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Answer all questions in this section

1. The structural, functional and the basic unit of life is known as

A. Compound B. Cell C. mixture D. Matter
2. Which part of the cell controls the genetic features of an organism
A. Vacuole B. Cell Sap C. Cell membrane D. Nucleus
3. Which of the following is described as the power of the cell
A. Cell wall B. cytoplasm C. Mitochondria D. Golgi body
4. Which of the following is the largest part of the cell
A. Mitochondria B. Nucleus C. Cytoplasm D. Cell wall
5. Which of the following parts of the cell contains cellulose
A. Cell membrane B cell wall C. vacuole D. cell wall
6. Anything which has weight and can occupy space is known as
A. Matter B. solid C. liquid D. Gas
7. The process where by gas changes to liquid is known as
A. Sublimation B.Condensation C. freezing D. Evaporation
8. Whch of the following temperatures is the boiling point of water A. 10.0 degrees celcius
B. 100 degress celcius C. 0 degrees celcius D, 1000 degress celcius
9. Which of the following concept occurs at all temperatures A. Boiling B. Condensation
C. Evaporation D. Sublimation
10. Which of the following state takes the shape of their containers A. Gas b. liquid C.
11. The type of force which oppose the relative motion of two surfaces in contact is known as
A. Force b. Gravitational force C. centripal force D. Centrifugal force
12. The force which keeps the planets in their position is known as A centrifugal force
B. Centripetal force C. Magnetic force D. Electrostatic force
13. Which of the following force pulls falling objects towards the center of the earth
A. Electrostatic force B. Centripetal force C. gravitational force D. nagnetic force
14. Which of the following forms of energy is possessed by moving objects A. potential
B. kinectic energy C. solar energy D. sound energy
15. The form of energy which is derived from the sun is known as A. sound energy
B.Solar energy C. Kinetic energy D, potential energy

16. Organisms that produce food in a food chain are known as A. Consumers

B. omnivores c. carnivores D. producers

17 . Organisms that frrd on dead animals are called A. vultures B. scarvenger

18 . The natural dwelling place where organisms live and interbreed successfully is called

A. habitat B. Aquatic Habitat C. Aboreal habitat D. carnivores

19. organisms that feed on plants amd herbs only are called A. Carnivores B.

C. Scarvengers D. Aquatic animals

20. The form of energy which is derived from the sun is called A. Solar energy B.
sound energy C. Kinectic energy D. potential energy

21. Which form of energy is possessed by moving objects A. potential energy B.kinectic
energy C. vibration D. chemical energy

22. organisms that are reared for their meat and egg s are known as A.poultry B.Birds C. fowl

23. The process where a cultivated land is left to regain its fertility is called …

A.Cultivation period B. fallow period C. planting period D. Hurssery period

24. The device which converts chemical energy to electrical is known as

A. cell B. sell C. device D. chemical device

25. a coile3d wire which stores ebergy in its manegtic field is known as

A. Capacitor B. Inductor C. switch D. connecting wire

26. The source of energy which can be repleniahed after use is calle A. renewable source

B. Non renewable source C. sun D. biomass

27. Farmeers include legumes in a crop rotation program because it adds…... the soil

A. fertilizer B. sulphur C. oxygen D. Nitrogen

28. Which of the following is used to close and open an electronic circuit A. switch B.

C. diode D. capacitor

29. Which part of the plantain is used for propagation A. stem cutting B. sucker B.
seed D. leaf

30. Which of the following NOT a breed of cattle A. White Fulani B. Ndama
C. Nungua black head D. Sokoto Red

31. The type of farming where a farmer grows crops and raise animals to feed
base his family only is called ….

A. Commercial farming B. pastoral farming C. subsistence farming D. Mono culture

32. Any substance which can dissociate in an to produce hydrogen ions oi known as

A. base B. alkaline C. Acid D. Cocentration

33. The contraction and relaxation of muscle in the gullet at alow easy passage of food
into the stomach is called A. homeostasis B. peristalsis C. Ecltrolysis D.

34. Any substance which is added to a solution to change its colour is called A. Metyl

B. Indicator C. universal system D. indicator

35. Any number used to describe the combing capacity of two or more element is called

a. Oxidation Number B. Radical C. Cation Anion

36. The ability nof the soil to provide nutrients suitable for plant growth and development
is called A. soil Erosion B. soil fertility C. soil fertilizer D. Soil leaching

37. Which of the following is an example of organic fertilizer A. Sulphate of Ammonoa

Urea C. NPK D. Compost

38. The type of acid which is naturally extracted from plants and animals is known as

A. Inorganic acid B. Organic Acid C. Neutralization Acid D. Neutraliation Base

39. The part of a magnet where the force of attraction and repulsion is strongest is called

A. Poles of a magnet B. magnetic field C. magnetic force D. magnetic compass

40. Which of the following blood vessels transport deoxygenated blood from the heart to
the lungs A.Pulmonary vein B. pulmonary artery C.vena cava D. coronary vein


Answer all questiohs ih this section

2A. What is Digestion 2 marks

B. state the end products of the digestion of the following food substance

i. Carbohydrate ii. Proteins iii. Fats and oil 3 marks

Ci. Explain the meaning of enzymes in digestion 2 marks

ii. outine 3 causes of soil Erosion

3. a, Explain the meaning of food chain 2 marks

b. Construct a food chain using any three of the following organism

Grasscutter Dog Maize Grass and Lion 2 marks

C. Write the IUPAC names of the following compounds

D. Explain the meaning Compound 2 marks

4. A. Explain the meanibg of light 2 marks

B. State the laws of reflection 2 marks

C. What is pressure 2 marks

D. A class cupboard has a length of 4cm and a width of 2cm. If the mass of the cupboard
is 16kg calculate

i. The force which can be applied to lift the cupboard. Take g= 10ms2. 2 marks

ii. The pressure exerted by the cupboard 2 maeks

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