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Adopted this th day of January, 2008
As amended


For the purpose of establishing and maintaining a place for the

worship of Almighty God, Our Heavenly Father; to provide for
Christian fellowship for those of like precious faith, where the
Holy Spirit may be honored according to our distinctive
testimony; to assume our share of the responsibility and the
privilege of propagating the gospel of Jesus Christ, by all
available means, both at home and in foreign lands, we the
members of this assembly, do hereby recognize ourselves as a
local assembly and that we do hereby adopt the following
articles of church order and submit ourselves to be governed by


The name of this assembly shall be True Vine Missionary Full

Gospel Baptist Church, Inc.
701 Morton Avenue,
Chester PA. 19013


The prerogatives and purposes of this assembly shall be:

1. To Govern
This assembly shall have the right to govern itself and to
conduct it’s own affairs according to the standard of the New
Testament Scriptures. This right shall specifically include such
matters as the election of the church board, the discipline of it’s
members, and the conducting of it’s own services and church

2. To Acquire and Dispose

In connection therewith, or incidental thereto, this assembly
shall have the right to purchase or acquire by gift, bequest, or
otherwise, either directly or as trustee, and to own, hold in trust,
use, sell, convey, mortgage, lease, or otherwise dispose of any
real estate or chattels as may be necessary for the furtherance of
it’s purposes, and to exercise all other powers conferred upon it
by it’s charter or by the applicable nonprofit corporation law of
this state; all in accordance with it’s bylaws as may be hereafter

3. To Worship, Fellowship, and Propagate

The purpose of this assembly shall be to establish and maintain a
place for the worship of Almighty God, Our Heavenly Father; to
provide for Christian fellowship for those of like precious faith,
where the Holy Spirit may be honored according to our
distinctive testimony; to assume our share of the responsibility
and the privilege of propagating the gospel, by all available
means, both at home and abroad.

4. To Cooperate
This assembly shall cooperate to extend the work and kingdom
of God throughout the world. It shall support a missionary
program as agreed upon.


The Bible is our all-sufficient rule for faith and conduct. This
doctrinal statement is intended simply as a basis of fellowship
among us (i.e. that we all speak the same thing, 1 Corinthians
1:10, Acts 2:42).
The phraseology employed in this statement is not inspired or
contended for, but the truths set forth is held to be essential to a
full gospel ministry. No claim is made that it contains all biblical
truth, only that it covers our need as to these fundamental

We affirm the following truths……

1. The Bible is the Word of God

The Bible, in it’s original manuscripts, is the eternal (was,

is, always will be), inspired (God breathed),
inerrant (without error), and infallible (without capacity for
error) Word (both written and spoken) of God.

The Bible is God’s complete revelation of Himself, His

plan, and His purpose for man and to man.

The Bible is to be applied to our lives for the purpose of

doctrine (correct thinking), for reproof and correction
(correct teaching), and for instruction in righteousness
(correct living).

(2 Tim. 3:15-17; 1 Thess. 2:13; 2 Pet. 1:21)

*The Bible has been translated into and from many

different languages using many styles from within those
We affirm the Bible to be the Word of God in the original
manuscripts, not the modern translations.
However, we do affirm that certain translations are more
accurate and true to the original.

2. God

There is only one true God who has revealed Himself to


God has revealed Himself as Creator of Heaven and Earth

as the Eternally existent “I AM”

The nature and attributes of God have been progressively

revealed to mankind through the Bible.

God has revealed His nature through the Ten

Commandments, the compound Jehova titles, and finally
through the person and work of our Lord and Savior Jesus

The Trinity, although not a word found in scripture is

consistent with the teachings of scripture.
We therefore affirm the teaching on the Holy Trinity as
stated in the Athanasian Creed.

3. Salvation

God is a Holy God and all which He created was good and
Through voluntary disobedience to God, man fell from the
grace of God and brought sin into the world which
corrupted mankind and creation.

Since that time, sinful man has been in need of salvation

(reconciliation and restoration) with God.
In the same way that sin is a matter of the will and a choice
of man, salvation is a matter of the will and choice of man.
Sinful man must recognize his own sinfulness and God’s
holiness then voluntarily choose God and His method of
reconciliation and restoration.

God’s method of salvation has always been by His grace

(unearnable love) through faith (belief).
Through the unearnable love of God, He gave Jesus Christ
to die for our sins. We must reject our sin and turn in belief
to Jesus Christ and Him alone for the correct restoration of
our relationship with God.

