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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Quezon City Branch

Midterm Exam
Understanding Self

Name: ARBOLE, ANNA MEILKA R. Date: Dec. 15, 2022

Year, Course, and Section: BSBA-HRM 1-1 Score:______

I. True or False: Write True if the statement is correct; and False if incorrect before each
True 1. Philosophy is the nature of the self which is the topic of interest among philosophers.
False 2. Know thyself is a moral epistemological and injunction of Plato.
True 3. Descartes believed the mind is the seat of our own consciousness.
False 4. Inner self comprised of our own psychological state of intellect,
False 5. Socrates believed that physical body is important part.
True 6. Psychology is science deals with the study of the soul.
False. Its Egyptian develop the empirical method.
False 8. Psychology systematic and dependent upon measurement.
True 9. Mental philosopher began to translate psyche as mind.
True 10. Renaissance scientists believed that observation could be further objectified through
True 11. All psychologists are scientists.
True 12. Psychology started from pre-socratic philosopher.
False 13. German psychologist and physicists laid the foundation for scientific psychology.
True 14. Psychologists have a common idea about what psychology should or should not
True 15. There is a group of psychologist who become associated with the leader of a
True 16. Socialization begins within the intimate relationship at home.
True 17. The effective socializing agents is within the classroom.
False 18. One of the social process of growth and development is vegetative level.
True 19. Socialization is the process of entering the minor miracle of society.
False 20. At the start of life there is no self but only a physical agency.
True 21. Culture is used by man to overcome his physical handicap and satisfy his needs and
True 22. The emergence of industrial revolution paved the way for the development of
False 23. Herbert Spencer was the founder of Sociology.
True 24. Karl Marx viewed the conflicted theories of society.
True 25. From the sociological perspective much of human behavior is made through
interaction with others.
False 26. Max Weber was the “Father of Sociology”.
False 27. Human behavior is the central concept and subject matter of sociology.
False 28. Sociology originated in Europe during the 20th century.
False 29. Sociological explain about human behavior.
False 30. People is the basic unit of society.

II. Multiple choice: Select the best answer; write the letter only.
C 1. The very basic component of society
a. Territory c. People
b. Interaction d. Value
D 2. These are the elements of society, except:
a. People c. Interaction
b. Territory d. Production
C 3. The eldest institution in the community:
a. Government c. Family
b. School d. Friends
A 4. Considered to be a universal institution.
a. Religious c. Economic
b. Political d. Education
D.5. A Day-to-day encounter with other member of society.
a. Personality c. Values
b. Character d. Interaction
B 6. Examples of man’s economic needs.
a. Love b. Shelter
c. Affection d. Decision
E. 7. The Filipino family is often described as:
a. Large c. Egalitarian
b. Functionally Extended d. All of the above
F. 8. These are functions of the education institutional except:
a. Fulfill integrating function c. Fulfill equalizing function
b. Fulfill the socializing function and d. All of the above training of the
D 9.A unified system of beliefs and practices related to sacred things.
a. Family c. School
b. Religion d. Mores
C. 10. Common standard of proper behavior.
a. Personality c. Values
b. Character d. Beliefs
B 11. A systematic study of humanity referring to people past, present, and future.
a. Psychology c. Sociology
b. Anthropology d. History
C 12. A person engaged in the practice of measurement of behavior.
a. Scientist c. Psychometric
b. Psychologist d. Anthropologist
B 13. He was the nephew of Emile Durkheim who was the founder of modern society.
a. Margaret Meadt c. Edward Sapir
b. Marcel Mauss d. Socrate
A 14. He was known for his symbolic or interpretative anthropology.
a. Clifford Geertz c. Max Weber
b. Claude Levi-Strauss d. Emile
A 15. The studies on how social structure affect culture.
a. Social anthropology c. Stratification

b. Socialist d. Society

A 16. He was the founder of cultural anthropology.

a. Edward Burnett Taylor c. Plato
b. Karl Marx d. Socrates
A 17. A branch of anthropology which attempts to explore human mystery related to origin,
diversities, etc.
a. Biological anthropology c. Linguistic anthropology
b. Social anthropology d. Archaeological anthropology
A 18. The study on how language change over time and how they may be related.
a. Historical linguistic c. Applied anthropology
c. Structural linguistic d. Existence
A 19. The belief the nothing but matter exist.
a. Materialism c. Socialism
b. Practicalism d. Naturalism
B 20. It refers to the group of people that live in geographic area, who interact with one
another and show common culture or way of life.
a. Psychology c. Anthropology
b. Sociology d. Philosophy

