it comes to an Intellectual perspective, you could say that God is
what transcends your knowledge. Its just what you don't know, its what's outside
of your knowledge structures. Joe Rogan giving feedback to Jordan said, the
people think of God as being a man they think of it  being person they  use the
pronouns in reference to God. Jordan comment on what Joe Said for him it's
irrelevant for him, because his goal was his not saying those pronouns the
reason that not saying because of left wing Ideologue. Jordan don't like that, he
knows corruption of speech leads apart in what happened in suites and trying to
put his self in the position of  notch woods camp guard. That would be capable of
taking someone who just got off. Jordan Peterson can do what they cannot do, in
short he can do things right but the other can't do. Joe Rogan compliment Jordan
Peterson for having a very important advice and he said this has been his one of
this favorite podcast with Jordan Peterson. Joe was very appreciated for joining
Jordan Peterson for his podcast for sharing an perfectly Idea, opinions and also
perfect conversation together.

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