The result of salvation is forgiveness of sin, eternal life,

deliverance from the curse of the law, healing (physical,
emotional, spiritual), deliverance, and the restoration of
God’s intended blessings in one’s life.

4. Water Baptism

All believers who have experienced the new birth salvation

through faith in Jesus Christ are to obey the command of
Jesus Christ to be baptized in water in the name of the
Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
The new birth always precedes water baptism , therefor it is
not a method of nor a substitution for salvation.
Water baptism, by immersion, symbolizes our identification
with the finished work of Jesus Christ in His death, burial,
and resurrection.

5. The Spirit Filled life

All believers are instructed in scripture to be baptized in

and continually filled with the Holy Spirit subsequent to
salvation and water baptism. This empowers the believer
for progressive increase of holiness and dedication to God
in every area of their lives which results in the fruit of the

The baptism in and continual filling of the Spirit also

activates the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
All believers may operate in and manifest one or more of
the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Not all will manifest the same gifts, not all will manifest
more than one gift, but all will manifest the continuing
work of the Spirit evidenced by the fruit of the Spirit.

6. The Priesthood of all Believers

All believers are saints (holy, separated, dedicated to God)

and ministers (servants).
As saints of God, the believer has direct access to God
through Jesus Christ and Him alone.
As ministers of God, the believer may serve before God
and to man; therefore are encouraged to be actively
involved in the ministry of evangelism to the world,
reconciliation in the body of Christ, and service within the
local congregation.

7. The Church

The Church is the Body of Christ universally and it’s local

expression - the congregation.
All believers are part of the Body of Christ and must
therefore also be identified with the local expression of His
Body, the local church.

God has called and equipped scriptural qualified leaders

(Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers) for
equipping the saints for the work of the ministry and the
edifying of the Body of Christ.


1. Membership Eligibility

Active membership shall be open to those who possess the

following qualifications:
a. A testimony to an experience of the new birth.
b. Having been baptized in water by immersion
c. Evidence of a consistent Christian lifestyle,,
(Romans 6:4; 8:1-4; 13:13-14; Ephesians 4:17-32;
5:1, 2, 15; I John 1:
d. Evidence of regular, consistent tithes and
contributions to the financial support of the church
of which they are to become a member.
e. Acceptance of the Tenets of Faith as set forth in
Article III of these bylaws.
f. Having reached 12 years of age.
g. Having regularly attended the services of and
supported this assembly for a period of at least three
consecutive months prior to the date of application
for membership.
h. Agreement to being governed by the bylaws of this
assembly, as may be amended.
i. Having made written application to the Pastor
j. Having completed the Spiritual Gifts survey.
2. Procedure for Membership Recognition
Those individuals eligible for membership who shall desire to
become members of this ministry shall make written application
to the pastor. The church board shall have the right and authority
to determine the eligibility and acceptability of all applicants for
membership by majority vote. Those approved for membership
by the church board shall be received into the ministry publicly
at any regular church service, and their names thereupon added
to the ministry membership roll. No applicant for membership
shall be accepted as a member within 60 days before an annual
business meeting or within 30 days before a special business

3. Membership Responsibilities
Those Individuals that have fulfilled the qualifications for
membership, procedure for membership recognition, and have
been approved, accepted, and added must continue to maintain
the qualifications as set forth in section 1 in this article IV;
a. consistent financial support through tithes and offerings.
b. active attendance at all meetings for worship, business,
and training.
c. active participation in 4 hours of ministry service per

4. Pastor and Family

By virtue of office the pastor shall be considered an full fledged
member of the Ministry Organization,
The pastor’s spouse and adult children shall become members
simultaneously with the pastor.

5. Transfer Members
A member in good standing of another church who satisfies the
standards of membership eligibility specified in Section 1 of this
Article III may apply for membership by submitting a letter of
transfer from the pastor of the other assembly upon the approval
of the church board.

6. Junior Membership
Junior membership shall be available for individuals from the
age of 12 who meet the scriptural standards for membership as
set forth in these bylaws, and are approved by the majority of
the church board.

7. Associate Members
The church board, at any regular or special meeting may
approve associate members by majority vote. Eligibility for

associate membership is available to any person who is a

member in good standing of another church in another city who
is in this community on a temporary basis, and who intends to
return to their home church. Associate members shall be entitled
to all the privileges of regular members, except that they shall
not be eligible to vote and shall not be eligible for any of the
offices described in Article IV of these bylaws.