III. Enumeration:

1-3 Aspects of Psychology

1. Behaviorism
2. Psychoanalysis
3. Humanistic Psychology

4-8 Types of Behavior

4. Covert and Overt Behavior
5. Involuntary and Voluntary Behavior

6. Irrational and Rational Behavior

7. Unconscious and Conscious Behavior

8. Simple and Complex Behavior

9-12 Goals of Psychology

9. Describes behavior

10. Explains behavior

11. Predicts behavior

12. Change/control behavior

13-15 Factor determining if the culture is individualistic or collectivist

13. Complexity of Society
14. Affluence of Society
15. Heterogeneity

IV. Fill in the blanks.

Individualistic self 1. It refers to the self.
Collective self 2. It identified with the group or the family.
Western cultures 3. It assumes success through self-enhancement.
Eastern cultures 4. People tend to perceive success in modest and attribute situations.
Heterogeneity 5. People who belong in a culturally diverse society tend to become more
permissive of decent which makes them express more.
Social Constructionism 6. Theory that examines the development of combined understanding
of people.
Charles Horton Cooley 7. American sociologist who was the founder of the American
Psychological Association and became the President of Anthropology.
Looking Glass Self 8. A state that a person’s self-growth grows out being a person socially
interaction with another.
Erving Goffman 9. He believed that “we are all actors on stage.”
David Hume 10. He believed that there is no self.

V. Elucidate each.
1. Jen
- The supreme virtue that exhibits nothing but goodness to others. All of our virtues came
from Jen that's why it is also the salient virtue. It upholds most of the human qualities
like goodness, benevolence, diligence, peace, charity, sincerity, respectful, social
harmony and loving kindness.

2. Yi
- This is righteousness which means being justifiable hence it is the principle of morality.
Along with this is the duty to feel shame for wrongs.

3. Li
- This is all about behaving properly towards everybody at all times. By this, it means to
show good manners, right behavior and also towards yourself which is also coined as

4. Chih
- This on the other hand pertains to the general knowledge of wisdom under morality that
distinguishes the right or wrong in every situation.

5. Hsiao
- This is the integrity which refers to the amount of loyalty to others as well as both good
and faith to them.

6. There are three boxes below named: Past, Present, Future. Fill in the boxes with your best
description of society in the past, present, future

Past Present Future

7. Based on the various philosophers discussed in this lesson, choose one school of thought
that best describe you as person. You may correlate the chosen perspective to your mantra
given at the beginning of the discussion. Write at least minimum of 150 and maximum 300
words explaining your correlation.
What best describes me as a person is I think the behavior I show in my day to day life as what
Gilbert Ryle believed. For me it's because the true us cannot be hidden or covered up, it can
be suppressed but not to the extent of being fully disguised. For some reason, I can relate the
idea of Ryle to my mantra in life, “If you saw souls instead of bodies, our ideas of beauty would
be different.”, as a person and as an individual being, we cannot be judged nor identified solely
based on our physical outlook or outer appearances. And so that is why it says if we saw souls
instead of bodies our ideas of beauty would be different, in correlation to what Ryle suggests,
understanding self is similar to visiting a friend's university and looking for that particular
university. In finding and visiting the university, a person cannot solely just look at the structure
and exterior of the building of the university but we also tend to look at the inner side of the
building, its interior, its facilities and such. For a person's self, the “interior” is the soul while the
“exterior” is the body or the physical appearance of an individual, we cannot wholly judge the
character, personality and the self of an individual just by basing on the exterior structure that
represents as physical appearance/body but we also need to see and probe the interior
structure or the soul of the person. The interior structure which is the soul of the person consists
of the different sides, the negative and positive side, including its behavior which represents the
self. The person's behavior in his/her day-to-day life is part of his interior structure or soul as a
person and the collective behavior of the person represented as the “self”. By this means, it
indicates that judging a person based on the physical outlook does not define a person's self,
instead if we judge a person based on its inner side, then that is the collective behavior which
indicates a person's “self”, hence, if we just look deeper into the self of a person then our
definition and idea of beauty would surely be different.

-Good luck!

E.S. Gulmatico

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