8. Honorary Members
The church board, at any regular or special lmeeting, may
approve honorary members by a unanimous vote of the
members present. Honorary membership is available to any
member who has left the church indefinitely. Honorary
membership recognition shall continue as long as the member
maintains a consistent Christian life, remains sound in doctrine,
and maintains a cooperative attitude toward the home assembly.

9. Inactive Membership
Active voting members who shall without good cause absent
themselves from the services of the assembly for a period of
three (3) consecutive months or more, or who cease to
contribute financially to it’s support for a period of one (1)
month will be declared an inactive member by an elder of the
church, and thereupon shall lose their voting privileges until
they are restored to the fellowship, their standing to be settled by
the definite action of the assembly through it’s church board.

10. Discipline
Members under church discipline may not vote until the
disciplinary process has been completed.

1. The Church Board

A. General
The government of this assembly shall be vested in the
church board which shall consist of the pastor and eligible
elders an ministry leaders from among the congregation
and without.

B. Qualification of Church Board Members

See the qualifications for Pastor, Elders and Deacon, below.

C. Duties of the Church Board

1. The Church Board shall have general oversight and
management of the affairs, funds, and property of the
2. The Church Board shall have the authority to carry out
the purposes of the assembly according to these
3. The Church Board shall act in the examination of
applications for membership and assist in the
administration of discipline.
4. The Church Board shall elect an Elder Secretary from
among it’s members.

5. The Church Board shall elect an Elder Treasurer from

among it’s members.

2. Officers
A) General
There shall be a President, Elder secretary, and Elder
treasurer. The pastor, by virtue of office, shall be the
president of the church board. The offices of Elder
Secretary and Elder Treasurer may be held simultaneously
by the same individual.

B) Qualifications

1. Pastor
a. The Pastor shall fulfill the Biblical qualifications
of Bishop as described in I Timothy 3:1 - 7 and
Elder as described in Titus 1:5 - 10.
b. Shall be a recognized minister by either a
recognized denomination or endorsed ministerial
c. Shall have completed at the minimum 3 years of
formal ministerial training and posses a diploma/
certificate from a recognized school of ministry,
Bible Institute, or Bible College.

2. Elder Secretary
a. Shall fulfill the Biblical qualifications of Elder as
described in Titus 1:5 - 9.
b. Shall be a recognized Elder by an endorsed
ministerial association.
c. Shall be an active voting member of the
congregation for at least 1 year immediately
proceeding appointment to office.

3. Elder Treasurer
a. Shall fulfill the Biblical qualifications of Elder as
described in Titus 1:5 - 9.
b. Shall be a recognized minister by an endorsed
ministerial association.
c. Shall be an active voting member of the
congregation for at least 1 year immediately
proceeding appointment to office.

C. Duties of Officers

1. Pastor
a. Shall be the spiritual overseer of the assembly and
shall direct all activities.
b. Shall be recognized as a member of the church, a
member of the church board, president of the
assembly, and shall act as chairman of all the
business meetings of the assembly and of the
church board.
c. Shall provide for all services of the assembly and
shall specifically arrange for all special meetings,
conventions, and revival campaigns. No person
shall be invited to speak or preach in the assembly
without his approval.
d. Shall, as chairman of the church board, interview,
appoint, and ordain elders.
e. Shall, as chairman of the church board, be
chairman of the nominating committee for the
selection of deacon nominees. The pastor shall
privately interview those nominated, ascertaining
their eligibility and availability to serve as
f. Shall conduct a training class at least once a year
on the responsibilities of the church board

(elders), deacons, trustees, and other church

g. Shall be an ex officio member of all committees.

2. Elder Secretary
a. Shall keep the minutes of the official meetings of
the church board and of the annual and special
business meetings of the assembly.
b. Shall keep a record of the membership of the
assembly and perform any other clerical work
necessary to the proper discharge of their duties.
c. Shall be the custodian of all legal documents.
d. Shall file such annual corporation reports with the
secretary of state as required by state law.
e. Shall attend annual training to keep abreast of all
legal issues.

3. Elder Treasurer
a. Shall be entrusted with all the finances of the
assembly, subject to the supervision of the church
board, and deposit all funds in federally insured
accounts in the name of the assembly. The
treasurer and one additional officer must sign all
checks issued on behalf of the assembly.
b. Shall keep an itemized account of receipts and
disbursements, shall present a report for each
regular meeting of the church board, and shall
present an annual report to the assembly in it’s
annual business meting.
c. Shall assist the assembly in Acquiring and
maintaining available tax exemptions under state
and local law.
d. Shall provide a record of all identified giving to
each donor at least annually.

e. Shall be the custodian of all the financial records

of the church.
f. Shall attend annual training to keep abreast of all
legal issues.

3. Deacons
The deacons shall be persons of mature Christian
experience and knowledge, who shall be expected to meet the
requirements set forth in 1 Timothy 3:8 - 12 and Acts 6:3.
Deacons shall at least be 21 years old and have been members of
the assembly for at least one year.

4. Trustees
Three trustees (who may be deacons or elders) shall be
elected for the holding of church property, if required by law.
Trustees must be active voting members of the assembly.
The three officers of the church board may serve as trustees for
the corporation.

5. Fiduciary Duties
The law imposes several fiduciary duties on officers,
deacons, and trustees including the duties of due care and
diligence, loyalty, avoidance of self-dealing, expending
designated contributions for the purposes specified, and not
commingling personal and corporate funds.



1. Elections
A. Pastor
1. Shall be nominated by the church board. Any
member of the assembly may make
recommendations to the church board.
2. Shall be elected to serve indefinitely.
3. Election shall be by secret ballot at the annual
business meeting or a special meeting called
for that purpose. Only one candidate will be
considered at one time.
4. A two-thirds majority of votes cast shall be
required to constitute an election.

B. Elder Secretary
1. The church board form among it’s members
shall elect the Elder Secretary.
2. The term of office shall be one year.
3. The Elder Secretary may serve consecutive
terms without limitation.

C. Elder Treasurer
1. The church board from among it’s members
shall elect the Elder Treasurer.

2. The term of office shall be two years.

3. The Elder Treasurer may only serve two
consecutive two-year terms.

D. Deacons
1. Deacons shall be nominated by a nominating
committee appointed by the church board.
2. Deacons shall be elected by a simple majority
vote of those active voting members present
at an annual business meeting.
3. Active voting members may recommend
nominees to the nominating committee but
not from the floor during any business
4. Deacons shall be elected for a three year
5. Deacons shall hold office until the annual
business meeting at which their successor is
6. Deacons may not serve more than two
consecutive terms.
7. The terms of Deacons shall be staggered

E. Trustees
1. Trustees shall be elected by the church
from among it’s members.
2. The term of office shall be three years.
3. Trustees may serve consecutive terms
without limitation.

2. Vacancies and Removals

A) Pastor
When a vacancy in the office of the pastor shall occur, the
church board shall arrange for a temporary replacement
until a pastor shall be chosen as prescribed.

B) Elder Secretary
The office of Elder Secretary shall be vacant upon the
expiration of the term of office, or upon the termination of
the office active membership, whichever shall occur first.

C) Elder Treasurer
The office of Elder Treasurer shall be vacant upon the
expiration of the term of office, or upon the termination of
the office active membership, whichever shall occur first.

D) Deacons
The office of deacon shall be vacant upon the expiration of
the term of office, or upon the termination of the office
active membership, whichever shall occur first.

E) Trustees
The office of trustee shall be vacant upon the expiration of
the term of office, or upon the termination of the office
active membership, whichever shall occur first.

F) Other Leaders
Any office or position of leadership in the church, other
than that of the pastor, may be terminated by a majority
vote of the active members present and voting at a special
business meeting called for the limited purpose of removal
of such member from the office or position of leadership
which they hold.

G) Filing Vacancies

Any office or position of leadership in the church, other

than that of the pastor, may be filled by appointment of the
church board for the unexpired term.


1. General
No business meetings shall be held without the unanimous
consent of all three officers of the board.

2. Meetings for worship

Meetings for public worship shall be held each Lord’s Day and
during the week as may be provided for under the direction of
the Pastor.

3. Annual Business Meeting

There shall be an annual business meeting of the assembly, at
which the report of all officers and elders shall be presented. The
time and place shall be announced by the Pastor. Notice of the
date, time, and place of each annual business meeting shall be
announced from the pulpit during worship services for the two
weeks immediately preceding the date of the meeting.

4. Special Business Meetings

Special business meetings of the assembly may be called by the
Pastor. Notice of the date time and place of each special business
meeting shall be announced from the pulpit during as many
worship services as possible. No other business other than that
specified in the notice of the meeting shall be transacted at any
special business meeting.

5. Parliamentary Order

All business meetings of the assembly shall be governed by

parliamentary procedure as set forth in the current edition of
Robert’s Rules of Order in keeping with the spirit of Christian
love and fellowship.

6. Voting Constituency
A. Qualifying of Voters
The voting constituency at all business meetings of the
assembly shall consist of all active voting members who are
present and who are 18 years of age or older (Article IV, sections
1 and 2)
B. Transfer Members
Transfer members shall have voting privileges after 30 days of
transfer (Article IV, secs. 2 and 4)
C. Members Under The Process of Discipline
Members under discipline shall not vote until the process is
completed. (Article IV, section 10)

6. Quorum
A quorum shall consist of 2/3, or 66%, of the total membership
eligible to vote.

7. Order of Business
The order of business for the annual business meeting of this
assembly shall be as follows:
A. Devotional
B. Reading of previous minutes
C. Report of the Elder Treasurer
D. Report of departments
E. Unfinished business (if applicable)
F. Elections (if applicable)
G. New business
H. Adjournment

8. The Church Board

The church board shall meet at least monthly or at the call of the
pastor for the transaction of business for the assembly. In the
event that there is no new business to conduct, the monthly
board meeting will consist of devotion and prayer.

9. Membership Roll
The board shall review the list of active voting members at
least quarterly, and at their meeting immediately preceding the
annual business meeting shall compile a current list of active
voting members.


This assembly shall create and maintain such departments and

suborganizations as may be necessary and advisable for the
extension of its work. All such departments and organizations
shall be subordinate to the assembly and shall contribute to the
harmony and development of the whole. They shall be under the
general supervision of the Pastor, as the Pastor is an ex-officio
member of all committees and departments.

1. Education
2. Young Adult
3. Youth
a. Senior High
b. Junior High
4. Children
5. Men
6. Women


All funds for the maintenance of the assembly shall be provided

by the tithes of the membership and offerings of the membership
and friends of the organization. The funds shall be administered
by the Elder Treasurer as directed by the officers of the

1. Handling of Offerings
All offerings shall be counted by at least three authorized
persons before the funds are removed from the point of
collection. An offering receipt form shall be signed in duplicate
by those counting the offering with one copy going to the
treasurer and the other going to the Pastor. A record shall be kept
of all receipts and disbursements of the local assembly and of all
individual giving. All funds shall be deposited in federally
insured accounts.

2. Pastoral Remuneration
A. Regular
The Pastor shall receive regular remuneration as
determined by the Officers of the corporation by
majority vote.
B. Reimbursement
The Pastor shall be reimbursed for expenses incurred by his
attendance at workshops, seminars, classes, Pastoral
conferences, conventions, or meetings whether they be for
personal enrichment, conduction of business on behalf of the
assembly, or to represent the assembly. A special offering may
be taken prior to the anticipated event with those funds marked
specifically for that purpose.

C. Severance Pay

In the event that the Pastor resigns, he shall be given a

minimum of 3 months regular remuneration as severance


1. Title
The title to any corporate property shall be held by the
Officers of the corporation, acting as Trustees.

2. Purchases and Sales of Property

The purchase of sale or property must be approved by the
majority vote of the corporate officers.

3. Dissolution
As stated in the Articles of Incorporation, as amended, upon
winding up and dissolution of this corporation, after paying or
adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the
corporation, the remaining assets shall be distributed to an
organization which is organized and operated for one or more
exempt purposes and has established it’s exemption under

section 501 ( c ) ( 3 ) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the

corresponding section of any future tax code.


A) In the event of any seemingly irresolvable dispute

between parties, an elder who is not an officer or member
of the assembly and who is agreed upon by all parties
involved may be called upon to arbitrate.
B) Any arbitration meeting shall not be considered to be a
regular or special business meeting of the board or
a regular or special meeting of the membership and
therefore no voting will take place.
C) The arbitration shall not be considered binding, as no
voting will take place.
D) The arbitratrator will act as a facilitating mediator for the
purpose of bringing about a satisfactory resolution in
Christian love.


Amendments to the Constitution & Bylaws may be made at any

regular or special meeting of the board by majority vote.

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